Auto deployment of SUSI Skill CMS on gh pages

Susi Skill CMS is a web application framework to edit susi skills. It is currently in development stage, hosted on It is built using ReactJS . In this blogpost we will see how to automatically deploy the repository on gh pages.
Setting up the project
Fork susi_skill_cms repository and clone it to your desktop, make sure you have node and npm versions greater than 6 and 3 respectively. Next go to cloned folder and install all the dependencies by running :

:$ npm install

Next run on http://localhost:3000 by running the command

:$ npm run start

To auto deploy changes on gh-pages branch, we need to setup Travis for the project. Register yourself on and turn on the Travis for this repository. Next add .travis.yml in the root directory of the source folder.  

sudo: required
dist: trusty
language: node_js
  - 6

  - export CHROME_BIN=chromium-browser
  - export DISPLAY=:99.0
  - sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start

  - npm run build

  - npm run test

  - bash ./

  directories: node_modules

# safelist
  - master 


The travis configuration files will ensure that the project is building for every changes made, using npm run test command, in our case it will only consider changes made on master branch , if you want to watch other branches to add the respective branch name in travis configurations. After checking for build passing we need to automatically push the changes made for which we will use a bash script.



# Pull requests and commits to other branches shouldn't try to deploy.
if [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" != "false" -o "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" != "$SOURCE_BRANCH" ]; then
    echo "Skipping deploy; The request or commit is not on master"
    exit 0

# Save some useful information
REPO=`git config remote.origin.url`
SHA=`git rev-parse --verify HEAD`

openssl aes-256-cbc -K $encrypted_2662bc12c918_key -iv $encrypted_2662bc12c918_iv -in deploy_key.enc -out ../deploy_key -d
chmod 600 ../deploy_key
eval `ssh-agent -s`
ssh-add ../deploy_key

# Cloning the repository to repo/ directory,
# Creating gh-pages branch if it doesn't exists else moving to that branch
git clone $REPO repo
cd repo
git checkout $TARGET_BRANCH || git checkout --orphan $TARGET_BRANCH
cd ..

# Setting up the username and email.
git config "Travis CI"

# Cleaning up the old repo's gh-pages branch except CNAME file and 404.html
find repo/* ! -name "CNAME" ! -name "404.html" -maxdepth 1  -exec rm -rf {} \; 2> /dev/null
cd repo

git add --all
git commit -m "Travis CI Clean Deploy : ${SHA}"

git checkout $SOURCE_BRANCH

# Actual building and setup of current push or PR.
npm install
npm run build
mv build ../build/

git checkout $TARGET_BRANCH
rm -rf node_modules/
mv ../build/* .
cp index.html 404.html

# Staging the new build for commit; and then committing the latest build
git add -A
git commit --amend --no-edit --allow-empty

# Deploying only if the build has changed
if [ -z `git diff --name-only HEAD HEAD~1` ]; then

  echo "No Changes in the Build; exiting"
  exit 0

  # There are changes in the Build; push the changes to gh-pages
  echo "There are changes in the Build; pushing the changes to gh-pages"

  # Actual push to gh-pages branch via Travis
  git push --force $SSH_REPO $TARGET_BRANCH

Source : Bash script for automatic deployment

This bash script will enable travis ci user to push changes to gh pages, for this we need to store the credentials of the repository in encrypted form. To get the public/ private rsa keys use the following command

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""

It will generate keys in .ssh/id_rsa folder in your home repository.

Make sure you do not enter any passphrase while generating credentials otherwise travis will get stuck at time of decrypting the keys. Copy the public key and deploy the key to repository by visiting<your name>/<your repo>/settings/keys

Next install travis for encryption of keys.

sudo apt install ruby ruby-dev
sudo gem install travis

Encrypt your private deploy_key and add it to root of your repository using command

travis encrypt-file deploy_key

After successful encryption, you will see a message

Please add the following to your build script (before_install stage in your .travis.yml, for instance):

openssl aes-256-cbc -K $encrypted_2662bc12c918_key -iv $encrypted_2662bc12c918_iv -in deploy_key.enc -out ../deploy_key -d

Add the above generated script in travis and push the changes on your master branch. Do not push the deploy_key only the encryption file deploy_key.enc
Finally, add the deploy link of gh pages in package.json of your using key “homepage”.

