Libre Graphics Meeting Leipzig – Dejavu Fonts

Happy to see Ben Laenen and Denis from DejaVu font getting Vietnamese school notebooks for their studies at . Let’s work on getting more cooperations of projects and contributors between Europe and Asia started!

Ben and Dennis from DejaVu fonts



Libre Graphics Meeting:

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FOSSASIA 2015 in Singapore from March 13-15

FOSSASIA 2015 Team

The FOSSASIA team is proud to announce that FOSSASIA 2015 will take place in Singapore from March 13-15.

The event core team will again consist of:

  • Hong Phuc Dang, MBM Asia Founder, and
  • Mario Behling, FashionTec Berlin,

A team of local and international contributors and partners is joining the team:

  • Harish Pillay, RedHat,
  • Justin Lee,,
  • Walter Heck, Onlindata,
  • Preetam Rai, Barcamp,
  • Sebastian Deckers, Entrepreneur & Developer,
Continue ReadingFOSSASIA 2015 in Singapore from March 13-15

UNESCO Youth Mobile Workshop in Paris with FOSSASIA

The 1st YouthMobile Experts Meeting took place at the UNESCO headquarters on 19th and 20th March 2014 with participation of FOSSASIA. UNESCO has conducted a global search for the best, existing mobile applications training initiatives with openly-licensed training materials, and invited a selected group of training providers and app development tools makers.

Objectives of the Meeting:
1. Facilitate the sharing of best-practices between the training providers; and
2. Further select the best providers to enter into partnerships for up-scaling and integration into teaching and learning environments.

I had the chance to meet David Ascher and Geoffrey MacDougall from Mozilla and Bobby Richter the developer of Mozilla Appmaker. Andrew F. Mckinney is the manager and developer of MIT App Inventor.

The UNESCO seeks to extensively promote very high-quality, multi-lingual, comprehensive training materials for developing mobile apps. Openly-licensed, the training materials identified will allow for adaptations including translation, localization, and innovations. The YouthMobile experts meeting is part of UNESCO’s contribution to the 2014 celebrations for Open Education Week.


Organisations and Presentations

 mlab m:Lab East Africa / eMobilis Kenya Presentation   |      Video
 nairobidevschool-alpha Nairobi Dev School Kenya Presentation
 mash-logo_85h The MASH Project India Presentation
 fossasia_logo_85h FOSSASIA Vietnam Presentation
 Technovation Technovation USA Presentation
 AppsForGood Apps For Good England Presentation
 esprit Esprit Tunisia Presentation
alldevcamp-logo-alpha AllDevCamp Cote d’Ivoire Presentation
appmaker_wordmark_black Mozilla / Appmaker USA Presentation
 orange Orange France Presentation
 appinventor MIT App Inventor Project USA Presentation
 fossfa-logo_85h FOSSFA  France Presentation
 intel Intel Software Academic Program France Presentation

UNESCO guest speaker    Irmgarda Kasinskaite

UNESCO guest speaker    Maria Kypriotou

France Presentation



UNESCO Youth Mobile Program

Youth Mobile

Continue ReadingUNESCO Youth Mobile Workshop in Paris with FOSSASIA

FOSSASIA 2014 Phnom Penh

FOSSASIA 2014 in Phnom Penh has been an amazing experience.

We had 3 Days of Pure Knowledge Sharing, 71 International Speakers, 15 Presenters from Cambodia, 121 Talks, Workshops and Panels, 8 tracks per day, Hands-on Labs and Hacking practice for everyone.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the event, the organization team, Norton University and our sponsors!

Participants at FOSSASIA 2014



Event Site:

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GSoC Ideas 2014

FOSSASIA aims to participate in the Google Summer of Code 2014. We are working together with a number of Open Source developers in the region and function as an umbrella for different projects. If FOSSASIA gets accepted, you will find more information about the application procedure for students on this page.

The ideas list below gets updated continuously as students also submit ideas in the process. So, please check back again later. If you have your own idea or small project, please apply for FOSSASIA on the Google Summer of Code website!

