Connecting the Smart Speaker with Mobile Clients

The beauty of SUSI Smart Speaker lies in it being customizable according to the user’s needs. And we allow the user to customize it by providing an interface through the mobile clients. To do so, we create a local server on the Raspberry Pi itself. The Raspberry Pi is started in an Access Point mode and the mobile clients hit the endpoints in a specific order and then the configuration is sent to the server and stored according to the user.


The following API’s are required to be executed by the mobile clients

1> /speaker_config

2> /wifi_credentials

3> /auth

4> /config


The following is the order of API execution

1. /speaker_config

This endpoint only takes the room name as a parameter. And then send send to the server to store the location of the device under the user’s account

def speaker_config():
   room_name = request.args.get(‘room_name’)
   config = json_config.connect(config_json_folder)
   config[‘room_name’] = rogom_name


2. /wifi_credentials

This endpoint takes the wifi ssid and wifi password as the parameters and then stores it in the raspberry Pi wifi config file.


def wifi_config():
   wifi_ssid = request.args.get(‘wifissid’)
   wifi_password = request.args.get(‘wifipassd’)[‘sudo’, ‘bash’, wifi_search_folder + ‘/’, wifi_ssid, wifi_password])
   display_message = {“wifi”:“configured”, “wifi_ssid”:wifi_ssid, “wifi_password”: wifi_password}
   resp = jsonify(display_message)
   resp.status_code = 200
   return resp


Now the script wifi_search is called which stores the wifi credentials in the wifi_config file using the following command


cat >> /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf <<EOF


3. /auth

This endpoint takes the SUSI’s login credentials as parameters, i.e. the registered email id and the corresponding password.


def login():
   auth = request.args.get(‘auth’)
   email = request.args.get(’email’)
   password = request.args.get(‘password’)[‘sudo’, ‘bash’, access_point_folder + ‘/’, auth, email, password])
   display_message = {“authentication”:“successful”, “auth”: auth, “email”: email, “password”: password}
   resp = jsonify(display_message)
   resp.status_code = 200
   return resp


4. /config

Finally, this endpoint takes the stt, tts, hotword detection engine and wake button as the parameters and configures the speaker accordingly.


def config():
   stt = request.args.get(‘stt’)
   tts = request.args.get(‘tts’)
   hotword = request.args.get(‘hotword’)
   wake = request.args.get(‘wake’)
   subprocess.Popen([‘sudo’, ‘bash’, access_point_folder + ‘/ ‘, stt, tts, hotword, wake])
   display_message = {“configuration”:“successful”, “stt”: stt, “tts”: tts, “hotword”: hotword, “wake”:wake}
   resp = jsonify(display_message)
   resp.status_code = 200
   return resp


Now, this function runs a script called which in turn runs a script called to convert the Raspberry Pi to normal mode and then finally start SUSI on startup.



if [ $EUID -ne 0 ]
then echo “Must be root”

cd /etc/hostapd/
sed -i ‘1,14d’ hostapd.conf

cd /etc/
sed -i ‘57,60d’ dhcpcd.conf

cd /etc/network/
sed -i ‘9,17d’ interfaces

echo “Please reboot”
sudo reboot


After successfully hitting all the endpoint from the client, your Smart Speaker would restart and would see the following screen on your client.



Additional Resources


fossasia, susi,, gsoc, gsoc’18, handshake

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