 "homepage": ""

And in scripts of package.json add

"deploy": "gh-pages -d build",

Commit and push your changes and from now onward all your changes will be automatically pushed to gh pages branch. For contribution visit Susi_Skill_CMS.


Continue ReadingAuto deployment of SUSI Skill CMS on gh pages

How SUSI Analyzes A Given Response

Ever wondered where SUSI’s answers come from? Now Susi has ability to do an answer analysis. To get that analysis, just ask susi “analysis”. This will set susi into an analysis mode, will tell where the latest answer came from and will give you the link for improving the skill.

Let’s check out how Susi analysis work. The skill for analysis is defined  en_0001_foundation.txt  as following

analysis|analyse|analyze|* analysis|* analyse|* analyze|analysis *|analyse *|analyze *
My previous answer is defined in the skill $skill$. You can help to improve this skill and <a href="$skill_link$" target="_blank"> edit it in the code repository here.</a>

$skill$ and $skill_link$ are the variable compiled using

public static final Pattern variable_pattern = Pattern.compile("\\$.*?\\$");

These variables are memorized in Susi cognition. A cognition is the combination of a query of a user with the response of susi.

SusiThought dispute = new SusiThought();
List<String> skills = clonedThought.getSkills();
 if (skills.size() > 0) {
    dispute.addObservation("skill", skills.get(0));

Susi Thought is a piece of data that can be remembered. The structure of the thought is modeled as a table in which information contained in it is organized in rows and columns.

 public SusiThought addObservation(String featureName, String observation) ;

One can memorize using addObservation() method.  It takes two parameter featureName the object key and observation the object value. It is a table of information pieces as a set of rows which all have the same column names. It inserts the new data always in front of existing similar data rather than overwriting them.

 public String getSkillLink(String skillPath) {
       String link=skillPath;
        if(skillPath.startsWith("/susi_server")) {
            link ="" + skillPath.substring("/susi_server".length());
        } else if (skillPath.startsWith("/susi_skill_data")) {
            link = "" + skillPath.substring("/susi_skill_data".length());
        return link;

The getSkillLink is a utitlity method to return the link of the skill source github repository based on skillPath.

private String skill;
SusiThought recall;
final SusiArgument flow = new SusiArgument().think(recall);
this.skill = origin.getAbsolutePath();
 if (this.skill != null && this.skill.length() > 0) flow.addSkill(this.skill);

The source of the skill gets added in using getAbsolutePath() method which resolves the skill path in the filesystem. Intent  considers the key from the user query, matches the intent tokens to get the optimum result and produces json like

 "data": [
        "object": "If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you'll never get it done.",
        "0": "tell me a quote",
        "token_original": "quote",
        "token_canonical": "quote",
        "token_categorized": "quote",
        "timezoneOffset": "-330",
        "answer": "When you discover your mission, you will feel its demand. It will fill you with enthusiasm and a burning desire to get to work on it. ",
        "skill_link": "",
        "query": "tell me a quote",
        "skill": "/susi_skill_data/models/general/entertainment/en/quotes.txt"

The getskills() method returns list of skill from json which are later added for memorization.

    public List<String> getSkills() {
        List<String> skills = new ArrayList<>();
        getSkillsJSON().forEach(skill -> skills.add((String) skill));
        return skills;

This is how Susi is able to fetch  where the answer came from. Next time when you have a chat with susi do check skill analysis and add your ideas to improve the skill. Take a look at Susi_skill_data for more skills and  read this tutorial  for creating skills for susi.


Continue ReadingHow SUSI Analyzes A Given Response

Using react-slick for Populating RSS Feeds in SUSI Chat

To populate SUSI RSS Feed generated, while chatting on SUSI Web Chat, I needed a Horizontal Swipeable Tile Slider. For this purpose, I made use of the package react-slick. The information which was supposed to be handled as obtained from the SUSI Server to populate the RSS feed was

  • Title
  • Description
  • Link

Hence to show all of this information like a horizontal scrollable feed, tiles by react-slick solves the purpose. To achieve the same, let’s see follow the steps below.

