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Correct the API for Downloading GitHub Content in SUSI.AI android app

The content from github in the SUSI.AI android app is downloaded through simple links and the data is parsed through them and is used in the app depending upon what needs to be done with that data at that time.

A simple example for this that was used in the app was  :

private val imageLink = “”

Above is the link that is used to download and display the images of the skills in the app. All the api calls that generally take place in SUSI are through the SUSI server, and making the call to display the images for the skills which takes place through the github links should be replaced by making the calls to the SUSI server instead, as this is a terrible programming style, with this style the project cannot be cloned from other developers and it cannot be moved to other repositories.

We see that there was a huge programming style issue present in the android app and hence, it was fixed by adding the API that calls the SUSI server for external source images and removing the existing implementation that downloads the image from github directly.

Below is an example of the link to the API call made in the app that was needed for the request to be made to the SUSI server :


The link is displayed in the kotlin string interpolation manner, here is what the actual URL would look like :${skillData.model}&language=${skillData.language}&group=${}&image=${skillData.image}

Here the values with ‘$’ symbol are the parameters for the API taken from the SkillData.kt file and are put inside the link so that the image needed can be extracted.

Now, since we use this link to set the images, to avoid the duplicate code, an Object class was made for this purpose. The object class contained two functions, one for setting the image and one for parsing the skilldata object and forming a URL out of it. Here is the code for the object class :

object Utils {

  fun setSkillsImage(skillData: SkillData, imageView: ImageView) {

  fun getImageLink(skillData: SkillData): String {
      val link = “${BaseUrl.SUSI_DEFAULT_BASE_URL}/cms/getImage.png?model=${skillData.model}&language=${skillData.language}&group=${}&image=${skillData.image}”
              .replace(” “,“%20”)
      Timber.d(“SUSI URI” + link)
      return link

setSkillsImage() method sets the image in the ImageView and the getImageLink() method returns the image formed out of the SkillData object.



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