How Settings of SUSI Android App Are Saved on Server

The SUSI Android allows users to specify whether they want to use the action button of soft keyboard as carriage return or else send action. The user can use SUSI.AI on different client like Android , iOS, Web. To give user uniform experience, we need to save user settings on the server so that if the user makes any change in setting in any chat client then that it changes in other chat clients too. So every chat client must store user specific data on the server to make sure that all chat clients access this data and maintain the same state for that particular user and must accordingly push and pull user data from and to the server to update the state of the app.

We used special key to store setting information on server. For eg.

Setting Key Value Use
Enter As Send enter_send true/false true means pressing enter key send message and false means pressing enter key adds new line.
Mic Input mic_input true/false true means default input method is speech but supports keyboard input too. false means the only input method is keyboard input.
Speech Always speech_always true/false true means we get speech output irrespective of input type.
Speech Output speech_output true/false true means we get speech output in case of speech input and false means we don’t get speech output.
Theme theme dark/light dark means theme is dark and light means theme is light

How setting is stored to server

Whenever user settings are changed, the client updates the changed settings on the server so that the state is maintained across all chat clients. When user change setting, we send three parameters to the server ‘key’, ‘value’ and ‘token’. For eg. let ‘Enter As Send’ is set to false. When user changes it from false to true, we immediately update it on the server. Here key will be ‘enter_send’ and value will be ‘true’.

The endpoint used to add or update User Settings is :


SETTING_NAME’ is the key of the corresponding setting, ‘SETTING_VALUE’ is it’s updated value and ‘ACCESS_TOKEN’ is used to find correct user account. We used the retrofit library for network call.

settingResponseCall = ClientBuilder().susiApi .changeSettingResponse(key, value,  PrefManager.getToken())

If the user successfully updated the setting on the server then server reply with message ‘You successfully changed settings of your account!’

How setting is retrieved from server

We retrieve setting from the server when user login. The endpoint used to fetch User Settings is


It requires “ACCESS_TOKEN” to retrieve setting data for a particular user. When user login, we use getUserSetting method to retrieve setting data from the server. PrefManager.getToken() is used to get “ACCESS_TOKEN”.

userSettingResponseCall = ClientBuilder().susiApi .getUserSetting(PrefManager.getToken())

We use userSettingResponseCall to get a response of ‘UserSetting’ type using which we can retrieve different setting from the server. ‘UserSetting’ contain ‘Session’ and ‘Settings’ and ‘Settings’ contain the value of all settings. We save the value of all settings on the server in string format, so after retrieving settings we convert them into the required format. For eg. ‘Enter As Send’ value is of boolean format, so after retrieving we convert it to boolean format.

var settings: Settings ?= response.body().settings



Continue ReadingHow Settings of SUSI Android App Are Saved on Server

Integrating Swagger with SUSI Server

The goal of Swagger is to define a standard interface for REST APIs which allows humans to understand the capabilities of the APIs without access to source code or documentation.

SUSI Server is now completely API centric. As more and more people make their own bots using SUSI Server they will be needing documentation for the APIs. We can use swagger so that without looking at the javadocs or documentation people can consume the REST APIs.

In this I post will walk you through the steps to integrate Swagger with SUSI Server which is running on Jetty.

Add the following dependencies to build.gradle file. These add Swagger Annotations, Swagger Models, Swagger UI and Glassfish containers.

  compile group: 'io.swagger', name: 'swagger-annotations',version: swaggerVersion
  compile group: 'io.swagger', name: 'swagger-core', version: swaggerVersion
  compile group: 'io.swagger', name: 'swagger-jersey2-jaxrs', version: swaggerVersion
  compile group: 'io.swagger', name: 'swagger-models', version: swaggerVersion
  compile group: 'org.glassfish.jersey.core', name: 'jersey-server', version: versionJersey
  compile group: 'org.glassfish.jersey.containers', name: 'jersey-container-servlet-core', version: versionJersey
  compile group: 'org.webjars', name: 'swagger-ui', version: '2.1.4'

Now SusiServer.class is the main file which initializes all the servlets and server handlers.

