Using MockBackend to test Susper Angular Front-end Code

In this blog, I’ll be sharing how we are testing services which we are using in Susper development.We’re using Angular 4 in our project as tech stack and we use Jasmine for testing purpose.

Tests are written to avoid issues which occur again and again. For example: Since we have implemented knowledge graph, we faced a lot of issues like:

  • When a user enters a query, search results appear but knowledge graph does not appear.
  • When a fresh query is entered or page is refreshed, knowledge graph does not appear.
  • The API which we have used is not responding.

We overcome this issue by writing test. The data is being taken with the help of an API. So, it will require testing using HTTP. Instead of testing like this, there is a better way by using MockBackend.

Testing with MockBackend is a more sensible approach. This allows us to mock our responses and avoid hitting the actual backend which results in boosting our testing.

To use the MockBackend feature, it requires creating a mock. For knowledge-service it looks like this:

export const MockKnowledgeApi {
  results: {
    uri: ‘’,
    label: ‘Berlin’,
  MaxHits: 5

To use the MockBackend feature, import MockBackend, MockConnection, BaseRequestOptions and MockKnowledgeApi.

import { MockBackend, MockConnection } from ‘@angular/http/testing’;
import { MockKnowledgeApi } from ‘./shared/mock-backend/knowledge.mock’;
import { BaseRequestOptions } from ‘@angular/http’;

Create a mock setup. In this case, we will create mock setup w.r.t HTTP because data from API is being returned as HTTP. If data, is being returned in JSON format, create a mock setup w.r.t jsonp.

const mockHttp_provider = {
  provide: Http,
  deps: [MockBackend, BaseRequestOptions],
  useFactory: (backend: MockBackend,options: BaseRequestOptions) => {
    return new Http(backend, options);

Now, describe the test suite. Inside, describe the function, don’t import MockConnection. It will throw error since it is only used to create a fake backend. It should look like this:

providers: [
Define service as KnowledgeService and backend as MockBackend. Inject both the services in beforeEach() function.
Now to actually test the service, create a query.

const searchquery = ‘Berlin’;

The written specs should look like this. I won’t go much in detail here, but I’ll cover up the key points of code.

it(‘should call knowledge service API and return the result’, () => {
backend.connections.subscribe((connection: MockConnection) => {
const options = new ResponseOptions({
body: JSON.stringify(MockKnowledgeApi)
});connection.mockRespond(new Response(options));
Here, mockRespond will mock our response and it will test whether the service is working or not. Already, we have defined a query.

It should have a link to API and should be equal to searchquery which we have defined already as ‘Berlin’.

`` +

At last, it will check if it’s working or not. If it’s working, then test case will pass. Please note, it will not hit the actual backend.

service.getsearchresults(searchquery).subscribe((res) => {
In this way, we have written tests for knowledge graph to avoid future issues. We will be adding tests like these for other services as well which are being used in Susper project.


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Filtering out a query in Solr for Susper

In this blog, I would like to share you how- we have implemented tabs feature in Susper.

When a search is attempted, results are fetched in results.component. Since there are many kinds of results being fetched from the server, how should we filter them in separate tabs? For example under the tab ‘All’: All kind of results are being fetched but .png or .mp3 which should be loaded under tabs ‘Images’ and ‘Videos’. The yacy server is written in Java on Solr technology. Going through Solr documents, we found the solution to filter queries using ‘fq’ parameter.

What is fq parameter?

‘fq’ stands for filter query. It returns the document which we want or in simple words returns filtered document. Documents will only be included in the result if they are at the intersection of the document sets resulting from each fq.

How we did we use fq parameter in Susper?

To explain it better, I’m sharing a code snippet here which has been written to filter out queries :

if (query[‘fq’]) {
  if (query[‘fq’].includes(‘png’)) {
    this.resultDisplay = ‘images’;
    urldata.fq = ‘url_file_ext_s:(png+OR+jpeg+OR+jpg+OR+gif)’;
} else if (query[‘fq’].includes(‘avi’)) {
    this.resultDisplay = ‘videos’;
} else {
  this.resultDisplay = ‘all’;

What is ongoing here is that we have subscribed to a query and used if and else conditions. query[‘fq’] simply filters out the query which has been subscribed. include(‘png’) and include(.avi) is clear that we are filtering out the documents with these tabs. This action happens when the user clicks on a tab.

