Implementation of Text to Speech alongside Hotword Detection in SUSI Android App

In this blog post, we’ll be learning about how to implement Text to speech. Now you may be wondering that what is so difficult in implementing text to speech. One can easily find many tutorials on that and can easily look at the official documentation of TTS but there’s a catch here. In this blog post I’ll be telling about how to implement Text to Speech alongside Hotword Detection.

Let me give you a rough idea about how hotword detection works in SUSI Android App. For more details, read my other blog here on Hotword Detection. So, there is a constantly running background recording thread which detects when hotword is detected. Now, you may be thinking why do we need to stop that thread for text to speech. Well there are 2 reasons to do that:

  1. Recording while playing causing problems with mic and may crash the app.
  2. Suppose we even implement that but what will happen if the answer contains word “susi” in it. Now, the hotword will be detected because the speech output contained word “susi” in it (which is our hotword).

So, to avoid these problems we had to come up a way to stop hotword detection only for that particular time when SUSI is giving speech output and resume it back immediately when speech output is finished.

Let’s see how we did that.


Check out this video to see how this work in the app

Initiating the TTS engine

The first task is to initiate the Text to speech engine. This process takes some time. So, it is done in the starting of app in a new handler.

new Handler().post(new Runnable() {
   public void run() {
       textToSpeech = new TextToSpeech(getApplicationContext(), new TextToSpeech.OnInitListener() {
           public void onInit(int status) {
               if (status != TextToSpeech.ERROR) {
                   Locale locale = textToSpeech.getLanguage();

Check Audio Focus

The next step is to check whether audio focus is granted. Suppose there is some music playing in the background, in that case we won’t be able to give voice output. So, we check audio focus using below code.

final AudioManager audiofocus = (AudioManager) getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
 int result = audiofocus.requestAudioFocus(afChangeListener, AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN);
if (result == AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_REQUEST_GRANTED) {

Using OnAudioFocusChangeListener, we keep a track of when we have access to give speech output and when we don’t.

private AudioManager.OnAudioFocusChangeListener afChangeListener =
       new AudioManager.OnAudioFocusChangeListener() {
           public void onAudioFocusChange(int focusChange) {
               if (focusChange == AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS_TRANSIENT) {
               } else if (focusChange == AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN) {
                   // Resume playback
               } else if (focusChange == AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS) {

Converting the given text to speech

Now we have audio focus, we just have to convert given text to speech. Use method textToSpeech.speak().

private void voiceReply(final String reply) {
       Handler handler = new Handler(); Runnable() {
           public void run() {
                   textToSpeech.speak(spokenReply, TextToSpeech.QUEUE_FLUSH, ttsParams);                  

Abandon Audio Focus

Now we are done with speech output, it’s time we abandon audio focus.


TTS alongside Hotword Detection

Okay so now the major part. How do we check when to stop hotword detection thread and when to resume it? How do we check if Speech output is finished?

Answer to these questions is textToSpeech.setOnUtteranceProgressListener. The UtteranceProgressListener overrides 3 methods:

  1. onStart: Indicates starting of text to speech conversion. Which means it’s time to stop hotword detection thread.
  2. onDone: Called when every word of the provided text is converted to speech. So, simply resume hotword detection
  3. onError: Called when there is an error and text is not converted to speech. Anyway, we need to resume hotword detection here too.
textToSpeech.setOnUtteranceProgressListener(new UtteranceProgressListener() {
                       public void onStart(String s) {
                           if(recordingThread !=null && isDetectionOn){
                               isDetectionOn = false;

                       public void onDone(String s) {
                           if(recordingThread != null && !isDetectionOn && checkHotwordPref()) {
                               isDetectionOn = true;

                       public void onError(String s) {
                           if(recordingThread != null && !isDetectionOn && checkHotwordPref()) {
                               isDetectionOn = true;

                   HashMap<String,String> ttsParams = new HashMap<String, String>();


So, the main thing required for implementation of Text to Speech alongside Hotword detection is a way to control stopping and resuming hotword detection when Text to speech is in process. For that we used UtteranceProgressListener of TextToSpeech class which makes it so easier to do the task we required. You may follow this same approach as well or if you have a better approach, open an issue here.


  1. Official Documentation of TextToSpeech
  2. Documentation of UtteranceProgressListener
  3. Blog link to Hotword Detection
Continue ReadingImplementation of Text to Speech alongside Hotword Detection in SUSI Android App

Custom UI Implementation for Web Search and RSS actions in SUSI iOS Using Kingfisher for Image Caching

The SUSI Server is an AI powered server which is capable of responding to intelligent answers based on user’s queries. The queries to the susi server are obtained either as a websearch using the application or as an RSS feed. Two of the actions are websearch and RSS. These actions as the name suggests respond to queries based on search results from the web which are rendered in the clients. In order to use use these action types and display them in the SUSI iOS client, we need to first parse the actions looking for these action types and then creating a custom UI for them to display them.

To start with, we need to make send the query to the server to receive an intelligent response from the server. This response is parsed into different action types supported by the server and saved into relevant objects. Here, we check the action types by looping through the answers array containing the actions and based on that, we save the data for that action.

if type == ActionType.rss.rawValue {
   message.actionType = ActionType.rss.rawValue
   message.rssData = RSSAction(data: data, actionObject: action)
} else if type == ActionType.websearch.rawValue {
   message.actionType = ActionType.websearch.rawValue
   message.message = action[Client.ChatKeys.Query] as? String ?? ""

Here, we parsed the data response from the server and looked for the rss and websearch action type followed by which we saved the data we received from the server for each of the action types in their own objects.

