Password Recovery Link Generation in SUSI with JSON

In this blog, I will discuss how the SUSI server processes requests using JSON when a request for password recovery is made.. The blog post will also cover some parts of the client side implementation as well for better insight.
All the clients function in the same way. When you click on forget password button, client asks you that whether you want to recover password for your own custom server or the standard one. This choice of user defines the base URL where to make the forget password request. If you select custom server radio button, then you will be asked to enter the URL to your server, Otherwise standard base URL will be used. The API endpoint used will be


The client will make a POST request with “forgotemail” parameter containing the email id of the user making the request. Following the email id provided, server generates a client identity if and only if the email id is registered. If email id is not found in the database, server throws an exception with error code 422.

String usermail = call.get("forgotemail", null);
ClientCredential credential = new ClientCredential(ClientCredential.Type.passwd_login, usermail);
ClientIdentity identity = new ClientIdentity(, credential.getName());
if (!DAO.hasAuthentication(credential)) {
	throw new APIException(422, "email does not exist");

If the email id is found to be registered against a valid user in the database, call to a method is made which returns a random string of length passed in as a parameter. This returned random string acts as a token.
Below is the implementation of the createRandomString(int length) method.

public static String createRandomString(Integer length){
    	char[] chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789".toCharArray();
    	StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    	Random random = new Random();
    	for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    	    char c = chars[random.nextInt(chars.length)];
    	return sb.toString();

This method is defined in AbsractAPIHandler class. The function createRandomString(int length) initialises an array with alphabet (both upper and lower cases) and integers 1 to 10. An object of StringBuilder is declared and initialised in the fol loop.
Next, the token generated is hashed against the user’s email id. Since we have used a token of length 30, there will be 30! (30 factorial) combinations and hence chances of two tokens to be same is ver very low (approximately Zero). Validity for token is set for 7 days (i.e. one week). After that the token will expire and to reset the password a new token will be needed.

String token = createRandomString(30);
		ClientCredential tokenkey = new ClientCredential(ClientCredential.Type.resetpass_token, token);
		Authentication resetauth = new Authentication(tokenkey, DAO.passwordreset);
		resetauth.setExpireTime(7 * 24 * 60 * 60);
		resetauth.put("one_time", true);

Everything is set by now. Only thing left is send a mail to the user. For that we call a method sendEmail() of EmailHandler class. This requires 3 parameters. User email id, subject for the email, and the body of the email. The body contains a verification link. To get this verification link, getVerificationMailContent(String token) is called and token generated in the previous step is sent to it as a parameter.

String verificationLink = DAO.getConfig("host.url", "") + "/apps/resetpass/index.html?token=" + token;

The above command gets the base URL for the server and appends the link to reset password app along with the token it received in the method call. Rest of the body is saved as a template in /conf//templates/reset-mail.txt file. Finally, if no exception was catched during the process, the message “Recovery email sent to your email ID. Please check” and accepted = true is encoded into JSON data and sent to the client. If some exceptions was encountered, The exception message and accepted = false is sent to client.
Now the client processes the JSON object and notifies the user appropriately.

Additional Resources

Continue ReadingPassword Recovery Link Generation in SUSI with JSON

How to Implement Memory like Servlets in SUSI.AI

In this blog, I’ll be discussing about how a server gets previous messages from the Log files in SUSI server. SUSI AI clients, Android, iOS and web chat, follow a very simple rule. Whenever a user logs in to the app, the app makes a http GET call to the server in the background and in response, server returns the chat history.

Link to the API endpoint ->

But parsing a lot of data might depend on the connection speed. If the connection is poor or lacking speed, the history would cost user’s time. To prevent this, server by default returns last 10 pair of messages. It is up to the client that how many messages they want to render. So for example, if the client requests last 5 messages, then the client has to make a GET request and pass the cognitions parameter. Hence the modified end point will be :

But how does the server process it? Let us see.
Browse to susi_server/src/ai/susi/server/api/susi/ file. This is the main working servlet. If you are new and wondering how servlets for susi are implemented, Please go through this first how-to-add-a-new-servletapi-to-susi-server
This is how serviceImpl() method looks like :

    public ServiceResponse serviceImpl(Query post, HttpServletResponse response, Authorization user, final JsonObjectWithDefault permissions) throws APIException {

        int cognitionsCount = Math.min(10, post.get("cognitions", 10));
        String client = user.getIdentity().getClient();
        List<SusiCognition> cognitions = DAO.susi.getMemories().getCognitions(client);
        JSONArray coga = new JSONArray();
        for (SusiCognition cognition: cognitions) {
            if (--cognitionsCount <= 0) break;
        JSONObject json = new JSONObject(true);
        json.put("cognitions", coga);
        return new ServiceResponse(json);

In the first step, we find the minimum of default value (i.e. 10) and the value of cognitions received as GET parameter. Messages equivalent to minimum variable are encoded in JSONArray and sent to the client.

