Performing Diode Clipping and Clamping Experiment in PSLab Android
We can perform experiments like diode clipping and clamping using PSLab Android. A circuit which removes the peak of a waveform is known as a clipper. Diode clipper cuts off the top half or lower half or both top and lower half of the input signal.
Different types of clipping circuits listed below
Different Clipping Experiments
A clamper circuit adds the positive dc component to the input signal to push it to the positive side. Similarly, a clamper circuit adds the negative dc component to the input signal to push it to the negative side. It basically shifts the input signal without changing the shape of the signal.
Different Clamping Experiments
Diode, Resistance, Capacitor (only for diode clamping), Breadboard, Wires and PSLab
Adding Diode Clipping Experiment support in PSLab Android App
To support Diode Clipping Experiment we require generating a sine wave and a dc component. This can be done using W1 and PV1 pins in PSLab device. Both input and output signals can be read using CH1 and CH2. So, when the Diode Clipping Experiment needs to be performed the following code needs to be implemented
scienceLab.setSine1(5000); scienceLab.setPV1(//progress of the seekbar);
The signals are recorded using Oscilloscope Activity.
Adding Diode Clamping Experiment support in PSLab Android App
Diode Clamping Experiment was implemented similarly to Diode Clipping Experiment. The following are the screenshots of the experiment.
The following is a glimpse of Diode Clamping Experiment performed using PSLab device using PSLab Android App.
- Read more about Clipper Circuits –
- Read more information about Clamping Circuits –
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