Next, when a message object is created, we insert it into the dataSource item by appending it and use the `insertItems(at: [IndexPath])` method of collection view to insert them into the views at a particular index. Before adding them, we need to create a Custom UI for them. This UI will consist of a Collection View which is scrollable in the horizontal direction inside a CollectionView Cell. To start with this, we create a new class called `WebsearchCollectionView` which will be a `UIView` consisting of a `UICollectionView`.

We start by adding a collection view into the UIView inside the `init` method by overriding it. Declare a collection view using flow layout and scroll direction set to `horizontal`. Also, hide the scroll indicators and assign the delegate and datasource to `self`.

Now to populate this collection view, we need to specify the number of items that will show up. For this, we make use of the `message` variable declared. We use the `websearchData` in case of websearch action and `rssData` otherwise.

Now to specify the number of cells, we use the below method which returns the number of rss or websearch action objects and defaults to 0 such cells.

func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, numberOfItemsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
    if let rssData = message?.rssData {
        return rssData.count
    } else if let webData = message?.websearchData {
        return webData.count
    return 0

We display the title, description and image for each object for which we need to create a UI for the cells. Let’s start by creating a Custom Collection View cell with the imageview and 2 labels for title and description.

The imageview is given a contentMode of `aspectFit` and assigned a placeholder image in case the image doesn’t exist. The title and description labels are assigned the same font size, the title being bolder and both are center aligned.

class WebsearchCell: BaseCell {

   var imageView: UIImageView = {
       let iv = UIImageView()
       iv.contentMode = .scaleAspectFit
       iv.image = UIImage(named: "placeholder")
       return iv

   let titleLabel: UILabel = {
       let label = UILabel()
       label.textColor = .black
       label.font = UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 14)
       label.textAlignment = .center
       label.numberOfLines = 2
       label.backgroundColor = Color.grey.lighten3
       return label

   let descriptionLabel: UILabel = {
       let label = UILabel()
       label.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 14)
       label.textAlignment = .center
       return label


Next, we add constraints for each such view adding a title and description label adding a small margin on both sides of the cell for a cleaner UI.

descriptionLabel.numberOfLines = 5
addConstraintsWithFormat(format: "H:|-4-[v0(\(frame.width * 0.4))]-4-[v1]-4-|", views: imageView, titleLabel)
addConstraintsWithFormat(format: "|-\(frame.width * 0.4 + 8)-[v0]-4-|", views: descriptionLabel)
addConstraintsWithFormat(format: "V:|-4-[v0]-4-|", views: imageView)
addConstraintsWithFormat(format: "V:|-4-[v0(44)]-4-[v1]-4-|", views: titleLabel, descriptionLabel)

Now to use this custom cell, we first need to register it with the collection view and then we can use it easily in the `cellForItemAt` method. Since we are using Kingfisher for image caching, we use the `.kf.setImage` method to download the image from a URL and cache it as soon as it is downloaded.

collectionView.register(WebsearchCell.self, forCellWithReuseIdentifier: cellId)
 func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
       if let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: cellId, for: indexPath) as? WebsearchCell {
           cell.backgroundColor = .white

           if message?.actionType == ActionType.rss.rawValue {
               let feed = message?.rssData?.rssFeed[indexPath.item]
               cell.titleLabel.text = feed?.title
               cell.descriptionLabel.text = feed?.desc                cell.imageView.kf.setImage(with: URL(string: feed?.rssData?.image))
           } else if message?.actionType == ActionType.websearch.rawValue {
               let webData = message?.websearchData[indexPath.item]
               cell.titleLabel.text = webData?.title
               cell.descriptionLabel.text = webData?.desc.html2String                cell.imageView.kf.setImage(with: URL(string: feed?.webData?.image))
           return cell
       } else {
           return UICollectionViewCell()

We check the action type and assign data based on that. Also, for the images, if they don’t exist a placeholder is added.

Since we are done with the Custom UI of the cell, we need to add it to the chat cell. For that, we add this `UIView` as a subview. For reasons of reusability, the cell was extracted into a separate one and call the `prepareForReuse()` method for reusability. This is followed by adding a subview and setting constraints for each cell and assigning the message object.

class RSSCell: ChatMessageCell {

   var message: Message? {
       didSet {

   lazy var websearchView: WebsearchCollectionView = {
       let view = WebsearchCollectionView()
       return view

   override func setupViews() {

   func addWebsearchView() {
       self.addConstraintsWithFormat(format: "H:|[v0]|", views: websearchView)
       self.addConstraintsWithFormat(format: "V:[v0(135)]", views: websearchView)
       websearchView.message = message

if message.actionType == ActionType.rss.rawValue || message.actionType == ActionType.websearch.rawValue {
   if let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: ControllerConstants.rssCell, for: indexPath) as? RSSCell {
       cell.message = message
       return cell
   } else {
       return UICollectionViewCell()

This is all we need to add a custom UI to a chat cell in SUSI iOS, very simple and clean.

Check the screenshot below, the app in action.


Continue ReadingCustom UI Implementation for Web Search and RSS actions in SUSI iOS Using Kingfisher for Image Caching

Hotword Recognition in SUSI iOS

Hot word recognition is a feature by which a specific action can be performed each time a specific word is spoken. There is a service called Snowboy which helps us achieve this for various clients (for ex: iOS, Android, Raspberry pi, etc.). It is basically a DNN based hotword recognition toolkit.

