- Basic knowledge about calling API’s and fetching data or posting data to the API.
- Node.js language.
- Github
- Heroku
Fig – Architecture for running all different messaging services.
To integrate Susi AI chat to Viber, a public account is needed, messaging to which users can chat with Susi.
We need to have a webhook url. Webhook url is a url which serves our Node.js code i.e. the code we will write to serve requests from Viber and to respond back to it.
Whenever a user messages to the SUSI AI public account, these messages come as post requests to our webhook url. The url then requests Susi API to give an answer for the (question based) message received from Viber. The answer fetched from Susi API is sent to the messenger platform’s API by the webhook url, to show it to the user on Viber.
As said we need a public account for our chat bot. The steps to be followed can be seen from here (Steps 2 and 3).
The REST API helps to make applications follow a RESTful way. In this way, the requests and response are in the form of JSON objects. Any language can be used to make an application follow a RESTful way.
In this blog, I will be using Node.js language.
The Rest API Viber, is the document to be followed for integration of a chatbot to Viber. Let’s go through each of the steps:
- To call Susi API and fetch an answer from it for a query (‘hi’ in this case). Let’s first visit from the browser. We will get a JSON object as follows:
The answer can be found as the value of the key named expression. In this case it is “Hallo!”.
To fetch the answer through coding, we can use this code snippet in Node js:
// including request module var request = require(‘request’); // setting options to make a successful call to Susi API. var options = { method: 'GET', url: '', qs: { timezoneOffset: '-330', q:'hi' } }; // A request to the Susi bot request(options, function (error, response, body) { if(error) throw new Error(error); //answer fetched from susi ans = (JSON.parse(body)).answers[0].actions[0].expression; }
The properties required for the call are set up through a json object (i.e. options). Pass the options object to our request function as its 1st parameter. The response by the API will be stored in ‘body’ variable. We need to parse this body, to be able to access the properties of that body object. Hence, fetching the answer from Susi API.
- Let’s set the webhook url for our Susi public account. The folder containing our Node.js code must be pushed to a repo in github. We need to do some changes to the default package.json file in our project.
This file has a code portion:
The “test” key and its value must be replaced with “start”: “node index.js” i.e. node followed by the name of the main file which has to accept the requests from Viber and responds to it. In my case it is index.js . So the resultant code of package.json file should look like this:
Now, even on the local system you can run the node application by running “npm start” command from our project folder.
- Push this project to github.
- Create a new heroku app for Node js, following the steps here.
- Then link this app to the repository where you pushed your code. For reference, follow the steps 7 and 8 here.
To set a webhook for our account, we can use this code snippet.
var headerBody = { 'cache-control': 'no-cache', 'content-type': 'application/json', 'x-viber-auth-token': 'YOUR_X_VIBER_AUTH_TOKEN' }; var options = { method: 'POST', url: '', headers: headerBody, body: { url: 'YOUR_WEBHOOK_URL', event_types: ['delivered', 'seen', 'failed', 'subscribed', 'unsubscribed','conversation_started'] }, json: true }; // request to the chat api of viber. request(options, function(error, res, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); response.write("The status message - " + body.status_message); response.end(); });
To set the webhook url, we need to post info to the viber chat api i.e. The headers key present in our options object must have the Viber authentication key in the object passed to it. So we have passed a headerBody object to it, which contains our x-viber-auth-token. This property helps Viber to set webhook url for the account that corresponds to this passed Viber authentication token. The format of the body of options object is according to this(as stated in the doc):
{ "url": "", "event_types": ["delivered", "seen", "failed", "subscribed", "unsubscribed", "conversation_started"] }
We can wrap up this code in a app.get() block. So that whenever we visit our webhook url from a browser, we initiate a get request. This request as seen below, initiates a request to the chat api of Viber to set this url as a webhook url for our Susi AI public account.
app.get('/',function(req, response){ response.writeHead(200,{'content-type': 'text/plain'}); response.write("To chat with Susi through Viber, visit this link - and click on the 'Have a look' button\n\n"); // setting options to request the chat api of viber. var options = { method: 'POST', url:'', headers: headerBody, body: { url:'', event_types: ['delivered', 'seen', 'failed', 'subscribed', 'unsubscribed', 'conversation_started'] }, json: true }; // request to the chat api of viber. request(options, function(error, res, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); response.write("The status message received for set Webhook request is - " + body.status_message); response.end(); }); });
Now after setting up a webhook url, the messages sent to our account will come as post requests to this webhook url.
