Handling graph plots using MPAndroid chart in PSLab Android App

In PSLab Android App, we expose the Oscilloscope and Logic Analyzer functionality of PSLab hardware device. After reading data-points to plot, we need to show plot data on graphs for better understanding and visualisation. Sometimes we need to save graphs to show output/findings of the experiment. Hence we will be using MPAndroidChart library to plot and save graphs as it provides a nice and clean methods to do so.

First add MPAndroid Chart as dependency in your app build.gradle to include the library

dependencies {
 compile 'com.github.PhilJay:MPAndroidChart:v3.0.2'

For chart view in your layout file, there are many available options like Line Chart, Bar Chart, Pie Chart, etc. For this post I am going to use Line Chart.

Add LineChart in your layout file

        android:layout_height="match_parent" />

Take a reference to LineChart of layout file in your Activity/Fragment

LineChart lineChart = (LineChart) findViewById(R.id.chart);// Activity
LineChart lineChart = (LineChart) view.findViewById(R.id.chart);// Fragment

Now we add dataset to LineChart of layout file, I am going to add data for two curves sine and cosine function to plot sine and cosine wave on LineChart. We create two different LineDataSet one for the sine curve entries and other for the cosine curve entries.

List <Entry> sinEntries = new ArrayList<>(); // List to store data-points of sine curve 
List <Entry> cosEntries = new ArrayList<>(); // List to store data-points of cosine curve

// Obtaining data points by using Math.sin and Math.cos functions
for( float i = 0; i < 7f; i += 0.02f ){
sinEntries.add(new Entry(i,(float)Math.sin(i)));
cosEntries.add(new Entry(i,(float)Math.cos(i)));

List<ILineDataSet> dataSets = new ArrayList<>(); // for adding multiple plots

LineDataSet sinSet = new LineDataSet(sinEntries,"sin curve");
LineDataSet cosSet = new LineDataSet(cosEntries,"cos curve");

// Adding colors to different plots 

// Adding each plot data to a List

// Setting datapoints and invalidating chart to update with data points
lineChart.setData(new LineData(dataSets));

After adding datasets to chart and invalidating it, chart is refreshed with the data points which were added in dataset.

After plotting graph output would look like the image below:

You can change the dataset and invalidate chart to update it with latest dataset.

To save graph plot, make sure you have permission to write to external storage, if not add it into your manifest file

<manifest ...>
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

To save the photo of chart into Gallery:


To save a some specific location:

lineChart.saveToPath("title", "Location on SD Card");

If you want to do some resizing in chart or save two three charts in a single image, you can do so by taking out the Bitmaps and processing them to meet your requirements:



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Packing and Unpacking Data in PSLab Android App

In PSLab we communicate with PSLab Hardware device, to exchange data, i.e we give a command or instruction and it responses accordingly. So this giving and receiving is in terms of packed byte string. Thus, we need some solid knowledge to pack and unpack data. In python communication library, there is struct module available. In JAVA we can use NIO’s ByteBuffer or implement our own functions. In this blog post I discuss both methods.  

In Python we have struct module for packing data in byte strings. As different languages interpret data types differently like Java takes 4 bytes for int and C++ takes 2 bytes for int. To send and receive data properly, we pack data in a byte string and unpack on other side with it’s data type properties. In PSLab, we have to communicate with device for various applications like getting calibration data during power up time as raw data doesn’t make much sense until calibration is applied on it.

You also need to take care of order of sequence of bytes like there are generally two types of order in which a sequence of bytes are stored in memory location:

  • Big – Endian: In which MSB is stored first.

    Source: Wikipedia
  • Little – Endian: In which LSB is stored first.

    Source: Wikipedia

In Python

The standard sizes and format characters of particular data type can be seen in the image below.