Whenever the server receives a valid signup request, It makes a directory with the name “email_emailid”. In this directory, a log.txt file is maintained which stores all the queries along with the other details associated with it. For example if user has signed up with the email id, Then the path of this directory will be /data/susi/ If a user queries “”,  then

	"query": "flip a coin",
	"count": 1,
	"client_id": "",
	"query_date": "2017-06-30T12:22:05.918Z",
	"answers": [{
		"data": [{
			"0": "flip a coin",
			"token_original": "coin",
			"token_canonical": "coin",
			"token_categorized": "coin",
			"timezoneOffset": "-330",
			"answer": "tails",

			"skill": "/susi_skill_data/models/general/entertainment/en/flip_coin.txt",
			"_etherpad_dream": "cricket"
		"metadata": {
			"count": 1
		"actions": [{
			"type": "answer",
			"expression": "tails"
		"skills": ["/susi_skill_data/models/general/entertainment/en/flip_coin.txt"]
	"answer_date": "2017-06-30T12:22:05.928Z",
	"answer_time": 10,
	"language": "en"

The server has user’s identity. It will use this identity and store (will be appended) in the respective log file.

The next steps in retrieving the message are pretty easy and includes getting the identity of the current user session. Use this identity to populate the JSONArray named coga. This is finally encoded in a JSONObject along with other basic details and returned to the clients where they render the data received, and show the messages in an appropriate way.


Continue ReadingHow to Implement Memory like Servlets in SUSI.AI

Reset Password for SUSI Accounts Using Verification Link

In this blog, I will discuss how the SUSI server interprets the verification link sent to your email id to reset SUSI account password. The email one receives to reset password looks like this :{30 character long token}

*Original link contains a token of length of 30 characters. The link has been tampered for security purpose.

Taking a close look at the reset link, one would find it easy to decode. It simply contains path to an application on current SUSI Accounts hosting. Name of the application is “resetpass” for Reset Password. But what about the token in the link?

As soon as a user clicks on the link, the app is called and token is passed as a GET parameter. The app in background makes a call to the server where the token is evaluated for whether the token is hashed against some user’s email id and has not expired yet. Below is code of first step the client does which is to make a simple ajax call on Ready state.

	var passerr = false, confirmerr = false, tokenerr = false;

	// get password parameters
	var regex;
	var urltoken = getParameter('token');

	$.ajax(	"/aaa/recoverpassword.json", {
		data: { getParameters: true, token: urltoken },
		dataType: 'json',
		success: function (response) {
			regex = response.regex;
			var regexTooltip = response.regexTooltip;
			$('#pass').tooltip({'trigger':'focus', 'placement': 'left', 'title': regexTooltip});
			tokenerr = false;
		error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
			$('#pass').prop( "disabled", true );
			$('#confirmpass').prop( "disabled", true );
			$('#resetbut').prop( "disabled", true );
			tokenerr = true;

As you can see the call is made to /aaa/recoverypassword.json end point with token as the request parameter. Now, the client has to just evaluate the JSON response and render the message for user accordingly. If this request returns an error then the error message is shown and the entries are disabled to enter the password. Otherwise, user email id is shown with green text and user can now enter new password and confirm it.

In next step, client simply evaluates the password and sends a query to server to reset it. Let us now look at how server functions and processes such requests.

//check if a token is already present
if (call.get("getParameters", false)) {
			if (call.get("token", null) != null && !call.get("token", null).isEmpty()) {
				ClientCredential credentialcheck = new ClientCredential(ClientCredential.Type.resetpass_token,
						call.get("token", null));
				if (DAO.passwordreset.has(credentialcheck.toString())) {
					Authentication authentication = new Authentication(credentialcheck, DAO.passwordreset);
					if (authentication.checkExpireTime()) {
						String passwordPattern = DAO.getConfig("users.password.regex", "^(?=.*\\d).{6,64}$");
						String passwordPatternTooltip = DAO.getConfig("users.password.regex.tooltip",
								"Enter a combination of atleast six characters");
						result.put("message", "Email ID: " + authentication.getIdentity().getName());
						result.put("regex", passwordPattern);
						result.put("regexTooltip", passwordPatternTooltip);
						result.put("accepted", true);
						return new ServiceResponse(result);
					throw new APIException(422, "Expired token");
				throw new APIException(422, "Invalid token");
			} else {
				throw new APIException(422, "No token specified");

In the above code snippet, server evaluates the received token on the basis of three parameters. First it checks whether the token is provided or not. If not, it throws APIException with error code 422 and a message “No token specified”. If it passes the check, next it checks if the token passed is valid or not. If the token is invalid, it throws different APIException with same error code but different message “Invalid token”. Finally it checks whether the token is expired or not {life of each token is 7 days. After that, server marks it as expired}.

