Add Unit Test in SUSI.AI Android App

Unit testing is an integral part of software development. Hence, this blog focuses on adding unit tests to SUSI.AI Android app. To keep things simple, take a very basic example of anonymize feedback section. In this section the email of the user is truncated after ‘@’ symbol in order to maintain the anonymity of the user. Here is the function that takes ‘email’ as a parameter and returns the truncated email that had to be displayed in the feedback section :

fun truncateEmailAtEnd(email: String?): String? {
   if (!email.isNullOrEmpty()) {
       val truncateAt = email?.indexOf('@')
       if (truncateAt is Int && truncateAt != -1) {
           return email.substring(0, + " ..."
   return null


The unit test has to be written for the above function.

Step – 1 : Add the following dependencies to your build.gradle file.

//unit test
testImplementation "junit:junit:4.12"
testImplementation "org.mockito:mockito-core:1.10.19"


Step – 2 : Add a file in the correct package (same as the file to be tested) in the test package. The function above is present in the Utils.kt file. Thus create a file, called UtilsTest.kt, in the test folder in the package’.

Step – 3 : Add a method, called testTruncateEmailAtEnd(), to the UtilsTest.kt and add ‘@Test’ annotation to before this method.

Step – 4 : Now add tests for various cases, including all possible corner cases that might occur. This can be using assertEquals() which takes in two paramters – expected value and actual value.

For example, consider an email ‘’. This email is passed as a parameter to the truncateAtEnd() method. The expected returned string would be ‘testuser@ …’. So, add a test for this case using assertEquals() as :

assertEquals("testuser@ ...", Utils.truncateEmailAtEnd(""))


Similary, add other cases, like empty email string, null string, email with numbers and symbols and so on.

Here is how the UtilsTest.kt class looks like.


import junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals
import org.junit.Test

class UtilsTest {
   fun testTruncateEmailAtEnd() {
       assertEquals("testuser@ ...", Utils.truncateEmailAtEnd(""))
       assertEquals(null, Utils.truncateEmailAtEnd("testuser"))
       assertEquals(null, Utils.truncateEmailAtEnd(""))
       assertEquals(null, Utils.truncateEmailAtEnd(" "))
       assertEquals(null, Utils.truncateEmailAtEnd(null))
       assertEquals("test.user@ ...", Utils.truncateEmailAtEnd(""))
       assertEquals("test_user@ ...", Utils.truncateEmailAtEnd(""))
       assertEquals("test123@ ...", Utils.truncateEmailAtEnd(""))
       assertEquals(null, Utils.truncateEmailAtEnd("test"))


Note: You can add more tests to check for other general and corner cases.

Step – 5 : Run the tests in UtilsTest.kt.

If all the test cases pass, then the tests pass. But, if the tests fail, try to figure out the cause of failure of the tests and add/modify the code in the Utils.kt accordingly. This approach helps recognize flaws in the existing code thereby reducing the risk of bugs and failures.


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Parallelizing travis build in Open Event Web app


Open Event Web app uses Travis CI as a platform to perform unit testing. Travis CI is a hosted, distributed continuous integration service used to build and test projects hosted at GitHub. Travis CI automatically detects when a commit has been made and pushed to a GitHub repository that is using Travis CI, and each time this happens, it will try to build the project and run tests. Travis build took around 24 minutes to complete when any commit is made to the project, which is a very large time, to reduce the build time we parallelized the build which uses maximum amount of resources available at that time and run the builds parallely which resulted into better use of resources as well as required lesser amount of time.

Open Event web app uses saucelabs integration to perform selenium tests and travis to perform continuous integration.

Why parallelize the build?

When there are unit tests that are independent of each other and can be executed using a common set of dependencies, those procedures can be performed parallely on different virtual machines bringing out maximum throughput.

Running say a large number of tests on a single machine can increase the build time to a large extent, this build time can be reduced significantly by running the tests parallely on different machines. Open Event Webapp has a build time of around 24 minutes which is reduced to half on parallelising the build.

Parallelizing your builds across virtual machines

To speed up a test suite, you can break it up into several parts using Travis CI’s build matrix feature.

Say you want to split up your unit tests and your integration tests into two different build jobs. They’ll run in parallel and fully utilize the available build capacity and the resources.

