Processing Text Responses in SUSI Web Chat

SUSI Web Chat client now supports emojis, images, links and special characters. However, these aren’t declared as separate action types i.e the server doesn’t explicitly tell the client that the response contains any of the above features when it sends the JSON response. So the client must parse the text response from server and add support for each of the above mentioned features instead of rendering the plain text as is, to ensure good UX.

SUSI Web Chat client parses the text responses to support :

  • HTML Special Entities
  • Images and GIFs
  • URLs and Mail IDs
  • Emojis and Symbols
// Proccess the text for HTML Spl Chars, Images, Links and Emojis

function processText(text){

    let htmlText = entities.decode(text);
    let imgText = imageParse(htmlText);
    let replacedText = parseAndReplace(imgText);

    return <Emojify>{replacedText}</Emojify>;

  return text;

Let us write sample skills to test these out. Visit and enter textprocessing.

You can then see few sample queries and responses at

Lets visit SUSI WebChat and try it out.

Query : dream textprocessing

Response: dreaming enabled for textprocessing

Query : text with special characters

Response:  &para; Here are few “Special Characters&rdquo;!

All the special entities notations have been parsed and rendered accordingly!

Sometimes we might need to use HTML special characters due to reasons like

  • You need to escape HTML special characters like <, &, or .
  • Your keyboard does not support the required character. For example, many keyboards do not have em-dash or the copyright symbol.

You might be wondering why the client needs to handle this separately as it is generally, automatically converted to relevant HTML character while rendering the HTML. SUSI Web Chat client uses reactjs which has JSX and not HTML. So JSX doesn’t support HTML special characters i.e they aren’t automatically converted to relevant characters while rendering. Hence, the client needs to handle this explicitly.

We used the module, html-entities to decode all types of special HTML characters and entities. This module parses the text for HTML entities and replaces them with the relevant character for rendering when used to decode text.

import {AllHtmlEntities} from 'html-entities';
const entities = new AllHtmlEntities();

let htmlText = entities.decode(text);

Now that the HTML entities are processed, the client then processes the text for image links. Let us now look at how images and gifs are handled.

Query : random gif


Sometimes, the text contains links for images or gifs and the user would be expecting a media type like image or gif instead of text. So we need to replace those image links with actual images to ensure good UX. This is handled using regular expressions to match image type urls and correspondingly replace them with html img tags so that the response is a image and not URL text.

// Parse text for Image URLs

function imageParse(stringWithLinks){

  let replacePattern = new RegExp([

  let splits = stringWithLinks.split(replacePattern);

  let result = [];

    let checkmatch = item.match(replacePattern);

        <img key={key} src={checkmatch}
        style={{width:'95%',height:'auto'}} alt=''/>)

  return result;

The text is split using the regular expression and every matched part is replaced with the corresponding image using the img tag with source as the URL contained in the text.

The client then parses URLs and Mail IDs.

Query: search internet

Response: Internet The global system of interconnected computer networks that use the Internet protocol suite to…

The link has been parsed from the response text and has been successfully hyperlinked. Clicking the links opens the respective url in a new window.

We used react-linkify module to parse links and email IDs. The module parses the text and hyperlinks all kinds of URLs and Mail IDs.

import Linkify from 'react-linkify';

export const parseAndReplace = (text) => {return <Linkify properties={{target:"_blank"}}>{text}</Linkify>;}

Finally, let us see, how emojis are parsed.

Query : dream textprocessing

Response: dreaming enabled for textprocessing

Query : susi, do you use emojis?

Response: Ofcourse ^__^ 😎 What about you!? 😉 😛

All the notations for emojis have been parsed and rendered as emojis instead of text!

We used react-emojine module to emojify the text.

import Emojify from 'react-emojione';


This is how text is processed to support special characters, images, links and emojis, ensuring a rich user experience. You can find the complete code at SUSI WebChat.


Continue ReadingProcessing Text Responses in SUSI Web Chat

How SUSI AI Searches the Web For You

SUSI is now capable of performing web search to answer your queries. When SUSI doesn’t know how to answer your queries, it performs a web search on the client side and displays all the results as horizontally swipeable tiles with each tile giving a brief description and also providing a link to the relevant source.

Lets visit SUSI WebChat and try it out.

Query : Search for Google
Response : <Web Search Results>

How does SUSI know when to perform a websearch?