Format C Type Python Type Standard
x Pad byte No value
c char string of length 1 1
b signed char integer 1
B unsigned char integer 1
? _Bool bool 1
h short integer 2
H unsigned short integer 2
i int integer 4
I unsigned int integer 4
l long integer 4
L unsigned long integer 4
q long long integer 8
Q unsigned long long integer 8
f float float 4
d double float 8
s char[] string
p char[] string
P void* integer

Source: Python Docs

For Packing data

import struct
struct.Struct(“B”).pack(254)   # Output ->  b’\xfe’
a = struct.Struct(“I”).pack(2544)   # Output -> b’\xf0\t\x00\x00′

Now a is the byte string that has packed value as 2544, this can be send to some device byte by byte and reconstructed on receiving side by knowing how many bytes does the data type received contains.

For Unpacking data

import struct
struct.unpack(“I”,a)  # Output -> (2544,)


For Packing data

Suppose you have to pack an integer, in java int takes 32 bits (4 bytes)

Using JAVA’s NIO’s ByteBuffer

byte[] bytes = ByteBuffer.allocate(4).putInt(2544).array();

If you want hardcore method to see what exactly is happening, use

byte[] intToByteArray(int value){
 return new byte[]{
     (byte)value >>> 24,
     (byte)value >>> 16,
     (byte)value >>> 8,

“>>>” is used for unsigned shifting, you can use according to your requirements.

After you have your byte array, you can easily create a string out of it and transmit.

For Unpacking data

Using JAVA’s NIO’s ByteBuffer

int fromByteArray(byte[] bytes){
int a = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes).getInt();
return a;

It assumes that byte array is stored as Big Endian, if bytes in byte array is stored as Little Endian, add order() after wrap()

int fromByteArray(byte[] bytes){
int a = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN).getInt();
return a;

Note: Make sure the bytes array that you provide has same number of bytes as that of the data type that you are trying to unpack. For example: if you want int, bytes array should have 4 bytes as int type in JAVA has 4 bytes. If you want short, bytes array should have 2 bytes as short type in JAVA has 2 bytes.

To visualise underlying implementation, see

int from byteArray(byte[] bytes){
return bytes[0] << 24 | bytes[1] << 16 | bytes[2] << 8 | bytes[3];

In all above implementation big-endian order was assumed, you can modify function if you are using little-endian or some other sequence.


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Reducing UI lags with AsyncTask in PSLab Android

In the Oscilloscope Activity, communication with the PSLab device goes in parallel with updations of the graph which result in inoperable UI if both these functions are performed in the main thread. This would severely degrade the user experience. In order to avoid this, we simply used AsyncTask. AsyncTasks are used to perform communications with the device in the background thread and update UI when the task in background thread completes. AsyncTask thus solves the problem of making UI super laggy while performing certain time-consuming functions. The UI remains responsive throughout.

More about AsyncTask

AsyncTask is an abstract Android class which helps the Android applications to handle the Main UI thread in a more efficient way. AsyncTask class allows to perform long lasting background operations and update the results in UI thread without affecting the main thread.

Implementing AsyncTask in Android applications

  • Create a new class inside Activity class and extend AsyncTask:

private class Task extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> {
  	protected Long doInBackground(aVoid) {
 	protected void onProgressUpdate(aVoid) {
 	protected void onPostExecute(aVoid) {
  • Execute the task:

new Task().execute();

How they are used in Oscilloscope Activity?

The following diagram explains how AsyncTasks are used in Oscilloscope Activity. 

AsyncTask in PSLab Android App

A public class extending AsyncTask is defined, this task is executed from another thread.

public class Task extends AsyncTask<String, Void, Void> {
   ArrayList<Entry> entries;
   String analogInput;


doInBackgroundMethod performs the part related to communication with the PSLab device.

Here we are capturing the data from the hardware using captureTraces and fetchTraces method.

   protected Void doInBackground(String... params) {
       try {
           analogInput = params[0];
           //no. of samples and timegap still need to be determined
           scienceLab.captureTraces(1, 800, 10, analogInput, false, null);
           Log.v("Sleep Time", "" + (800 * 10 * 1e-3));
           Thread.sleep((long) (800 * 10 * 1e-3));
           HashMap<String, double[]> data = scienceLab.fetchTrace(1); //fetching data
           double[] xData = data.get("x");
           double[] yData = data.get("y");
           entries = new ArrayList<Entry>();
           for (int i = 0; i < xData.length; i++) {
               entries.add(new Entry((float) xData[i], (float) yData[i]));
       catch (NullPointerException e){
       } catch (InterruptedException e) {
       return null;


After the thread, completely executed onPostExecute is called to update the UI/graph. This method runs on the main thread.

   protected void onPostExecute(Void aVoid) {
       LineDataSet dataset = new LineDataSet(entries, analogInput);
       LineData lineData = new LineData(dataset);
       mChart.invalidate();    //refresh the chart
       synchronized (lock){


This simply solves the problem of lags and the Oscilloscope works like a charm.


