Delete Image Permanently from Trashbin in Phimpme App

In the Phimpme Android application, users can perform various operations on the images including renaming an image, sharing images, deleting images from the storage etc. However, with the implementation of the Trash Bin feature in the app, the user is now provided with the option to restore back the deleted images. Whenever the delete operation is performed, the selected images are moved to the Trash Bin and the user has the option to either delete the photos permanently or restoring back the deleted photos by navigating to the Trash bin section. So in this post, I’d be discussing the implementation of permanently deleting image/images from the Trashbin.

Step 1

Firstly, we need to add permanent delete option in the popup menu provided in the itemview in the TrashView section. Every item in the Trashbin section displays a popup menu with two options-restore and delete permanently. The permanent delete option has been implemented in the itemview by adding the following lines of code.

<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“utf-8”?>
<menu xmlns:android=“” xmlns:app=“”>

    app:showAsAction=“never” />

Step 2

Now when the user opts to permanently delete any photo from the bin, a function deletePermanent would be invoked passing-in the trashbin object corresponding to the selected item as the parameter. Inside the deletePermanent method, a check is performed to determine whether the corresponding image file exists or not using the .exists method of the File class and if the result is true the file is deleted permanently using the .delete method of the File class. The method deletePermanent returns a boolean value depending on whether the image file is deleted permanently from the storage or not. The code snippets used to implement the deletePermanent method is provided below.

private boolean deletePermanent(TrashBinRealmModel trashBinRealmModel){
  boolean succ = false;
  String path = trashBinRealmModel.getTrashbinpath();
  File file = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + “/” + “.nomedia”);
  //File file = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + “/” + “TrashBin”);
      File file1 = new File(path);
          succ = file1.delete();
  return succ;

Step 3

The function deletePermanent used implemented in the previous step returns a boolean value which will be used in this step. So if the deletePermanent method returns true indicating that the image has been deleted from the trashbin, first a method deleteFromRealm is invoked passing-in the path of the image in the Trashbin to delete the corresponding image’s record from the realm database. Thereafter, that particular trashbin item is removed from the ArrayList<TrashbinRealmModel> populating the TrashBin adapter to display the items in the TrashBin Activity and the adapter is notified of this change by the use of NotifyItemRemoved and NotifyItemRangeChanged methods of the RecyclerView adapter class passing-in the position of the item as parameter to the former and position along with the size of the updated list as parameters to the latter function. After the adapter is updated about the change in the dataset, the adapter re-populates the recyclerview thus displaying the remaining items in the trashbin section. The code snippets implementing the above-mentioned operations are provided below.

  notifyItemRangeChanged(position, trashItemsList.size());
private void deleteFromRealm(final String path){
  Realm realm = Realm.getDefaultInstance();
  realm.executeTransaction(new Realm.Transaction() {
      @Override public void execute(Realm realm) {
          RealmResults<TrashBinRealmModel> trashBinRealmModels = realm.where(TrashBinRealmModel.class).equalTo
                  (“trashbinpath”, path).findAll();

This is how we have implemented the functionality to permanently delete an image from the Trashbin section in the Phimpme Android application. To get the full source code, please refer to the Phimpme Android Github repository listed in the resource section below.


  1. Android Developer documentation –
  2. Github-Phimpme Android Repository –
  3. Realm database operations Android –
Continue ReadingDelete Image Permanently from Trashbin in Phimpme App

Option to Restore Deleted Images in Phimpme Android Application

In the Phimpme Android application, users can perform various operations on the images including renaming an image, sharing images, deleting images from the storage etc. However with the implementation of Trash Bin feature in the app, the user is now provided with the option to restore back the deleted images. Whenever the delete operation is performed, the selected images are moved to the Trash Bin and the user has the option to either delete the photos permanently or restoring back the deleted photos by navigating to the Trash bin section. So, in this post I’d be discussing the implementation of restore image/images functionality.

Step 1

Firstly, we need to add restore option in the popup menu provided in the itemview in the TrashView section. Every item in the Trashbin section displays a popup menu with two options-restore and delete permanently. The popup menu along with the two options have been implemented by adding the following lines of code.