Here, we need to tell the SusiServer to look for the swagger annotations and use them to build the documentation.

In the main function, before starting the server we set the serverHandlers from setServerHandler function.

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
  // init the http server
        try {
            setupHttpServer(httpPort, httpsPort);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        SusiServer.caretaker = new Caretaker();

Now, we will modify the setServetHandler function for registering the Swagger Handler.

There are already 2 handlers so I used a handerCollection object, so that we can give multiple handlers to handerCollection and set the serverHandler as handerCollection.

private static void setServerHandler(File dataFile){
         ServletContextHandler servletHandler = new ServletContextHandler();
        ContextHandlerCollection contexts = new ContextHandlerCollection();
        ServletContainer sc = new ServletContainer(resourceConfig);
        ServletHolder holder = new ServletHolder(sc);

        servletHandler.addServlet(holder, "/docs/*");


servletHandler.addServlet(holder, “/docs/*”), this line in the setServerHandler method sets the default swagger.json path to

This is all the basic setup to initialize swagger and now we need to modify our API endpoints and set annotations for the base URL and parameters.

Now I will discuss how to add swagger annotations to our Servlets.

For the demo, I will use GetAllUsers.class file, which returns the list of all users to Admins.

@Api(value = "/AAA")
public class GetAllUsers extends AbstractAPIHandler implements APIHandler {

Just before the class starts we will add the Path of the API endpoint and the result it produces. In this case, GetAllUsers returns JSON and is a part of aaa group.

@ApiOperation(value = "Get All Users Registered on SUSI.AI",
        notes = "This API Endpoint returns the list of all users registered on SUSI Server",
        responseContainer = "Object")
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Success"),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Base user role not sufficient") })

Inside the class, we will declare the path of the API endpoint. A description of this endpoint and the sample response code.

In this file, there are only two possible responses.
1. Response code 200 – when everything goes well.

2. Response code 401 – when base user role is not sufficient, i.e when user is not Admin

When we save the file and browse to
We get a response something like –

The Swagger UI is used to parse this JSON and create a UI for the documentation, where we can see the sample responses of the API endpoints, error codes and other things.

Swagger UI presents us the API documentation something like this image below.


Susi Server:


Swagger and Jetty Tutorial:

Continue ReadingIntegrating Swagger with SUSI Server

Pie Chart Responses from SUSI Server

Giving out responses in charts and graphs is a very common reply of various assistants. We also have it in SUSI. We can show users the output of stocks, market covers and various percentages output in Pie Charts.  

A pie chart is a circular chart/graph which is divided in some segments like a pie. The segments in a pie chart shows the share of each object or category.

The PieChartServlet  in SUSI Server is a servlet that takes the JSON data of a the pie chart components as input parameters and returns an Image of the rendered Pie Chart..

public class PieChartServlet extends HttpServlet {

This is a simple HttpServlet. It does not require any authentication or base user role. So we extend the HttpServlet here.

    protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws  IOException {

doGet is a method which is triggered whenever the PieChartServlet receives a GET Query. This will contain all the code that we will need to render the final output.


This is the sample JSON that we send to the PieChartServlet. This contains the names of the pie chart components and their respective percentages. After we receive these parameters we parse them and store them in our local variables.
These variables are then further used to plot the pie chart.

To plot these values in pie chart we have used a library JFreeChart.

This is a free and well documented Java chart library. This library supports PNGs and JPEGs as well as vector graphics file formats

JFreeChart chart = getChart(json, legendBit, tooltipBit);

From here we call a function getChart This function accept 3 parameters. The json which we sent as the GET parameter, legendBit and tooltilBit. These are also sent as GET parameters. In this example I will use legendBit as true and tooltipBit as false.

        JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createPieChart("SUSI Visualizes -   PieChart", dataset, legend, tooltips, urls);

        chart.setBorderStroke(new BasicStroke(5.0f));

        return chart;

 This is the function getChart. It creates a chart using the ChartFactory method and set sets the SUSI branding on it as “SUSI Visualizes – PieChart”. It accepts the datasets, legends and tool tips. The variable, dataset is nothing but the json keys and their values.