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Using Hierarchical Blocks in KiCAD to Collaborate in PSLab Hardware Development

The PSLab hardware project designed in KiCAD, an ECAD tool; doesn’t support collaborative features like Git providing for software projects. As explained in a previous blog post on techniques to help up with project collaboration, this blog post will demonstrate how two developers can work together on the same hardware project.

The difficulties arise as the whole project is in one big schematic file. Editing made by one developer will affect to the editing done by the other developers causing merge conflicts. KiCAD doesn’t compile nicely if the changes were fixed manually most of the cases.

The solution practiced in the pslab-hardware project is using hierarchical blocks. This blog post will use a KiCAD project with an oscillator implementation and a voltage regulator implementation just like the ones in pslab-hardware schematics. To avoid complications in understanding changes in a huge circuit, only these two modules will be implemented separately in the blog.

Initially the project will look like the following figure;

Sheet1 Sheet2

These two hierarchical blocks will be created as different .sch files in the project directory as follows;

Assume two different developers are working on these two different blocks. That is the key concept in collaborating hardware projects in KiCAD. As long as the outer connections (pins) don’t get changed, edits made to one block will have no effect on the other blocks.

Developer 1 decided that the existing power circuit is not efficient for the PSLab device. So he decided to change the circuit in Sheet 1. The circuit before and after modification is shown in the table below.

Sheet 1 (Before) Sheet 1 (After)

If we take a look at the git status now, it will be as follows;

From this it is noticeable that neither the main schematic file nor Developer2.sch hasn’t been touched by the edits made to Developer1.sch file. This avoids merge conflicts happening when all the developers are working on the same schematic file.

Resources :

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Adding Tablet support for PSLab Android App

Making layouts compatible with tablet definitely, helps in increasing the target audience. Tablets are different than smartphones, they available in size as big as 7’’ and 10’’. This gives developers/designers a lot of screen space to work on which in turn can be utilized in a way different than smartphones. In the PSLab Oscilloscope Activity and in fact the entire application needs to have tablet support. To achieve these two approaches are used. They are as follow:

  1. Creating layouts compatible with the tablet
  2. Programmatically differentiate between phone and tablet

Creating layouts compatible with the Tablet

A series of following steps help to create layouts for the tablet with much ease

  1. Right click on layouts. Then move the cursor to new and select Layout resource file.

  1. A new resource file dialog box will appear. Under filename type the same name of the file for which you want to create tablet layout. Under directory name type layout-sw600dp for the layout of 7’’ tablet and layout-sw720dp for layout of 10’’ tablet.

  1. The Android Studio will automatically create a folder with two layouts, one for phone and another for tablet inside layouts folder. Now you can work on tablet layout and make the app compatible with the tablet.

Programmatically differentiate between Phone and Table

In Oscilloscope Activity of PSLab Android App, the dimensions of the layout are programmatically set. These dimensions are different from that should be used for the tablet. So, it is important for the app to know whether it’s operating on a phone or a tablet.

This can be achieved using the following steps.

  1. Right click on resources, move the cursor on new and select Android resource file.

  1. A new resource file dialog will appear, under file name type isTablet and press OK. Here we are creating a resource for a phone.

  1. In the XML file isTablet write the following code.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
   <bool name="isTablet">false</bool>

This resource returns false when accessed.

  1. Repeat 1, 2 step and under new resource file dialog box type values-600dp. Then write the following code.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
   <bool name="isTablet">true</bool>

This resource returns true when accessed.

  1. Now you can access this resource in Activity simply writing the following code.

boolean tabletSize = getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.isTablet);

tabletSize will be true if accessed in a tablet otherwise it will be false. Hence code can written accordingly.