<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“utf-8”?>
<menu xmlns:android=“” xmlns:app=“”>

    app:showAsAction=“never” />

    app:showAsAction=“never” />

Step 2

Now after the user opts to restore a particular image, the corresponding realm object for the image would be retrieved from the Realm database. This realm object would contain attributes namely trashbinpath, oldpath, datetime, timeperiod. Here the oldpath attribute contains the path where it  was stored in the device storage before the delete operation was performed on the image. Thereafter to restore the image to its old path, a move operation would be performed which would move the image from the TrashBin section to the album it was stored in before deletion. With this move operation, the image is restored to its old path and is visible in the respective album resulting in the removal/deletion of the image from the TrashBin section. The method implemented to perform the above mentioned operations is provided below.

private boolean restoreImage(TrashBinRealmModel trashBinRealmModel){
  String oldpath = trashBinRealmModel.getOldpath();
  boolean success = false;
  try {
      String from = trashBinRealmModel.getTrashbinpath();
      if (success = moveMedia(context, from, targetDir)) {
          scanFile(context, new String[]{ from, StringUtils.getPhotoPathMoved(pathofmed, targetDir) });
  } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
  return success;

Step 3

In the previous step, the move operation for the restore feature was performed by the restoreImage method which inturn uses method moveMedia() to get the job done. So in this step, I’d be discussing about the implementation of the moveMedia() method. Inside the moveMedia() method, moveFile method of ContentHelper class is invoked passing-in context, sourcefile, and the destination folder as the parameters. Thereafter a normal rename operation is performed by the use of the renameTo method to move the file to destination folder. Now if the rename operation is performed successfully, the file is moved to its old path whereas if the rename operation fails to get the job done, a copy operation is initiated to copy the file to the destination folder and the image  the is deleted from the trashbin section if the copy operation is successful. The code snippets used to implement the moveMedia and moveFile are provided below.

private boolean moveMedia(Context context, String source, String targetDir) {
 File from = new File(source);
 File to = new File(targetDir);
 return ContentHelper.moveFile(context, from, to);
public static boolean moveFile(Context context, @NonNull final File source, @NonNull final File targetDir) {
 // First try the normal rename.
 File target = new File(targetDir, source.getName());

 boolean success = source.renameTo(target);

 if (!success) {
    success = copyFile(context, source, targetDir);
    if (success) {
       success = deleteFile(context, source);
 //if (success) scanFile(context, new String[]{ source.getPath(), target.getPath() });
 return success;


This is how we have implemented the functionality to restore a deleted image in the Phimpme Android application. To get the full source code, please refer to the Phimpme Android Github repository listed in the resource section below.


  1. Android Developer documentation –
  2. Github-Phimpme Android Repository –
  3. Renaming a file in java –
Continue ReadingOption to Restore Deleted Images in Phimpme Android Application

Adding a feature to delete skills from skill page for admins

SUSI Skill CMS has evolved drastically over the past few months with not only the introduction of skill metrics, skill analytics and powerful sorting features and interactive skill view types we needed the SUSI admins to be able to delete skills directly from the skills page and hence the skill can be deleted without visiting the admin service and then locating the skill and deleting it. This feature can be useful when a skill live on the system needs to be removed instantaneously for any reason like the API used by the skill going down or if it is a redundant skill or anything else. This feature was much needed for the admins and thus it was implemented.

About the API

An API is developed at the server so from the client we call this API to fetch data from the server and plug this data into the chart we wish to render.

Endpoint :



Parameters :

  • Model
  • Group
  • Skill
  • Language
  • Feedback
  • Access token (taken from the session of the logged in user)

Sample API call :


Displaying a button with delete icon on skill page

The option to delete skill should be available at the skill page for each skill so we add a button with a delete icon for this in the group of edit skills and skill version buttons, clicking over this button will open up a confirmation dialog with two actions notable the delete/confirm button which deletes the skills and the cancel button which can be useful in case the user changes their mind. On clicking the delete button the request to delete the skill is sent to the server and thus the skill is deleted.

Import some required components

import Dialog from 'material-ui/Dialog';
import FlatButton from 'material-ui/FlatButton';
import Cookies from 'universal-cookie';
import $ from 'jquery';


Adding some variables to the component state which will help us decide when the delete skill dialog is to be shown.

this.state = {
   showDeleteDialog: false,


Display the delete skill button only when the user is logged in user has admin rights.

   cookies.get(showAdmin) ? (
   ): ''


Adding some JSX to the component’s render function which includes a div in the skill page section and the Dialog component for the delete skill and some actions which in our case is the the confirmation to delete skill and to cancel the skill deletion in case the user changes their mind. Also a tooltip is shown which appears on hovering over the delete skill button.