In this blog, we will learn how to integrate the snowboy hotword detection wrapper in the SUSI iOS client. This service can be used in any open source project but for using it commercially, a commercial license needs to be obtained.

Following are the files that need to be added to the project which are provided by the service itself: snowboy-detect.h libsnowboy-detect.a and a trained model file which can be created using their online service: For the sake of this blog, we will be using the hotword “Susi”, the model file can be found here.

The way how snowboy works is that speech is recorded for a few seconds and this data is detected with an already trained model by a specific hotword, now if snowboy returns a 1 means word has been successfully detected else wasn’t.

We start with creation of a wrapper class in Objective-C which can be found wrapper and the bridging header in case this needs to be added to a Swift project. The wrapper contains methods for setting sensitivity, audio gain and running the detection using the buffer. It is a wrapper class built on top of the snowboy-detect.h header file.

Let’s initialize the service and run it. Below are the steps followed to enable hotword recognition and print out whether it successfully detected the hotword or not:

  • Create a ViewController class with extensions
    • AVAudioRecorderDelegate
    • AVAudioPlayerDelegate

since we will be recording speech.

  • Import AVFoundation
  • Create a basic layout containing a label which detects whether hotword detected or not and create corresponding `IBOutlet` in the ViewController and a button to trigger the start and stop of recognition.
  • Create the following variables:
    • let WAKE_WORD = “Susi” // hotword used
    • let RESOURCE = Bundle.main.path(forResource: “common”, ofType: “res”)
    • let MODEL = Bundle.main.path(forResource: “susi”, ofType: “umdl”) //path where the model file is stored
    • var wrapper: SnowboyWrapper! = nil // wrapper instance for running detection
    • var audioRecorder: AVAudioRecorder! // audio recorder instance
    • var audioPlayer: AVAudioPlayer!
    • var soundFileURL: URL! //stores the URL of the temp reording file
    • var timer: Timer! //timer to fire a function after an interval
    • var isStarted = false // variable to check if audio recorder already started
  • In `viewDidLoad` initialize the wrapper and set sensitivity and audio gain. Recognition best happens when sensitivity is set to `0.5` and audio gain is set to `1.0` according to the docs.
override func viewDidLoad() {
    wrapper = SnowboyWrapper(resources: RESOURCE, modelStr: MODEL)
  • Create an `IBAction` for the button to start recognition. This action will be used to start or stop the recording in which the action toggles based on the `isStarted` variable. When true, recording is stopped and the timer invalidated else a timer is started which calls the `startRecording` method with an interval of 4 seconds.
@IBAction func onClickBtn(_ sender: Any) {
  if (isStarted) {
    btn.setTitle("Start", for: .normal)
    isStarted = false
  } else {
    timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 4, target: self, 
    selector: #selector(startRecording), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
    btn.setTitle("Stop", for: .normal)
    isStarted = true
  • Next, we add the start and stop recording methods.
    • First, a temp file is created which stores the recorded audio output
    • After which, necessary record configurations are made such as setting the sampling rate.
    • The recording is then started and the output stored in the temp file.
func startRecording() {
  do {
    let fileMgr = FileManager.default
    let dirPaths = fileMgr.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask)
    soundFileURL = dirPaths[0].appendingPathComponent("temp.wav")
    let recordSettings = [AVEncoderAudioQualityKey: 
    AVEncoderBitRateKey: 128000,
    AVNumberOfChannelsKey: 1,
    AVSampleRateKey: 16000.0] as [String : Any]
    let audioSession = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance()
    try audioSession.setCategory(AVAudioSessionCategoryRecord)
    try audioRecorder = AVAudioRecorder(url: soundFileURL,
settings: recordSettings as [String : AnyObject])
    audioRecorder.delegate = self
    audioRecorder.record(forDuration: 2.0)
    instructionLabel.text = "Speak wake word: \(WAKE_WORD)"print("Started recording...")
  } catch let error {
    print("Audio session error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
  • The stop recording method, stops the audioRecorder instance and updates the instruction label to show the same.
func stopRecording() {
  if (audioRecorder != nil && audioRecorder.isRecording) {
  instructionLabel.text = "Stop"
  print("Stopped recording...")

The final recognition is done in the `audioRecorderDidFinishRecording` delegate method which runs the snowboy detection function which processes the audio recording in the temp file by creating a buffer and storing the audio in it and giving the wrapper this buffer as input which processes the buffer and returning a `1` is hotword was successfully detected.

func runSnowboy() {
  let file = try! AVAudioFile(forReading: soundFileURL)
  let format = AVAudioFormat(commonFormat: .pcmFormatFloat32, 
  sampleRate: 16000.0, channels: 1, interleaved: false)
  let buffer = AVAudioPCMBuffer(pcmFormat: format, frameCapacity: AVAudioFrameCount(file.length))
  try! buffer)
  let array = Array(UnsafeBufferPointer(start: 
  buffer.floatChannelData![0], count:Int(buffer.frameLength)))
  // print output
  let result = wrapper.runDetection(array, length: Int32(buffer.frameLength))
  print("Result: \(result)")

To test this out, click the start button and speak different words and you will notice that once the Hot Word is spoken, log with `result: 1` is printed out.

