Loklak Timeline Using Sphinx Extension In Yaydoc

In Yaydoc, I decided to add option, to show show the twitter timeline which showthe latest twitter feed. But I wanted to implement it using loklak instead of twitter embedded plugin. I started to search for an embedded plugin that exists for loklak. There is no such plugin, hence I built my own plugin. You can see the source code here.

Now that I have the plugin, the next phase is to add the plugin to the documentation. Adding the plugin by appending the plugin code to HTML is not viable. Therefore I decided to make Directive for Sphinx which adds a timeline based on the query parameter which user provides.

In order to make a Directive, I had to make a Sphinx extension which creates a timeline Directive. The Directive has to look like this

.. timeline :: fossasia

from docutils import nodes

from docutils.parsers import rst

class timeline(nodes.General, nodes.Element):

def visit(self, node):



def depart(self, node):

class TimelineDirective(rst.Directive):
  name = 'timeline'
  node_class = timeline
  has_content = True
  required_argument = 1
  optional_argument = 0
  final_argument_whitespace = False
  option_spec = {}

 def run(self):
    node = self.node_class()
    node.display_name = self.content[0]
    return [node]

def setup(app):            app.add_javascript("https://cdn.rawgit.com/fossasia/loklak-timeline-plugin/master/plugi
  app.add_node(timeline, html=(visit, depart))
  app.add_directive('timeline', TimelineDirective)

We have to create an empty class for Nodes that inherits`Node.General` and `Node.Elements`. This class is used for storing the value which will be passed by the directive.

I wrote a `Visit` function which executes when sphinx visits the `timeline` directive. `Visit` function basically appends the necessary html code needed to render the twitter timeline. Then I created TimelineDirective class which inherits rst.Directive. In that class, I defined a run method which read the argument from the directive and passed it to the node. Finally I defined a setup method which adds the loklak-timeline-plugin js to the render html node, and directive to the sphinx. Setup function has to be defined, in order to detect module as an extension by the sphinx.


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