<div className="skillDeleteBtn">
        data-tip="Delete Skill"
        <DeleteBtn />
 <ReactTooltip effect="solid" place="bottom" />
        title="Delete Skill"
         Are you sure about deleting{' '}
         <span style={{ fontWeight: 'bold' }}>


Clicking the delete skill button will change the state variable which decides whether the dialog is to be shown or not.

handleDeleteToggle = () => {
        showDeleteDialog: !this.state.showDeleteDialog,


Adding submit and cancel actions for the dialog menu and send them to the dialog as a prop.

const deleteDialogActions = [
        style={{ color: 'rgb(66, 133, 244)' }}
        style={{ color: 'rgb(66, 133, 244)' }}

Hitting the endpoint for skill deletion.

Adding onClick event handlers for dialog actions, for the cancel button we simply toggle the view of the delete skill dialog and for the submit button hits the endpoint for skill deletion and then we display a snack bar message about the status of request we submit if it succeeded or failed. Once the submit button is clicked we hit the delete skill endpoint by supplying appropriate params and post the request for skill deletion by calling the API through AJAX with appropriate params and thus this concludes the skill deletion workflow.

Build the URL for the AJAX request.

let deleteUrl =    `${urls.API_URL}/cms/deleteSkill.json?model=${this.state.skillModel}&group=${this.state.skillGroup}&language=${this.state.skillLanguagelanguage}&skill=${this.state.skill_name}&access_token=${cookies.get('loggedIn')}`


Make an AJAX request to the built API URL and in case the request is successful we set the conditional for displaying the snackbar to true and set the snackbar message depending on whether the skill was deleted successfully or it failed.

 url: deleteUrl,
 dataType: 'jsonp',
 jsonp: 'callback',
 crossDomain: true,
 success: function(data) {
        // redirect to the index page since the skill page won't be accessible
         dataReceived: true,
 error: function(err) {
         openSnack: true,
         snackMessage: 'Failed to delete the skill.',


This concludes the workflow of how the skill deletion feature was implemented on the CMS skill page for admins. I hope you found this useful.


Continue ReadingAdding a feature to delete skills from skill page for admins

Deleting SUSI Skills from Server

SUSI Skill CMS is a web application to create and edit skills. In this blog post I will be covering how we made the skill deleting feature in Skill CMS from the SUSI Server.
The deletion of skill was to be made in such a way that user can click a button to delete the skill. As soon as they click the delete button the skill is deleted it is removed from the directory of SUSI Skills. But admins have an option to recover the deleted skill before completion of 30 days of deleting the skill.

First we will accept all the request parameters from the GET request.

        String model_name = call.get("model", "general");
        String group_name = call.get("group", "Knowledge");
        String language_name = call.get("language", "en");
        String skill_name = call.get("skill", "wikipedia");

In this we get the model name, category, language name, skill name and the commit ID. The above 4 parameters are used to make a file path that is used to find the location of the skill in the Susi Skill Data repository.


We need to move the skill to a directory called deleted_skills_dir. So we check if the directory exists or not. If it not exists then we create a directory for the deleted skills.

  if (skill.exists()) {
   File file = new File(DAO.deleted_skill_dir.getPath()+path);
   Boolean changed =  new File(DAO.deleted_skill_dir.getPath()+path).setLastModified(System.currentTimeMillis());

This is the part where the real deletion happens. We get the path of the skill and rename that to a new path which is in the directory of deleted skills.

Also here change the last modified time of the skill as the current time. This time is used to check if the skill deleted is older than 30 days or not.

    try (Git git = DAO.getGit()) {
                DAO.pushCommit(git, "Deleted " + skill_name, rights.getIdentity().isEmail() ? rights.getIdentity().getName() : "anonymous@");
                json.put("accepted", true);
                json.put("message", "Deleted " + skill_name);
            } catch (IOException | GitAPIException e) {

Finally we add the changes to Git. DAO.pushCommit pushes to commit to the Susi Skill Data repository. If the user is logged in we get the email of the user and set that email as the commit author. Else we set the username “anonymous@”.

Then in the caretaker class there is a method deleteOldFiles that checks for all the files whose last modified time was older than 30 days. If there is any file whose last modified time was older than 30 days then it quietly delete the files.

public void deleteOldFiles() {
     Collection<File> filesToDelete = FileUtils.listFiles(new         File(DAO.deleted_skill_dir.getPath()),
            TrueFileFilter.TRUE);    // include sub dirs
        for (File file : filesToDelete) {
               boolean success = FileUtils.deleteQuietly(file);
            if (!success) {
                System.out.print("Deleted skill older than 30 days.");

To test this API endpoint, we need to call http://localhost:4000/cms/deleteSkill.txt?model=general&group=Knowledge&language=en&skill=<skill_name>


JGit Documentation:

Commons IO:

Age Filter:

JGit User Guide:

JGit Repository access:

Continue ReadingDeleting SUSI Skills from Server