Last week I migrated FOSSASIA’s blog from Drupal to WordPress and it was an amazing learning experience.
The steps one can use for migration are as follows:
Create a WordPress website:
In order to convert your drupal website to wordpress, you need to have a wordpress site where the data will be imported. By WordPress site, I mean a local installation where you can test whether the migration worked or not.
Truncate default posts/pages/comments:
Once you have your WP installation ready, truncate the default pages,comments etc from your wordpress database.
TRUNCATE TABLE wordpress.wp_comments; TRUNCATE TABLE wordpress.wp_links; TRUNCATE TABLE wordpress.wp_postmeta; TRUNCATE TABLE wordpress.wp_posts; TRUNCATE TABLE wordpress.wp_term_relationships; TRUNCATE TABLE wordpress.wp_term_taxonomy; TRUNCATE TABLE wordpress.wp_terms;

Get hold of the Drupal mysql DB:
Import your Drupal DB to your local mysql installation where you have your WP database. Why? because you need to do a lot of “data transfer”!

Execute a lot of scripts (Just kidding!):
There are some pretty useful online references which provide the required mysql scripts to migrate the data from Drupal to WordPress DB with proper formatting. Look here and here.
Depending on the kind of data you have you might need to do some modifications. e.g. depending on whether you have tags or categories/sub-categories in your data, you might have to modify the following command to suite your needs.
INSERT INTO wordpress.wp_terms (term_id, name, slug, term_group) SELECT d.tid,, REPLACE(LOWER(, ' ', '-'), 0 FROM drupal.taxonomy_term_data d INNER JOIN drupal.taxonomy_term_hierarchy h USING(tid);
Recheck if entire data has been imported correctly:
Once you execute the scripts error free. Check if you imported the DB data (users/taxonomies/posts) correctly. Since WP and Drupal store passwords differently, you would have to ask your users/authors/admins to change their passwords on the migrated blog. We are almost there!! (not quite).
Transfer media files to WP and map them to Media:
You would have to transfer your media (pics, videos, attachments etc) to your WordPress installation from Drupal site.
Put them under wp-content/uploads/old
or any other suitable directory name under wp-content/uploads/
Once you are done with it! In order to add the files to “Media” under Admin Panel, you can use plugins like Add from Server which map your files to folder “Media” expects your files to be in.
Change the permalinks (optional):
Depending on default permalinks of your Drupal blog, you might have to change the permalink format.
To do that, go to <Your_WP_Site>/wp-admin/options-permalink.php
You can change the permalink structure from one of the many options you are provided.
Add themes as you may. Upload your WordPress site online. And we are done!!
The new face of looks like this!
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