The snowboy hotword recognition also offers to train the personalized model with the help of Rest Apis for which the docs can be found here. The complete project implementation can be found here.


Continue ReadingHotword Recognition in SUSI iOS

Adding React based World Mood Tracker to loklak Apps

loklak apps is a website that hosts various apps that are built by using loklak API. It uses static pages and angular.js to make API calls and show results from users. As a part of my GSoC project, I had to introduce the World Mood Tracker app using loklak’s mood API. But since I had planned to work on React, I had to go off from the track of typical app development in loklak apps and integrate a React app in

In this blog post, I will be discussing how I introduced a React based app to and solved the problem of country-wise visualisation of mood related data on a World map.

Setting up development environment inside

After following the steps to create a new app in, I needed to add proper tools and libraries for smooth development of the World Mood Tracker app. In this section, I’ll be explaining the basic configuration that made it possible for a React app to be functional in the angular environment.


The most obvious prerequisite for the project was Node.js. I used node v8.0.0 while development of the app. Instead of npm, I decided to go with yarn because of offline caching and Internet speed issues in India.

Webpack and Babel

To begin with, I initiated yarn in the app directory inside project and added basic dependencies –

$ yarn init
$ yarn add webpack webpack-dev-server path
$ yarn add babel-loader babel-core babel-preset-es2015 babel-preset-react --dev


Next, I configured webpack to set an entry point and output path for the node project in webpack.config.js

module.exports = {
    entry: './js/index.js',
    output: {
        path: path.resolve('.'),
        filename: 'index_bundle.js'

This would signal to look for ./js/index.js as an entry point while bundling. Similarly, I configured babel for es2015 and React presets –

    "es2015", "react"


After this, I was in a state to define loaders for module in webpack.config.js. The loaders would check for /\.js$/ and /\.jsx$/ and assign them to babel-loader (with an exclusion of node_modules).


After configuring the basic presets and loaders, I added React to dependencies of the project –

$ yarn add react react-dom


The React related files needed to be in ./js/ directory so that the webpack can bundle it. I used the file to create a simple React app –

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';

    <div>World Mood Tracker</div>,


After this, I was in a stage where it was possible to use this app as a part of app. But to do this, I first needed to compile these files and bundle them so that the external app can use it.

Configuring the build target for webpack

In, we need to have a file by the name of index.html in the app’s root directory. Here, we also needed to place the bundled js properly so it could be included in index.html at app’s root.

HTML Webpack Plugin

Using html-webpack-plugin, I enabled auto building of project in the app’s root directory by using the following configuration in webpack.config.js

const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');
const HtmlWebpackPluginConfig = new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
    template: './js/index.html',
    filename: 'index.html',
    inject: 'body'
module.exports = {
    plugins: [HtmlWebpackPluginConfig]


This would build index.html at app’s root that would be discoverable externally.

To enable bundling of the project using simple yarn build command, the following lines were added to package.json

  "scripts": {
    "build": "webpack -p"

After a simple yarn build command, we can see the bundled js and html being created at the app root.

Using datamaps for visualization

Datamaps is a JS library which allows plotting of data on map using D3 as backend. It provides a simple interface for creating visualizations and comes with a handy npm installation –

$ yarn add datamaps

Map declaration and usage as state

A map from datamaps was used a state for React component which allowed fast rendering of changes in the map as the state of React component changes –

export default class WorldMap extends React.Component {
    constructor() {
        this.state = {
            map: null
    render() {
        return (<div className={styles.container}>
                <div id="map-container"></div></div>)
    componentDidMount() {
        this.setState({map: new Datamap({...})});


The declaration of map goes in componentDidMount method because it would not be possible to start the map until we have the div with id=”map-container” in the DOM. It was necessary to draw the map only after the component has mounted otherwise it would fail due to no id=”map-container” in the DOM.

Defining data for countries

Data for every country had two components –

data = {
    positiveScore: someValue,
    negativeScore: someValue


This data is used to generate popup for the counties –

    map: new Datamap({
        geographyConfig: {
            popupTemplate: function (geo, data) {
                // Configure variables pScore so that it gives “No Data” when data.positiveScore is not set (similar for negative)
                return [
                    // Use pScore and nScore to generate results here
                    // would give current country name

The result for countries with unknown data values look something like this –


In this blog post, I explained about introducing a React based app in’s angular based environment. I discussed the setup and bundling process of the project so it becomes available from the project’s external HTTP server.

I also discussed using datamaps as a visualisation tool for data about Tweets. The app was first introduced in pull request fossasia/ and was improved step by step in subsequent patches.


Continue ReadingAdding React based World Mood Tracker to loklak Apps

Search Functionalities in SUSI Android App Using Android SearchView Widget

Searching is a common feature that is required in most applications. But the problem in implementing searching functionality is that there is no common way to do that. People fight over whose way is best to implement search functionality. In this blog post we’ll be looking at how search functionality works in SUSI Android App and how is it implemented. We have used Android’s SearchView widget to do that. There are many other ways to do so but this one is best suited for our requirements. Let’s see how it works.

UI Components used for Searching

1. Search icon (magnifying glass icon)

In the action bar, you can see a small icon. Clicking on the icon initiates search.

2. Edit text

An Obvious requirement is an edit test to enter search query.

3. Up and Down arrow keys

Required to search through the whole app. Simply use the up and down arrow keys to navigate through the app and find out each occurrence of the word you want to search.