After the ChartFactory returns the chart we set the border of the chart and returns a pie chart back the function where it was called.

ChartUtilities.writeChartAsPNG(outputStream, chart, width, height);

Finally we write the chart as a PNG image and send it to the user.


This can be tested at{%22ford%22:%2217.272992%22,%22toyota%22:%2227.272992%22,%22renault%22:%2247.272992%22}&width=1000&height=1000&legend=true&tooltip=false


Continue ReadingPie Chart Responses from SUSI Server

Markdown responses from SUSI Server

Most of the times SUSI sends a plain text reply. But for some replies we can set the type of the query as markdown and format the output in computer or bot typed images. In this blog I will explain how to get images with markdown instead of large texts.

This servlet is a simple HttpServlet and do not require any types of user authentication or base user roles. So, instead of extending it from AbstractAPIHandler we extend a HttpServlet.

public class MarkdownServlet extends HttpServlet {

This method is fired when we send a GET request to the server. It accepts those parameters and send it to the “process(…)” method.

One major precaution in open source is to ensure no one takes advantages out of it. In the first steps, we ensure that a user is not trying to access the server very frequently. If the server find the request frequency high, it returns a 503 error to the user.

if (post.isDoS_blackout()) {response.sendError(503, "your request frequency is too high"); return;} // DoS protection
process(request, response, post);

 The process function is where all the processing is done. Here the text is extracted from the URL. All the parameters are sent in GET request and the “process(…)” functions parses the query. After we check all the parameters like color, padding, uppercase, text color and get them in our local variables.

Here we calculate the optimum image size. A perfect size has the format 2:1, that fits into the preview window. We should not allow that the left or right border is cut away. We also resize the image here if necessary. Different clients can request different sizes of images and we can process the optimum image size here.

int lineheight = 7;
int yoffset = 0;
int height = width / 2;
while (lineheight <= 12) {
height = linecount * lineheight + 2 * padding - 1;
if (width <= 2 * height) break;
yoffset = (width / 2 - height) / 2;
height = width / 2;

Then we print our text to the image. This is also done using the RasterPlotter. Using all the parameters that we parsed above we create a new image and set the colors, linewidth, padding etc. Here we are making a matrix with and set all the parameters that we calculated above to our image.

RasterPlotter matrix = new RasterPlotter(width, height, drawmode, color_background);
if (c == '\n' || (c == ' ' && column + nextspace - pos >= 80)) {
x = padding - 1;
y += lineheight;
column = 0;
hashcount = 0;
if (!isFormatted) {
isBold = false;
isItalic = false;

After we have our image we print the SUSI branding. Susi branding is put at the bottom right of the image. It prints “MADE WITH HTTP://SUSI.AI” at the bottom right of the image.

PrintTool.print(matrix, matrix.getWidth() - 6, matrix.getHeight() - 6, 0, "MADE WITH HTTP://SUSI.AI", 1, false, 50);

At the end we write  the image and set the cross origin access headers. This header is very important when we are using different domains on different clients. If this is not provided, the query may give the error of “Cross Origin Access blocked”.

response.addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
RemoteAccess.writeImage(fileType, response, post, matrix);

This servlet can be locally tested at:


Or at API Server



Oracle ImageIO Docs:

Markdown Tutorial:

Java 2D Graphics:

Continue ReadingMarkdown responses from SUSI Server

Authentication in SUSI.AI

Authentication is a part of AAA system which stands for Authentication, Authorization and Accounting System. In this blog, we will see how SUSI.AI authenticates its client. Let’s first see what each term of AAA means

  • Authentication : Authentication means identifying individual user with some unique information. Susi uses email addresses for non-anonymous identity and  anonymous identity users  are identified by their host name.
  • Authorization : It refers to identifying the access rights of the user and granting permissions depending on the user’s authorization level. In Susi we have BaseUserRole as   
    • ANONYMOUS  users who have not logged in
    • USER                  logged in Users
    • PRIVILEGED       users with special rights, like. moderators
    • ADMIN              maximum right, that user is allowed to do everything . Depending on the useroles, permissions are specified.
  • Accounting : Accounting is referred as keeping track of user’s activity. Susi Server uses DAO in which accounting object is stored as JSONTray. Susi also remembers the chat log of a user.