  1. First step is to install the react-slick package into our project folder, for that we use
npm install react-slick --save
  1. Next we import the Slider component from react-slick package into the file where we want the slider, here MessageListItem.react.js
import Slider from 'react-slick'
  1. Add Slider with settings as given in the docs. This is totally customisable. For more customisable options go to
var settings = {
         speed: 500,
         slidesToShow: 3,
         slidesToScroll: 1,

speed – The Slider will scroll horizontally with this speed.

slidesToShow – The number of slides to populate in one visible screen

swipeToSlide, swipe – Enable swiping on touch screen devices.

arrows – Put false, to disable arrows

  1. The next step is to initialize the Slider component inside the render function and populate it with the tiles. The full code snippet is available at MessageListItem.react.js
<Slider {..settings}>//Append the settings which you created
    {yourListToProps} // Add the list tiles you want to see
  1. Adding a little bit of styling, full code available in ChatApp.css
 margin: 0 10px;
  max-height: 100px;
  1. This is the output you would get in your screen.

  • Note – To prevent errors like the following on testing with jest, you will have to add the following lines into the code.

Error log, which one may encounter while using react-slick –

 matchMedia not present, legacy browsers require a polyfill

  at Object.MediaQueryDispatch (node_modules/enquire.js/dist/enquire.js:226:19)
  at node_modules/enquire.js/dist/enquire.js:291:9
  at i (node_modules/enquire.js/dist/enquire.js:11:20)
  at Object.<anonymous> (node_modules/enquire.js/dist/enquire.js:21:2)
  at Object.<anonymous> (node_modules/react-responsive-mixin/index.js:2:28)
  at Object.<anonymous> (node_modules/react-slick/lib/slider.js:19:29)
  at Object.<anonymous> (node_modules/react-slick/lib/index.js:3:18)
  at Object.<anonymous> (src/components/Testimonials.jsx:3:45)
  at Object.<anonymous> (src/pages/Index.jsx:7:47)
  at Object.<anonymous> (src/App.jsx:8:40)
  at Object.<anonymous> (src/App.test.jsx:3:38)
  at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:103:7)

In package.json, add the following lines-

"peerDependencies": {
      "react": "^0.14.0 || ^15.0.1",
      "react-dom": "^0.14.0 || ^15.0.1"
   "jest": {
      "setupFiles": ["./src/setupTests.js", "./src/node_modules/react-scripts/config/polyfills.js"]

In src/setupTests.js, add the following lines.

window.matchMedia = window.matchMedia || (() => { return { matches: false, addListener: () => {}, removeListener: () => {}, }; });

These lines will help resolve any occurring errors while testing with Jest or ESLint.

To have a look at the full project, visit and feel free to contribute. To test the project visit



Continue ReadingUsing react-slick for Populating RSS Feeds in SUSI Chat

Implementing Login Functionality in SUSI Web Chat

SUSI Web Chat is fully equipped with all the accounting features which are being provided by the SUSI.AI API. This blog discloses all the API features one needs to know to embed the Login functionality in SUSI Web Chat.

  1. To embed the Login feature, first we create a form using components with the followng fields
    1. Email
    2. Password
    3. Note: We can also chose a Custom Server while logging in, here I have used the Standard Server ie. to make the user Login

The form can be made with the help of the following fields

  • TextField for Email, props to be passed
    • Name – email
    • Value – which gets the value of the current email
    • floatingLabelText is Email,
    • errorText is the message which we want to show when the email does not match the regex or its empty.

Code Snippet –

<TextField name="email" value={} onChange={this.handleChange} errorText={this.emailErrorMessage}    floatingLabelText="Email" />
  • PasswordField for Password
    • Name – password
    • Value – this.state.password which gets the value of the current email
    • floatingLabelText is Password,
    • errorText is the message which we want to show when the password is not filled.

Code Snippet-

<PasswordField name='password' value={this.state.password} onChange={this.handleChange} errorText={this.passwordErrorMessage}   floatingLabelText='Password' />
  • The next elements are RadioButton groups taken from This ensures the user signs into a standard server or even to a custom server. This is not compulsory as of now.
  • And lastly we need a submit button, which is disabled until all the fields are filled.

