Adding Tumblr Upload Feature in Phimpme

The Phimpme Android application along with various other cloud storage and social media upload features provides an option to upload the images on Tumblr without having to download any other applications. In this post, I will be explaining how I integrated Tumblr in phimpme as there is no proper guide on the web how to integrate to Tumblr in Android. Tumblr provides an Android-SDK but there is no proper documentation to it and is not enough to authenticate and upload the images to it. After so much research I came to a solution. So read this article to know how to integrate Tumblr in Android.

Step 1:

First, add two dependencies to your project one is for Android SDK of Tumblr and one is for loglr which help you to get login on Tumblr.

dependencies {

compile 'com.daksh:loglr:1.2.1'

compile 'com.tumblr:jumblr:0.0.11'


Step 2:

  1. Register your app on Tumblr to obtain developer keys.
  2. Enter callback URL it is important to get keys.
  3. Generate CONSUMER_KEY & CONSUMER_SECRET from the official developer console of Tumblr.

Register your application

Step 3:

Now we use Loglr library to log in to Tumblr. Tumblr doesn’t provide any library to login so I am using Loglr library for login Tumblr. After successfully log in Loglr will return API_KEY and API_SECRET. We will use these keys later to upload the image. Save these keys as constant variables.

public final static String TUMBLR_CONSUMER_KEY = "ENTER-CONSUMER-KEY";


Step 4:

To authenticate the Tumblr use loglr login instance and it can be done as follows.









After that you will be prompt to enter your tumblr credentials to authenticate the phimpme Android app. Once you have done it will return api_token and api_secret. Now save this in database.



Step 5:

Once the authentication is done now we can upload an image directly to Tumblr from the Share activity in the Phimpme Android application. To upload an image create an async task so that uploading process will run in a background thread and not block the main UI thread. Keep in mind Tumblr require 4 variable to create Tumblr client CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET, API_KEY and API_SECRET. Now we can create a Tumblr client using these 4 values. Once the client is created we are ready to get data from Tumblr and upload an image on Tumblr. Before uploading an image on Tumblr we need blog name because the user can have multiple blogs on Tumblr so we need to ask the user to choose a blog name from the list or we can provide dialog to enter blog name manually. Now enter the following code in the doInBackground() method of asynctask.

PhotoPost post = null;

try {

 post = client.newPost(user.getBlogs().get(0).getName(), PhotoPost.class);

 if (caption!=null && !caption.isEmpty())


 post.setData(new File(imagePath));;

} catch (IllegalAccessException | InstantiationException e) {

 success = false;


If success variable is true that means our image is uploaded successfully. This is how I implemented the upload feature to Tumblr using two different libraries. To get the full source code, please refer to the Phimpme Android repository.


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Adding Text on an Image in Phimpme Android

As Phimpme Android is an image app which provides own custom camera, editing, and sharing images on multiple platforms, so we decided to introduce a new feature, where the user can write text on images.

Using this feature, a user can write text on images and share on multiple  platforms like Facebook, twitter, wordPress, drupal, pinterest, etc. In this post, I am going to explain how I implemented this feature.

Writing Text on image in Phimpme Android

How I implemented Text on Image in Phimpme

First, create an imageview and apply the original image bitmap or load with any image library by providing the local path of the image.


Once an image is loaded we will ask a user to enter text in editext and the text will be displayed above the image. The code for this is:

EditText inputBox = (EditText) layout.findViewById(;
String textString = inputBox.getText().toString();

Now we have textString variable that stores the text we wanted to display. To set this text we need to create a textview on the image, which can be done as follows:

TextView textView = new TextView(context);

We allow the user to drag the text over image to his/her desired location. This is done using setOnTouchListener() as follows

TextView.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() {
    float lastX = 0, lastY = 0;
    public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
        switch (event.getAction()) {
            case (MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN):
                lastX = event.getX();
                lastY = event.getY();
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
                float dx = event.getX() - lastX;
                float dy = event.getY() - lastY;
                float finalX = v.getX() + dx;
                float finalY = v.getY() + dy + v.getHeight();               v.setX(finalX;              
              return true;

Thus, we have set the text according to the user’s desired location.

Problem I faced

The text doesn’t appear to move from the desired position, instead, the text moves from some offset value. To solve this I have used two variable finalX and finaly. Now I am calculating the distance from the point to corner and adding the extra offset value to finalX and finalY. So this is how I achieve perfect image on text feature with point accuracy in Phimpme-Android.



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