If all checks pass, the server finds the valid email id against which the token was hashed and sends it to user in JSON format. Now let us see how the final reset  password call is handled at the server.

If the token is valid  and still has life, user will be asked to enter new password and confirm it. Client locally checks whether new password and confirm password are same or not. It will now make a call to the below given servlet.


Till now, server has already made the client identity using the token. Next it will check if the password matches regular expression or not. If not, it sends  an error message “Invalid Password” with error code 400.

if (DAO.hasAuthentication(emailcred)) {
			Authentication emailauth = DAO.getAuthentication(emailcred);
			String salt = createRandomString(20);
			emailauth.put("salt", salt);
			emailauth.put("passwordHash", getHash(newpass, salt));

Above code snippet shows what happens when new password matches the conditions of regular expression. The server will generate a random string of 20 characters and use it as the new salt to hash the password. It updates the salt and password hash for the particular user. Next time whenever user makes a login request, server will use the new salt-hash pair to authorise the user. Below given is a flowchart for better understanding.



Continue ReadingReset Password for SUSI Accounts Using Verification Link

Setting up Your Own Custom SUSI AI server

When you chat with any of the SUSI clients, all the requests are made to standard SUSI server. But let us say that you have implemented some features on server and want to test it. Simply launch your server and you get your own SUSI server. You can then change the option to use your own server on the SUSI Android and Web Chat client.

The first step to get your own copy of the SUSI server is browse to and fork it. Clone your origin head to your local machine and make the changes that you want. There are various tutorials on how to add more servlets to SUSI server, how to add new parameters to an existing action type or maybe modification or a similar type of memory servlet.

To start coding, you can either use some IDE like IDEA by Intelij (download it from here) or open the files you want to modify in a text editor. To start the SUSI server via command line terminal (and not IDE) do the following:


Open the terminal in the project directory cloned. Now write in the following command (It is expected that you have your JAVA installed with JAVA_PATH variable setup):

./gradlew build

This will install all the project dependencies required for the support of the project. Next execute :


This will take a little time but you will soon see a popped up window in your default browser and the server will start. The landing page of the website will launch. Make the modifications in the server you were aiming. The server is up now. You can access it at local ip address here:

But if you try to add this local address in the URL field of any client, it will not work and give you an error. To access this server using a client, open your terminal and execute

ipconfig	//if you are running a windows machine{not recommended}
ifconfig	//if you are running a linux machine{recommended for better performance}


This will give you a list of various IP. Find Wireless LAN adapter Wi-Fi. Copy the IPv4 IP address. This is the link you need to enter in the server URL field in the client (Do not forget to add http:// before your IP address). Now sign up and you will be good to go.

Additional Resources :

Continue ReadingSetting up Your Own Custom SUSI AI server

How to add a new attribute in an action type for SUSI.AI

In this blog, I’ll be telling on how to add more attributes to already implemented action types so that it becomes easy to filter out the JSON results that we are getting by calling various APIs.

What are actions?

Actions are a set of defined functionality that how Susi works for special JSON return type from some API endpoint. These include table, pie chart, rss, web search etc. These action types are implemented and defined at the backend(on server). The definition contains several attributes and their data types.

Current action types and their attributes:

  • table : {columns, length}
  • piechart : {total, key, value, unit}
  • rss : (title, description, link)
  • websearch : {query}
  • map : {latitude, longitude, zoom}

* Please see that these are as of the date of publish of this blog. These are subject to change. Also keep in mind that these are optional attributes.

Need for new attributes:

There are millions of open APIs out there and hence their JSON response structure also varies. Some return a JSON Array and some return a single JSON object. Some might return JSON Array inside a JSONObject. They all varies. So to give proper filters, we may need new action types.

In this blog, we’ll take up the example of how “length” attribute was added. Similarly you can add more attributes to any of the action types.

Some APIs return few as 5 elements in a JSON Array and some give out 100s of elements. So the power of limiting the rows in a particular skill is given to Susi-skill developers only with addition of length parameter.

