Building 64 bit lzma file

Meilix contains the kernel and casper file in image-i386.tar.lzma. This lzma is a compression method for files. It provides a high compression ratio and fast decompression.

Lzma files contains the Meilix file system, we get the same content inside it which we get when when we mount an ISO file. Lzma file is basically an image of the Meilix Operating System.


We need to build a lzma file of 64 bit for Meilix. If we extract the lzma file we will find a README file which contains all the information of the ISO used to build this lzma file.

When we search through the files we find a file named README.diskdefines which contains the information of the file system.

#define DISKNAME  Lubuntu 12.10 "Quantal Quetzal" - Release i386
#define TYPE  binary
#define TYPEbinary  1
#define ARCH  i386
#define ARCHi386  1
#define DISKNUM  1
#define DISKNUM1  1
#define TOTALNUM  0
#define TOTALNUM0  1

The first line depicts that name and version of the ISO with the architecture from where this file system has been taken.

So we thought to build the same system with release amd64.

We download the ISO and tried to compress it into lzma.tar.

Decompression of lzma.tar file is easy but to compress a file into lzma.tar is done as follows:

When using tar, the first word after -f is the output filename

tar -c --lzma -f foo.tar.lzma sourcefile(s)

We mounted the lubuntu 12.10 64 bit ISO and copied it into another folder. Then tried to compress it with lzma algorithm. It resulted in a big size file which can’t be pushed to Github.

So we find out that a file name filesystem.casper is largest in size and can also be removed. Therefore we removed that file and build the ISO again and pushed.
We tested the ISO and file that the build is working file.

Changes made:

  • One we need to push the 64 bit lzma
  • We need to edit this line in of Meilix

# Arch to build ISO for, i386 or amd64

Finally we got the file as image-amd64.tar.lzma

So, if we look into the Readme file we can found the version which it used for building the zip.

#define DISKNAME  Ubuntu 12.10 "Quantal Quetzal" - Release amd64
#define TYPE  binary
#define TYPEbinary  1
#define ARCH  amd64
#define ARCHamd64  1
#define DISKNUM  1
#define DISKNUM1  1
#define TOTALNUM  0
#define TOTALNUM0  1

We can see that it is based on the same version but the architecture is different.


  1. GNU lzma tar:
  2. Python lzma compression:



Continue ReadingBuilding 64 bit lzma file

Store Log History for Repositories Registered to Yaydoc

Yaydoc, our automatic documentation generation and deployment project, generates and deploys documentation for each of its registered repository. For every commit made to the registered repository, there is a corresponding build process running at Yaydoc. These build processes have their own logs which are stored as text files. However, until now, these commits were never visible to the user. So, if there would have been a failed build process, the user would never know the reason behind, rendering the user unable to rectify the error.

Hence, there was a need to make these logs available to users. The initial thought was to store only the latest log overriding all the previous logs for the repository. However, it was unanimously decided by the developers to store a history of logs for the repository. The main motive behind this was to enable users to compare logs between different commits.

The content from the log files created is stored in a MongoDB collection. Following is the schema defined for the build logs.

const BuildLog = mongoose.model(‘BuildLog’, mongoose.Schema({
  repository: String,  // `full_name` of the repository
  buildNumber: {       // Incrementing number for each build
    type: Number,
    default: 0,
  generate: {
    data: Buffer,      // Generate Logs content
    datetime: Date,    // Date time of generate log creation
  ghpages: {
    data: Buffer,      // Github Pages Logs content
    datetime: Date,    // Date time of github pages log creation

The repository collection is also updated, adding a builds key storing the number of times the build process was triggered for a given repository. This key is incremented on every new build and the new value is stored along with the builds as buildNumber.

The build process involves a documentation generation and a documentation deployment script. The process of incrementing the build number in the repository occurs when we store the documentation generation logs. After that, Github pages logs are stored when the documentation deployment process is completed.

Since the logs are stored in a text file at the location temp/<email>/<filename>.txt, we had to read the file using NodeJS File system. The file is read synchronously using the fs.readFileSync(filename) function and then stored in the MongoDB collection.

 * Store logs created while generating docs for a given repository
 * @param name: `full_name` of the repository
 * @param filepath: file path of the generate logs
 * @param callback
module.exports.storeGenerateLogs = function (name, filepath, callback) {
  Repository.incrementBuildNumber(name, function (error, repository) {
    var buildlog = new BuildLog({
      repository: name,
      buildNumber: repository.builds,
      generate: {
        data: fs.readFileSync(filepath),
        datetime: new Date()
    }); (error, repository) {
      callback(error, repository);

 * Store logs created while deploying docs for a given repository
 * @param name: `full_name` of the repository
 * @param filepath: file of the ghpages deploy logs
 * @param callback
module.exports.storeGithubPagesLogs = function (name, filepath, callback) {
  Repository.getRepositoryByName(name, function (error, repository) {
    if (error) {
    } else {
      BuildLog.getParticularBuildLog(, repository.builds, 
      function (error, buildLog) { = fs.readFileSync(filepath);
        buildLog.ghpages.datetime = new Date(); (error, buildLog) {
          callback(error, buildLog);

The stored logs can then be retrieved at two different routes, with /:owner/:name/logs showing a list to logs generated in at most 10 builds and /:owner/:name showing the latest log. Similar to logs generated by Travis, accessing these routes doesn’t require the user to login to Yaydoc.

 * Get a single repository with a log history of 10
 * @param name: `full_name` of the repository
 * @param callback
module.exports.getRepositoryWithLogs = function (name, callback) {
    { $match: {name: name}},
      $lookup: {
        from: ‘buildLogs’,
        localField: ‘name’,
        foreignField: ‘repository’,
        as: ‘logs’
    { $unwind: ‘$logs’ },
    { $sort: { ‘logs.buildNumber’: -1 } },
    { $limit: 10 }
  ]).exec(function (error, results){
    callback(error, results);

In order to retrieve a repository along with its logs, we perform an aggregation in MongoDB which is similar to a Left Join in SQL. This is the $lookup aggregation and it performs a left outer join to an unsharded collection in the same database to filter in documents from the “joined” collection for processing. A similar method is used to retrieve the latest log by setting the limit aggregation to 1.


  1. MongoDB Aggregation Lookup:
  2. Mongoose Aggregate Constructor:
  3. NodeJS File System:
Continue ReadingStore Log History for Repositories Registered to Yaydoc