If you have questions or feedback, please write to us on the mailing list:

We have four areas for our GSoC projects 2014:


Open Design Projects, Garments, Knitting


Develop 2D Body Measurement App

The goal of this project is to provide users with an Android app that assists them in measuring their body data for generating customized patterns. The measurements are taken according to standardized measure points which are usually used by tailors. The student needs to propose a design and step by step guide to collect the measurements of the user. The data will be saved to the app or as a file, with additional options to export data as a Google spreadsheet and submit data to a web service.

A draft of a file format has been developed. A sample part below:


Project: Valentina Patternmaking Project


Skill Level: Medium

Usefull skills: Android development, UI design, Java, formats, CSS, Phonegap or other framework

Mentors: Mario Behling [], Hong Phuc Dang



Develop a GUI for the Adafruit Knitting Machine Project

The goal of this student project is to facilitate the production process with the Brother KH-930e Knitting Machine, that can be controlled by Open Source software as below. Parts of the process require commandline experience and Python knowledge. In order to enable more knitting enthusiasts to use Open Source knitting machines, we hope to find a student that takes on the challenge and comes up with ideas to make this process easier. Below a video of the current work process and step by step descriptions.


Disk Drive/Computer Connection Notes

The external floppy drive for this machine was the same as a Tandy PDD1 (Portable Disk Drive 1). This drive is connected using a serial port. There is documentation on the internet about how to connect these drives to computers, but the connector pinout on the knitting machine is different than the drive, and I didn’t find that documentation to be helpful. I was able to figure out the connector pinout by examining the knitting machine PCB.

Knitting Machine/Computer Connection Notes

The knitting machine drive connection uses CMOS voltage levels, not RS-232. Here is the pinout of the drive connector on the knitting machine:

      |   |
|   |   |   |   |
| 7 | 5 | 3 | 1 |
|   |   |   |   |
| 8 | 6 | 4 | 2 |

The pin numbering is shown as they are labeled on the knitting machine PCB, and does not agree with other documents I found on the web.

Connector Pinout
Pin Signal I/O Notes
1 Ground    
2   Out Tied to 5, Pulled up through 1K resistor
3 CTS? In (Tie to pin 2)
4 No Connection    
5   Out Tied to 2, Pulled up through 1K resistor
6 RXD In  
7 TXD Out  
8 RTS? Out Follows state of Pin 3 (buffered)

Methods of connecting the knitting machine to a computer

Using a FTDI serial adapter cable (RECOMMENDED)

Using an FTDI adapter is the best way to assure that you are interfacing with the machine using the same signal voltages as the original external floppy drives. This is documented on this wiki page, which will someday be merged with this one.MProg only runs under windows.

Using a USB serial adapter WITH flow control

This is a method I have used extensively with one model of knitting machine, but I no longer recommend it. Although it does not require any additional hardware like a FTDI adapter, this method does not present the exact same voltage levels to the knitting machine as the external drives which were designed to work with the machine. Although I have not had any reports of problems, it is possible that this method could stress the knitting machine input circuitry, and therefore I think it is safest not to use it.

Cable connections with flow control
Knitter 9 pin connector
1 5
6 3
7 2
8 4

Using a USB serial adapter WITHOUT flow control

I have pulled pin 3 high, and am not using flow control in my software. I have not had problems with data loss while sending to the knitting machine, and the machine I am using is fast enough to always keep up with data received from the knitting machine. The data rate is 9600 bps, and the largest amount of data sent at once is 1024 bytes. Here is the cable I am using to connect the knitter with a USB 9 pin serial port:

Cable connections without flow control
Knitter 9 pin connector
1 5
2 tie to 3  
6 3
7 2

Software Interface Information

There are a number of documents on the web about the Tandy PDD1 and the serial API for it, Most of them are incomplete. The knitter places the drive into a mode called “FDC emulation Mode”, which allows access to raw sectors. This document is the most complete documentation I was able to find: Media:Tandy-Disk-Reference.pdf