4. Cross Button

Last but not the least, a close or cross button to close the search action.


We have used Android’s inbuilt Widget SearchView. According to official android documentation

A widget that provides a user interface for the user to enter a search query and submit a request to a search provider. Shows a list of query suggestions or results, if available, and allows the user to pick a suggestion or result to launch into.

This widget makes searching a lot easier. It provides all methods and listeners which are actually required for searching. Let’s cover them one by one.

  1. Starting the search: searchView.setOnSearchClickListener Listener simply activates when a user clicks on search icon in the toolbar. Do all your work which needs to be done at the starting of the search like, hiding some other UI elements of doing an animation inside the listener
  1. Stop the Search: searchView.setOnCloseListener Listener gets activated when a user clicks on the cross icon to close the search. Add all the code snippet you want which is needed to be executed when the search is closed inside this like maybe notify the adapter about data set changes or closing the database etc.
  1.  Searching a query:  searchView.setOnQueryTextListener Listener overrides 2 methods:

3.1 onQueryTextSubmit: As the name suggests, this method is called when the query to be searched is submitted.

3.2 onQueryTextChange: This method is called when query you are writing changes.

We, basically wanted same thing to happen if user has submitted the query or if he is still typing and that is to take the query at that particular moment, find it in database and highlight it. So, chatPresenter.onSearchQuerySearched(query) this method is called in both onQueryTextSubmit and onQueryTextSubmit  to do that.

 searchView.setOnQueryTextListener(object : SearchView.OnQueryTextListener {
      override fun onQueryTextSubmit(query: String): Boolean {
           //Handle Search Query
           recyclerAdapter.query = query
           return false

       override fun onQueryTextChange(newText: String): Boolean {
           if (TextUtils.isEmpty(newText)) {
               recyclerAdapter.highlightMessagePosition = -1
               if (!editText.isFocused) {
           } else {
               recyclerAdapter.query = newText
           return false
   return true
  1. Finding query in database: Now we have a query to be searched, we can just use a database operation to do that. The below code snippet finds all the messages which has the query present in it and work on it. If the query is not found, it simply displays a toast saying “Not found”
override fun onSearchQuerySearched(query: String) {
   results = databaseRepository.getSearchResults(query)
   offset = 1
   if (results.size > 0) {
       chatView?.searchMovement(results[results.size - offset].id.toInt())
   } else {

This is the database operation.

override fun getSearchResults(query: String): RealmResults<ChatMessage> {
   return realm.where(,
           query, Case.INSENSITIVE).findAll()

  1. Highlighting the part of message: Now, we know which message has the query, we just want to highlight it with a bright color to display the result. For that, we used SpannableString to highlight a part of complete string.
String text = chatTextView.getText().toString();
SpannableString modify = new SpannableString(text);
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(query, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(modify);
while (matcher.find()) {
   int startIndex = matcher.start();
   int endIndex = matcher.end();
   modify.setSpan(new BackgroundColorSpan(Color.parseColor("#ffff00")), startIndex, endIndex, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);


The whole point of this blog post was to educate about SearchView widget of android and how it makes it easy to search queries. All the methods you need are already implemented. You just need to call them and add database operation.


  1. The link to official android documentation explaining about different methods in SearchView Class
  2. Another tutorial about SearchView
Continue ReadingSearch Functionalities in SUSI Android App Using Android SearchView Widget

Visualising Tweet Statistics in MultiLinePlotter App for Loklak Apps

MultiLinePlotter app is now a part of Loklak apps site. This app can be used to compare aggregations of tweets containing a particular query word and visualise the data for better comparison. Recently there has been a new addition to the app. A feature for showing tweet statistics like the maximum number of tweets (along with date) containing the given query word and the average number of tweets over a period of time. Such statistics is visualised for all the query words for better comparison.

Related issue:

Obtaining Maximum number of tweets and average number of tweets

Before visualising the statistics we need to obtain them. For this we simply need to process the aggregations returned by the Loklak API. Let us start with maximum number of tweets containing the given keyword. What we actually require is what is the maximum number of tweets that were posted and contained the user given keyword and on which date the number was maximum. For this we can use a function which will iterate over all the aggregations and return the largest along with date.

$scope.getMaxTweetNumAndDate = function(aggregations) {
        var maxTweetDate = null;
        var maxTweetNum = -1;

        for (date in aggregations) {
            if (aggregations[date] > maxTweetNum) {
                maxTweetNum = aggregations[date];
                maxTweetDate = date;

        return {date: maxTweetDate, count: maxTweetNum};

The above function maintains two variables, one for maximum number of tweets and another for date. We iterate over all the aggregations and for each aggregation we compare the number of tweets with the value stored in the maxTweetNum variable. If the current value is more than the value stored in that variable then we simply update it and keep track of the date. Finally we return an object containing both maximum number of tweets and the corresponding date.Next we need to obtain average number of tweets. We can do this by summing up all the tweet frequencies and dividing it by number of aggregations.

$scope.getAverageTweetNum = function(aggregations) {
        var avg = 0;
        var sum = 0;

        for (date in aggregations) {
            sum += aggregations[date];

        return parseInt(sum / Object.keys(aggregations).length);

The above function calculates average number of tweets in the way mentioned before the snippet.

