This blog is in accordance with the P.R #1900. Here I have implemented the option to unfavourite image in the Phimp.Me android application.
In the Phimp.Me app there are the following modes present:
1. all_photos:
All the photos are displayed in this mode irrespective of where they are saved.
2. fav_photos:
The photos which are added to favourites are displayed in the fav_photos.
3. Albums_mode:
All the albums which are present in the app are displayed in the albums_mode.
The main idea here is to find whether the selected image is already FAVOURITE or not. If it is already FAVORITED then it can be removed from that mode by removing its path form the Realm Database. If it isn’t already FAVORITED then the image is ignored and the next image is taken into consideration.
The process of removing the images from favourites can be an expensive one as the user can select myriad images which would ultimately block the Main UI. So it is better handled asynchronously and is implemented using the AsyncTask.
Whenever the user adds an image to the FAVOURITES, it gets added to the Realm Database where the model class being used is the FavouriteImagesModel.The selected media in the all_photos and fav_photos mode can be accessed via by selectedMedia.size() and the number of selected media in the albums_mode can be accessed by getAlbum().getSelectedCount().
So in the execute method of doInBackground() a condition check is initially made and then 2 separate loops are run depending upon the mode in which the selected images exist.
Initially it is checked whether the selected image is already a FAVOURITE one or not by the following code. If it belongs to the favourite mode then the size of the favouriteImageModels would become 1.
RealmResults<FavouriteImagesModel> favouriteImagesModels = realm.where (FavouriteImagesModel.class).equalTo(“path”, selectedMedias.get(i).getPath( )).findAll( ); If ( favouriteImagesModels.size( ) == 1) { |
Now as the image belongs to the favourite mode we ultimately use the following code to remove the image from FAVOURITES.
favouriteImagesModels.deleteAllFromRealm(); |
The full code which handle the option to unfavourite an image is shown below.
@Override protected Boolean doInBackground(String… arg0) { if ( all_photos || fav_photos ) {
else if ( !fav_photos && !albumsMode ) { @Override |
After the doInBackground( ) method has been executed the onPostExecute( ) comes into play and some other UI related changes are done such as a SnackBar message is shown if the image is removed from favourites.
- Realm for Android
- Asynchronous Transactions in Realm
Tags: GSoC18, FOSSASIA, Phimp.Me, Unfavourite image, Realm