External Disk Drive Emulator

I have written software that emulates the external disk. It runs under Linux and keeps the data as files on the linux file system. This allows knitting designs to be saved and restored using the emulation computer. I am using these files to reverse-engineer the knitting machine file format. The emulator is written in Python, and released under the GPL. It has been tested most extensively under Ubuntu Linux. I have reports that it does not work on windows due to problems with the serial library. It has been successfully run under OSX. If you have any information to add about platforms that it does or doesn’t work on, let me know and I will update this informationI am happy to work with people who are trying to use the emulator with different models of knitting machine, and hoep to improve compatibility with other machines. The source code is available in the git repository listed above. Software for manipulating Brother data file: I have begun a python class which will provide an API to the brother data files. Source code is in the git repo. Knitting Machine File Format: A lot of the file format is now understood. Documentation is in the git repo.Work on this continues.This work was greatly helped by prior work performed by John R. Hogerhuis and posted on the kminternals yahoo group.



BL5 Brotherlink 5 serial or USB cable Brotherlink information

Yahoo group dedicated to hacking brother machines

Brother Liberation Front is working on open source interfaces

Info and protocols for the FB-100 interface

KE-100 motor drive (not sure that this is the right model drive for the KH-930E)



More info:

Skill Level: Medium to High

Useful skills: Python, Knitting Patterns, Image design

Mentor: Mentors to be announced



Create search functions and import pattern functions for Valentina

Valentina is a development project to edit pattern files for garments and textiles. The goal of the student project is to implement a method to choose additional design items, e.g. different collar styles, and to add them into a pattern during development.  In addition, the user should have the capability to organize their created patterns into categories, and conduct searches of patterns based on this organization. 

The student would develop user functions to add search tags to patterns, search for patterns, and select patterns from search results to load into the currently open pattern.

Background: One of the main ideas of Valentina is to enable users to create custom sized patterns based on applying an individual’s measurement data to pattern formulas, independent of industry sizing standards. Similar industry software packages include Assyst (, Lektra (, Grafis (, plus others. Grafis in particular enables users to generate patterns based on formulas derived from pattern descriptions from standard books (e.g. books published by Mueller und Sohn.) Currently available industry software, however, does not aim at the DIY/maker or SME markets.

Project: Valentina Patternmaking Project


Skill Level: Medium

Usefull skills: Vector graphics, C++, Qt5, basic knowledge of garment patterns, basic knowledge of generating patterns from formulas

Mentors: Hong Phuc Dang to be announced



Port Valentina to different platforms, build packages and refactor code

Currently the installation process of Valentina is only semi-automatic on Linux and Windows. For MacOSX there is no port yet available. The goal of this project is to automate the build process for the major operating systems. Create a standard workflow for Windows .exe builds, create a MacOSX port and provide packages for the major Linux distributions. The challenge of this project is to work with a number of projects and partners. For example, it is possible to create .deb packages for Debian. In order to get the package accepted in the Debian repository, it is necessary to get approval of established Debian developers who verify that the package build was done according to best practices. Similar procedures are required for other distributions. The second part of this project is to refactor code and replace deprecated code including if constructions with switch. Please see below.

Many if constructions replace with switch.



For example:

QStringList arcs;
<< VToolArc::ToolType << VNodeArc::ToolType;

case 0:
// parse arc tag

case 1;
// parse node arc tag

// print warning


Mailing List:!forum/valentina-project-list

Skill Level: Medium

Usefull skills: C++, Qt , Windows exe build, MacOSX, Linux packaging

Mentors: to be announced



Add Design items and Measurement Tables for Patternshare

Patternshare is a development project of a web application to edit pattern files for garments and textiles. The goal of the student project is to implement the choice of additional design items, e.g. different collar styles, and to add them to the patterns. Patternshare users should be able to generate non-custom sizes on the fly and add their own measurements table in the app. Another required feature is to add specific design items or changes, e.g. starting from size 36 up to 42. In order to establish a suitable way to allow the sharing of patterns in an industry quality, patternshare needs to support these features and be able to import and export CAD files.

Background: One of the main ideas of patternshare is to offer a web service that enables people to edit patterns independently from standard sizes. Similar industry software packages including Assyst (, Lektra (, Grafis ( and other exist. Grafis in particular seems to generate patterns in the same way, that we do it in patternshare – based on formulars which are defined from pattern descriptions from standard books. Many standards defined in books from Mueller und Sohn for example. The current players do not aim at the maker and SME market.