If the user clicks on images tab: files with .png are displayed. If the user clicks on videos tab: files with .avi are displayed.

url_file_ext_s:() is simply another solr syntax to provide the document format.

The flowchart above explains more clearly, how fq parameter is filtering out documents without affecting the total number of documents which yacy fetches by indexing web pages based on the query.


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URL Unshortening in Java for loklak server

There are many URL shortening services on the internet. They are useful in converting really long URLs to shorter ones. But apart from redirecting to a longer URL, they are often used to track the people visiting those links.

One of the components of loklak server is its URL unshortening and redirect resolution service, which ensures that websites can’t track the users using those links and enhances the protection of privacy. How this service works in loklak.

Redirect Codes in HTTP

Various standards define 3XX status codes as an indication that the client must perform additional actions to complete the request. These response codes range from 300 to 308, based on the type of redirection.

To check the redirect code of a request, we must first make a request to some URL –

String urlstring = "";
HttpRequestBase req = new HttpGet(urlstring);

Next, we will configure this request to disable redirect and add a nice Use-Agent so that websites do not block us as a robot –

req.setHeader("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/54.0.2840.98 Safari/537.36");

Now we need a HTTP client to execute this request. Here, we will use Apache’s CloseableHttpClient

CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.custom()

The getConnctionManager returns a pooling connection manager that can reuse the existing TCP connections, making the requests very fast. It is defined in org.loklak.http.ClientConnection.

Now we have a client and a request. Let’s make our client execute the request and we shall get an HTTP entity on which we can work.

HttpResponse httpResponse = httpClient.execute(req);
HttpEntity httpEntity = httpResponse.getEntity();

Now that we have executed the request, we can check the status code of the response by calling the corresponding method –

if (httpEntity != null) {
   int httpStatusCode = httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
   System.out.println("Status code - " + httpStatusCode);
} else {
   System.out.println("Request failed");

Hence, we have the HTTP code for the requests we make.

Getting the Redirect URL

We can simply check for the value of the status code and decide whether we have a redirect or not. In the case of a redirect, we can check for the “Location” header to know where it redirects.

if (300 <= httpStatusCode && httpStatusCode <= 308) {
   for (Header header: httpResponse.getAllHeaders()) {
       if (header.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("location")) {
           redirectURL = header.getValue();

Handling Multiple Redirects

We now know how to get the redirect for a URL. But in many cases, the URLs redirect multiple times before reaching a final, stable location. To handle these situations, we can repeatedly fetch redirect URL for intermediate links until we saturate. But we also need to take care of cyclic redirects so we set a threshold on the number of redirects that we have undergone –

String urlstring = "";
int termination = 10;
while (termination-- > 0) {
   String unshortened = getRedirect(urlstring);
   if (unshortened.equals(urlstring)) {
       return urlstring;
   urlstring = unshortened;

Here, getRedirect is the method which performs single redirect for a URL and returns the same URL in case of non-redirect status code.

Redirect with non-3XX HTTP status – meta refresh

In addition to performing redirects through 3XX codes, some websites also contain a <meta http-equiv=”refresh” … > which performs an unconditional redirect from the client side. To detect these types of redirects, we need to look into the HTML content of a response and parse the URL from it. Let us see how –

String getMetaRedirectURL(HttpEntity httpEntity) throws IOException {
   StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
   BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(httpEntity.getContent()));
   String content = null;
   while ((content = reader.readLine()) != null) {
   String html = sb.toString();
   html = html.replace("\n", "");
   if (html.length() == 0)
       return null;
   int indexHttpEquiv = html.toLowerCase().indexOf("http-equiv=\"refresh\"");
   if (indexHttpEquiv < 0) {
       return null;
   html = html.substring(indexHttpEquiv);
   int indexContent = html.toLowerCase().indexOf("content=");
   if (indexContent < 0) {
       return null;
   html = html.substring(indexContent);
   int indexURLStart = html.toLowerCase().indexOf(";url=");
   if (indexURLStart < 0) {
       return null;
   html = html.substring(indexURLStart + 5);
   int indexURLEnd = html.toLowerCase().indexOf("\"");
   if (indexURLEnd < 0) {
       return null;
   return html.substring(0, indexURLEnd);

This method tries to find the URL from meta tag and returns null if it is not found. This can be called in case of non-redirect status code as a last attempt to fetch the URL –

String getRedirect(String urlstring) throws IOException {
   if (300 <= httpStatusCode && httpStatusCode <= 308) {
   } else {
       String metaURL = getMetaRedirectURL(httpEntity);
       if (metaURL != null) {
           if (!metaURL.startsWith("http")) {
               URL u = new URL(new URL(urlstring), metaURL);
               return u.toString();
           return metaURL;
   return urlstring;

In this implementation, we can see that there is a check for metaURL starting with http because there may be relative URLs in the meta tag. The library is used to create a final URL string from the relative URL. It can handle all the possibilities of a valid relative URL.


