searchQuick Apprise: EIGHT #GoogleSummerOfCode #FOSSASIA


The intended searchQuick” (sQuick) is an application to enable a user to search a set of books or texts, like an encyclopedia, or some other topical book collection offline built in the open source platform Pharo 4.0.


Bringing up to the rear of the summers, the project was brought to a penultimate stage by achieving the following tasks:

    • Handling empty string searches by raising error pop ups.
      searchBar accept .
      (myString isEmptyOrNil  ) 
      ifTrue: [self errorPopUp ] 
      ifFalse: [ 
           myString := searchBar getText asString .
                self printSearchResults
                     ] .
    • Adding Help, About and Feedback sections to give an authentic application look and required details to an interested developer.
    • Inserting ScrollPane for BrowseFile list menu
      browseScroll := ScrollPane new.
      browseScroll scroller addMorph: browse.
    • Truncating BrowseFile list menu file titles to have their extent within the #MenuMorph: boundary
      title := anObject truncateWithElipsisTo: 25. 
    • Removal of OK/CANCEL buttons from the Search results accordion widget
      dialog buttons: {}.
    • Implementation of a Search Bar for searching via Search results accordion widget.
    • Categorizing methods as: accessing, initializationsubmorphsadd/remove etc.
    • Removal of unwanted/redundant/commented code lines i.e. scrubbing dead-code.


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searchQuick Apprise: SEVEN #GoogleSummerOfCode #FOSSASIA


The intended searchQuick” (sQuick) is an application to enable a user to search a set of books or texts, like an encyclopedia, or some other topical book collection offline built in the open source platform Pharo 4.0.


After the chief tasks of search functionality and automated build were done with, the next undertaking included working on finer details and embellishments.

  • Embedding Jenkins automated build status icon in GitHub markdown file
  • Relative widget re-sizing by using ‘World extent x‘ and ‘World extent y‘ co-ordinates instead of hard coded co-ordinates
  • Modifying the Accordion Widget by addition of ‘Search Bar‘ at the top
  • Checking for duplicates in the ‘Browse Files‘ menu, thus reducing the CPU consumption
  • Equalizing the sizes of all the windows to bring uniformity
  • Addition of ‘Scroll Pane‘ in accordion search result display list
  • Multi-line search result display by extending the Expander Title Morph and use of new line character in labels (otherwise not supported by default)
  • Truncating file content to first n characters for neater look in Expander Title

Latest Screenshot of Accordion Widget:
Screenshot from 2015-08-18 18:38:06

  • Removal of OK & CANCEL buttons (present by default in Pluggable Dialog Window) from Accordion Widget
  • Implementing of Search via the result window as well
  • Relative re-sizing of background images (Image Morphs)

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searchQuick Apprise: SIX #GoogleSummerOfCode #FOSSASIA


The intended searchQuick” (sQuick) is an application to enable a user to search a set of books or texts, like an encyclopedia, or some other topical book collection offline built in the open source platform Pharo 4.0.


The main task achieved was putting up the application up on Continuous Integration, Inria for automated build. It was indeed a beneficial idea as it helped me keep a check on the builds and work on issues.
Being a newbie, this work was cumbersome initially but with the help of my mentors and the #pharo community, I was able to accomplish it. To assist fellow Pharo-ers, I have compiled all the information regarding CI Automated Build for yout Pharo Application and published the same on my blog-spot. Kindly go through it for a complete understanding 🙂

Other tasks completed as of now include:

  • Putting up the project for automated build on
  • Successful ‘stable’ and ‘development’ version builds
  • Accessing resource folder via MCGitHubRepository, Removal of manual download option
  • By default full screen system window open
  • Removing redundant code by creating open argument methods
  • Abolishment of hard-coded font family and font point size
  • Categorization of methods & classes
  • GUI Embellishment with background colors, borders etc.


  • Dynamic widget re-sizing
  • Multi-line search result title
  • Putting up Help and About sections
  • Removal of old configurations

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searchQuick Apprise: FIVE #GoogleSummerOfCode #FOSSASIA


The intended searchQuick” (sQuick) is an application to enable a user to search a set of books or texts, like an encyclopedia, or some other topical book collection offline built in the open source platform Pharo 4.0.


As the rudimentary structure of the application is sewn up, embellishment of GUI and rigorous testing are the major part of course of action.
On eMBee’s ( +Martin Bähr ) suggestion to build up an accordion widget to display the search results, various trials were conducted to design a similar one in Pharo.

The task of developing the accordion widget in Pharo was achieved using Expander Morphs. Looping through the search results array, a #newExpander: was added in each #newRow: of the modal built.

