My FOSSASIA project is taking a big transitioning step from the starting plan. In milestone 3 and 4, rather than focusing on statistical retrieval and API documentation wepapp, my mentors – Mario (@mario) and Andreas (@andibraeu) are guiding me towards integrating fossasia api data in other services. The main goal remains the same though : getting more people to use and to know about the API.
Integrating our set of data into external services can be tricky, but this is also what makes the task so exciting. Currently, we’re already started the integration process into loklak, a distributed searching & harvesting server. You can find out more about loklak via their well detailed about page. But the plan doesn’t stop there. We’re targeting popular web platforms : WordPress, Drupal, Github Pages.. so that users can access our data with ease, and use our services / plugins in their websites within simple steps. That would be a big win for us, so I’m very impatient to get going with the code to brings these ideas to life.
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