The Open Event project of FOSSASIA’s consists of a group of applications which involve making an application for managing events including the Open-Event Webapp, the Open-Event Android, Open-Event ios, and Open-Event Server of which I am working on.
The Open-Event Server is responsible for handling all the backend or the database aspect of the Open Event application. All the data for the application – the user details, the sessions details, the event details etc… is being managed by the server. But up till now we only had a basic working server with an prototype UI. In short not ready for people to use for their events . Thus my project was developed – Improving the Open-Event Organization project.
What is my project about?
The first versions of Open Event Server and the other subprojects – the Webapp and Android were not based on a user experience. So what we did this time was to create a user story for each of the projects. For the server, we created a user story wherein we decided what all functionalities will a user encounter when he /she uses our server. Thus step by step our project is being developed based on the user story created.
I have already solved a lot of issues which involve both – adding code to the backend as well as the frontend aspect. We have now a pretty good and properly functioning server with a login system involving Google and Facebook supported login. We also have a very awesome UI all thanks to gentelella. Presently we are working on the sessions part of the event creation wizard which is broken in various stages – Draft, Call for Papers, Schedule, Completed. The Draft part is almost finished and the Call for Papers part is going on.