Displaying All Providers and All Authors separately in Susper Angular App

In Susper results are retrieved from a lots of providers and authors. Displaying all authors’ and providers’ list on result page make appearance of result section odd and more complex. In this blog, I will describe how we have separated the list of all providers and authors from main result page and displayed it on a lightbox.


  • Making a black overlay for lightbox:

First we of all to display the results on a lightbox,we to have a black overlay for this we need a div element and inside it we need a closing button.

Clicking on the black overlay should toggle status of light box therefore we have binded click event with showMore() method.

<div id="fade_analytics" class="black_overlay" (click)='showMore()'><a class="closeX" id="closeX">&#10006;</a></div>
  • Creating a white content to display all Providers or Authors:

Now we need a white block to display all Providers or all Authors so after creating a black overlay in background we need a white foreground.

Therefore I have implemented a div element and put all the chart elements inside the div element so that it will be displayed on a white foreground on a translucent black background.

<div id="light_analytics" class="white_content_analytics">
<div class="show_more"><h2 class="heading"><b>Analytics</b></h2><div id="filtersearch" *ngFor="let nav of navigation$|async; let i = index"><div class="card-container" id="relate" *ngIf="nav.displayname =='Provider' || nav.displayname =='Authors'"><h3  class="related-searches" *ngIf="i===currentelement"><b>Top {{nav.displayname}}<span *ngIf="nav.displayname.slice(-1)!=='s'">s</span></b></h3>
<div style="display: block;cursor:pointer;cursor: hand;" *ngFor="let element of  ((i != currentelement)? (nav.elements | slice:0:0) :nav.elements)">

The code to display All providers and All authors are contained inside the   white block and the logic to display the each section is also implemented.

  • Showing only 50 results on result page and implementing a button to open all providers or authors in light box:

Currently we are displaying the top five providers and authors and we provide a button to show more providers and authors which then displays 50 more results and then we display an interactive button that toggles display of all authors and providers on a lightbox. To display 5 and 50 results we use slice pipe in angular. The button Show All Providers/Authors is binded with showMore() function which toggles lightbox.

<div style="display: block;cursor:pointer;cursor: hand;" *ngFor="let element of ((i != selectedelement)? (nav.elements | slice:0:5) :(nav.elements | slice:0:50) )">
<a [routerLink]="['/search']" [queryParams]="changequerylook(element.modifier,element)" *ngIf="element.name" href="#" [style.color]="themeService.linkColor">
{{element.name}} <span class="badge badge-info">{{element.count}}</span>
</a><a  *ngIf="!element.name" style="color: black;cursor: default" href="#" [style.color]="themeService.linkColor">
Undefined Author <span class="badge badge-info">{{element.count}}</span></a></div>
<button class="showMoreBtn" (click)="showMore()" *ngIf="selectedelement===i" [style.color]="themeService.linkColor">Show All {{nav.displayname}}<span *ngIf="nav.displayname.slice(-1)!=='s'">s</span></button>


  • Implementing the logic to display all results on white content:

Now we need to implement the logic to toggle lightbox to display All Providers and All Authors. This logic is implemented mainly in showMore() function which toggles the lightbox containing the All Providers and All Authors

showMore() { this.selectedelement = -1;
if (!this.showMoreAnalytics) { this.showMoreAnalytics = true; document.getElementById('light_analytics').style.display = 'block'; document.getElementById('fade_analytics').style.display = 'block'; } else { this.showMoreAnalytics = false;
document.getElementById('light_analytics').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('fade_analytics').style.display = 'none';}}

Here we use showMoreAnalytics variable to check whether the user has asked to show all Providers or Authors. We also make selectedelement variable to -1 to hide the long list of 50 Providers or Authors when Lightbox displays all the Providers or Author. Finally we use document object in javascript and select the DOM elements by their id and set their display property this shows and hides the lightbox on result page.


1.YaCy Advanced Search Parameters


2.W3School lightbox



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Displaying Charts on Lightbox

Susper displayed charts which shows graphical representation of Result Frequency and Protocol Distribution(http or https). But since results from these charts added little value it was decided to display charts on a click of a button on a lightbox. (Issue: https://github.com/fossasia/susper.com/issues/1066 ). In this blog,I will describe how I have implemented charts on lightbox.

Uniting the graphs(Line and Bar Graph) in a same class:

Before beginning the implementation of lightbox, we should unite all the components that will be displayed on lightbox in a single class.

Here I have put the different types of charts in a class named graph.

<div class="graph large"> <div class="linegraph"><canvas baseChart
></canvas></div><div class="bargraph"><canvas baseChart

Implementing button to toggle display of light box:

To show and hide lightbox along with charts we must have a button.

Clicking on which should trigger a function which will internally execute the logic in typescript file to show and hide the lightbox.

<button class="btn" id="toggle-chart-button" (click)="BoxToggle()">
           {{analyticsStatus}} Analytics

Creating a translucent black background:

Now to have a black overlay for lightbox we need a div element and inside it we need a closing button.

Clicking on the black overlay should toggle status of light box therefore we have binded click event with BoxToggle() method.

<div id="fade" class="black_overlay" (click)='BoxToggle()'><a class="closeX" id="closeX">&#10006;</a></div>

Creating a white block to display charts:

Now after creating a black overlay in background we need a white foreground to display charts.

Therefore I have implemented a div element and put all the chart elements inside the div element so that it will be displayed on a white foreground on a translucent black background.

<div id="light" class="white_content">
<div class="graph large"><div class="linegraph"><canvas baseChart
<div class="bargraph"><canvas baseChart

CSS for all above elements:

All the CSS which is written for charts, toggle button, white block and black overlay

To make it look attractive and similar to market leader can be found here.

Implementing the logic in typescript file:

Now we have created all the elements in frontend to display the lightbox but we need a little logic to show and hide the lightbox on clicking the button. For this I have used a variable analyticsStatus which is a string and is initialised with value ‘Show Chart’. Its value is displayed on the toggle button. I have used this variable with BoxToggle() function for implementing the logic for showing and hiding the lightbox.

This function checks the status of message and toggles it along with toggling lightbox with some javascript code. The code for the function is here.

BoxToggle() { if (this.analyticsStatus === 'Show Chart') {
     this.analyticsStatus = 'Hide Chart';
     document.getElementById('light').style.display = 'block';
     document.getElementById('fade').style.display = 'block';
   } else {
     this.analyticsStatus = 'Show Chart';
     document.getElementById('light').style.display = 'none';
     document.getElementById('fade').style.display = 'none'; }}


1.Creating a lightbox: https://www.emanueleferonato.com/2007/08/22/create-a-lightbox-effect-only-with-css-no-javascript-needed/

2.W3School lightbox: https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_js_lightbox.asp

3.Angular 2 Lightbox: https://lokeshdhakar.com/projects/lightbox2/

Continue ReadingDisplaying Charts on Lightbox