This blog post explains about the resolution of shortened and redirected URLs in Java. It explains about defining requests, executing them using an HTTP client and processing the resultant response to get a redirect URL. It also explains about how to perform these operations repeatedly to process multiple shortenings/redirects and finally to fetch the redirect URL from meta tag.

Loklak uses an inbuilt URL shortener to resolve redirects for a URL. If you find this blog post interesting, please take a look at the URL shortening service of loklak.

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How to Make SUSI AI Slack Bot

To make SUSI slack bot we will use real time messaging api of slack which will allow users to receive messages from bot in real time. To make SUSI slack bot you have to follow following steps:


  1. First of all you have to create a team on slack in where your bot will be running. To create a team go to and create a new team.
  2. After creating sign in to your team and got to apps and integration option by clicking on left corner.
  3. Click manage on top right corner and go to custom integrations to add configuration to Bots.
  4. After adding configuration data,bot username and copying API Token now we have to write code for setting bot in slack. To set up code see below steps: 
  5. Install Node.js from the link below on your computer if you haven’t installed it already.
  6. Create a folder with any name and open shell and change your current directory to the new folder you created.
  7. Type npm init in command line and enter details like name, version and entry point.
  8. Create a file with the same name that you wrote in entry point in above given step. i.e index.js and it should be in same folder you created.
  9. Type following commands in command line  npm install –save @slack/client. After slack/client is installed type npm install –save express after express is installed type npm install –save request and then npm install –save http when all the modules are installed check your package.json modules will be included within dependencies portion.
  10. Your package.json file should look like this.
    "name": "slack-bot",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "description": "SUSI Slack Bot",
    "main": "index.js",
    "dependencies": {
           "express": "^4.15.3",
           "http": "0.0.0",
           "request": "^2.81.0"
    "scripts": {
           "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
           "start": "node index.js"
  11. Copy following code into file you created i.e index.js.
    var Slack = require('@slack/client');
    var request = require('request');
    var express = require('express');
    var http = require('http');
    var app = express();
    var RtmClient = Slack.RtmClient; 
    var RTM_EVENTS = Slack.RTM_EVENTS;
    var token = process.env.APIToken;
    var rtm = new RtmClient(token, { logLevel: 'info' }); 
    //to ping heorku app after 20 minutes to keep it active
    setInterval(function() {
        }, 1200000);
    rtm.on(RTM_EVENTS.MESSAGE, function(message) { 
    var channel =;
    var options = {
           method: 'GET',
           url: '',
           qs: {
               timezoneOffset: '-330',
               q: message.text
    //sending request to SUSI API for response
       request(options, function(error, response, body) {
           if (error) throw new Error(error);
           var ans = (JSON.parse(body)).answers[0].actions[0].expression;
           rtm.sendMessage(ans, channel);
    const port = process.env.PORT || 3000;
    app.listen(port, () => {
       console.log(`listening on ${port}`);

  12. Now we have to deploy this code to heroku.
  13. Before deploying we have to make a github repository for chatbot to make github repository follow these steps:

    In command line change current directory to folder we created above and write

    git init
    git add .
    git commit -m”initial”
    git remote add origin <URL for remote repository>
    git remote -v
    git push -u origin master

    You will get URL for remote repository by making repository on your github and copying this link of your repository.

  14. To deploy your bot to heroku you need an account on Heroku and after making an account make an app.
  15. Deploy app using github deployment method.
  16. Select Automatic deployment method.
  17. Add APIToken and HerokuUrl variable to heroku app in settings options.
  18. Your SUSI Slack bot is ready enjoy chatting with it.If you want to learn more about slack API refer to
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Improving Harvesting Decision for Kaizen Harvester in loklak server

About Kaizen Harvester

Kaizen is an alternative approach to do harvesting in loklak. It focuses on query and information collecting to generate more queries from collected timelines. It maintains a queue of query that is populated by extracting following information from timelines –

  1. Hashtags in Tweets
  2. User mentions in Tweets
  3. Tweets from areas near to each Tweet in timeline.
  4. Tweets older than oldest Tweet in timeline.