Let’s work with some of the events, for which Viber callbacks our webhook url.
First, let’s talk about the message event request.
According to Viber, this will be the body of the request:
{ "event": "message", "timestamp": 1457764197627, "message_token": 4912661846655238145, "sender": { "id": "01234567890A=", "name": "John McClane", "avatar": "", "country": "UK", "language": "en", "api_version": 1 }, "message": { "type": "text", "text": "a message to the service", "media": "", "location": { "lat": 50.76891, "lon": 6.11499 }, "tracking_data": "tracking data" } }
We check if the value of ‘event’ key is equal to ‘message’:'/', function(req, response) { response.writeHead(200); // If user sends a message in 1-on-1 chat to the susi public account if(req.body.event === 'message'){
If it is, then the body of if block can be populated with the code to handle messages by the user.
Assuming we have a reply by Susi API in the ans variable. We can include this code further:
// setting options to request the chat api of viber. var options1 = { method: 'POST', url: '', headers: headerBody, body: { receiver:, min_api_version: 1, sender: { name: 'Susi', avatar: '' }, tracking_data: 'tracking data', type: 'text', text: ans }, json: true }; // request to the chat api of viber. request(options1, function (error1, res, body1) { if (error1) throw new Error(error1); console.log(body1); });
This above code can help us send a response to the user. To send a message to the user, our body object in options1 must be similar to:
{ "receiver": "01234567890A=", "min_api_version": 1, "sender": { "name": "John McClane", "avatar": "" }, "tracking_data": "tracking data", "type": "text", "text": "a message from pa" }
receiver key should have a value of the id of the user to which message needs to sent, which will be shown on our account interface. The user id can be easily fetched from request by ‘’ as the reply is to be sent to the same user from where we received the message.
The sender key’s value is an object which indicates the sender’s name, which in our case is Susi. Also we can pass an avatar url along with the name.
The text key must have our answer as the value i.e. the ‘ans’ variable (in this case).
The whole code to accept the request, and reply accordingly:
// If user sends a message in 1-on-1 chat to the susi public account if(req.body.event === 'message'){ // Susi answer to a user message var ans; // setting options to request susi bot. var options1 = { method: 'GET', url:'', qs: { timezoneOffset: '-330', q:req.body.message.text } }; // A request to the Susi bot request(options1, function (error1, response1, body1) { if (error1) throw new Error(error1); // answer fetched from susi ans = (JSON.parse(body1)).answers[0].actions[0].expression; var options = { method: 'POST', url:'', headers: headerBody, body: { receiver:, min_api_version: 1, sender: { name: 'Susi', avatar: '' }, tracking_data:'tracking data', type: 'text', text: ans }, json: true }; // request to the chat api of viber. request(options, function (error, res, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); }); }
The same way we can handle “conversation started” type of event:
if(req.body.event === 'conversation_started'){ // Welcome Message var request = require("request"); var options = { method: 'POST', url:'', headers: headerBody, body: { receiver:, min_api_version: 1, sender: { name: 'Susi', avatar: '' }, tracking_data: 'tracking data', type: 'text', text:'Hi from your favourite, Susi!' }, json: true }; request(options, function (error, res, body) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(body); }); }
This way our Susi AI chatbot can reply to messages from Viber.
The repository which contains whole project of Susi AI’s integration to Viber can be found here.