The issue I am solving in the whatsTrending app is to display error notifications when the date fields and the count field are not validated and when a user enters invalid data. Specifically we want to display error notifications for junk values and dates with formats other than YYYY-MM-DD and any other invalid data in the whatsTrending app’s filter option.
The whatsTrending app is a web app that shows the top trending hashtags of twitter messages in a given date range using tweets collected by the loklak search engine. Users can also limit the number of top hash tags they want to see and use filters with start and end dates.
What is the problem? The date fields and the count field are not validated which means junk values and date with formats other than YYYY-MM-DD do not show any error.
So how can the problem be solved? Well the format (pattern) of the date can be verified by regular expression. A regular expression describes a pattern in a given text.So the format checking problem can be described as finding the pattern YYYY-MM-DD in the input date where Y, M and D are numbers.The Regex should specify that the pattern should be present at the beginning of the text.
More detailed information about regex can be found here.
The regex for this pattern is :
The pattern says there should be 4 numbers followed by ‘-’ then two numbers then again ‘-’ and then again two numbers.
This can be implemented the following way :
$scope.isValidDate = function(dateString) { var regEx = /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/; if (dateString.match(regEx) === null) { return false; } dateComp = dateString.split('-'); var i=0; for (i=0; i<dateComp.length; i++) { dateComp[i] = parseInt(dateComp[i]); } if (dateComp.length > 3) { return false; } if (dateComp[1] > 12 || dateComp[1] <= 0) { return false; } if (dateComp[2] > 31 || dateComp[2] <= 0) { return false; } if (((dateComp[1] === 4) || (dateComp[1] === 6) || (dateComp[1] === 9) || (dateComp[1] === 11)) && (dateComp[2] > 30)) { return false; } if (dateComp[1] ===2) { if (((dateComp[0] % 4 === 0) && (dateComp[0] % 100 !== 0)) || (dateComp[0] % 400 === 0)) { if (dateComp[2] > 29) { return false; } } else { if (dateComp[2] > 28) { return false; } } } return true; }
So the first part of the code checks for the above mentioned pattern in the input. If not found it returns false.If found then we split the entire date into a list containing year, month and day and the remaining part if any is removed.Each component is converted to integer.Then further validation is done on the month and day as can be seen from the code above.The range of the month and date is checked.Also leap year checking is done.
In the same way the count field is also validated. The regex for this field is much simpler. We just need to check that the input consists only of numbers and nothing else.
So the regex for this is :
This means repetition of digits in the range 0-9.We search for this pattern in the text. If found we return true else false.The function for this is as follows:
$scope.isNumber = function(numString) { var regEx = /^[0-9]+$/; return String(numString).match(regEx) != null; }
Next we need to call these function and see if their is any error. If there is an error we need to display it.This can be done using a modal. Bootstrap has got an inbuilt modal which can be invoked using javascript.
So at first we need to define the modal and its content (empty if necessary as in this case)using HTML.The HTML code for this can be found here.
A small yet nice tutorial on Bootstrap modal can be found here
Next we need to set the content of the modal and invoke it from our JS file on encountering an error.
$scope.displayErrorModal = function(val, type) { if (type === 0) { if (!$scope.isValidDate(val)) { $scope.loading = false; $('.modal-body').html('Please enter valid date in YYYY-MM-DD format'); $('#myModal').modal('show'); return false; } } else { if (!$scope.isNumber(val)) { $scope.loading = false; $('.modal-body').html('Please enter a valid number'); $('#myModal').modal('show'); return false; } } return true; }
The above function accepts a parameter val and another parameter type.The parameter type tells what validation needs to be performed, date validation or number validation and calls previous two methods accordingly and passes val which is the value to validated.If any of the validation fails then it sets the content of the modal using : $(‘.modal-body’).html(“your content”) and then invokes it using : $(‘#modalID’).modal(‘show’). This displays a nice modal on the page and the user is notified about the error.
So this is it for this post.Thanks for reading it.My next post will be on fixing the design of the boilerplate app.