Code Snippet –

<RaisedButton label="Login" type="submit" labelColor="#fff" disable={!this.state.validForm} />

For the full form, check out this file at Login.react.js

  1. A Sample UI could be as shown in the image
  2. Next after creating the Login Screen, we make the onSubmit prop which is to be hooked up with another function called handleSubmit. An example code snippet from Login.react.js
 handleSubmit = (e) => {
        // Get the trimmed values from the fields
        var email =;
        var password = this.state.password.trim();
        // Set the default server to login
        let BASE_URL = defaults.Server;
            // handle all the details of the chosen server
        let serverUrl = this.state.serverUrl;
        if(serverUrl.slice(-1) === '/'){
            serverUrl = serverUrl.slice(0,-1);
        if(serverUrl !== ''){
            BASE_URL = serverUrl;
// if email and password is filled return true
        if (!email || !password) { return this.state.isFilled; }
// Check the regex of email
        let validEmail = /^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}$/i.test(email); 
// Pass the parameters to the loginEndPoint
        let loginEndPoint =
            BASE_URL+'/aaa/login.json?type=access-token&login=' +
   + '&password=' + this.state.password;
        // If email and password is filled and valid call AJAX
        if (email && validEmail) {
            // AJAX Calls
    1. Then we make the Ajax Calls and store the created token from hitting the URL at We store the cookie in browser and generate a session for the user using a package ‘universal-cookies’.
    url: loginEndPoint,
    dataType: 'jsonp',
    jsonpCallback: 'p',
    jsonp: 'callback',
    crossDomain: true,
    success: function (response) {
        cookies.set('serverUrl', BASE_URL, { path: '/' });
        let accessToken = response.access_token;
        let state = this.state;// Adding the current State
        let time = response.valid_seconds; // Get the valid time of the cookie
        state.isFilled = true; // Set isFilled to true
        state.accessToken = accessToken; // Get the token
        state.success = true; // Set Success to true
        state.msg = response.message; // Get the server message
        state.time = time; // Get the time in the state
        this.setState(state); // Set the  state with the values
/* Pass the token to the binding function handleOnSubmit passing the arguments - token and the valid time */
        this.handleOnSubmit(accessToken, time);
    error: function (errorThrown) {
        let msg = 'Login Failed. Try Again';
        let state = this.state;
        state.msg = msg;


    1. We then fire up the handleOnSubmit(accessToken, time) which saves the token for the given expiration time from the server.

Here’s the sample code

handleOnSubmit = (loggedIn, time) => {
        let state = this.state;
        if (state.success) {
            cookies.set('loggedIn', loggedIn, { path: '/', maxAge: time }); // set the cookie in the browser to maintain the loggedIn state
            this.props.history.push('/', { showLogin: false });
            window.location.reload();// reload after the loggedIn cookie creation
        else {
                error: true,
                accessToken: '',
                success: false
  1. We then check the access token and redirect him based on his login state. This is handled in MessageSection.react.js
import Cookies from 'universal-cookie';
const cookies = new Cookies();
if (cookies.get('loggedIn')) {
    //Show all functionalities of loggedIn state
else {
//Redirect user to login page


To have a look at the full project, visit and feel free to contribute. To test the project visit


Continue ReadingImplementing Login Functionality in SUSI Web Chat

Detecting password strength in SUSI.AI Web Chat SignUp

Every SignUp page contains a field to enter a password, but it should not be just a dumb component that takes input and saves it on server. A password field on a SignUp page should tell how weak or strong the password is. We decided to implement this in our SUSI.AI Web Chat SignUp Page.

Our SignUp page look like this:

After entering a valid email, user needs to enter the password. It shows that minimum 6 character are required:

We have the following div for our Password Field :

  floatingLabelText="Password" />

In our OnChange Method we need to check the strength of password once the six character limit is crossed and display the strength visually.

We have used Dropbox’s zxcvbn library for the purpose of getting the strength of password.

Major reasons of choosing this library are :

  • Flexibility : It allows different passwords as long as certain level of complexity is matched.
  • Usability : It is very easy use and gives instant feedback. This helps user towards less guessable passwords.

For installing this library :

 npm -S install zxcvbn

For importing this:

import zxcvbn from 'zxcvbn';

Now in our OnChange Method:

handleChange = (event) => {
        let email;
        let password;
        let confirmPassword;
        let serverUrl;
        let state = this.state
      // Checking if event is password
        if ( === 'password') {
            password =;
            let validPassword = password.length >= 6;
            state.passwordError = !(password && validPassword);
            if(validPassword) {
              //getting strength of password from zxcvbn
              let result = zxcvbn(password);
              let strength = [
            else {


In the above method result variable gets the strength of password and result.score gives us the score of password in terms of an integer and according to which we have made an array to get result in remarks corresponding to score. We have remarks like Good, Strong, etc.

