Making Skill Display Cards Identical in SUSI.AI Skill CMS
SUSI.AI Skill CMS shows all the skills of SUSI.AI. The cards used to display all the skills follow flexbox structure and adjust their height according to content. This lead to cards of different sizes and this needed to be fixed. This needed to fix as the cards looked like this:
The cards display following things:
- Image related to skill
- An example query related to skill in double quotes
- Name of skill
- Short description of skill
Now to get all these, we make an ajax call to the following endpoint:'+ this.state.modelValue + '&group=' + this.state.groupValue + '&language=' + this.state.languageValue
- this.state.modelValue: This is the model of the skill, stored in state of component
- this.state.groupValue: This represents the group to which skill belongs to. For example Knowledge, Communication, Music, and Audio, etc.
- this.state.languageValue: This represents the ISO language code of language in which skill is defined
Now the response is in JSONP format and it looks like:
Now we parse the response to get the information needed and return the following Card(Material UI Component):
<Link key={el} to={{ pathname: '/' + self.state.groupValue + '/' + el + '/' + self.state.languageValue, state: { url: url, element: el, name: el, modelValue: self.state.modelValue, groupValue: self.state.groupValue, languageValue: self.state.languageValue, } }}> <Card style={styles.row} key={el}> <div style={styles.right} key={el}> {image ? <div style={styles.imageContainer}> <img alt={skill_name} src={image} style={styles.image} /> </div> : <CircleImage name={el} size='48' />} <div style={styles.titleStyle}>{examples}</div> </div> <div style={styles.details}> <h3 style={}>{skill_name}</h3> <p style={styles.description}>{description}</p> </div> </Card> </Link>
Now the information that leads to non-uniformity in these cards is the skill description. Now to solve this we decided to put a certain limit to the description length and if that limit is crossed, then we will show the following dots: “…”. The height and width of the cards were fixed according to screen size and we modified the description as follows:
if (skill.descriptions) { if (skill.descriptions.length > 120) { description = skill.descriptions.substring(0, 119) + '...'; } else { description = skill.descriptions; } }
This way no content was being cut and all the skill cards looks identical:
- JavaScript Substring function:
- Ajax guide on MDN:
- Material UI Card:
- CSS Flexbox tutorial :
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