Now that we have basic idea about AAA, let’s check how Susi authenticates its user.

public class ClientIdentity extends Client {
    public enum Type {
        email(true), // non-anonymous identity
        host(false); // anonymous identity users which do not authentify; they are identified by their host name
        private final boolean persistent;


Susi has ClientIdentity class which extends to base class Client, which has a string sufficient to identify an user. The user are represented with Objects of this class. The client identification string is defined as <typeName: untypedId> pair where <typeName> denotes an authentication method and <untypedId> a name within that authentication domain.

public class Authentication {

    private JsonTray parent;
    private JSONObject json;
    private ClientCredential credential;

This credential is used as key in DAO.authentication. Parent is used for the storage object , it is null if there is no parent file (no persistency). The DAO uses credential key and implements methods like getAuthentication, getAuthorization,getAccounting taking Non null parameter ClientIdentity and returns the object of respective classes. The method setExpireTime sets an expire time for anonymous users and tokens after end of duration in time seconds passed as parameter the Authentication expires.

public class DAO {
// AAA Schema for server usage
    private static JsonTray authentication;
    private static JsonTray authorization;
    private static JsonTray accounting;
    public  static UserRoles userRoles;

The JsonTray is class to hold the volume as <String,JsonObject> pairs as a Json file. The UserRequests  class holds all the user activities. The ClientIdentity class extend the base class Client and provides an Identification String for authentication of users.

public abstract class AbstractAPIHandler extends HttpServlet implements APIHandler {
    public abstract BaseUserRole getMinimalBaseUserRole();


The AbstractAPIHandler checks the permissions of the user using the userroles of and comparing it with the value minimum base role of each servlet. Thus to specify the user permission for a servlet one just need to extend servlet to AbstractAPIHandler and  Override the getMinimalBaseUserRole method.

 public static ClientIdentity getIdentity(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Query query) {

if(authentication.getIdentity() != null && authentication.checkExpireTime())   // check if login cookie is set
return authentication.getIdentity();
else if(request.getSession().getAttribute("identity") != null){ // check session is set
return (ClientIdentity) request.getSession().getAttribute("identity");
else if (request.getParameter("access_token") != null){ // check if access_token is valid
 return authentication.getIdentity();
 return getAnonymousIdentity(query.getClientHost());

It also implements method getIdentity()  which checks a request for valid login data, an existing session, a cookie or an access token and returns user identity if some login is active, otherwise the anonymous identity.  

This is how Susi uses credential to authenticate users and use it for accounting and authorization. The endpoints provided by server are used by Android and web clients. Susi accounts service is at For more details do visit code repository and join gitter chat channel for discussions.


Continue ReadingAuthentication in SUSI.AI

Adding API endpoint to SUSI.AI for Skill Historization

SUSI Skill CMS is an editor to write and edit skill easily. It follows an API centric approach where the Susi server acts as API server. Using Skill CMS we can browse history of a skill, where we get commit ID, commit message  and name the author who made the changes to that skills. In this blogpost we will see how to fetch complete commit history of a skill in the susi skill repository. A skill is a set of intents. One text file represents one skill, it may contain several intents which all belong together. Susi skills are stored in susi_skill_data repository. We can access any skill based on four tuples parameters model, group, language, skill.  For managing version control in skill data repository, the following dependency is added to build.gradle . JGit is a library which implements the Git functionality in Java.

dependencies {
 compile 'org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit:'

To implement our servlet we need to extend our servlet to AbstractAPIHandler. In Susi Server, an abstract class AbstractAPIHandler extending HttpServelets and implementing API handler interface is provided.