Initially we have set the score to -1 to know that user has not entered the password yet. Once user has entered password the score changes.
Then we made a wrapper class to help css format the color of remark and display a meter (determining password strength) with corresponding length and color. We have used template strings to make our wrapper class. This helps us in having different names of wrapper class according to the score of the password.

// using Template Strings(look at resources for more info)
const PasswordClass=[`is-strength-${this.state.passwordScore}`];

Then we wrapped our Password field in div with className = “PasswordClass”.

<div className={PasswordClass.join(' ')}>
            floatingLabelText="Password" />
            <div className="ReactPasswordStrength-strength-bar" />

All that was left to was add css code corresponding to every score. For example for score=3, the following css was made:

.is-strength-3 { color: #57B8FF; }

.ReactPasswordStrength-strength-bar {
  box-sizing: border-box;
  height: 2px;
  position: relative; top: 1px; right: 1px;
  transition: width 300ms ease-out;

.is-strength--1 .ReactPasswordStrength-strength-bar {
  background: #D1462F;
  display: none;
// if strength = -1 then setting display of block equals to none
.is-strength--1 .ReactPasswordStrength-strength-bar {
  background: #D1462F;
  display: none;

.is-strength-3 .ReactPasswordStrength-strength-bar {
  background: #57B8FF; //Changing color according to password’s strength
  width: 192px; //Changing width according to password’s strength
  display: block;

After successfully implementing all these features, We had following SignUP page:


1)Dropbox’s library(ZXVBN):

2)Template Strings(Used here for making wrapping class of Password Field):

Test Link:

This can be tested here.

Continue ReadingDetecting password strength in SUSI.AI Web Chat SignUp

Adding Emoji Support in SUSI Web Chat

SUSI.AI web chat sometimes, renders responses which contains emojis. We cannot rely on browser’s capability to render these emojis. The Problem is, that the default support for emojis of browsers does not offer a great variety of emojis to be rendered. The solution we implemented in the SUSI.AI web chat is to make use of a npm package to support our need for displaying emojis.

There were many options to choose from. For example :

Comparison between emoji packages :

Property Twemoji React-easy-emoji React-twemoji React-emojione
Built by Twitter Appfigures ZxMYS Pladaria
Usage Can be used as an object with function parse: twemoji.parse() Can be used as function: emoji() It is a simple wrapper for Twemoji.Can be used as component: <Twemoji> Can be used as function: emojify() or component: <Emojify>
Conversion compatibility Provides standard Unicode emoji support across all platforms Parse only basic emojis.Doesn’t parse emoji names like 🙂 and emoticons like 🙂 Convert emoji characters to Twemoji images Converts shortnames, unicode and ASCII smileys into renderable emojis
Dependencies None loot-web-kit lodash, prop-types, twemoji None

After detailed analysis of the above mentioned packages, we decided to go with React-emojione.

The major reasons are :

  • It is very easy to use.
  • It has no dependencies.
  • It can convert shortnames, unicode and ASCII symbols properly.
  • It can be used as both function and component, which diversifies its usage.


npm install -S react-emojione

Basic usage (as function)

import {emojify} from 'react-emojione';

Basic usage (as component)

import Emojify from 'react-emojione';

Some notes about the <Emojify> component:

  • If it has a single child, it won’t be wrapped
  • Otherwise it will be wrapped with a <span>

Difference between component and function?

Functional Stateless Components are just a ‘dumb’ function that takes props as an input. They do not have any state or methods. Just (props) => { return <span>content</span>; }

Class components can have state, variables, methods etc.

Now we needed our react app to render emojis. Our component named MessageListItem.react renders all the text and images of response.

There is a function called imageParse in this component. We use this function to parse our emojis.

Screenshot of SUSI Web Chat

Emoji’s like (:p) are now rendered properly

The implementation is as follows :

function imageParse(stringWithLinks){
  let replacePattern = new RegExp([
  let splits = stringWithLinks.split(replacePattern);
  let result = [];
    let checkmatch = item.match(replacePattern);
        <img key={key} src={checkmatch}
            style={{width:'95%',height:'auto'}} alt=''/>)
      result.push(<Emojify  key={key}>{item}</Emojify>);
  return result;

Here we put {item} inside <Emojify> tag to render all the emoji’s present inside {item}.

