Showing Mail Statistics Using Firebase In Badgeyay

In this blog post I will show how we implemented mail statistics on the admin dashboard of Badgeyay. The problem is that we cannot send a request to an external API from firebase cloud functions in free plan and secondly we have to them bypass the call to realtime database and design a logic to sort out the details from the realtime database using python admin sdk. So, our approach in solving this is that we will use the realtime database with the cloud functions to store the data and using the firebase admin sdk will sort the entries and using binary search will count the statistics efficiently..


  1. Configuring the database URL in admin SDK
firebase_admin.initialize_app(cred, {
      ‘storageBucket’: ‘’,
      ‘databaseURL’: ‘’


  1. Write the mail data in realtime database using cloud function on promise resolvement
function writeMailData(uid, state, reason) {
if (state === ‘success’) {

    }, err => {



  1. Fetching the mail data from the realtime database in python admin sdk
def get_admin_stat():
  mail_ref = firebasedb.reference(‘mails’)
  mail_resp = mail_ref.get()

  curr_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
  prev_month_date = curr_date – relativedelta(months=1)
  last_three_days_date = curr_date – relativedelta(days=3)
  last_seven_days_date = curr_date – relativedelta(days=7)
  last_day_date = curr_date – relativedelta(days=1)


This will fetch the current date and them generates the relative dates in past. Then it filters out the data using a for loop and a comparison statement with the date to get the count of the mails. Those count is then passed into a dict and sent through schema.

  1. Fetching the mail stats in admin index panel
mails    : await this.get(‘store’).queryRecord(‘admin-stat-mail’, {})


  1. Showing mails on the index page

class=“six wide column”>
          div class=“ui fluid center aligned segment”>
              h3 class=“ui left aligned header”>
              div class=“ui divider”>div>
              h3 class=“ui header”>
                  No. of Sent Mails
              table class=“ui celled table”>
                          td> In last 24 hourstd>
                          td class=“right aligned”>
                          td>In last 3 daystd>
                          td class=“right aligned”>
                          td> In last 7 days td>
                          td class=“right aligned”>
                          td> In last 1 month td>
                          td class=“right aligned”>


PR to the issue:

Benefits of the approach

This approach is best in the case, when we only are using a subset of services firebase offers and do not want to pay for the services that are not required by the system.


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Badges Search Functionality In Admin

Badgeyay is a badge generator service developed by FOSSASIA community for generating badges for conferences and events. Project is separated into frontend that is designed in EmberJS and backend that is created in Flask. Now The Badges tab in admin shows the total badges that are in the system. Along with different meta attributes like Badge creator name, date and other data. The main problem is that it doesn’t provide a way to search the badges from the admin panel. In this blog post i am going to explain about integrating badge search functionality in admin.


  1. Integrating form element for searching
<form class=“ui form” {{action ‘findBadges’ on=“submit”}}>


class=“ui action input”>
                          {{input type=“text” autocomplete=‘off’ value=user placeholder=“Search Badges…”}}



  1. Main difficulty is to send the data to route components as we can’t pass the props, like we pass in components. The workaround is to send the query as route parameter.
findBadges() {
    var userTerm = this.get(‘user’);
    this.transitionToRoute(‘admin.badges.list’, userTerm);


  1. Extracting the query parameter and making request to backend
if (params.badge_status === ‘all’) {
    filter.state = ‘all’;
  } else if (params.badge_status === ‘created’) {
    filter.state = ‘created’;
  } else if (params.badge_status === ‘deleted’) {
    filter.state = ‘deleted’;
  } else {
    filter.filter = params.badge_status;


  1. Creating query in controller to fetch the data for the same.
if ‘filter’ in args.keys():
      badges = base_query.filter(User.username.contains(args[‘filter’]))
      badges = badges.paginate(page, app.config[‘POSTS_PER_PAGE’], False)
      schema = AdminBadgeSchema(many=True)
      return jsonify(schema.dump(badges.items).data)



  • Flask Sqlalchemy documentation for query – Link
  • Pull Request for the same – Link
  • Ember Guide – Link
Continue ReadingBadges Search Functionality In Admin

Meilix Build Process

Meilix is an operating system developed in FOSSASIA. It has the capability to be easily customize which makes it different from other operating systems.

It is of 32 bit right now.

It is all started with script.

And the basic idea is:

  • Declaring the mirror, version, and language to use.
  • Referring to the source file
  • Download and updating required packages
  • Create chroot
  • Using chroot to execute script

At the very beginning, the webapp Meilix Generator trigger Travis with the input provided in the form with the event name as the tag name of the Travis build. This will help to distinguish between the releases.

Then the travis script .travis.yml executes script after changing its permission.

  - chmod +x ./
  - ./ |& tee log.txt


Let’s get into the script and look into it.



First we select the bit version of the OS which we need to build.

datafiles="image-${arch}.tar.lzma sources.list"


This provides necessary data files required to build the OS. The tar.lzma contains exactly the same file which are there in an ISO of a OS. So it gives us the capability to make changes into the system files.

Then it starts to download the required packages which will help during the process.

Then runs a debuild script which debuilds the metapackages.

chmod +x ./scripts/


The debuild script actually repacks the meilix-default-setting metapackages with the required settings. Meilix-default-settings metapackage is fully explained here. Debuilding process is explained here.

Then Meilix goes on installing required packages and deleting the unrequired files.

Meilix build script is well commented to help to understand the whole process line by line.

Then Travis release a Meilix ISO in github release and mail the user with the log in the attachment.

Special Features:

Meilix has some special features which makes it fully customizable:

  • Meilix-default-setting metapackages, it contains the home folder and the changes made inside it can be seen in the OS.
  • Metapackages in the Meilix are very helpful in installing any required package.
  • Meilix System Lock helps to clean the system and get back to a fixed time.


Flask Web Forms- Generator

Shell Scripting- Meilix

chroot – Debian Wiki


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