The architecture of open event webapp supports test suite for all the pages in the generated application. To parallelize the build, the test suite is divided in different files  with the directory structure as shown below:

   ├── test
      ├── serverTest.js
      ├── roomsAndSpeakers.js
      ├── tracks.js
      ├── generatorAndSchedule.js
      ├── sessionAndEvent,js


The env key in travis.yml is modified as shown below:

  - TESTFOLDER=test/serverTest.js
  - TESTFOLDER=test/roomsAndSpeakers.js
  - TESTFOLDER=test/tracks.js
  - TESTFOLDER=test/generatorAndSchedule.js
  - TESTFOLDER=test/sessionAndEvent.js


The script running tests fetches environment variable and runs the test file accordingly as shown below:

# installing required items for build
 - npm install -g istanbul mocha@3
 - npm install
 - npm install --save-dev

# testing script
 - istanbul cover _mocha -- $TESTFOLDER

# notify codecov and deploy to cloud
 if ([ "$TESTFOLDER" == "test/serverTest.js" ]); then
   bash <(curl -s;
   bash && kubernetes/travis/;


The build time which was earlier 23 minutes is reduced to 12 minutes after parallelizing the build.



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Unit Tests for REST-API in Python Web Application

Badgeyay backend is now shifted to REST-API and to test functions used in REST-API, we need some testing technology which will test each and every function used in the API. For our purposes, we chose the popular unit tests Python test suite.

In this blog, I’ll be discussing how I have written unit tests to test Badgeyay  REST-API.

First, let’s understand what is unittests and why we have chosen it. Then we will move onto writing API tests for Badgeyay. These tests have a generic structure and thus the code I mention would work in other REST API testing scenarios, often with little to no modifications.

Let’s get started and understand API testing step by step.

What is Unittests?

Unitests is a Python unit testing framework which supports test automation, sharing of setup and shutdown code for tests, aggregation of tests into collections, and independence of the tests from the reporting framework. The unittest module provides classes that make it easy to support these qualities for a set of tests.

Why Unittests?

We get two primary benefits from unit testing, with a majority of the value going to the first:

  • Guides your design to be loosely coupled and well fleshed out. If doing test driven development, it limits the code you write to only what is needed and helps you to evolve that code in small steps.
  • Provides fast automated regression for re-factors and small changes to the code.
  • Unit testing also gives you living documentation about how small pieces of the system work.

We should always strive to write comprehensive tests that cover the working code pretty well.

Now, here is glimpse of how  I wrote unit tests for testing code in the REST-API backend of Badgeyay. Using unittests python package and requests modules, we can test REST API in test automation.

Below is the code snippet for which I have written unit tests in one of my pull requests.

def output(response_type, message, download_link):
    if download_link == '':
        response = [
                'type': response_type,
                'message': message
        response = [
                'type': response_type,
                'message': message,
                'download_link': download_link
    return jsonify({'response': response})


To test this function, I basically created a mock object which could simulate the behavior of real objects in a controlled way, so in this case a mock object may simulate the behavior of the output function and return something like an JSON response without hitting the real REST API. Now the next challenge is to parse the JSON response and feed the specific value of the response JSON to the Python automation script. So Python reads the JSON as a dictionary object and it really simplifies the way JSON needs to be parsed and used.

And here’s the content of the backend/tests/ file.

 #!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Tests for Basic Functions"""
import sys
import json
import unittest

from app.main import *

class TestFunctions(unittest.TestCase):
      """Test case for the client methods."""
    def setup(self):['TESTING'] = True =
      # Test of Output function
    def test_output(self):
        with app.test_request_context():
            # mock object
            out = output('error', 'Test Error', 'local_host')
            # Passing the mock object
            response = [
                    'type': 'error',
                    'message': 'Test Error',
                    'download_link': 'local_host'
            data = json.loads(out.get_data(as_text=True))
            # Assert response
            self.assertEqual(data['response'], response)

if __name__ == '__main__':


And finally, we can verify that everything works by running nosetests .

This is how I wrote unit tests in BadgeYaY repository. You can find more of work here.


  • The Purpose of Unit Testing – Link
  • Unit testing framework – Link
Continue ReadingUnit Tests for REST-API in Python Web Application