This parses all emojis regardless of browser support. This package fulfills all our needs in this case.


react-emojione package:

Testing link: SUSI.AI (Web Chat):

Continue ReadingAdding Emoji Support in SUSI Web Chat

Reset Password for SUSI Accounts Using Verification Link

In this blog, I will discuss how the SUSI server interprets the verification link sent to your email id to reset SUSI account password. The email one receives to reset password looks like this :{30 character long token}

*Original link contains a token of length of 30 characters. The link has been tampered for security purpose.

Taking a close look at the reset link, one would find it easy to decode. It simply contains path to an application on current SUSI Accounts hosting. Name of the application is “resetpass” for Reset Password. But what about the token in the link?

As soon as a user clicks on the link, the app is called and token is passed as a GET parameter. The app in background makes a call to the server where the token is evaluated for whether the token is hashed against some user’s email id and has not expired yet. Below is code of first step the client does which is to make a simple ajax call on Ready state.

	var passerr = false, confirmerr = false, tokenerr = false;

	// get password parameters
	var regex;
	var urltoken = getParameter('token');

	$.ajax(	"/aaa/recoverpassword.json", {
		data: { getParameters: true, token: urltoken },
		dataType: 'json',
		success: function (response) {
			regex = response.regex;
			var regexTooltip = response.regexTooltip;
			$('#pass').tooltip({'trigger':'focus', 'placement': 'left', 'title': regexTooltip});
			tokenerr = false;
		error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
			$('#pass').prop( "disabled", true );
			$('#confirmpass').prop( "disabled", true );
			$('#resetbut').prop( "disabled", true );
			tokenerr = true;

As you can see the call is made to /aaa/recoverypassword.json end point with token as the request parameter. Now, the client has to just evaluate the JSON response and render the message for user accordingly. If this request returns an error then the error message is shown and the entries are disabled to enter the password. Otherwise, user email id is shown with green text and user can now enter new password and confirm it.

In next step, client simply evaluates the password and sends a query to server to reset it. Let us now look at how server functions and processes such requests.

//check if a token is already present
if (call.get("getParameters", false)) {
			if (call.get("token", null) != null && !call.get("token", null).isEmpty()) {
				ClientCredential credentialcheck = new ClientCredential(ClientCredential.Type.resetpass_token,
						call.get("token", null));
				if (DAO.passwordreset.has(credentialcheck.toString())) {
					Authentication authentication = new Authentication(credentialcheck, DAO.passwordreset);
					if (authentication.checkExpireTime()) {
						String passwordPattern = DAO.getConfig("users.password.regex", "^(?=.*\\d).{6,64}$");
						String passwordPatternTooltip = DAO.getConfig("users.password.regex.tooltip",
								"Enter a combination of atleast six characters");
						result.put("message", "Email ID: " + authentication.getIdentity().getName());
						result.put("regex", passwordPattern);
						result.put("regexTooltip", passwordPatternTooltip);
						result.put("accepted", true);
						return new ServiceResponse(result);
					throw new APIException(422, "Expired token");
				throw new APIException(422, "Invalid token");
			} else {
				throw new APIException(422, "No token specified");

In the above code snippet, server evaluates the received token on the basis of three parameters. First it checks whether the token is provided or not. If not, it throws APIException with error code 422 and a message “No token specified”. If it passes the check, next it checks if the token passed is valid or not. If the token is invalid, it throws different APIException with same error code but different message “Invalid token”. Finally it checks whether the token is expired or not {life of each token is 7 days. After that, server marks it as expired}.

If all checks pass, the server finds the valid email id against which the token was hashed and sends it to user in JSON format. Now let us see how the final reset  password call is handled at the server.

If the token is valid  and still has life, user will be asked to enter new password and confirm it. Client locally checks whether new password and confirm password are same or not. It will now make a call to the below given servlet.


Till now, server has already made the client identity using the token. Next it will check if the password matches regular expression or not. If not, it sends  an error message “Invalid Password” with error code 400.

if (DAO.hasAuthentication(emailcred)) {
			Authentication emailauth = DAO.getAuthentication(emailcred);
			String salt = createRandomString(20);
			emailauth.put("salt", salt);
			emailauth.put("passwordHash", getHash(newpass, salt));

Above code snippet shows what happens when new password matches the conditions of regular expression. The server will generate a random string of 20 characters and use it as the new salt to hash the password. It updates the salt and password hash for the particular user. Next time whenever user makes a login request, server will use the new salt-hash pair to authorise the user. Below given is a flowchart for better understanding.



