Automatically deploy SUSI Web Chat on surge after Travis passes

We are using surge from the very beginning of this SUSI web chat and SUSI skill cms projects development. We used surge for provide preview links for Pull requests. Surge is really easy tool to use. We can deploy our static web pages really easily and quickly.  But If user had to change something in pull request user has to deploy again in surge and update the link. If we can connect this operation with travis ci we can minimise re-works. We can embed the deploying commands inside the travis.yml.

We can tell travis to make a preview link (surge deployment) if test cases are passed by embedding the surge deployment commands inside the travis.yml like below.

This is travis.yml file

sudo: required
dist: trusty
language: node_js
 - 6
 - npm test
 - bash ./
 - bash ./
   - node_modules
   - master

Surge deployment commands are inside the “” file.
In that we have to check the status of the pull request whether it is passing test cases or not. We can do it like below.

if [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" == "false" ]; then
   echo "Not a PR. Skipping surge deployment"
   exit 0

Then we have to install surge in the environment. Then after install all npm packages and run build.

npm i -g surge
npm install
npm run build

Since there is a issue with displaying moving to child routes we have to take a copy of index.html file and name it as a 404.html.

cp ./build/index.html ./build/404.html

Then make two environment variables for your surge email address and surge token

# surge Token (run ‘surge token’ to get token)
export SURGE_TOKEN=d1c28a7a75967cc2b4c852cca0d12206

Now we have to make the surge deployment URL (Domain). It should be unique so we made a URL that contains pull request number.

surge --project ./build/ --domain $DEPLOY_DOMAIN;

Since all our static contents which made after the build process are in “build” folder we have to tell surge to get static html files from that.
Now make a pull request. you would find the deployment link in travis ci report after travis passed.

Expand the output of the

You will find the deployment link as we defined in the file


  • Integrating with travis ci –
  • React Routes to Deploy 404 page on gh-pages and surge –
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