Adding Text on an Image in Phimpme Android

As Phimpme Android is an image app which provides own custom camera, editing, and sharing images on multiple platforms, so we decided to introduce a new feature, where the user can write text on images.

Using this feature, a user can write text on images and share on multiple  platforms like Facebook, twitter, wordPress, drupal, pinterest, etc. In this post, I am going to explain how I implemented this feature.

Writing Text on image in Phimpme Android

How I implemented Text on Image in Phimpme

First, create an imageview and apply the original image bitmap or load with any image library by providing the local path of the image.


Once an image is loaded we will ask a user to enter text in editext and the text will be displayed above the image. The code for this is:

EditText inputBox = (EditText) layout.findViewById(;
String textString = inputBox.getText().toString();

Now we have textString variable that stores the text we wanted to display. To set this text we need to create a textview on the image, which can be done as follows:

TextView textView = new TextView(context);

We allow the user to drag the text over image to his/her desired location. This is done using setOnTouchListener() as follows

TextView.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() {
    float lastX = 0, lastY = 0;
    public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
        switch (event.getAction()) {
            case (MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN):
                lastX = event.getX();
                lastY = event.getY();
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
                float dx = event.getX() - lastX;
                float dy = event.getY() - lastY;
                float finalX = v.getX() + dx;
                float finalY = v.getY() + dy + v.getHeight();               v.setX(finalX;              
              return true;

Thus, we have set the text according to the user’s desired location.

Problem I faced

The text doesn’t appear to move from the desired position, instead, the text moves from some offset value. To solve this I have used two variable finalX and finaly. Now I am calculating the distance from the point to corner and adding the extra offset value to finalX and finalY. So this is how I achieve perfect image on text feature with point accuracy in Phimpme-Android.



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Face detection in Phimpme Android’s Camera

The Phimpme Android application comes with a well-featured camera application which offers almost all the functionality an advanced camera user searches for. It comes with a wide range of options to apply different scene modes in the camera and also to detect the faces using the front or the back camera of the device. In this tutorial, I will be discussing how we achieved the face detection functionality in Phimpme.

In the Phimpme application, we have the option in the settings to enable the face detection just as depicted in the screenshot below. After enabling it the Camera starts detecting the faces and draws rectangular boxes on the number of faces detected by the camera.

I will be explaining step by step to achieve this using some code snippets.

Step 1

First, we have to check whether our device supports the face detection functionality to avoid unnecessary application crashes using the Android’s Camera.Parameters class.

After the check we have to create a new class named My FaceDetectionListener which will be implementing the Android’s Camera.FaceDetectionListener. The face detection class overrides the function onFaceDetection and passes the array of Faces detected and the camera as the parameter to this function.

class MyFaceDetectionListener implements CameraController.FaceDetectionListener {
  public void onFaceDetection(CameraController.Face[] faces) { 
    faces_detected = new CameraController.Face[faces.length];     System.arraycopy(faces, 0, faces_detected, 0, faces.length);

Step 2

After creating this class, we need to start the camera of the application to set the face detection listener to it. This can be done by the code snippet provided below

camera =;

We can open the front camera and the back camera by simply changing the cameraId. If we want to open the front camera, then we need to set the camera Id value as 1 and if we want the back camera to open up we can set the camera Id to be 0.
After this, we can set the face detection listener in the camera. This can be done using the below code snippet.


The set face detection listener function takes in the object of the class we created in step 1 as the parameter and calls the Android’s pre defined function to start the face detection. The object of the class we created in step 1 can be created and initialised with the help of code snippet below.

MyFaceDetectionListener fDListener = new MyFaceDetectionListener();

After we have set the detection listener in the camera, as soon as it detects the face, it will call the overridden function onFaceDetection but how do the user know if the face has been detected or not. For this we have to create a rectangular box of size approximately that of the face detected. This can be done with the following code snippet.

int l = faces[i].rect.left;
               int r = faces[i].rect.right;
               int t = faces[i];
               int b = faces[i].rect.bottom;
               Rect uRect = new Rect(l0, t0, r0, b0);

To get the full source code, please check out the Phimpme Android github repository.


  1. Phimpme Android Github repository
  2. Complete tutorial on face detection in Android
  3. Leafpic github repository
  4. Android Camera API Google developer page
Continue ReadingFace detection in Phimpme Android’s Camera

Multiple Color Effects in Phimpme Camera

The Phimpme Android’s camera comes with an option to switch between various color effects along with various other functionalities. To select different color modes, we have added a toggle button at the top right corner of the camera interface and which switches from the range of color effect available and on long clicking the toggle button, it resets the effect to normal. To show the functionality of the toggle button we have made use of the Showcase view in the application which displays all the functionality of the toggle button on the first run of the application.

In this tutorial, I will be discussing how we implemented the color effects feature in the Phimpme Android application with the help of some code snippets.

Step 1

Firstly we have to create a toggle button in the camera interface and have to set the onclicklistener on it to change the various color effects on the button click. This can be done with the following code snippet.

toggle.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
  public void onClick(View v) {
       //Actions here

Similarly, we have to set the long click listener on the toggle button which will handle the reset color effects function in the application.

Step 2

The next thing we need is to extract all the color modes supported by the device and to create an Arraylist of it so that we can call the respective values by just increasing the index on toggle button click. This can be done with the help of the following code snippet.

Now we have all the supported color modes along with the normal mode stored in the values list. For instance,

  1. Mono
  2. Negative
  3. Solarize
  4. Sepia
  5. Neon

Hence on button click, we have to get the color values using the list index and we have to set the value to the camera parameter from where we extracted the supported color effects.