Next for every tweet we need to store these values in a format which can easily be understood by morris.js. For this we use a list and store the statistics values for individual query words as objects and later pass it as a parameter to morris.

var maxStat = $scope.getMaxTweetNumAndDate(aggregations);
        var avg = $scope.getAverageTweetNum(aggregations);

            tweet: $scope.tweet,
            maxTweetCount: maxStat.count,
            averageTweetsPerDay: avg,
            aggregationsLength: Object.keys(aggregations).length

We maintain a list called tweetStat and the list contains objects which stores the query word and the corresponding values.

Apart from plotting these statistics, the app also displays the statistics when user clicks on an individual treat present in the search record section. For this we filter tweetStat list mentioned above and get the required object corresponding to the query word the user selected bind it to angular scope. Next we display it using HTML.

<div class="tweet-stat max-tweet">
                  <div class="stat-label"> <h4>Maximum number of tweets containing '{{modalHeading}}' :</h4></div>
                  <div class="stat-value"> <strong>{{selectedTweetStat.maxTweetCount}}</strong> tweets on

Finally we need to plot the statistics. For this we use a function called plotStatGraph dedicated only for plotting statistics graph. We pass the tweetStat list as a parameter to morris and configure all the other parameters.

$scope.plotStatGraph = function() {
        $scope.plotStat = new Morris.Bar({
            element: 'graph',
            data: $scope.tweetStat,
            xkey: 'tweet',
            ykeys: ['maxTweetCount', 'averageTweetsPerDay'],
            labels: ['Maximum no. of tweets : ', 'Average no. of tweets/day'],
            parseTime: false,
            hideHover: 'auto',
            resize: true,
            stacked: true,
            barSizeRatio: 0.40
        $scope.graphLoading = false;

But now we have two graphs. One for showing variations in aggregation and the other for showing statistics. How do we manage them? Somehow we need to show them in the same page as this is a single page app. Also we need to avoid vertical scrolling as it would degrade both UI and UX. So we need to implement a switching mechanism. The user should be able to switch between the two graph views as per their wish. How to achieve that? Well, for this we maintain a global variable which will keep track of the current plot type. If the current graph type is aggregations then we call the function to plot aggregations otherwise we call the above mentioned function to plot statistics.

$scope.plotData = function() {
        if ($scope.currentGraphType === "aggregations") {
        } else {

Lastly we integrate this state variable (currentGraphType) with the UI so that users can easily toggle between graph views with just a click.

<div class="switch" ng-click="toggle()">
                <span ng-if="queryRecords.length !== 0" class="glyphicon glyphicon-stats"></span>

Important resources

Continue ReadingVisualising Tweet Statistics in MultiLinePlotter App for Loklak Apps

Developing MultiLinePlotter App for Loklak

MultiLinePlotter is a web application which uses Loklak API under the hood to plot multiple tweet aggregations related to different user provided query words in the same graph. The user can give several query words and multiple lines for different queries will be plotted in the same graph. In this way, users will be able to compare tweet distribution for various keywords and visualise the comparison. All the searched queries are shown under the search record section. Clicking on a record causes a dialogue box to pop up where the individual tweets related to the query word is displayed. Users can also remove a series from the plot dynamically by just pressing the Remove button beside the query word in record section. The app is presently hosted on Loklak apps site.

Related issue –

Getting started with the app

Let us delve into the working of the app. The app uses Loklak aggregation API to get the data.

A call to the API looks something like this:

A small snippet of the aggregation returned by the above API request is shown below.

"aggregations": {"created_at": {
    "2017-07-03": 3,
    "2017-07-04": 9,
    "2017-07-05": 12,
    "2017-07-06": 8,

The API provides a nice date v/s number of tweets aggregation. Now we need to plot this. For plotting Morris.js has been used. It is a lightweight javascript library for visualising data.

One of the main features of this app is addition and removal of multiple series from the graph dynamically. How do we achieve that? Well, this can be achieved by manipulating the morris.js data list whenever a new query is made. Let us understand this in steps.

At first, the data is fetched using angular HTTP service.

            {params: {q: $scope.tweet, source: 'cache', count: '0', fields: 'created_at'}})
                .then(function (response) {

Once we get the data, getData function is called and the aggregation data is passed to it. The query word is also stored in queryRecords list for future use.

In order to plot a line graph morris.js requires a data object which will contain the required values for a series. Given below is an example of such a data object.

data: [
    { x: '2006', a: 100, b: 90 },
    { x: '2007', a: 75,  b: 65 },
    { x: '2008', a: 50,  b: 40 },
    { x: '2009', a: 75,  b: 65 },

For every ‘x’, ‘a’ and ‘b’ will be plotted. Thus two lines will be drawn. Our app will also maintain a data list like the one shown above, however, in our case, the data objects will have a variable number of keys. One key will determine the ‘x’ value and other keys will determine the ordinates (number of tweets).

All the data objects present in the data list needs to be updated whenever a new search is done.

The getData function does this for us.

var value = $scope.tweet;
        for (date in aggregations) {
            var present = false;
            for (var i = 0; i < $; i++) {
                var item = $[i];
                if (item['day'] === date) {
                    item[[value]] = aggregations[date];
                    $[i] = item
                    present = true;
            if (!present) {
                ${day: date, [value]: aggregations[date]});

The for loop in the above code snippet updates the global data list used by morris.js. It simply iterates over the dates in the aggregation, extracts the object corresponding to a particular date, adds the new query word as a key and, the number of tweets on that date as the value.If a date is not already present in the list, then it inserts a new object corresponding to the date and query word. Once our data list is updated, we are ready to redraw the graph with the updated data. This is done using plotData function. The plotData function simply checks the user selected graph type. If the selected type is aggregations then it calls plotAggregationGraph() to redraw the aggregations plot.