Further, it can also utilise Twitter API to get trending keywords from Twitter and get search suggestions from other loklak peers.

It was introduced by @yukiisbored in pull request loklak/loklak_server#960.

The Problem: Unbiased Harvesting Decision

The Kaizen harvester either searches for queries from the queue, or tries to grab trending queries (using Twitter API or from backend). In the previous version of KaizenHarvester, the decision of “harvesting vs. info-grabbing” was taken based on the value from a random boolean generator –

public int harvest() {
   if (!queries.isEmpty() && random.nextBoolean())
       return harvestMessages();


   return 0;


In sane situations, the Kaizen harvester is configured to use a fixed size queue and drops the queries which are requested to get added once the queue is full. And since the decision doesn’t take into account the amount to which queue is filled, it would often call the grabSuggestions() method.

But since the queue would be full, the grabbed suggestions would simply be lost. This would result in wastage of time and resources in fetching the suggestions (from backend or API). To overcome this, something better was to be done in this part.

The Solution: Making Decision Biased

To solve the problem of dumb harvesting decision, the harvester was triggered based on the following steps –

  1. Calculate the ratio of queue filled (q.size() / q.maxSize()).
  2. Generate a random floating point number between 0 and 1.
  3. If the number is less than the fraction, harvest. Otherwise get harvesting suggestions.

Why would this work?

Initially, when the queue is mostly empty, the ratio would be a small number. So, it would be highly probable that a random number generated between 0 and 1 would be greater than the ratio. And Kaizen would go for grabbing search suggestions.

If this ratio is large (i.e. the queue is almost full), it would be highly likely that the random number generated would be less than it, making it more likely to search for results instead of grabbing suggestions.


The following graph shows how the harvester decision would change. It performs 10k iterations for a given queue ratio and plots the number of times harvesting decision was taken.

Change in code

The harvest() method was changed in loklak/loklak_server#1158 to take smart decision of harvesting vs. info-grabbing in following manner –

public int harvest() {
   float targetProb = random.nextFloat();
   float prob = 0.5F;
   if (QUERIES_LIMIT > 0) {
       prob = queries.size() / (float)QUERIES_LIMIT;
   if (!queries.isEmpty() && targetProb < prob) {
       return harvestMessages();


   return 0;



This change brought enhancement in the Kaizen harvester and made it more sensible to how fast its queue if filling. There are no more requests made to backend for suggestions whose queries are not added to the queue.



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Curve-Fitting in the PSLab Android App

One of the key features of PSLab is the Oscilloscope. An oscilloscope allows observation of temporal variations in electrical signals. Its main purpose is to record the input voltage level at highly precise intervals and display the acquired data as a plot. This conveys information about the signal such as the amplitude of fluctuations, periodicity, and the level of noise in the signal. The Oscilloscope helps us to observe varying the waveform of electronic signals, it is obvious it measures a series of data points that need to be plotted on the graph of the instantaneous signal voltage as a function of time.

When periodic signals such as sine waves or square waves are read by the Oscilloscope, curve fitting functions are used to construct a curve that has the best fit to a series of data points. Curve fitting is also used on data points generated by sensors, for example, a damped sine fit is used to study the damping of the simple pendulums. The curve fitting functions are already written in Python using libraries like numpy and scipy. provides almost all the curve fitting functions used in PSLab. For the Android, implementation we need to provide the same functionality in Java.

More about Curve-fitting

Technically speaking, Curve-fitting is the process of constructing a curve or mathematical function, that has the best fit to a series of data points, possibly subject to constraints.

Let’s understand it with an example.

Exponential Fit

The dots in the above image represent data points and the line represents the best curve fit.

In the image, data points are been plotted on the graph. An exponential fit to the given series of data can be used as an aid for data visualization. There can be many types of curve fits like sine fit, polynomial fit, exponential fit, damped sine fit, square fit etc.

Steps to convert the Python code into Java code.