A challenging chore was to add a scroll-able content on the click of the desired search result expander. Sundry experiments with #newLabel: and #newText: in #newScrollPaneFor: {i.e. adding text model and labels in scroll pane} had no effect. Eventually, #newTextEditorFor: did the trick and the desired look was created.
Next on the cards is putting up sQuick for automated build on the CI Server, as suggested by +Sean DeNigris for its various advantages which include:
  • Improvement of product quality
  • Acceleration of compile and link processing
  • Elimination of redundant tasks
  • Minimization of ‘bad builds’
  • Have history of builds and releases in order to investigate issues
  • Save time and money – because of above listed reasons.
For simplicity, Build automation is the act of scripting or automating a wide variety of tasks that software developers do in their day-to-day activities including things like:
  • compiling computer source code into binary code
  • packaging binary code
  • running automated tests
  • deploying to production systems
  • creating documentation and/or release notes
To achieve Build Automation for sQuick, I have already registered on CI and configured sQuick.
Next endeavor is to look into the red signal in the build evaluation.

Stay tuned for more….Post any queries, will be happy to help 🙂
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searchQuick Apprise: FOUR #GoogleSummerOfCode #FOSSASIA


The intended “searchQuick” (sQuick) is an application to enable a user to search a set of books or texts, like an encyclopedia, or some other topical book collection offline built in the open source platform Pharo 4.0.


After indexing the content and the next task that was covered was searching for the user input string. The #queryString: does a fantastic job as of now.
The search results were printed in a scroll-able pane by iterating through a loop so as to cover each and every existence of the desired string. The search results window also enables the user to view the content of the chosen file.

02Search Results Display

Acting on the suggestion of my mentor, I have also loaded the Pharo image with text versions of large books (Thank You Project Gutenberg 🙂 )  to test the working of the search function.


  • GUI Modification
  • Integrated Exhaustive Testing
  • Addition of help/tutorial

PS: The GUI of the application is under constant evolvement, Kindly ignore the poorly structured window 😛

Stay tuned for more…
Post any queries , will be happy to help 🙂

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searchQuick Apprise: THREE #GoogleSummerOfCode #FOSSASIA


The intended “searchQuick” (sQuick) is an application to enable a user to search a set of books or texts, like an encyclopedia, or some other topical book collection offline built in the open source platform Pharo 4.0.


After the GUI was designed with minimal features, the next task was to develop the cardinal search function.

Indubitably, a well-run search application/engine requires indexing.

Search Application/Engine Indexing basically collects, parses and stores data to facilitate fast and accurate information retrieval.

That being, the index for sQuick was built using the Dictionary data structure in Pharo which works like HashTable of other programming languages/platforms.

index := Dictionary new.

Pharo describes a Dictionary as: “I represent a set of elements that can be viewed from one of the two perspectives: a set of associations, or a container of values that are extremely named where the name can be any object that responds to =. The external name is referred to as the key. I inherit many operations from the Set. “

The contents of the text files present in the current Pharo image were split at whitespaces and added to the index along with the corresponding file title.

tokens := ‘ ‘ split: aDocument contents.

The method #indexFiles was used to iterate over all the text files in the current Pharo image to index all the files before the searching begins.


Dictionary Entries after File Content Indexing

The #queryString method has been temporarily build using #includesSubstring which matches the user input string with all the entries of the index and gives the result in an array form with #tally output as the number of search results.

Various test methods are now built to inspect the functioning of the methods designed. Continuous debugging is being done to check out and remove errors, if any 😉


  • Improve the indexing technique
  • Explore methods to quicken the search functionality
  • Integrate the search routine with the GUI already built
  • Design more test cases to develop a bug-free application

Stay tuned for more…
Post any queries , will be happy to help 🙂

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searchQuick Apprise: TWO #GoogleSummerOfCode #FOSSASIA


The intended “searchQuick” (sQuick) is an application to enable a user to search a set of books or texts, like an encyclopedia, or some other topical book collection offline built in the open source platform Pharo 4.0.


After building various mock-ups for a user friendly graphical interface for the application, the rudimentary features which would be present in the first release were finalized.

The chief features would include :

  • Search for word(s)
  • Browse files in the current image
  • Help or Tutorial
  • About section
  • Feedback or Suggestion Aid
  • Explore the code ( Cardinally Open Source 😉 )

Main Screen (copy)


At this moment, the most viable options available (apart from the use of GTSpotter, Rubric or Bloc suggested by developers on the forum and #pharo IRC) include:

  • The use of Spec to build the UI which provides a comparatively easier option to implement Button Click Actions, User Input Search String Retrieval etc. But the graphical interface designed by placing the widgets is not a very fancy one and dependent on the current theme of the image.
  • The Morphic GUI gives the application a very pretty look in comparison, however the user input search string retrieval method is not a straight-forward one and is under construction.

After considering various pros and cons, the suitable alternative is considered to be the one made with Morph as it gives a refreshing look to the application.


  • Completion of GUI development
  • Commencement of Index build

Stay tuned for more…
Post any queries , will be happy to help 🙂

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