$scope.remove = function(record) {
        $scope.queryRecords = $scope.queryRecords.filter(function(e) {
            return e !== record });

        $ {
            delete item[record];

        $ = $ {
            return Object.keys(item).length !== 1;

        $scope.ykeys = $scope.ykeys.filter(function(item) {
            return item !== record;

        $scope.labels = $scope.labels.filter(function(item) {
            return item !== record;


The above function simply scans the data list, filters the objects which contains selected record as a key and removes them using filter method of javascript arrays. It also removes the corresponding labels and entries from labels and ykeys arrays. Finally, it once again calls plotData function to redraw the plot.

Given below is a sample plot generated by this app with the query words – google, android, microsoft, samsung.



This blog post explained how multiple series are plotted dynamically in the MultiLinePlotter app. Apart from aggregations plot it also plots tweet statistics like maximum tweets and average tweets containing a query word and visualises them using stacked bar chart. I will be discussing about them in my subsequent blogs.

Important resources

Continue ReadingDeveloping MultiLinePlotter App for Loklak

Managing Related Endpoints in Permission Manager of Open Event API Server

Open Event API Server has its permission manager to manage all permission to different endpoints and some of the left gaps were filled by new helper method has_access. The next challenge for permission manager was to incorporate a feature many related endpoints points to the same resource.

  • /users-events-roles/<int:users_events_role_id>/user or
  • /event-invoices/<int:event_invoice_id>/user

Both endpoints point to Users API where they are fetching the record of a single user and for this, we apply the permission “is_user_itself”. This permission ensures that the logged in user is the same user whose record is asked through the API and for this we need the “user_id” as the “id” in the permission function, “is_user_itself”
Thus there is need to add the ability in permission manager to fetch this user_id from different models for different endpoints. For example, if we consider above endpoints then we need the ability to get user_id from UsersEventsRole and EventInvoice models and pass it to permission function so that it can use it for the check.

Adding support

To add support for multiple keys, we have to look for two things.

  • fetch_key_url
  • model

These two are key attributes to add this feature, fetch_key_url will take the comma separated list which will be matched with view_kwargs and model receives the array of the Model Classes which will be used to fetch the related records from the model
This snippet provides the main logic for this:

for index, mod in enumerate(model):
   if is_multiple(fetch_key_url):
       f_url = fetch_key_url[index]
       f_url = fetch_key_url
       data = mod.query.filter(getattr(mod, fetch_key_model) == view_kwargs[f_url]).one()
   except NoResultFound, e:
       found = True

if not found:
   return NotFoundError({'source': ''}, 'Object not found.').respond()

From the above snippet we are:

  • We iterate through the models list
  • Check if fetch_key_url has multiple keys or not
  • Get the key from fetch_key_url on the basis of multiple keys or single key in it.
  • We try to attempt to get object from model for the respective iteration
  • If there is any record/object in the database then it’s our data. Skipping further process
  • Else continue iteration till we get the object or to the end.

To use multiple mode

Instead of providing the single model to the model option of permission manager, provide an array of models. Also, it is optional to provide comma separated values to fetch_key_url
Now there can be scenario where you want to fetch resource from database model using different keys present on your view_kwargs
for example, consider these endpoints

  1. `/notifications/<notification_id>/event`
  2. `/orders/<order_id>/event`

Since they point to same resource and if you want to ensure that logged in user is organizer then you can use these two things as:

  1. fetch_key_url=”notification_id, order_id”
  2. model=[Notification, Order]

Permission manager will always match indexes in both options, the first key of fetch_key_url will be only used for the first key of the model and so on.
Also, fetch_key_url is an optional parameter and even in multiple mode you can provide a single value as well.  But if you provide multiple commas separated values make sure you provide all values such that no of values in fetch_key_url and model must be equal.


Continue ReadingManaging Related Endpoints in Permission Manager of Open Event API Server

Custom Data Layer in Open Event API Server

Open Event API Server uses flask-rest-jsonapi module to implement JSON API. This module provides a good logical abstraction in the data layer.
The data layer is a CRUD interface between resource manager and data. It is a very flexible system to use any ORM or data storage. The default layer you get in flask-rest-jsonapi is the SQLAlchemy ORM Layer and API Server makes use of default alchemy layer almost everywhere except the case where I worked on email verification part.

To add support for adding user’s email verification in API Server, there was need to create an endpoint for POST /v1/users/<int:user_id>/verify
Clearly here we are working on a single resource i.e, specific user record. This requires us to use ResourceDetail and the only issue was there is no any POST method or view in ResourceDetail class. To solve this I created a custom data layer which enables me to redefine all methods and views by inheriting abstract class. A custom data layer must inherit from flask_rest_jsonapi.data_layers.base.Base.

Creating Custom Layer

To solve email verification process, a custom layer was created at app/api/data_layers/

def create_object(self, data, view_kwargs):
   user = safe_query(self, User, 'id', view_kwargs['user_id'], 'user_id')
   s = get_serializer()
       data = s.loads(data['token'])
   except Exception:
       raise UnprocessableEntity({'source': 'token'}, "Invalid Token")

   if == data[0]:
       user.is_verified = True
       return user
       raise UnprocessableEntity({'source': 'token'}, "Invalid Token")

Using custom layer in API

We can easily provide custom layer in API Resource using one of the properties of the Resource Class

data_layer = {
   'class': VerifyUserLayer,
   'session': db.session

This is all we have to provide in the custom layer, now all CRUD method will be directed to our custom data layer.