1. Decoding the code

At first, we need to identify and understand the relevant code that exists in the PSLab Python project. The following is the Python code for exponential fit.

import numpy as np
def func(self, x, a, b, c):
return a * np.exp(-x/ b) + c

This is the model function. It takes the independent variable ie. x as the first argument and the parameters to fit as separate remaining arguments.

def fit_exp(self, t, v):    
    from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
    size = len(t)
    v80 = v[0] * 0.8
    for k in range(size - 1):
        if v[k] < v80:
            rc = t[k] / .223
pg = [v[0], rc, 0]

Here, we are calculating the initial guess for the parameters.

po, err = curve_fit(self.func, t, v, pg) 

curve_fit function is called here where model function func, voltage array v, time array t and a list of initial guess parameters pg are the parameters.

if abs(err[0][0]) > 0.1:
    return None, None
vf = po[0] * np.exp(-t/po[1]) + po[2]
return po, vf

2. Curve-fitting in Java

The next step is to implement the functionalities in Java. The following is the code of exponential fit written in JAVA using Apache maths commons API.

ParametricUnivariateFunction exponentialParametricUnivariateFunction = new ParametricUnivariateFunction() {
        public double value(double x, double... parameters) {
            double a = parameters[0];
            double b = parameters[1];
            double c = parameters[2];
            return a * exp(-x / b) + c;
        public double[] gradient(double x, double... parameters) {
            double a = parameters[0];
            double b = parameters[1];
            double c = parameters[2];
            return new double[]{
                    exp(-x / b),
                    (a * exp(-x / b) * x) / (b * b),

ParametricUnivariteFunction is an interface representing a real function which depends on an independent variable and some extra parameters. It is the model function that we used in Python.

It has two methods that are value and gradient. Value takes an independent variable and some parameters and returns the function value.

Gradient returns the double array of partial derivatives of the function with respect to each parameter (not independent parameter x).

 public ArrayList<double[]> fitExponential(double time[], double voltage[]) {
        double size = time.length;
        double v80 = voltage[0] * 0.8;
        double rc = 0;
        double[] vf = new double[time.length]; 
        for (int k = 0; k < size - 1; k++) {
            if (voltage[k] < v80) {
                rc = time[k] / .223;
        double[] initialGuess = new double[]{voltage[0], rc, 0};
        //initialize the optimizer and curve fitter.
       LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer optimizer = new LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer()

LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer solves a least square problem using Levenberg Marquardt algorithm (LMA).

CurveFitter fitter = new CurveFitter(optimizer);

LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer is used by CurveFitter for the curve fitting.

 for (int i = 0; i < time.length; i++)
            fitter.addObservedPoint(time[i], voltage[i]);

addObservedPoint adds data points to the CurveFitter instance.

double[] result =,initialGuess);

fit method with ParametricUnivariteFunction and guess parameters as parameters return an array of fitted parameters.

  for (int i = 0; i < time.length; i++)
            vf[i] = result[0] * exp(-time[i] / result[1]) + result[2];
        return new ArrayList<double[]>(Arrays.asList(result, vf));    }

Additional Notes

Exponential fit implementation in both JAVA and Python uses Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm. The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm solves nonlinear least squares problems.

A detailed account about Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm and least square problem is available here.

Least squares is a standard approach in regression analysis to the approximate solution of overdetermined systems. It is very useful in curve fitting. Let’s understand it with an example.

In the above graph blue dots represent data points, and L1 and L2 represent lines of fitted value by the models. So, what least square does is, it calculates the sum of the squares of distances between the actual values and the fitted values, and the one with least value is the line of best fit. Here, it’s clear L1 is the winner….


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Implementing Real Time Speech to Text in SUSI Android App

Android has a very interesting feature built in called Speech to Text. As the name suggests, it converts user’s speech into text. So, android provides this feature in form of a recognizer intent. Just the below 4 line code is needed to start recognizer intent to capture speech and convert into text. This was implemented earlier in SUSI Android App too.  Simple, isn’t it?

Intent intent = new Intent(RecognizerIntent.ACTION_RECOGNIZE_SPEECH);
startActivityForResult(intent, REQ_CODE_SPEECH_INPUT);

But there is a problem here. It popups an alert dialog box to take a speech input like this :

Although this is great and working but there were many disadvantages of using this :

  1. It breaks connection between user and app.
  2. When user speaks, it first listens to complete sentence and then convert it into text. So, user was not able to see what the first word of sentence was until he says the complete sentence.
  3. There is no way for user to check if the sentence he is speaking is actually converting correctly to speech or not. He only gets to know about it when the sentence is completed.
  4. User can not cancel the conversion of Speech to text if some word is converted wrongly because the user doesn’t even get to know if the word is converted wrongly. It is kind of suspense that a whether the conversion is right or not.

