Displaying Private Skills and Drafts on SUSI.AI
The ListPrivateSkillService and ListPrivateDraftSkillService endpoint was implemented on SUSI.AI Server for SUSI.AI Admins to view the bots and drafts created by users respectively. This allows admins to monitor the bots and drafts created by users, and delete the ones which violate the guidelines. Also admins can see the sites where the bot is being used.
The endpoint of both ListPrivateSkillService and ListPrivateDraftSkillService is of GET type. Both of them have a compulsory access_token parameter but ListPrivateSkillService has an extra optional search parameter.
- access_token(necessary): It is the access_token of the logged in user. It means this endpoint cannot be accessed in anonymous mode.
- search: It fetches a bot with the searched name.
The minimum user role is set to OPERATOR.
API Development
For creating a list, we need to access each property of botDetailsObject, in the following manner:
Key → Group → Language → Bot Name → BotList
The below code iterates over the uuid of all the users having a bot, then over different groupNames,languageNames, and finally over the botNames. If search parameter is passed then it searches for the bot_name in the language object. Each botDetails object consists of bot name, language, group and key i.e uuid of the user which is then added to the botList array.
JsonTray chatbot = DAO.chatbot; JSONObject botDetailsObject = chatbot.toJSON(); JSONObject keysObject = new JSONObject(); JSONObject groupObject = new JSONObject(); JSONObject languageObject = new JSONObject(); List botList = new ArrayList(); JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); Iterator Key = botDetailsObject.keys(); List keysList = new ArrayList(); while (Key.hasNext()) { String key = (String) Key.next(); keysList.add(key); } for (String key_name : keysList) { keysObject = botDetailsObject.getJSONObject(key_name); Iterator groupNames = keysObject.keys(); List groupnameKeysList = new ArrayList(); while (groupNames.hasNext()) { String key = (String) groupNames.next(); groupnameKeysList.add(key); } for (String group_name : groupnameKeysList) { groupObject = keysObject.getJSONObject(group_name); Iterator languageNames = groupObject.keys(); List languagenamesKeysList = new ArrayList(); while (languageNames.hasNext()) { String key = (String) languageNames.next(); languagenamesKeysList.add(key); } for (String language_name : languagenamesKeysList) { languageObject = groupObject.getJSONObject(language_name);
If search parameter is passed, then search for a bot with the given name and add the bot to the botList if it exists. It will return all bots which have bot name as the searched name.
if (call.get("search", null) != null) { String bot_name = call.get("search", null); if(languageObject.has(bot_name)){ JSONObject botDetails = languageObject.getJSONObject(bot_name); botDetails.put("name", bot_name); botDetails.put("language", language_name); botDetails.put("group", group_name); botDetails.put("key", key_name); botList.add(botDetails); } }
If search parameter is not passed, then it will return all the bots created by the users.
else { Iterator botNames = languageObject.keys(); List botnamesKeysList = new ArrayList(); while (botNames.hasNext()) { String key = (String) botNames.next(); botnamesKeysList.add(key); } for (String bot_name : botnamesKeysList) { JSONObject botDetails = languageObject.getJSONObject(bot_name); botDetails.put("name", bot_name); botDetails.put("language", language_name); botDetails.put("group", group_name); botDetails.put("key", key_name); botList.add(botDetails); } } } } }
List of all bots, botList is return as server response.
For creating a list we need to iterate over each user and check whether the user has a draft bot. We get all the authorized clients from DAO.getAuthorizedClients(). We then iterate over each client and get their identity and authorization. We get the drafts of the client from DAO.readDrafts(userAuthorization.getIdentity()). We then iterate over each draft and add it to the drafts object. Each draft object consists of date created,date modified, object which contains draft bot information such as name,language,etc provided by the user while saving the draft, email Id and uuid of the user.
JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); List draftBotList = new ArrayList(); Collection authorized = DAO.getAuthorizedClients(); for (Client client : authorized) { String email = client.toString().substring(6); JSONObject json = client.toJSON(); ClientIdentity identity = new ClientIdentity(ClientIdentity.Type.email, client.getName()); Authorization userAuthorization = DAO.getAuthorization(identity); Map map = DAO.readDrafts(userAuthorization.getIdentity()); JSONObject drafts = new JSONObject(); for (Map.Entry entry: map.entrySet()) { JSONObject val = new JSONObject(); val.put("object", entry.getValue().getObject()); val.put("created", DateParser.iso8601Format.format(entry.getValue().getCreated())); val.put("modified", DateParser.iso8601Format.format(entry.getValue().getModified())); drafts.put(entry.getKey(), val); } Iterator keys = drafts.keySet().iterator(); while(keys.hasNext()) { String key = (String)keys.next(); if (drafts.get(key) instanceof JSONObject) { JSONObject draft = new JSONObject(drafts.get(key).toString()); draft.put("id", key); draft.put("email", email); draftBotList.add(draft); } } } result.put("draftBots", draftBotList);
List of all drafts, draftBotList is returned as server response.
In conclusion, the admins can now see the bots and drafts created by the user and monitor where they are being used.
- JAVA Data Access Object Pattern – JAVA DAO
- Servlets Overview – JAVA Servlets
- Link to ListPrivateSkillService PR
- Link to ListPrivateDraftSkillService PR
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