UNESCO Youth Mobile Workshop in Paris with FOSSASIA

The 1st YouthMobile Experts Meeting took place at the UNESCO headquarters on 19th and 20th March 2014 with participation of FOSSASIA. UNESCO has conducted a global search for the best, existing mobile applications training initiatives with openly-licensed training materials, and invited a selected group of training providers and app development tools makers.

Objectives of the Meeting:
1. Facilitate the sharing of best-practices between the training providers; and
2. Further select the best providers to enter into partnerships for up-scaling and integration into teaching and learning environments.

I had the chance to meet David Ascher and Geoffrey MacDougall from Mozilla and Bobby Richter the developer of Mozilla Appmaker. Andrew F. Mckinney is the manager and developer of MIT App Inventor.

The UNESCO seeks to extensively promote very high-quality, multi-lingual, comprehensive training materials for developing mobile apps. Openly-licensed, the training materials identified will allow for adaptations including translation, localization, and innovations. The YouthMobile experts meeting is part of UNESCO’s contribution to the 2014 celebrations for Open Education Week.


Organisations and Presentations

 mlab m:Lab East Africa / eMobilis Kenya Presentation   |      Video
 nairobidevschool-alpha Nairobi Dev School Kenya Presentation
 mash-logo_85h The MASH Project India Presentation
 fossasia_logo_85h FOSSASIA Vietnam Presentation
 Technovation Technovation USA Presentation
 AppsForGood Apps For Good England Presentation
 esprit Esprit Tunisia Presentation
alldevcamp-logo-alpha AllDevCamp Cote d’Ivoire Presentation
appmaker_wordmark_black Mozilla / Appmaker USA Presentation
 orange Orange France Presentation
 appinventor MIT App Inventor Project USA Presentation
 fossfa-logo_85h FOSSFA  France Presentation
 intel Intel Software Academic Program France Presentation

UNESCO guest speaker    Irmgarda Kasinskaite

UNESCO guest speaker    Maria Kypriotou

France Presentation



UNESCO Youth Mobile Program http://en.unesco.org/youthmobile

Youth Mobile http://www.youthmobile.org

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