First things first.. Identify the action type in which you want to add parameters. Browse to and files. These are the main files where Susi looks for attributes while evaluating  a dream or a skill.

In file, find the corresponding public action method which is returning a JSONObject. Currently the method looks like this:

public static JSONObject tableAction(JSONObject cols) {
        JSONObject json = new JSONObject(true)
            .put("columns", cols);
        return json;

Add a parameter of corresponding data type (attribute you are adding) in argument list. Following this, put that variable in in JSONObject variable (that is json) which also being returned at the end. After changes, the method will look like this:

public static JSONObject tableAction(JSONObject cols, int length) {
        JSONObject json = new JSONObject(true)
            .put("columns", cols)
            .put("length", length);
        return json;

In file, find the if condition where other attributes of the corresponding action type are being checked. (sticking to length attribute in table action type, following is what you have to do).

if (type.equals(SusiAction.RenderType.table.toString()) && boa.has("columns")) {                                                                     actions.put(SusiAction.tableAction(boa.getJSONObject("columns"));

Now depending on the need, add the conditions in the code, make the changes. The demand of this action type is : if columns attribute is present, then the user may or may not put the length parameter, but if the columns are absent, length will have no value. So now the code gets modified and looks like this :

if (type.equals(SusiAction.RenderType.table.toString()) && boa.has("columns")) {                                                                                                      actions.put(SusiAction.tableAction(boa.getJSONObject("columns"),
         		boa.has("length") ?boa.getInt("length") : -1));

But wait.. To see these changes up on Susi, open an issue on the server repo and on all the client repos as well.

Server | ios client | android client | web chat client

Once you are sure things are working as expected, send a pull request to server after making the changes(follow the pull request practices followed at FOSSASIA).


Continue ReadingHow to add a new attribute in an action type for SUSI.AI

How to add a new Servlet/API to SUSI Server

You have got a new feature added to enhance SUSI-AI (in web/android/iOS application) but do not find an API which could assist you in your work to make calls to the server {since the principle of all Susi-AI clients is to contact with SUSI-server for any feature}. Making servlets for  Susi is quite different from a normal JAVA servlet. Though the real working logic remains the same but we have got classes which allow you to directly focus on one thing and that is to maintain your flow for the feature. To find already implemented servlets, first clone the susi_server repository  from here.

git clone

Cd to susi_server directory or open your terminal in susi_server directory. (This blog focuses on servlet development for Susi only and hence it is assumed that you have any version of JAVA8 installed properly). If you have not gone through how to run a susi_server manually, then follow  below steps to start the server:

./gradlew build	   //some set of files and dependencies will be downloaded
bin/		   //command to start the server

This will start your Susi server and it will listen at port 4000.

The first step is to analyze that to which class of API is your  servlet  going to be added. Let us take a small example and see how to proceed step by step. Let us look at development of ListSettingsService servlet. (to find the code of this servlet, browse to the following location: susi_server->src->ai->susi->server->api->aaa). Once you have decided the classification of your srvlet, create a .java file in it (Like we created file in aaa folder). Extend AbstractAPIHandler class to your class and implement APIHandler to your class. If you are using any IDE like Intelij IDEA or eclipse then they will give you an error message and when you click on it, it  will ask you to Override some methods. Select the option and if you are using a simple text editor, then override the following methods in the given way:

    public String getAPIPath() {
        return null;
    public BaseUserRole getMinimalBaseUserRole() {
        return null;
    public JSONObject getDefaultPermissions(BaseUserRole baseUserRole) {
        return null;
    public ServiceResponse serviceImpl(Query post, HttpServletResponse response, Authorization rights, JsonObjectWithDefault permissions) throws APIException {
        Return null;

What all these methods are for and why do we need them?

These are those 4 methods that make our work way easy. With the code compilation, first getAPIPath() is called to evaluate the end point.  Whenever this end point is called properly, it responds with whatever is defined in serviceImpl(). In our case we have given the endpoint


Ensure that you do not have 2  servlets with same end point.

Next in the line is getMinimalBaseUserRole() method. While developing certain features, a need of special privilege {like admin login} might be required. If you are implementing a feature for Admins only (like  we are doing in this servlet), return BaseUserRole.ADMIN. If you want to give access to anyone (registered or not) then return BaseUserRole.Anonymous. These might be login, signup or maybe a search point. By default all these methods are returning null. Once you are decided what to return, encode it in serviceImpl() method.