Continue ReadingReset Password for SUSI Accounts Using Verification Link

Implementing the Message Response Status Indicators In SUSI WebChat

SUSI Web Chat now has indicators reflecting the message response status. When a user sends a message, he must be notified that the message has been received and has been delivered to server. SUSI Web Chat implements this by tagging messages with ticks or waiting clock icons and loading gifs to indicate delivery and response status of messages ensuring good UX.

This is implemented as:

  • When the user sends a message, the message is tagged with a `clock` icon indicating that the message has been received and delivered to server and is awaiting response from the server
  • When the user is waiting for a response from the server, we display a loading gif
  • Once the response from the server is received, the loading gif is replaced by the server response bubble and the clock icon tagged to the user message is replaced by a tick icon.

Lets visit SUSI WebChat and try it out.

Query : Hey

When the message is sent by the user, we see that the displayed message is tagged with a clock icon and the left side response bubble has a loading gif indicating that the message has been delivered to server and are awaiting response.

When the response from server is delivered, the loading gif disappears and the user message tagged with a tick icon.


How was this implemented?

The first step is to have a boolean flag indicating the message delivery and response status.

let _showLoading = false;

  return _showLoading;

The `showLoading` boolean flag is set to true when the user just sends a message and is waiting for server response.  When the user sends a message, the CREATE_MESSAGE action is triggered. Message Store listens to this action and along with creating the user message, also sets the showLoading flag as true.

case ActionTypes.CREATE_MESSAGE: {

  let message = action.message;
  _messages[] = message;
  _showLoading = true;

The showLoading flag is used in MessageSection to display the loading gif. We are using a saved gif to display the loading symbol. The loading gif is displayed at the end after displaying all the messages in the message store. Since this loading component must be displayed for every user message, we don’t save this component in MessageStore as a loading message as that would lead to repeated looping thorugh the messages in message store to add and delete loading component.

import loadingGIF from '../../images/loading.gif';

function getLoadingGIF() {

  let messageContainerClasses = 'message-container SUSI';

  const LoadingComponent = (
    <li className='message-list-item'>
      <section className={messageContainerClasses}>
        <img src={loadingGIF}
          style={{ height: '10px', width: 'auto' }}
          alt='please wait..' />
  return LoadingComponent;

We then use this flag in MessageListItem class to tag the user messages with the clock icons. We used Material UI SVG Icons to display the clock and tick messages. We display these beside the time in the messages.

import ClockIcon from 'material-ui/svg-icons/action/schedule';

statusIndicator = (
  <li className='message-time' style={footerStyle}>
    <ClockIcon style={indicatorStyle}
      color={UserPreferencesStore.getTheme()==='light' ? '#90a4ae' : '#7eaaaf'}/>

When the response from server is received, the CREATE_SUSI_MESSAGE action is triggered to render the server response. This action is again collected in MessageStore where the `showLoading` boolean flag is reset to false. This event also triggers the state of MessageSection where we are listening to showLoading value from MessageStore, hence triggering changes in MessageSection and accordingly in MessageListItem where showLoading is passed as props, removing the loading gif component and displaying the server response and replacing the clock icon with tick icon on the user message.

case ActionTypes.CREATE_SUSI_MESSAGE: {
  let message = action.message;
  _messages[] = message;
  _showLoading = false;

This is how the status indicators were implemented for messages. The complete code can be found at SUSI WebChat Repo.


Continue ReadingImplementing the Message Response Status Indicators In SUSI WebChat

Adding Snackbar to undo recent change in theme of SUSI.AI Web Chat

SUSI.AI Web Chat has two primary themes: Light and Dark. The user can switch between these two from settings, but what if the user does not prefer the theme change. He/She has to repeat the entire process of Going to Settings -> Selecting another theme -> saving it. To enable the user to instantly change the theme, we decided to add snackbar on theme change.

What is Snackbar ?

Snackbar contains info regarding the operation just performed and it displays them in a visual format. Snackbar can also have a button like “Undo” to revert the recent operation just made.

It appears at the bottom of screen by default. A simple snackbar looks like this:

Now we needed this to pop-up, whenever the theme is changed. When a user changes theme we run a function named “implementSettings” which checks what the theme is changed to.

