Sphinx is one of the most famous documentation generator out there and we can also customize sphinx to match the needs of the yaydoc automatic documentation generator we are building at FOSSASIA. Sphinx comes with lots of themes and you can also create your own theme. This blog will guide you on how to set your own custom theme and how to make use of sphnix-quickstart tool that allows you to create a boilerplate in a few seconds.
In yaydoc, we have a feature of generating documentation from markdown. So what you have to do is to modify conf.py to generate documentation from markdown. Therefore, I modified the bash script to add the necessary parser to conf.py but my co-contributor came with a better idea of solving the problem by creating a template file and specifying the path of template files to the sphinx-quickstart using the ‘t’ flag.
Below are the steps on how you can create your own sphinx template.
The command for initializing the basic template is as follows:
pip install sphinx sphinx-quickstart
After completing the above step, it’ll ask you a series of questions. Your basic template will be created but you can customize the generated files by providing your own custom templates and ask sphinx to generate a boilerplate from our customized template. Sphinx uses jinja for templating. To know more about jinja check this link. Let’s start creating our own customized template. Basic files needed to create a new sphinx template are as follows:
- Makefile.new_t
- Makefile_t
- conf.py_t
- make.bat.new_t
- make.bat_t
- master_doc.rst_t
conf.py_t contains all the configuration for documentation generation. Let’s say if you have to generate documentation from markdown file you will have to add recommonmark parser. Instead of adding the parser after boiler plate generation you can simply add it in the template beforehand.
from recommonmark.parser import CommonMarkParser
With the help of jinja templating we can create boiler plate according to our business logic . For example, if you want to hard code copyright you can do it simply by changing the conf.py_t
copyright = u'{{ copyright_str }}'
master_doc.rst_t will be having the default index page generated by sphinx . You can edit that also according to your need. Remaining files are basic makefile for sphinx, no need of altering them. You can see the example snippets in yaydoc repository. After you are done with your templating, you can generate boilerplate using -t flag by specifying the folder.
sphnix-quickstart -t <template folder path>