public class HistorySkillService extends AbstractAPIHandler implements APIHandler {}

The AbstractAPIHandler checks the permissions of the user using the userroles of and comparing it with the value minimum base role of each servlet. Thus to specify the user permission for a servlet we need Override the getMinimalBaseUserRole method.

    public BaseUserRole getMinimalBaseUserRole() {
        return BaseUserRole.ANONYMOUS;

UserRoles can be Admin, Privilege, User, Anonymous. In our case it is Anonymous. A User need not to log in to access this endpoint.

    public String getAPIPath() {
        return "/cms/getSkillHistory.json";

This methods sets the api endpoint path. One need to send requests at to get the modification history of skill. Next we will implement The ServiceImpl method where we will be processing the user request and giving back the service response.

    public ServiceResponse serviceImpl(Query call, HttpServletResponse response, Authorization rights, final JsonObjectWithDefault permissions) {

        String model_name = call.get("model", "general");
        File model = new File(DAO.model_watch_dir, model_name);
        String group_name = call.get("group", "knowledge");
        File group = new File(model, group_name);
        String language_name = call.get("language", "en");
        File language = new File(group, language_name);
        String skill_name = call.get("skill", "wikipedia");
        File skill = new File(language, skill_name + ".txt");
        JSONArray commitsArray;
        commitsArray = new JSONArray();
        String path = skill.getPath().replace(DAO.model_watch_dir.toString(), "models");
        //Add to git
        FileRepositoryBuilder builder = new FileRepositoryBuilder();
        Repository repository = null;
        try {
            repository = builder.setGitDir((DAO.susi_skill_repo))
                    .readEnvironment() // scan environment GIT_* variables
                    .findGitDir() // scan up the file system tree
            try (Git git = new Git(repository)) {
                Iterable<RevCommit> logs;
                logs = git.log().addPath(path).call();
                int i = 0;
                for (RevCommit rev : logs) {
                    commit = new JSONObject();
                    commit.put("commitRev", rev);
                    commit.put("commitName", rev.getName());
                    commit.put("commitID", rev.getId().getName());
                    commit.put("commit_message", rev.getShortMessage());
                    commitsArray.put(i, commit);
                } success=true;
            } catch (GitAPIException e) {
           } if(commitsArray.length()==0){
        JSONObject result = new JSONObject();
        return new ServiceResponse(result);

To access any skill we need parameters model, group, language. We get this through call.get method where first parameter is the key for which we want to get the value and second parameter is the default value. Based on received model, group and language browse files in that folder we build the susi_skill_data repository path read the git variables and scan up the file system tree using FileRepositoryBuilder build() method. Next we fetch all the logs of the skill file and store them in json commits array and finally pass as a server response with success messages. In case of exceptions, pass service with success flags as false.

We have successfully implemented the servlet. Check the working of endpoint by sending request like and checking the response.

Susi skill cms uses this endpoint to fetch the skill history, try it out at

Continue ReadingAdding API endpoint to SUSI.AI for Skill Historization

Using SUSI AI Server to Store User Feedback for a Skill

User feedback is valuable information that plays an important  role in improving the quality of service. In SUSI AI server we are planning to make a feedback mechanism to see if the user liked the answer or not. The result of that user input (which can be given using a vote button) will be then learned to enhance the future use of the rule. So as a first step for implementation of  skill rating system with guided learning, we need to store the user rating of a skill . In this blogpost we will learn how to make an endpoint for getting skill rating from user. This API endpoint will be used  by its web and mobile clients.
Before the implementation of API  let’s look how data is stored in SUSI AI Susi_server uses DAO in which skill rating is stored as JSONTray. 

 public JsonTray(File file_persistent, File file_volatile, int cachesize) throws IOException {
        this.per = new JsonFile(file_persistent);
        this.vol = new CacheMap<String, JSONObject>(cachesize);
        this.file_volatile = file_volatile;
        if (file_volatile != null && file_volatile.exists()) try {
            JSONObject j = JsonFile.readJson(file_volatile);
            for (String key: j.keySet()) this.vol.put(key, j.getJSONObject(key));
        } catch (IOException e) {