So, now the main challenge was how can we improve the Speech to Text and implement it something like Google now?  So, what google now does is, it converts speech to text alongside taking input making it a real time speech to text convertor. So, basically if you speak second word of sentence, the first word is already converted and displayed. You can also cancel the conversion of rest of the sentence if the first word of sentence is converted wrongly.

I searched this problem a lot on internet, read various blogs and stackoverflow answers, read Documentation of Speech to Text until I finally came across SpeechRecognizer class and RecognitionListener. The plan was to use object of SpeechRecognizer class with RecognizerIntent and RecognitionListener to generate partial results.

So, I just added this line to the the above code snippet of recognizer intent.


And introduced SpeechRecognizer class and RecognitionListener like this

 SpeechRecognizer recognizer = SpeechRecognizer

RecognitionListener listener = new RecognitionListener() {
   public void onResults(Bundle results) {
   public void onError(int error) {
   public void onPartialResults(Bundle partialResults) {
    //The main method required. Just keep printing results in this.

Now combine SpeechRecognizer class with RecognizerIntent and RecognitionListener with these two lines.


Everything is now set up. You can now use result in onPartialResults method and keep displaying partial results. So, if you want to speak “My name is…” , “My” will be displayed on screen by the time you speak “name” and “My name” will be displayed on screen by the time you speak “is” . Isn’t it cool?

This is how Realtime Speech to Text is implemented in SUSI Android App. If you want to implement this in your app too, just follow the above steps and you are good to go. So, the results look like these.



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Emoticon Map Markers in Emoji Heatmapper App

As I’ve been exploring and trying to learn what’s possible in the maps of OpenLayers 3 using LokLak API, I wondered about map markers. The markers which i used earlier seem to be so dull on the map, and as I am working on Emoji Heatmapper I couldn’t help but think about 🍩,  😻, 🍦 and 🔮. And sure, the more practical 🏡 , 🏢, ☕ and 🌆.

Emojis as map markers? I had to give it a try.

I didn’t know how one acquires the emoji trove, so I searched around Github. Sure enough, I found many solutions on GitHub. I sifted through all of them until Emoji-picker caught my attention. So i tried giving a dropdown using the emoji-picker as searching would be lot more easier for the user.

Emoji-picker will convert an emoji keyword to the image internally. That is why when you hover over an emoji in the drop-down menu, it shows the corresponding keyword. For instance, the image 🚀 when hovered on it, it displays :rocket: .


All the emojis are saved as data URIs, so I don’t need to worry about lugging around hundreds of images. All I need is emoji-picker.js, and few more *.js files  hooked up on my page, and a little JavaScript to get everything working accordingly.

Armed with hundreds of emojis, my next step was to swap markers with emoji keywords. After a few clicks around emoji-picker documentation, I landed on data-emoji-input=”unicode” . It allows you to replace the traditional marker with a unicode emojis so the search outputs data. You can add a class to that lead emoji-picker-container and data-emoji-input=”unicode” for the HTML option.

Style the Open Layers 3 map:

var style = new{
    stroke: new{
        color: [64, 200, 200, 0.5],
        width: 5
    text: new{
        font: '30px sans-serif',
        text: document.getElementById('searchField').value !== '' ? document.getElementById('searchField').value : '',
        fill: new{
            color: [64, 64, 64, 0.75]


and 🎇 I have an emoji map marker.


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OpenLayers 3 Map that Animates Emojis Using LokLak API

OpenLayers3 maps are fully functional maps which offer additional interactive features. In the Emoji Heatmapper app in Loklak Apps, I am using interactive OpenLayers3 maps to visualize the data. In this blog post, I am going to show you how to build an OpenLayers 3 map that animates emojis according to the query entered and location tracked from the LokLak Search API.

We start with a simple map using just one background layer in a clean style.

var map = new ol.Map({
target: 'map',  // The DOM element that will contains the map
renderer: 'canvas', // Force the renderer to be used
layers: [
// Add a new Tile layer getting tiles from OpenStreetMap source
new ol.layer.Tile({
    source: new ol.source.OSM()
// Create a view centered on the specified location and zoom level
view: new ol.View({
    center: ol.proj.transform([2.1833, 41.3833], 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857'),
    zoom: 2


Sample Output which displays map:

The data set for the locations of tweets containing emoji in them are tracked using search API of LokLak, which is in the form of simplified extract as JSON file. The file contains a list of coordinates named as location_point, the coordinate consists of lat and long values. With the coordinates, we will create a circle point i.e.,marker on the map showing where the emoji have been recently used from the tweets posted.

