Pie Chart Responses from SUSI Server

Giving out responses in charts and graphs is a very common reply of various assistants. We also have it in SUSI. We can show users the output of stocks, market covers and various percentages output in Pie Charts.  

A pie chart is a circular chart/graph which is divided in some segments like a pie. The segments in a pie chart shows the share of each object or category.

The PieChartServlet  in SUSI Server is a servlet that takes the JSON data of a the pie chart components as input parameters and returns an Image of the rendered Pie Chart..

public class PieChartServlet extends HttpServlet {

This is a simple HttpServlet. It does not require any authentication or base user role. So we extend the HttpServlet here.

    protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws  IOException {

doGet is a method which is triggered whenever the PieChartServlet receives a GET Query. This will contain all the code that we will need to render the final output.


This is the sample JSON that we send to the PieChartServlet. This contains the names of the pie chart components and their respective percentages. After we receive these parameters we parse them and store them in our local variables.
These variables are then further used to plot the pie chart.

To plot these values in pie chart we have used a library JFreeChart.

This is a free and well documented Java chart library. This library supports PNGs and JPEGs as well as vector graphics file formats

JFreeChart chart = getChart(json, legendBit, tooltipBit);

From here we call a function getChart This function accept 3 parameters. The json which we sent as the GET parameter, legendBit and tooltilBit. These are also sent as GET parameters. In this example I will use legendBit as true and tooltipBit as false.

        JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createPieChart("SUSI Visualizes -   PieChart", dataset, legend, tooltips, urls);

        chart.setBorderStroke(new BasicStroke(5.0f));

        return chart;

 This is the function getChart. It creates a chart using the ChartFactory method and set sets the SUSI branding on it as “SUSI Visualizes – PieChart”. It accepts the datasets, legends and tool tips. The variable, dataset is nothing but the json keys and their values.

After the ChartFactory returns the chart we set the border of the chart and returns a pie chart back the function where it was called.

ChartUtilities.writeChartAsPNG(outputStream, chart, width, height);

Finally we write the chart as a PNG image and send it to the user.


This can be tested at



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Markdown responses from SUSI Server

Most of the times SUSI sends a plain text reply. But for some replies we can set the type of the query as markdown and format the output in computer or bot typed images. In this blog I will explain how to get images with markdown instead of large texts.

This servlet is a simple HttpServlet and do not require any types of user authentication or base user roles. So, instead of extending it from AbstractAPIHandler we extend a HttpServlet.

public class MarkdownServlet extends HttpServlet {

This method is fired when we send a GET request to the server. It accepts those parameters and send it to the “process(…)” method.

One major precaution in open source is to ensure no one takes advantages out of it. In the first steps, we ensure that a user is not trying to access the server very frequently. If the server find the request frequency high, it returns a 503 error to the user.

if (post.isDoS_blackout()) {response.sendError(503, "your request frequency is too high"); return;} // DoS protection
process(request, response, post);

 The process function is where all the processing is done. Here the text is extracted from the URL. All the parameters are sent in GET request and the “process(…)” functions parses the query. After we check all the parameters like color, padding, uppercase, text color and get them in our local variables.


Here we calculate the optimum image size. A perfect size has the format 2:1, that fits into the preview window. We should not allow that the left or right border is cut away. We also resize the image here if necessary. Different clients can request different sizes of images and we can process the optimum image size here.

int lineheight = 7;
int yoffset = 0;
int height = width / 2;
while (lineheight <= 12) {
height = linecount * lineheight + 2 * padding - 1;
if (width <= 2 * height) break;
yoffset = (width / 2 - height) / 2;
height = width / 2;

Then we print our text to the image. This is also done using the RasterPlotter. Using all the parameters that we parsed above we create a new image and set the colors, linewidth, padding etc. Here we are making a matrix with and set all the parameters that we calculated above to our image.

RasterPlotter matrix = new RasterPlotter(width, height, drawmode, color_background);
if (c == '\n' || (c == ' ' && column + nextspace - pos >= 80)) {
x = padding - 1;
y += lineheight;
column = 0;
hashcount = 0;
if (!isFormatted) {
isBold = false;
isItalic = false;

After we have our image we print the SUSI branding. Susi branding is put at the bottom right of the image. It prints “MADE WITH HTTP://SUSI.AI” at the bottom right of the image.

PrintTool.print(matrix, matrix.getWidth() - 6, matrix.getHeight() - 6, 0, "MADE WITH HTTP://SUSI.AI", 1, false, 50);

At the end we write  the image and set the cross origin access headers. This header is very important when we are using different domains on different clients. If this is not provided, the query may give the error of “Cross Origin Access blocked”.

response.addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
RemoteAccess.writeImage(fileType, response, post, matrix);

This servlet can be locally tested at:


Or at SUSI.ai API Server http://api.susi.ai/vis/markdown.png?text=hello%20world%0Dhello%20universe&color_text=000000&color_background=ffffff&padding=



Oracle ImageIO Docs: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/javax/imageio/ImageIO.html

Markdown Tutorial: https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet

Java 2D Graphics: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/2d/

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