JsonTray takes three parameters the persistent file, volatile file and cache size to store them as cache map in String and JsonObject pairs. The HttpServlet class which provides methods, such as doGet and doPost, for handling HTTP-specific services.In Susi Server an abstract class AbstractAPIHandler extending HttpServelets and implementing API handler interface is provided. Next we will inherit our RateSkillService class from AbstractAPIHandler and implement APIhandler interface.

public class RateSkillService extends AbstractAPIHandler implements APIHandler {
    private static final long serialVersionUID =7947060716231250102L;
    public BaseUserRole getMinimalBaseUserRole() {
        return BaseUserRole.ANONYMOUS;

    public JSONObject getDefaultPermissions(BaseUserRole baseUserRole) {
        return null;

    public String getAPIPath() {
        return "/cms/rateSkill.json";


The getMinimalBaseRole method tells the minimum Userrole required to access this servlet it can also be ADMIN, USER. In our case it is Anonymous. A User need not to log in to access this endpoint. The getAPIPath() methods sets the API endpoint path, it gets appended to base path which is for local host .

Next we will implement serviceImpl method

    public ServiceResponse serviceImpl(Query call, HttpServletResponse response, Authorization rights, final JsonObjectWithDefault permissions) {

        String model_name = call.get("model", "general");
        File model = new File(DAO.model_watch_dir, model_name);
        String group_name = call.get("group", "knowledge");
        File group = new File(model, group_name);
        String language_name = call.get("language", "en");
        File language = new File(group, language_name);
        String skill_name = call.get("skill", null);
        File skill = new File(language, skill_name + ".txt");
        String skill_rate = call.get("rating", null);

        JSONObject result = new JSONObject();
        result.put("accepted", false);
        if (!skill.exists()) {
            result.put("message", "skill does not exist");
            return new ServiceResponse(result);

        JsonTray skillRating = DAO.skillRating;
        JSONObject modelName = new JSONObject();
        JSONObject groupName = new JSONObject();
        JSONObject languageName = new JSONObject();
        if (skillRating.has(model_name)) {
            modelName = skillRating.getJSONObject(model_name);
            if (modelName.has(group_name)) {
                groupName = modelName.getJSONObject(group_name);
                if (groupName.has(language_name)) {
                    languageName = groupName.getJSONObject(language_name);
                    if (languageName.has(skill_name)) {
                        JSONObject skillName = languageName.getJSONObject(skill_name);
                        skillName.put(skill_rate, skillName.getInt(skill_rate) + 1 + "");
                        languageName.put(skill_name, skillName);
                        groupName.put(language_name, languageName);
                        modelName.put(group_name, groupName);
                        skillRating.put(model_name, modelName, true);
                        result.put("accepted", true);
                        result.put("message", "Skill ratings updated");
                        return new ServiceResponse(result);
        languageName.put(skill_name, createRatingObject(skill_rate));
        groupName.put(language_name, languageName);
        modelName.put(group_name, groupName);
        skillRating.put(model_name, modelName, true);
        result.put("accepted", true);
        result.put("message", "Skill ratings added");
        return new ServiceResponse(result);


    /* Utility function*/
    public JSONObject createRatingObject(String skill_rate) {
        JSONObject skillName = new JSONObject();
        skillName.put("positive", "0");
        skillName.put("negative", "0");
        skillName.put(skill_rate, skillName.getInt(skill_rate) + 1 + "");
        return skillName;


One can access any skill based on four tuples parameters model, group, language, skill. Before rating a skill we must ensure whether it exists or not. We can get the required parameters through call.get() method where first parameter is the key for which we want to get the value and second parameter is the default value. If skill.exists() method return false we generate error message stating “No such skill exists”. Otherwise check if the skill exist in our skillRating.json file if so, update the current ratings otherwise create a new json object and add it to rating file based on model, group and language. After successful implementation go ahead and test your endpoint on http://localhost:4000/cms/rateSkill.json?model=general&group=knowledge&skill=who&rating=positive