Skill Level: Medium

Usefull skills: Implementation of Mathematical Algorithms, Javascript, Fabric,js, Rafael.js, HTML, vector graphics

Mentors: Hong Phuc Dang to be announced

Web and Mobile Development

Implement Post to Github in NGO photo app and develop a Jekyll/Markdown Website

The goal of this GsoC project is to develop functions, that allow users of the phimpme photo app to upload images to their gallery that uses Jekyll, Javascript and Markdown. The most well-known one sites using these technologies are github pages. The phimpme photo app connects to “any social service” and Open Source CMS. It was developed for development projects in South East Asia and Open Sourced recently. Phimpme is a beautiful photo app that already works with any web systems based on Drupal, Joomla and WordPress. Android and iOS versions exist.


Skill Level: Medium

Useful skills: Web Api, Android Development, HTML, Jekyll, Markdown, Knowledge of CMS

Mentor: Hon Nguyen [Vanhonit], Mentor 2 to be announced



Anonymous mode and autosharing for phimpme Android app

Implement an anonymous photo sharing mode with auto-connect options to nearby phone , computers and wifi nodes with public sharing capability. Bluetooth connectivity was already implemented in the app to support this future feature. The implementation of Wi-Fi direct would require to change the minimum required version for Android to version 4.1 (Jellybean). Some functions and libraries that are required for this project are already implemented partly for other services. The goal of this project is also to use existing libraries and extend or change them where necessary to keep the code base clean and small. To make full use of an anonymous sharing mode as many systems as possible should be supported, e.g. shared folders on PCs, public ftp and other phones. The requirements include that sharing works without an Internet connection (local networks without Internet and other devices are available to connect). At the beginning of the project we require the student to define a list of features he/she plans to develop during GSoC and a timeline.


Skill Level: Medium to High

Useful skills: Nearfield Communication, Wifi, Wi-Fi Direct, Bluetooth, ftp, avahi, Android Development, Java

Mentor: Mario Behling [], Andre Rebentisch []


Network and Mesh Technologies


Develop Web Interface Administration tool for large numbers of Nodes (routers) for OpenWrt based on kalua

Kalua is a hardware-independent OpenWRT-extension (using busybox-ash as main-language) for setting up, monitore and manage many, large wifi-mesh-networks for different locations including billing, captive portal / splash screen / weblogin, accounting, data retention and layer7/8-QoS. OpenWrt is a widely used Linux distribution for embedded devices and specifically routers. Large networks consist of hundreds and even thousand of nodes. Administration of routers, e.g. ESSID setting is a long process.

The goal of the project is to develop a new web interface to show the status of routers and enable mass administration of devices.

configure the builtin-packages

# the fast and easy automatic way:
kalua/openwrt-build/ set_build standard
make defconfig

# the way to understand what you are doing here:
make kernel_menuconfig      # will safe in 'build_dir/linux-${platform}/linux-${kernelversion}/.config'

    General setup ---> [*] Support for paging of anonymous memory (swap)
    Device Drivers ---> Staging drivers ---> [*] Compressed RAM block device support

make menuconfig         # will safe in '.config'

    Global build settings ---> [*] Compile the kernel with symbol table information

    Base system ---> busybox ---> Linux System Utilities ---> [*] mkswap
                                  [*] swaponoff
    Base system ---> [ ] firewall

    Network ---> Firewall ---> [*] iptables ---> [*] iptables-mod-ipopt
                             [*] iptables-mod-nat-extra

    Network ---> Routing and Redirection ---> [*] ip
    Network ---> Routing and Redirection ---> [*] olsrd ---> [*] olsrd-mod-arprefresh
                                 [*] olsrd-mod-jsoninfo
                                 [*] olsrd-mod-nameservice
                                 [*] olsrd-mod-txtinfo
                                 [*] olsrd-mod-watchdog
    Network ---> Web Servers/Proxies ---> [*] uhttpd
                          [*] uhttpd-mod-tls
                          [*] Build with debug messages