For this, we can make use of a static variable named colorNum and initialise it with 0 and on button click we can just increment this variable by 1 and can set the color effect using the code snippet provided below

final String color = colorEffect.get(colorNum);
CameraController.SupportedValues supported_values = camera_controller.setColorEffect(color);
if (supported_values != null) {
    color_effects = supported_values.values;

And on the long click listener method of the camera, we can set the value of the variable to be 0 and can set the color values accordingly.

To get the full source code on changing the color effects in the camera and to know about adding the showcase view which we have used in this to show the functionality. Please refer to the Phimpme Android repository.


  1. Open camera Github repository
  2. Color effects in Android camera
  3. Camera API developer page
  4. Amlcurran Showcaseview


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Use of ViewPager in Phimpme

Previously GalleryView was used in phimpme android app but as it is now deprecated, I decided to use ViewPager instead of GalleryView.

ViewPager allows us to view data with a horizontal swipe with the help of layoutManager.

Steps to implement the viewPager:

  1. First, add the ViewPager in Activity.xml file where you want to implement the ViewPager. This can be done using the line of code below:

  1.  To display the content of viewPager we use the viewPagerAdapter. Create new java file ViewPagerAdapter and extends it to PagerAdapter.

public class ViewPagerAdapter extends PagerAdapter {
  1. After extending to PagerAdaper we have to override the two basic methods of PagerAdapter.

First, implement the constructor which helps us to provide the context of activity to ViewPagerAdapter.

You can override by pressing Alt+enter combination, click on “implement methods” and then selects these two methods.

It will implement two methods  

  • getCount()
  • isViewFromObject()

getCount will return the number of items in view pager.

  1. Now we override the few methods which are required to inflate and destroy view in viewPager.


Override the instantiateItem() method it creates the page for given position.


public Object instantiateItem(ViewGroup container, int position) {
 return super.instantiateItem(container, position);

Now we will modify this method to inflate the view for viewPager.

As we want to display imageView in viewPager first we have to inflate the imageView and set Image according to the position of ViewPager.

Next steps,

  • Implement the customView for imageView.
  • And provide the data for  ViewPager i.e Array of images.

Create new custom_layout.xml and add ImageView in it.




   android:layout_height="match_parent" />

And create an array for images if you want to show images from the local memory so collect path of the images which you want to show with the array name Images.

Now we will use custom_layout layout in our ViewPager instantiateItem() method.


public Object instantiateItem(ViewGroup container, int position) {

   LayoutInflater layoutInflater = (LayoutInflater)  context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);

   View view=  layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.custom_view,null);

   ImageView imageView = (ImageView)view.findViewById(;



   return view;


The above code inflates the imageView in ViewPager.

Now we have to override destroyItem() method.  This method will destroy the content of viewPager from given position.

The below code will remove the view which we added in instantiateItem() method.


public void destroyItem(ViewGroup container, int position, Object object) {
  container.removeView((View) object);

Now PagerAdapter is ready, we can use this in our Activity.

  1. Reference the viewPager and set the ViewPagerAdapter to ViewPager.


protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {



   ViewPager viewPager = (ViewPager) findViewById(;

   viewPager.setAdapter(new ViewPagerAdapter(this));


The above code will set the pagerAdapter to our viewPager and display the content which we defined in instantiateItem() method of pagerAdapter.


This is how viewPager will allow viewing images by swiping horizontally in Phimpme.


Continue ReadingUse of ViewPager in Phimpme

UI Testing in Phimpme Android

Espresso is an Android Testing tool which helps developers to write UI based tests. After writing tests, developers can make use of Android studio to run the tests or can implement a method in various Continuous integration sites like Travis CI to run the tests on a new push or a pull request. I implemented Espresso tests in the Phimpme Android project of FOSSASIA to test the basic UI elements of the home screen, camera view and the settings activity.

Steps to Add the UI tests :

    1. The first step is to import the packages related to the instrumentation tests and configure the build.gradle file of the application to add certain dependencies. This can be done using the line of code below:
      dependencies {
      androidTestCompile ''
    2. To ensure best test results make sure that you turn off the device animations. For this go to developer options and disable the:
      • Window animation scale
      • Transition animation scale
      • Animator duration scale

      After doing the above, your developer options screen should look like the screenshot below with all the animation scale disabled.

    3. Create the java class for the android test with the name of the activity you want to test followed by the word Test. Suppose you want to create a test for your MainActivity. Make a test class with the name MainActivityTest.
    4. Define your tests with annotations @LargeTest @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4.class) and define the MainActivity Test.
    5. Define the Test activity rule with the annotation @Rule and mention the java class which you want to test. I’ll be explaining the codes exactly as I used to add espresso test in Phimpme Android application below. In this for testing the PhimpMe.class, I used the following codes
      public ActivityTestRule<PhimpMe> mActivityTestRule = new ActivityTestRule<>(PhimpMe.class);

      The codes from defining the tests to defining the rules are given below:

          public class MainActivityTest {
             public ActivityTestRule<PhimpMe> mActivityTestRule = new ActivityTestRule<>(PhimpMe.class);
    6. After this, start writing the tests with the @Test annotations, the code as I used to test the Load more photos button in the MainActivity of the Phimpme Application is shown below:
      ViewInteraction imageView = onView(


The above code checks whether the plus button in the top right corner is visible in the UI.

For the complete code, please refer to the Phimpme Android Repository of FOSSASIA or refer to this pull request in which I added tests for all the Activities and Fragments of the Phimpme Android Application. Since we are rebuilding the application by modifying the whole view of the application, the tests are currently removed. As soon as the application becomes fairly stable, I will be adding the Tests in this in the same way.

For complete tutorial on setting up the test using the Android Studio Inbuilt functionality. Refer to :

That’s it for now. Thanks!

Resources :

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