Look at the below implementation of the servlet :

    public String getAPIPath() {
        return "/aaa/listSettings.json";

    public BaseUserRole getMinimalBaseUserRole() {
        return BaseUserRole.ADMIN;

    public JSONObject getDefaultPermissions(BaseUserRole baseUserRole) {
        return null;

    public ServiceResponse serviceImpl(Query post, HttpServletResponse response, Authorization rights, JsonObjectWithDefault permissions) throws APIException {

        String path = DAO.data_dir.getPath()+"/settings/";
        File settings = new File(path);
        String[] files = settings.list();
        JSONArray fileArray = new JSONArray(files);
        return new ServiceResponse(fileArray);

As discussed earlier, the task of this servlet is to list all the files in data/settings folder. But this list is only available to users with admin login.

DAO.data_dir.getPath() returns a String identifier which is the path to data directory present in susi_server folder. We append “/settings/” to access settings folder inside it. Next we list all the files present in settings folder, encode them as a JSONArray object and reeturn the JSONArray object.

Think you can enhance Susi-server now? Get started right away!!

Continue ReadingHow to add a new Servlet/API to SUSI Server

Control flow of SUSI AI on Android and database management using Realm

While developing a chat based android application, one of the most important things is keeping track of user’s messages. Since the user might want to access them in the absence of Internet connectivity (i.e remotely) as well, storing them locally is also important.

In SUSI we are using Realm to keep things organized in a systematic manner and constructing model (or adding appropriate attributes) for every new data type which the application needs. Right now we have three main models namely ChatMessage, WebLink and WebSearchModel. These three java classes define the structure of each possible message.  ChatMessage evaluates and classifies incoming response from server either to be an image or map or pie chart or web search url or other valid types of response. WebSearchModel and WebLink models are there to manage those results which contains link to various web searches.

Various result based lists are maintained for smooth flow of application. Messages sent in absence of Internet are stored in a list – nonDelivered. All the messages have an attribute isDelivered which is set to true if and only if they have been queried, otherwise the attribute is set to false which puts it in the nonDelivered list. Once the phone is connected back to the internet and the app is active in foreground, the messages are sent to server, queried and we get the response back in the app’s database where the attributes are assigned accordingly.


I will explain a functionality below that will give a more clear view about our coding practices and work flow.

When a user long taps a message, few options are listed(these actions are defined in recycleradapters-> from which you may select one. In the code, this triggers the method onActionsItemClicked(). In this Overridden method, we handle what happens when a user clicks on one of the following options from item menu. In this post I’ll be covering only about the star/important message option.

    nSelected = getSelectedItems().size();
    if (nSelected >0)
        for (int i = nSelected - 1; i >= 0; i--) 
        if(nSelected == 1) 
            Toast.makeText(context,nSelected+" message 
            Toast.makeText(context, nSelected + " 
            messages marked important",                                                      
        Important = realm.where(ChatMessage.class).
        for(int i=0;i<important.size();++i)
            Log.i("message ","" + 
        Log.i("total ",""+important.size());
return true;

We have the count of messages which were selected. Each message having a unique id is looped through and the attribute “isImportant” of each message object is modified accordingly. To modify this field, We call the method markImportant() and pass the id of message which has to be updated.

public void markImportant(final int position) {
    realm.executeTransaction(new Realm.Transaction() {
        public void execute(Realm realm) {
            ChatMessage chatMessage = getItem(position);

This method copies the instance of the message whose id it has received and updates the attribute “isImportant” and finally updates the message instance in the database.

Below given is the code for ImportantMessage activity which will help you understand properly how lists are used to query the database.

public class ImportantMessages extends AppCompatActivity {
    private Realm realm;
    private RecyclerView rvChatImportant;
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
       realm = Realm.getDefaultInstance();
       rvChatImportant = (RecyclerView) findViewById 
        //call to other methods
    private void setupAdapter() {
        rvChatImportant = (RecyclerView) findViewById 
        LinearLayoutManager linearLayoutManager = new 
        RealmResults<ChatMessage> importantMessages = 
        TextView tv_msg = (TextView) findViewById 
        ChatFeedRecyclerAdapter recyclerAdapter = new 
             ChatFeedRecyclerAdapter(Glide.with(this), this, 
             importantMessages, true);
        View.OnLayoutChangeListener() {
            public void onLayoutChange(View view, int left, 
            int top, int right, int bottom,
            int oldLeft, int oldTop, int oldRight, int 
            oldBottom) {
                if (bottom < oldBottom) {
                    Runnable() {
                        public void run() {
                            int scrollTo = 
                            dapter().getItemCount() - 1;
                            scrollTo = scrollTo >= 0 ? 
                            scrollTo : 0;                             
                    }, 10);
Continue ReadingControl flow of SUSI AI on Android and database management using Realm