By this way, we can find whether the application is running on tablet or phone programmatically.



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Developing Oscilloscope UI in PSLab Android App

User Interface (UI) is one of the most important part of any software development. In PSLab while developing the UI of the Oscilloscope the following points are very critical.

  1. The UI should expose all the functionalities of Oscilloscope that can be performed using PSLab.
  2. The UI should be very convenient to use. It should allow the user to access functionalities of the PSLab with ease.
  3. The UI should be attractive.

Since Android smartphones come with relatively small size, it was a challenge to develop a UI for Oscilloscope. In this blog, I am going to mention the steps involved in developing the Oscilloscope UI.

Step 1: Creating a mockup

Initially, a mock-up for Oscilloscope UI is created using moqups tool. Later, the mock-up was discussed in public channel where fellow developers and mentors approved it. Let’s discuss some benefits of adopting this layout for Oscilloscope Activity.

  • The graph is ensured maximum screen space as it is the most important component/section of the Oscilloscope. This is also the reason why we kept the screen orientation to landscape.
  • The widgets don’t populate the screen, make the UI look clean.
  • The UI is comparable to basic app’s people use in their daily lives hence very convenient to use.

Mockup of Oscilloscope UI developed using moqups tool

Step 2: Deciding the API to be used

In Oscilloscope Activity, the main component is the graph. The captured data from the PSLab device is plotted on the graph. We decided to use MPAndroidCharts for the same.

Step 3: Deciding the space given to different sections of the UI

The next step was to decide how much screen space each section of Oscilloscope should acquire. There are 3 sections of the Oscilloscope UI.

  1. Graph
  2. Side panel consisting of buttons, each button loads a different set Oscilloscope controls and features in 3.
  3. A lower panel which is basically a fragment displaying controls and features corresponding to the button selected in 2.

By trying different dimensions and arrangements the following configuration fits the best.

To achieve this, the dimensions of different sections is set programmatically. This makes the UI compatible with different screen sizes.

public void onWindowFocusChanged() {

       RelativeLayout.LayoutParams lineChartParams = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) mChartLayout.getLayoutParams();
       lineChartParams.height = height * 2 / 3;
       lineChartParams.width = width * 5 / 6;
       RelativeLayout.LayoutParams frameLayoutParams = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) frameLayout.getLayoutParams();
       frameLayoutParams.height = height / 3;
       frameLayoutParams.width = width * 5 / 6;

onWindowFocusChanged method is called in onCreate method. Here we are first receiving current layout parameters and then setting new layout parameters.

Step 4: Developing each section

  1. Graph

The graph needs to be customized concerning following requirements

  • Dual y axis, one dedicated to CH2 and another to analog input selected.
  • Black background
  • Grid lines
  • Scaling
  • Initial scale for x and y axis.

To achieve this a chartInit method is created which initializes the graph as per required. It is called in onCreate method.

2. Side Panel

It is a simple layout consisting of image buttons and text views. It is used to replace fragments in Lower Panel. To achieve this, image buttons and textviews were added to the layout and image buttons weight is set to 2. Later onClick listeners were added to both image buttons and textviews.

3. Lower Panel

The lower panel is frame layout which accommodates different fragments (one at a time). To achieve these different fragments are created that are ChannelsParametersFragment, TimebaseTriggerFragment, DataAnalysisFragment and XYPlotFragment. In ChannelsParametersFragment, TimebaseTriggerFragment and XYPlotFragment fragments, constraint views are used whereas in TimebaseTriggerFragment table layout is used. Each fragment allows the user to access different controls and features.

The Final Layout

The above is the GIF of the Oscilloscope UI.

This covers various steps for developing Oscilloscope UI in PSLab Android App.


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How to Read PIC Data-Sheet and Add a New Functionality to PSLab Firmware

Reading data-sheets is not a fun task. Going through tens of hundreds of pages with numerical, mathematical and scientific data is not fun reading. This blog post attempts to simplify reading the available data-sheets related to PIC24 micro-controller used in the PSLab device to help reader with implementing a new feature in PSLab firmware.