    Network ---> [*] ethtool    # if needed, e.g. 'Dell Truemobile 2300'
    Network ---> [*] mii-tool   # if needed, e.g. 'Ubiquiti Bullet M5'
    Network ---> [*] netperf
    Network ---> [*] ulogd ---> [*] ulogd-mod-extra     # if data retention needed

    Utilities ---> [*] px5g
               [*] rbcfg    # if needed, e.g. 'Linksys WRT54G/GS/GL'
  • usage
    • login via ssh
    • prepare the router by calling firmwarewget_prepare_for_lowmem_devices
    • fetch/copy firmware image to /tmp/fw
    • call firmwareburn

Useful Skills: Linux development, OpenWrt, Embedded devices, Web UI design, Gimp, Inkscape, Lua, Scripting

Skill Level: High


Mentor: Bastian Bittorf [], Mentor 2 – to be announced


Peer to Peer Technologies and Cryptography


OpenCoin Digital Cash App

OpenCoin is a true digital cash system, similar to the former DigiCash/eCash based on tokens and providing real anonymity. A prototype wallet app is already available and has been written in JavaScript. Project scope is to implement a mature wallet with additional features (e.g. p2p transactions, encrypted wallet, QR codes), better look and feel and plattform independent (e.g. C, JavaScript+PhoneGap) Make yourself familiar with the OpenCoin protocol Agree the feature set Develop and test the wallet

Project: ,

Skill Level: Medium

Usefull skills: Scala programming language, Twitter’s Finagle server, SBT build tool, Optional: Eclipse IDE is recommended, Optional: Coins are stored in a SQL database via squeryl library

Getting Started:

* Make yourself familiar with the OpenCoin protocol

* Agree the feature set

* Develop and test the wallet

Mentors: Jan Suhr [], Joerg Baach []

Continue ReadingGSoC Ideas 2014

FOSSASIA is Mentor Organization for Google Summer of Code 2014

FOSSASIA participates again as a mentor organization in Google Summer of Code 2014. Students can apply for scholarships of FOSSASIA on the Google Melange website. Accepted projects will be published on the site here.

Google Summer of Code is a program that offers student developers stipends to write code for various open source projects.  Historically, the program has brought together over 7,500 students with over 440 open source projects, to create over 50 millions of lines of code. The program, which kicked off in 2005, is now in its tenth year. If you are feeling nostalgic or are interested in learning more about the projects we have worked with in the past, check out the 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013 program pages (

FOSSASIA Google Summer of Code 2014


10 March: 19:00 UTC Student application period opens.
21 March: 19:00 UTC Student application deadline.
Interim Period: Mentoring organizations review and rank student proposals; where necessary, mentoring organizations may request further proposal detail from the student applicant.
18 April: All mentors must be signed up and all student proposals matched with a mentor – 07:00 UTC Student acceptance choice deadline.
21 April: 19:00 UTC Accepted student proposals announced on the Google Summer of Code 2014 site.
Community Bonding Period: Students get to know mentors, read documentation, get up to speed to begin working on their projects.
19 May: Students begin coding for their Google Summer of Code projects; Google begins issuing initial student payments provided tax forms are on file and students are in good standing with their communities.
Work Period: Mentors give students a helping hand and guidance on their projects.
23 June: 19:00 UTC Mentors and students can begin submitting mid-term evaluations.
27 June: 19:00 UTC Mid-term evaluations deadline; Google begins issuing mid-term student payments provided passing student survey is on file.
Work Period: Mentors give students a helping hand and guidance on their projects.
11 August: Suggested ‘pencils down’ date. Take a week to scrub code, write tests, improve documentation, etc.
18 August: 19:00 UTC Firm ‘pencils down’ date. Mentors, students and organization administrators can begin submitting final evaluations to Google.
22 August: 19:00 UTC Final evaluation deadline. Google begins issuing student and mentoring organization payments provided forms and evaluations are on file.
22 August: 20:00 UTC Students can begin submitting required code samples to Google
25 August: Final results of Google Summer of Code 2014 announced


* Google Summer of Code 2014

Continue ReadingFOSSASIA is Mentor Organization for Google Summer of Code 2014

FOSSASIA Summit 2013 Wrap Up

With many new meetups and coding events we saw an expansion of the FOSSASIA community in 2013. A particular focus was on Cambodia, where workshops took place at the Open Institute and local startup spaces in preparation of the FOSSASIA summit.

