Pop-Up in Meilix Generator

Meilix Generator has fields which the user needs to fill up. There are fields for the required information and for customization process too. This solves the problems and helping user to know about the requirement of each field. We implemented a pop-menu which appears and tell about that particular field.

We will here describe only the implementation of email pop-up.

function hideDiv(){
document.addEventListener("click", hideDiv);
function noti()
	alert("Email is used to mail user the link to the build ISO");

We have embedded a javascript in html file.
Function hideDiv contains document.getElementsByClassName() method.

The getElementsByClassName() method returns a collection of all elements in the document with the specified class name.

Then we have a document.addEventListener() method with click and hideDiv function as the parameters. It also contain a function noti which get toggle at the time of click and display the alert message. hideDiv closes the toggle when clicked on the cross button again.

<label class="heading" id="label" for="email">Email *&ensp;<img src="{{ url_for('static', filename='alert.jpg') }}" height="20" width="20" onclick="noti()"></label>


We implemented a question mark after the email line which when clicked showed the following message on the webapp.

This will help user to know the requirement of the particular field.

Through the help of the required function and implementation of the button, we can embedded a help icon which pop-up to give required option present in the webapp.

These are different pop-ups that are currently present in the webapp. User can know about the particular field by clicking on any of the pop-up.


  1. HTML getElementsByClassName(): https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/met_document_getelementsbyclassname.asp
  2. Bootstrap 4 Form: https://www.w3schools.com/bootstrap4/bootstrap_forms.asp

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Building Drop-Down Menu

Meilix Generator has a dropdown menu which consists of links to code, issues and different FOSSASIA projects. The drop down menu appears after clicking on 3×3 dots present on the top right corner. The menu gets closed while clicking on the same dots. We want the menu to close close when we click somewhere else on the screen.

The problem statement is to close the menu bar while clicking anywhere on the white screen of the web app.


For that I have to add a listener to the rest of the body to add class “hidden”.

We first remove the old onclick listener from the body tag which open the pop-up to show up the option. We replace it with its class.

<div onclick="document.getElementsByClassName('custom-menu-cont')[0].classList.toggle('hidden')" class="custom-menubutton">
      <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-th" style="font-size:20px;"></i>


<div class="custom-menubutton">
      <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-th" style="font-size:20px;"></i>


Then the dropdown menu doesn’t open while clicking on the dots also. So we added a script outside the body tag to

  • Open the dropdown menu pop-up on clicking on the 3×3 dots.
  • Close the pop-up while clicking on that dots or anywhere on the white screen of the webapp.

<script type="text/javascript">
	function hideDiv(){
document.addEventListener("click", hideDiv);	


We are working in html so we have to add the type of the script. We add the function hideDiv to open and close the pop-up while clicking on dots.

We then add the eventListener to hide the pop-up while clicking anywhere on the screen.


Stackoverflow Pop-up closing

Adding JS in HTML W3School



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