The method is:

implementSettings = (values) => {
    this.setState({showSettings: false});
      this.setState({SnackbarOpen: true});
    setTimeout(() => {
           SnackbarOpen: false
   }, 2500);

The argument values is an object that contains all the change that user has made in settings. Here values.theme contains the value of theme user selected from settings. We first check if the theme is same as the current one if so, we do nothing. If the theme is different from current, then we update the theme by calling this.changeTheme(values.theme) and also initiate snackbar by setting SnackbarOpen to open.

The snackbar component looks like:

     message={'Theme Changed'}

This appears on the screen as follows :

Now if a user wants to change the theme instantly he/she can press the undo button. For this undo button, we have a method handleActionTouchTap. In this method, we change the theme back to previous one. The method is implemented in the following manner:

handleActionTouchTap = () => {
      SnackbarOpen: false,
      case 'light': {
      case 'dark': {
      default: {
          // do nothing

The above method is pretty self-explanatory which checks the current theme(“light” or “dark”) and then revert it. We also change the state of SnackbarOpen to “false” so that on clicking “UNDO” button, the theme changes back to previous one and the snackbar closes.Now user is having an option of instantly changing back to previous theme.


Testing Link:

Continue ReadingAdding Snackbar to undo recent change in theme of SUSI.AI Web Chat

Versioning of SUSI Skills

This is a concept for the management of the skill repository aka The “SUSI Skill CMS.

With SUSI we are building a personal assistant where the users are able to write and edit skills in the easiest way that we can think of. To do that we have to develop a very simple skill language and a very simple skill editor

The skill editor should be done as a ‘wiki’-like content management system (cms). To create the wiki, we follow an API-centric approach. The SUSI server acts as an API server with a web front-end which acts as a client of the API and provides the user interface.

The skill editor will be ‘expert-centric’, an expert is a set of skills. That means if we edit one text file, that text file represents one expert, it may contain several skills which all belong together.

An ‘expert’ is stored within the following ontology:

model  >  group  >  language  >  expert  >  skill

To Implement the CMS wiki system we need versioning with a working AAA System. To implement versioning we used JGit. JGit is an EDL licensed, lightweight, pure Java library implementing the Git version control system.

So I included a Gradle dependency to add JGit to the SUSI Server project.

compile 'org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit:'

Now the task was to execute git commands when the authorised user makes changes in any of the expert. The possible changes in an expert can be

1. Creating an Expert
2. Modifying an existing Expert
3. Deleting an Expert

1. git add <filename>

2. git commit -m “commit message”

Real Example in SUSI Server

This is the code that every servlet shares. It defines the base user role set a URL endpoint to trigger the endpoint

public class ModifyExpertService extends AbstractAPIHandler implements APIHandler {
    public String getAPIPath() {
        return "/cms/modifyExpert.json";

This is the part where we do all the processing of the URL parameters and store their versions. This method takes the “Query call” and then extracts the “get” parameters from it.
For the functioning of this service, we need 5 things, “model”, “group”, “language”, “expert” and the “commit message”.

public ServiceResponse serviceImpl(Query call, HttpServletResponse response, Authorization rights, final JsonObjectWithDefault permissions) {

    String model_name = call.get("model", "general");
    File model = new File(DAO.model_watch_dir, model_name);
    String group_name = call.get("group", "knowledge");
    File group = new File(model, group_name);
    String language_name = call.get("language", "en");
    File language = new File(group, language_name);
    String expert_name = call.get("expert", null);
    File expert = new File(language, expert_name + ".txt");

Then we need to open your SUSI Skill DATA repository and commit the new file in it. Here we call the functions of JGit, which do the work of git add and git commit.

FileRepositoryBuilder builder = new FileRepositoryBuilder();
Repository repository = null;
try {

    repository = builder.setGitDir((DAO.susi_skill_repo))
            .readEnvironment() // scan environment GIT_* variables
            .findGitDir() // scan up the file system tree

    try (Git git = new Git(repository)) {

The code above opens our local git repository and creates an object “git”. Then we perform further operations on “git” object. Now we add our changes to “git”. This is similar to when we run “git add . ”


Finally, we commit the changes. This is similar to “git commit -m “message”.


At last, we return the success object and set the “accepted” value as “true”.

    json.put("accepted", true);
        return new ServiceResponse(json);
    } catch (GitAPIException e) {


JGit documentation :

SUSI Server :


Continue ReadingVersioning of SUSI Skills