In the callback of the AJAX request we loop through the list of coordinates. The coordinate of the resulting line string are in EPSG:4326. Usually, when loading vector data with a different projection, OpenLayers will automatically re-project the geometries to the projection of the map. Because we are loading loading the data ourself, we manually have to transform the line to EPSG:3857. Then we could add the feature to the vector source.

for(var i = 0; i < tweets.statuses.length; i++) {
        if(tweets.statuses[i].location_point !== undefined){
            // Creation of the point with the tweet's coordinates
            //  Coords system swap is required: OpenLayers uses by default
            //  EPSG:3857, while loklak's output is EPSG:4326
            var point = new ol.geom.Point(ol.proj.transform(tweets.statuses[i].location_point, 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857'));
            vectorSource.addFeature(new ol.Feature({  // Add the point to the data vector
                geometry: point


Markers on the Map:

We can also style the markers which gets rendered onto the map using the feature provided by OpenLayers.

var style = new{
    stroke: new{
        color: [64, 200, 200, 0.5],
        width: 5
    text: new{
        font: '30px sans-serif',
        text: document.getElementById('searchField').value !== '' ? document.getElementById('searchField').value : '', //any text can be given here
        fill: new{
            color: [64, 64, 64, 0.75]


Styled Markers on the Map:

So these were a few tips and tricks to use the interactive OpenLayers3 Maps.

The full code of the example is available here.


Continue ReadingOpenLayers 3 Map that Animates Emojis Using LokLak API
Read more about the article Using Activities with Bottom navigation view in Phimpme Android

Using Activities with Bottom navigation view in Phimpme Android

Can we use Bottom Navigation View with activities? In the FOSSASIA Phimpme Project we integrated two big projects such as Open Camera and Leafpic. Both are activity based projects and not developed over fragment. The bottom navigation we use will work with fragment.

In Leafpic as well as in Open Camera, there are a lot of Multi level inheritance which runs the app components. The problem faced to continue to work on activities. For theme management using base activity is necessary. The base activity extend to AppcompatActivity. The leafpic code hierarchy is very complex and depend on various activities. Better way is to shift to activities for using Bottom navigation view and  work with activity similar like fragments.

Image source:


This is possible if we copy the bottom navigation item in each of the activity and setting the clicked state of it as per the menu item ID.

Steps to Implement (How I did in Phimpme)

  • Add a Base Activity which takes care of two thing

    • Taking the layout element and setting in the activity.
    • Set up the correct navigation menu item clicked

Function selectBottomNavigationBarItem(int itemId) will take care of what item is currently active. Called this function in onStart(), getNavigationMenuItemId() function will return the menu id and selectBottomNavigagionBarItem update the bottom navigation view.

public abstract class BaseActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements BottomNavigationView.OnNavigationItemSelectedListener

private void updateNavigationBarState() {
   int actionId = getNavigationMenuItemId();

void selectBottomNavigationBarItem(int itemId) {
   Menu menu = navigationView.getMenu();
   for (int i = 0, size = menu.size(); i < size; i++) {
       MenuItem item = menu.getItem(i);
       boolean shouldBeChecked = item.getItemId() == itemId;
       if (shouldBeChecked) {
  • Add two abstract functions in the BaseActivity for above task
public abstract int getContentViewId();

public abstract int getNavigationMenuItemId();
  • Extend every activity to the Base Activity

For example I created a blank Activity: AccountsActivity and extend to BaseActivity

public class AccountsActivity extends BaseActivity
  • Implement the abstract function in the every activity and set the correct layout and menu item id.

public int getContentViewId() {
 return R.layout.content_accounts;

public int getNavigationMenuItemId() {
  • Remove the setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);
  • Add the onNavigationItemSelected in BaseActivity

public boolean onNavigationItemSelected(@NonNull final MenuItem item) {
   switch (item.getItemId()) {
    startActivity(new Intent(this, LFMainActivity.class));
           startActivity(new Intent(this, CameraActivity.class));
           startActivity(new Intent(this, AccountsActivity.class));
   return true;


The transition is as smooth as we use bottom navigation views with Fragment. The bottom navigation also appear on above of the activity.



Continue ReadingUsing Activities with Bottom navigation view in Phimpme Android