There are many features available in the PSLab device, such as; UART, SPI, I2C, ADC and Basic I/O reading. The “basic” implementation techniques do not vary much from one feature to other. That being stated this blog will carry out the basic implementation techniques one should follow and basic knowledge on PIC micro-controller programming to save himself from the trouble going through the 500+ pages in PIC data-sheets.

PIC Basics:

Before go into implementation there are few facts one should know about PIC programming.

– In the micro-controller values are saved in a memory block known as Registers. The values saved in these registers are volatile as they are all set to 0 regardless the value they were assigned when the power is off.

– Micro-controller configurations are made by setting values to these registers. Even turning on and off a whole feature like UART in PSLab device can be done using setting 0 to UARTEN register bit.

– When it comes to I/O ports, there are two different types of registers called TRIS and LAT/PORT. By setting 1 to TRIS ports will make the relevant pin an input pin. Setting it to 0 will make it an output pin. Easy way to remember this is think 1 as I in input and 0 as O in output. In UART implementation of PSLab, pin RP40 is set as an input pin to receive the data stream and pin RP39 is set as an output pin to send the data stream out. These settings are made using TRIS port settings. PORT registers save the value received by the relevant input pin attached to it.

The above figure extracted from mikroe learning materials, illustrates different stages an I/O pin can handle. As an extra point, ANSEL register makes the pin support digital signals or analog signals as per user requirements.

– In PIC, some registers such as PORT, TRIS and registers with similar functionalities are combined together. To access the value of each individual register can be done using dot notation. Assume the program requires to access the 8th register in TRISB register set. Note that the registers are indexed from zero. This implies that the 8th register will have the index 8 in the register sub-set. The following syntax is used to access the register;



The above points cover the basic knowledge one should have when developing firmware to PSLab device.

How to implement a feature like UART in PSLab firmware?

The first thing to know when implementing a new feature is that the developer needs to be familiar with the relevant hardware protocols. As an example, to implement UART; relevant protocol is RS232. If the feature is I2C; one should know about the I2C protocol.

Once the feature is familiar, next step is to refer the PIC data-sheet and resources on how to implement it in firmware. As for demonstrative purposes, this blog will continue with UART implementation.

Download the latest data-sheet from MicroChip official website and browse to the table of content. It consists of a set of features supported by the micro-controller implemented in the PSLab device. Find the entry related to the feature being implemented. In this case it will be Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART).

Each feature will contain a description following this format explaining what are the options it support and its constraints.

One must be aware of the fact that not every pin in the micro-controller can be used for any feature as he desires. The “PINOUT I/O DESCRIPTIONS” section in the data-sheet explains which pins are capable of the feature being implemented. According to these details, the pins should be initiated as Input/Output pins as well as Digital/Analog pins.

The next step is to refer to the control registers related to the feature. They are all mentioned in the data-sheet under the specific feature. There are some notations available in this section which resembles something like the following;

PDSEL<1:0>: Parity and Data Selection bits
11 = 9-bit data, no parity
10 = 8-bit data, odd parity
01 = 8-bit data, even parity
00 = 8-bit data, no parity


This represents a register with two bits. By setting either 11 or 10 or 01 or 00; different implementations can be achieved.

In PSLab firmware this is implemented as;

U1MODEbits.PDSEL = 0;


which implements UART feature with 8-bits stream having no parity bits for error correction.

In UART feature implemented in PSLab device, receiving bit stream is fetched by reading the register values in U1STAbits.URXDA and data is transmitted using U1TXREG. All these registers are mentioned in the control registers section in the feature.


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Performing Fourier Transforms in the PSLab Android App

Oscilloscope is one of the key features of PSLab. When periodic signals such as sine waves are read by the Oscilloscope, curve fitting functions are used to construct a curve that has the best fit to a series of data points. In PSLab, the sine curve fitting involves the Fourier Transforms. FFT (short for “Fast Fourier Transform”) is nothing more than a curve-fit of sines and cosines to some given data. In order to understand the implementation of Fourier Transforms in PSLab Android App let’s first have a look at the Fourier transform equations.