You can also check for the updated json file in  susi_server/data/skill_rating/skillRating.json 

{"general": {
 "assistants": {"en": {
   "language_translation": {
     "negative": "1",
     "positive": "0"
 "smalltalk": {"en": {
   "aboutsusi": {
   "negative": "0",
   "positive": "1"
 "knowledge": {"en": {
   "who": {
     "negative": "2",
     "positive": "4"

And if the skill is not present if will generate error message

We have successfully implemented the API endpoint for storing the user skill’s feedback. For more information take a look at Susi server and join gitter chat channel for discussions.


Continue ReadingUsing SUSI AI Server to Store User Feedback for a Skill

How SUSI Analyzes A Given Response

Ever wondered where SUSI’s answers come from? Now Susi has ability to do an answer analysis. To get that analysis, just ask susi “analysis”. This will set susi into an analysis mode, will tell where the latest answer came from and will give you the link for improving the skill.

Let’s check out how Susi analysis work. The skill for analysis is defined  en_0001_foundation.txt  as following

analysis|analyse|analyze|* analysis|* analyse|* analyze|analysis *|analyse *|analyze *
My previous answer is defined in the skill $skill$. You can help to improve this skill and <a href="$skill_link$" target="_blank"> edit it in the code repository here.</a>

$skill$ and $skill_link$ are the variable compiled using

public static final Pattern variable_pattern = Pattern.compile("\\$.*?\\$");

These variables are memorized in Susi cognition. A cognition is the combination of a query of a user with the response of susi.

SusiThought dispute = new SusiThought();
List<String> skills = clonedThought.getSkills();
 if (skills.size() > 0) {
    dispute.addObservation("skill", skills.get(0));

Susi Thought is a piece of data that can be remembered. The structure of the thought is modeled as a table in which information contained in it is organized in rows and columns.

 public SusiThought addObservation(String featureName, String observation) ;

One can memorize using addObservation() method.  It takes two parameter featureName the object key and observation the object value. It is a table of information pieces as a set of rows which all have the same column names. It inserts the new data always in front of existing similar data rather than overwriting them.

 public String getSkillLink(String skillPath) {
       String link=skillPath;
        if(skillPath.startsWith("/susi_server")) {
            link ="" + skillPath.substring("/susi_server".length());
        } else if (skillPath.startsWith("/susi_skill_data")) {
            link = "" + skillPath.substring("/susi_skill_data".length());
        return link;

The getSkillLink is a utitlity method to return the link of the skill source github repository based on skillPath.

private String skill;
SusiThought recall;
final SusiArgument flow = new SusiArgument().think(recall);
this.skill = origin.getAbsolutePath();
 if (this.skill != null && this.skill.length() > 0) flow.addSkill(this.skill);

The source of the skill gets added in using getAbsolutePath() method which resolves the skill path in the filesystem. Intent  considers the key from the user query, matches the intent tokens to get the optimum result and produces json like

 "data": [
        "object": "If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you'll never get it done.",
        "0": "tell me a quote",
        "token_original": "quote",
        "token_canonical": "quote",
        "token_categorized": "quote",
        "timezoneOffset": "-330",
        "answer": "When you discover your mission, you will feel its demand. It will fill you with enthusiasm and a burning desire to get to work on it. ",
        "skill_link": "",
        "query": "tell me a quote",
        "skill": "/susi_skill_data/models/general/entertainment/en/quotes.txt"

The getskills() method returns list of skill from json which are later added for memorization.

    public List<String> getSkills() {
        List<String> skills = new ArrayList<>();
        getSkillsJSON().forEach(skill -> skills.add((String) skill));
        return skills;

This is how Susi is able to fetch  where the answer came from. Next time when you have a chat with susi do check skill analysis and add your ideas to improve the skill. Take a look at Susi_skill_data for more skills and  read this tutorial  for creating skills for susi.


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