Solution to our issue
Setting up custom layer provides us the ability to create our custom resource methods, i.e, modifying the view for POST request and allowing us to verify the registered users in API Server.
On Setting up the data layer all I need to do is create a ResourceList with using this layer and with permissions

class VerifyUser(ResourceList):

   methods = ['POST', ]
   decorators = (jwt_required,)
   schema = VerifyUserSchema
   data_layer = {
       'class': VerifyUserLayer,
       'session': db.session

This enables me to use the custom layer, VerifyUserLayer for ResourceList resource.


Continue ReadingCustom Data Layer in Open Event API Server

A guide to use Permission Manager in Open Event API Server

This article provides a simple guide to use permission manager in Open Event API Server. Permission manager is constantly being improved and new features are being added into it. To ensure that all co-developers get to know about it and make use of them, this blog posts describes every part of permission manager.


Permission manager as a part of flask-rest-jsonapi works as a decorator for different resources of the API. There are two ways to provide the permission decorator to any view

  • First one is to provide it in the list of decorators
decorators = (api.has_permission('is_coorganizer', fetch="event_id",
                                fetch_as="event_id", model=StripeAuthorization),)
    • Second way is to explicitly provide it as a decorator to any view
@api.has_permission('custom_arg', custom_kwargs='custom_kwargs')
    def get(*args, **kwargs):
        return 'Hello world !'

In the process of booting up, we first need to understand the flow of Resources in API. All resources even before doing any schema check, call the decorators. So this way you will not get any request data in the permission methods. All you will receive is a dict of the URL parameters but again it will not include the filter parameters.
Permission Manager receives five parameters as: 

def permission_manager(view, view_args, view_kwargs, *args, **kwargs):

First three are provided into it implicitly by flask-rest-jsonapi module

  • view: This is the resource’s view method which is called through the API. For example, if I go to /events then the get method of ResourceList will be called.
  • view_args: These are args associated with that view.
  • view_kwargs: These are kwargs associated with that resource view. It includes all your URL parameters as well.
  • args: These are the custom args which are provided when calling the permission manager. Here at permission manager is it expected that the first index of args will be the name of permission to check for.
  • kwargs: This is the custom dict which is provided on calling the permission manager. The main pillar of the permission manager. Described below in usage.

Using Permission Manager

Using permission manager is basically understanding the different options you can send through the kwargs so here is the list of the things you can send to permission manager
These are all described in the order of priority in permission manager

  • method (string): You can provide a string containing the methods where permission needs to be checked as comma separated values of different methods in a string.
    For example: method=”GET,POST”
  • leave_if (lambda): This receives a lambda function which should return boolean values. Based on returned value if is true then it will skip the permission check. The provided lambda function receives only parameter, “view_kwargs”
    Example use case can be the situation where you can leave the permission for any specifically related endpoint to some resource and would like to do a manual check in the method itself.
  • check (lambda): Opposite to leave_if. It receives a lambda function that will return boolean values. Based on returned value, If it is true then only it will go further and check the request for permissions else will throw forbidden error.
  • fetch (string): This is the string containing the name of the key which has to be fetched for the fetch_as key (described below). Permission manager will first look for this value in view_kwargs dict object. If it is not there then it will make the query to get one(described below at model )
  • fetch_as (string): This is the string containing the name of a key. The value of fetch key will be sent to the permission functions by this name.
  • model (string): This is one most interesting concept here. To get the value of the fetch key. Permission manager first looks into view_kwargs and if there no such value then you can still get one through the model. The model attribute here receives the class of the database model which will be used to get the value of the fetch key.
    It makes the query to get the single resource from this model and look for the value of the fetch key and then pass it to the permission functions/methods.
    The interesting part is that by default it uses <id> from view_kwargs to get the resource from the model but in any case if there is no specific ID with name <id> on the view_kwargs. You can use these two options as:
  • fetch_key_url (string): This is the name of the key whose value will be fetched from view_kwargs and will be used to match the records in database model to get the resource.
  • fetch_key_model (string): This is the name of the match column in the database model for the fetch_key_url, The value of it will be matched with the column named as the value of fetch_key_model.
    In case there is no record found in the model then permission manager will throw NotFound 404 Error.

A helper for permissions

The next big thing in permission manager is the addition of new helper function “has_access”

def has_access(access_level, **kwargs):
   if access_level in permissions:
       auth = permissions[access_level](lambda *a, **b: True, (), {}, (), **kwargs)
       if type(auth) is bool and auth is True:
           return True
   return False

This method allows you to check the permission at the mid of any method of any view and of any resource. Just provide the name of permission in the first parameter and then the additional options needed by the permission function as the kwargs values.
This does not throw any exception. Just returns the boolean value so take care of throwing any exception by yourselves.

Anything to improve on?

I will not say this exactly as the improvement but I would really like to make it more meaningful and interesting to add permission. May be something like this below:

permission = "Must be co_organizer OR track_organizer, fetch event_id as event_id, use model Event"

This clearly needs time to make it. But I see this as an interesting way to add permission. Just provide meaningful text and rest leave it to the permission manager.

Continue ReadingA guide to use Permission Manager in Open Event API Server