FOSSASIA 2013 Planning Meeting
FOSSASIA 2013 Planning Meeting at Small World Phnom Penh

FOSSASIA Meetup at Norton University Phnom Penh
FOSSASIA Meetup at Norton University Phnom Penh

Chantra Be with Hong Phuc Dang in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Chantra Be with Hong Phuc Dang in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Community Workshops in Cambodia
Community Workshops in Cambodia



Continue ReadingFOSSASIA Summit 2013 Wrap Up

FOSSASIA Summit 2014 Call for Speakers and Projects

The FOSSASIA Summit 2014 is looking for talks and projects in the area of Open Source Software, Hardware, Open Maps, Fonts, Geo-data, and Open technology solutions to improve living conditions for people in emerging countries.

Please join us at FOSSASIA 2014 in Phnom Penh, the gate to Cambodia and the Mekong Delta from February 28 – March 2!

FOSSASIA Gate to Cambodia Tech Community
FOSSASIA Gate to Cambodia Tech Community

The presentation sessions at the FOSSASIA OpenTechSummit will be scheduled

a) for 30 minutes and

b) for one hour blocks of time. Hands on labs/Workshops can be held in dedicated classrooms.

At the entrance we offer an exhibition area for your community projects with space for tables, posters and stands. The deadline for submission is 15 January 2014. Please submit your talk, workshop or project now at our website at:

FOSSASIA Organization Committee meeting
FOSSASIA Organization Committee meeting

Continue ReadingFOSSASIA Summit 2014 Call for Speakers and Projects

FOSSASIA 2014 at Norton University in Phnom Penh, Cambodia from February 28 – March 2

We are excited to announce FOSSASIA 2014 in Phnom Penh. After taking place several times in Vietnam, it is the first time FOSSASIA takes place in Cambodia. The event will be held at Norton University from February 28 – March 2, 2014.

Hong Phuc Dang at Norton University Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Hong Phuc Dang at Norton University Phnom Penh, Cambodia

FOSSASIA is an event that offers students, developers and start ups a place to meet, share ideas and collaborate. It is a premier place for Open Source communities in Asia to get together with International developers and an opportunity to experience Open Source technologies.

Previous events attracted up to 1400 participants and speakers from 20 countries. Apart from Open Source Software FOSSASIA 2014 will feature a number of Open Hardware projects. In the FOSSASIA business lounge participants can learn about start up ideas and practices and connect with International companies and outsourcing partners.

Norton University Phnom Penh, Cambodia hosting Tech and Developer Community at FOSSASIA
Norton University Phnom Penh, Cambodia hosting Tech and Developer Community at FOSSASIA

Continue ReadingFOSSASIA 2014 at Norton University in Phnom Penh, Cambodia from February 28 – March 2

Digital Sewing Patterns Workshop with Susan Spencer

The textil industry is dominated by some big players and proprietary file formats for digital cut patterns. With the maker scene getting a big push with 3D printers, it is time to push for open digital sewing pattern creation as well.

Susan Spencer already works for some time on this goal. She created plugins for creating and portraying sewing patterns in Inkscape and documents her work on the TauMeta Website.

The next goal is to enable designers to upload and customize patterns online through a web interface. This is why we are meeting up at a workshop after the Libre Graphics Meeting in Madrid. I believe this is exciting and offers many people a way to collaborate on patterns around the world.

As textil making is very big in Vietnam and other Asian countries, this could be very interesting for people. I can see that it would also offer ways for small business owners to work together.

Sewing Pattern Workshop with Susan Spencer and Hong Phuc DangSusan Spencer and Hong Phuc Dang at the Digital Pattern Workshop after LGM 2013



Continue ReadingDigital Sewing Patterns Workshop with Susan Spencer