The first equation here is the Forward Fourier transform. It converts the function of time (t) into the function of frequency (ω).
The second equation is Inverse Fourier transform. It does the opposite to first equation ie. it converts the function of frequency (ω) into the function of time (t).

So, first I will answer what is transform?
It is the mapping between two different sets of domains. In this case, the information is changed from the time domain to frequency domain. The data in these domains look different but represent the same information. A transform will get you from one representation to another.

Fourier transforms converts between the time domain f(t) and the frequency domain F(ω).
Performing Fourier Transforms in Android
Let’s perform Forward Fourier transform. This means it converts the function of time (t) into the function of frequency (ω). We will use Apache Maths Commons to perform Fourier transforms. Since we have finite input data set we will calculate Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT).
The algorithm which is being used here is Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) which is the best algorithm to calculate Fourier transforms.

FastFourierTransformer fastFourierTransformer = 
      new FastFourierTransformer(DftNormalization.STANDARD);

Here we are creating an instance of FastFourierTransformer which passed STANDARD normalization convention to its constructor. Normalization other than STANDARD is UNITARY.
Complex complex[] = fastFourierTransformer.transform(input, TransformType.FORWARD);

Here, input array and TransformType. FORWARD is also passed to transform method. Input is an array of data representing time whereas TransformType. FORWARD defines the type of Fourier transform that should be performed ie. forward or inverse.

Complex complex[] = fastFourierTransformer.transform(input, TransformType.FORWARD);

The output will be an array of complex number. Each data point will be represented like the following graph in the complex plane.

Suppose the amplitude of the data point given in above graph is 1 and phase shift is 45°. So, solving this we will get 2/√2 as both real and imaginary components. Therefore, F (ω) would be 1/√2 + (1/√2) i.
Dealing with Complex numbers in Java
A complex number has both real and imaginary part. Using Apache Maths Commons we can use Complex to represent a complex number.

Complex number = new Complex(1,2);
1.0 + 2.0i

We can also get real and imaginary parts separately of Complex numbers.


The array of the Complex numbers can be implemented like the following

Complex[] number;
Complex c1 = new Complex(1, 2);
Complex c2 = new Complex(3, 4);
number = new Complex[]{c1, c2};

[(1.0, 2.0), (3.0, 4.0)]
(3.0, 4.0)


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Creating Sensor Libraries in PSLab

The I2C bus of the PSLab enables access to a whole range of sensors capable of measuring parameters ranging from light intensity, humidity, and temperature, to acceleration, passive infrared, and magnetism.

Support for each sensor in the communication library is implemented as a small Python library that depends in the I2C communication module for PSLab.

However, most sensors have capabilities that are not just limited to data readouts, but also enable various configuration options.

This blog post explains how a common format followed across the sensor libraries enables the graphical utilities such as data loggers and control panels to dynamically create widgets pertaining to the various configuration options.

The following variables and methods must be present in each sensor file in order to enable the graphical utilities to correctly function:

Name: A generic name for the sensor to be shown in menus and such. e.g. ‘Altimeter BMP180’

GetRaw(): A function that returns a list of values read from the sensor. The values may have been directly read from the sensor, or derived based on some parameters/equations.

For example, the BMP180 altitude sensor is actually a pressure and temperature sensor. The altitude value is derived from these two using an equation. Therefore, the getRaw function for the BMP180 returns a list of three values, viz, [temperature, pressure, altitude]

NUMPLOTS: A constant that stores the number of available dataPoints in the list returned by the getRaw function. This enables the graphical utilities to create required number of traces . In case of the BMP180, it is 3

PLOTNAMES: A list of text strings to be displayed in the plot legend . For the BMP180, the following list is defined : [‘Temperature’, ‘Pressure’, ‘Altitude’]

params: A dictionary that stores the function names for configuring various features of the sensor, and options that can be passed to the function. For example, for the BMP180 altimeter, and oversampling parameter is available, and can take values 0,1,2 and 3 . Therefore, params = {‘setOversampling’: [0, 1, 2, 3]}

The Sensor data Logger application uses this dictionary to auto-generate menus with the ‘key’ as the name , and corresponding ‘values’ as a submenu . When the user opens a menu and clicks on a ‘value’ , the ‘value’ is passed to a function whose name is the corresponding key , and which must be defined in the sensor’s class.

