Creating GUI for configuring SUSI Linux Settings

SUSI Linux app provides access to SUSI on Linux distributions on desktop as well as hardware devices like Raspberry Pi. The settings for SUSI Linux are controlled with the use of a config.json file. You may edit the file manually, but to provide safe configurations, we have a config generator script. You may run the script to configure settings like TTS Engine, STT Engine, authentication, choice about the hotword engine etc. Generally, it is easier to configure application settings through a GUI. Thus, we added a GUI for it using PyGTK and Glade.

Glade is a GUI designer for GNOME based Linux systems. I wrote a blog about how to create user interfaces in Glade and access it from Python code in SUSI Linux. Now, for creating UI for Configuration screen, we need to choose an ideal layout. Glade provides various choices like BoxLayout, GridLayout, FlowBox, ListBox , Notebook etc. Since, we need to display only basic settings options, we select the BoxLayout for this purpose.

BoxLayout as the name suggests, forms a box like arrangement for widgets. You can arrange the widgets in either Landscape or Horizontal Layout. We select Application Window as a top-level container and add a BoxLayout container in it. Now, in each box of the BoxLayout, we need to add the widgets like ComboBox and Switch for user’s choice and a Label. This can be done by using a horizontal BoxLayout with corresponding widgets. After arranging the UI in above described manner, we have a GUI like below.

If you see the current window in the preview now, you will find that the ComboBox do not have any items. We need to define items in the ComboBox using a GTKListStore. You may refer to this video tutorial to see how this can be done.

Now, when we see the preview, our GUI is fully functional. We have options for Speech Recognition Service, Text to Speech Service in ComboBox. Other simple settings are available as switches.

Now, we need to add functionality to our UI. We want our code to be modular and structured, therefore, we declare a ConfigurationWindow class. Though the ideal way to handle such cases is inheriting from the Gtk.Window class, but reading the documentation of PyGTK+ 3, I could not find a way to do this for windows created through Glade. Thus, we will use composition for storing the window object. We add window and other widgets present in the UI as properties of ConfigurationWindow class like this.

class ConfigurationWindow:
   def __init__(self) -> None:
       builder = Gtk.Builder()

       self.window = builder.get_object("configuration_window")
       self.stt_combobox = builder.get_object("stt_combobox")
       self.tts_combobox = builder.get_object("tts_combobox")
       self.auth_switch = builder.get_object("auth_switch")
       self.snowboy_switch = builder.get_object("snowboy_switch")
       self.wake_button_switch = builder.get_object("wake_button_switch")

Now, we need to connect the Signals from our configuration window to the Handler. We declare the Handler as a nested class in the ConfigurationWindow class because its scope of usage is inside the ConfigurationWindow object. Then you may connect signals to an object of the Handler class.


Since we may need to modify the state of the widgets, we hold a reference of the parent ConfigurationWindow object in the Handler and pass the self as a parameter to the Handler. You may read more about using the handlers in my previous blog.

In the Handler, we connect to the config.json file and change the parameters of the the file based on the user inputs on the GUI. We handle it for the Text to Speech selection comboBox in the following manner. We also declare two addition Dialogs for handling the input of credentials by the users for the Watson and Bing services.

def on_stt_combobox_changed(self, combo: Gtk.ComboBox):
   selection = combo.get_active()

   if selection == 0:
       config['default_stt'] = 'google'

   elif selection == 1:
       credential_dialog = WatsonCredentialsDialog(self.config_window.window)
       response =

       if response == Gtk.ResponseType.OK:
           username = credential_dialog.username_field.get_text()
           password = credential_dialog.password_field.get_text()
           config['default_stt'] = 'watson'
           config['watson_stt_config']['username'] = username
           config['watson_stt_config']['password'] = password


   elif selection == 2:
       credential_dialog = BingCredentialDialog(self.config_window.window)
       response =

       if response == Gtk.ResponseType.OK:
           api_key = credential_dialog.api_key_field.get_text()
           config['default_stt'] = 'bing'
           config['bing_speech_api_key']['username'] = api_key


Now, we declare two more methods to show and exit the Window.

def show_window(self):

def exit_window(self):

Now, we may use the ConfigurationWindow class object anywhere from our code. This modularized approach is better when you need to manage multiple windows as you can just declare the Window of a particular type and show it whenever need in your code.


  • Glade usage Youtube tutorial:
  • Creating GUI using PyGTK for SUSI Linux:
  • PyGObject Documentation:
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Making GUI for SUSI Linux with PyGTK

SUSI Linux app provides access to SUSI on Linux distributions on desktop as well as hardware devices like Raspberry Pi. It started off as a headless client but we decided to add a minimalist GUI to SUSI Linux for performing login and configuring settings. Since, SUSI Linux is a Python App, it was desirable to use a GUI Framework compatible with Python. Many popular GUI frameworks now provide bindings for Python. Some popular available choices are:

wxPython: wxPython is a Python GUI framework based on wxWidgets, a cross-platform GUI library written in C++. In addition to the standard dialogs, it includes a 2D path drawing API, dockable windows, support for many file formats and both text-editing and word-processing widgets. wxPython though mainly support Python 2 as programming language.

PyQT: Qt is a multi-licensed cross-platform framework written in C++. Qt needs a commercial licence for use but if application is completely Open Source, community license can be used. Qt is an excellent choice for GUIs and many applications are based on it.

PyGTK / PyGObject: PyGObject is a Python module that lets you write GUI applications in GTK+. It provides bindings to GObject, a cross platform C library. GTK+ applications are natively supported in most distros and you do not need to install any other development tools for developing with PyGTK.

Comparing all these frameworks, PyGTK was found to meet our needs very well. To make UIs in PyGTK, you have a WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) editor called Glade. Though you can design whole UI programmatically, it is always convenient to use an editor like Glade to simplify the creation and styling of widgets.

To create a UI, you need to install Glade in your specific distribution. After that open glade, and add a Top Level container Window or AppWindow to your app.

Once that is done, you may pick from the available Layout Managers. We are using BoxLayout Manager in SUSI Linux GUIs. Once that is done, add your widgets to the Application Window using Drag and Drop.

Properties of widgets are available on the right panel. Edit your widget properties to give them meaningful IDs so we can address them later in our code. GTK also provides Signals for signaling about a events associated with the widgets. Open the Signals tab in the Widget properties pane. Then, you need to write name of the signal handler for the events associated with Widgets. A signal handler is a function that is fired upon the occurrence of the associated event. For example, we have signals like text_changed in Text Entry boxes, and clicked for Button.

After completing the design of GUI, we can address the .glade file of the UI we just created in the Python code. We can do this using the following snippet.

import gi
gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0')
from gi.repository import Gtk

builder = Gtk.Builder()

You can reference each widget from the Glade file using its ID like below.

email_field = builder.get_object("email_field")

Now, to handle all the declared signals in the Glade file, we need to make a Handler class. In this class, you need to define call the valid callbacks for your signals. On the occurrence of the signal, respective callback is fired.

class Handler:

   def onDeleteWindow(self, *args):

   def signInButtonClicked(self, *args):
       # implementation

   def input_changed(self, *args):
       # implementation

We may associate a handler function to more than one Signal. For that, we just need to specify the respective function in both the Signals.

Now, we need to connect this Handler to builder signals. This can be done using the following line.


Now, we can show our window using the following lines.


The above lines displays the window and start the Gtk main loop. The script waits on the Gtk main loop. The app may be quitted using the Gtk.main_quit() call. Running this script shows the Login Screen of our app like below.


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