When the above are defined, menus and plots are automatically generated, and saves considerable time and effort for graphical utility development since no sensor specific code needs to be added on that front.

The following Params dictionary defined in the class of MPU6050 creates a menu as shown in the second image:

self.params = { 'powerUp':['Go'],

As shown in the image , when the user clicks on ‘8’ , MPU6050.setAccelRange(8) is executed.

Improving the flexibility of the auto-generated menus

The above approach is a little limited, since only a fixed set of values can be used for configuration options, and there may be cases where a flexible input is required.

This is the case with the Kalman filter option, where the user may want to provide the intensity of the filter as a decimal value. Therefore we shall implement a more flexible route for the params dictionary, and allow the value to certains keys to be objects other than lists.

Functions with user defined variable inputs are defined as Spinbox/QDoubleSpinBox.

KalmanFilter is defined in the following entry in Params:

‘KalmanFilter’:{‘dataType’:’double’,’min’:0,’max’:1000,’prefix’:’value: ‘}

Screenshot of the improved UI with MPU6050.

In this instance, the user can input a custom value, and the KalmanFilter function is called with the same.

Additional Reading:

[1]: Using sensors with PSLab Android

[2]: Analyzing sensor data with PSLab android
[3]: YouTube video to understand analysis of data from MPU6050 with Arduino – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=taZHl4Mr-Pk

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Create a Distance Sensor using PSLab

PSLab device is a small lab which supports a ton of features. Among its many features, integrating a distance measuring sensor like HC SR04 sonar sensor into it is one of them. This blog post will bring out the basic concepts behind a sonar sensor available in the current market, how it measures distance and how it is implemented in the PSLab device.

A sonar sensor uses a sound wave with a very high frequency. These waves are called ultrasonic waves. They cannot be heard by the naked ear. Human ear can only hear frequencies from 20 Hz up to 20 kHz. Generally HC SR04 sensors use a wave with frequency as high as 40 kHz so this makes sense. The basic principal behind the sensor is the reflectance property of sound. Time is calculated from the transmission time up to the time receiving the reflected sound wave. Then using general moment equation S = ut; with the use of speed of sound, the distance can be measured.

The figure shows a HC SR04 ultrasound sensor. They are quiet famous in the electronic field; especially among hobbyists in making simple robots and DIY projects. They can be easily configured to measure distance from the sensor up to 400 cm with a measuring angle of 15 degrees. This angular measurement comes into action with the fact that sound travels through a medium in a spherical nature. This sensor will not give accurate measurements when used for scenarios like measuring distance to very thin objects as they reflect sound poorly or there will not be any reflectance at all.

There are four pins in the HC SR04 sonar sensor. Corner pins in the two sides are for powering up the Sonar sensor. The two pins named ECHO and TRIG pins are the important pins in this context. When the TRIG pin (Trigger for short) is excited with a set of 8 square pulses at a rate of 40 kHz, the ECHO pin will reach to logic HIGH state which is the supply voltage (+5 V). When the transmitted sound wave is reflected back to the sensor, this high state of the ECHO pin will shift to logic LOW state. If a timer is turned on when the ECHO pin goes to logic HIGH state, we can measure how long it was taken for the sound beam to return to the sensor by turning off the timer when the ECHO pin goes to logic LOW state.

Having described the general implementation of a sonar sensor; a similar implementation is available in PSLab device. As mentioned earlier, TRIG pin requires a triggering pulse of 8 set of square waves at 40 kHz. This is achieved in PSLab using SQR pulse generating pins. The time is measured from the transmitting point until the receiving point to evaluate the distance. The real distance to the obstacle in front of the sensor can be calculated using following steps;

  1. Measure total round trip time of the sound beam. Take it as t
  2. Calculate the time taken for the beam to travel from sensor to the obstacle. It will be t/2
  3. Use motion equation S = ut to calculate the actual distance taking u = speed of sound in air. Substituting the time value calculated in step 2 to t, S will produce the distance


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