It uses action types to identify if a web search is to be performed or not. The API Response is parsed to check for the action types and if a websearch action type is present, then an API call is made using the duckduckgo api with the relevant query and the results are displayed as tiles with :

  • Category : The Topic related to the given query
  • Text : The result from the websearch
  • Image : Image related to the query if present
  • Link : A url redirecting to the relevant source

Parsing the actions :

Let us look at the API response for a query.

Sample Query: search for google

Response: <API Response>

"actions": [
    "type": "answer",
    "expression": "Here is a web search result:"
    "type": "websearch",
    "query": "google"

Note: The API Response has been trimmed to show only the relevant content

We find a websearch type action and the query to be searched as google . So we now make a API call using duckduckgo api to get our websearch results.

API Call Format :{query}&format=json

API Call for query google :

And from the duckduckgo API response we generate our websearch tiles showing relevant data using the fields present in each object.

This is the sample object from duckduckgo API response under the RelatedTopics , which we use to create our websearch result tiles.

  "Result": "<a href=\"https:\/\/\/Google\">Google<\/a> An American multinational technology company specializing in Internet-related services and...",
  "Icon": {
    "URL": "https:\/\/\/i\/8f85c93f.png",
    "Height": "",
    "Width": ""
  "FirstURL": "https:\/\/\/Google",
  "Text": "Google An American multinational technology company specializing in Internet-related services and..."

Let us look at the code for querying data from the API

if (actions.indexOf('websearch')>=0) {

  let actionIndex = actions.indexOf('websearch');
  let query = response.answers[0].actions[actionIndex].query;

    url: ''+query,
    dataType: 'jsonp',
    crossDomain: true,
    timeout: 3000,
    async: false,

    success: function (data) {
      receivedMessage.websearchresults = data.RelatedTopics;

        let abstractTile = {
        abstractTile.Text = data.AbstractText;
        abstractTile.FirstURL = data.AbstractURL;
        abstractTile.Icon.URL = data.Image;

    let message =  ChatMessageUtils.getSUSIMessageData(
receivedMessage, currentThreadID);

      type: ActionTypes.CREATE_SUSI_MESSAGE,

    error: function(errorThrown) {
      receivedMessage.text = 'Please check your internet connection';



Here, from the actions object, we get the query needed to search the web. We then make a ajax call using that query to the duckduckgo API. If the API call succeeds then we collect the required data to create tiles as array of objects and store it as websearchresults. and dispatch the message with the websearchresults which gets reflected in the message store and when passed to the components we use it to create the result tiles.

  <Paper zDepth={0} className='tile'>
    <a rel='noopener noreferrer'
    href={} target='_blank'
    {tile.icon &&
    (<Paper className='tile-img-container'>
      <img src={tile.icon}
      className='tile-img' alt=''/>
  <Paper className='tile-text'>
    <p className='tile-title'>

We then display the tiles as horizontally swipeable carousel ensuring a good and interactive UX.

React-Slick module was used to implement the horizontal swiping feature.

function renderTiles(tiles){

if(tiles.length === 0){
  let noResultFound = 'NO Results Found';

let resultTiles = drawTiles(tiles);

var settings = {
  speed: 500,
  slidesToShow: 3,
  slidesToScroll: 1,

    <Slider {...settings}>


Here we are handling the corner case when there are no results to display by rendering `NO Results found`. We then have our web search results displayed as swipeable tiles with a image, title, description and link to the source.

This is how SUSI performs web search to respond to user queries ensuring that no query goes unanswered! Don’t forget to swipe left and go through all the results displayed!


Continue ReadingHow SUSI AI Searches the Web For You

How SUSI AI Tabulates Answers For You

SUSI is an artificial intelligence chat bot that responds to all kinds of user queries. It isn’t any regular chat bot replying in just plain text. It supports various response types which we refer to as ‘actions’. One such action is the “table” type. When the response to a user query contains a list of answers which can be grouped, it is better visualised as a table rather than plain text.

Lets visit SUSI WebChat and try it out. In our example we ask SUSI for the 2009 race statistics of British Formula 1 racing driver Lewis Hamilton.

Query: race stats of hamilton in f1 season 2009

Response: <table> (API response)



How does SUSI do that? Let us look at the skill teaching SUSI to give table responses.

# Returns race stats as a table

race summary of  * in f1 season *|race stats of  * in f1 season *
     "columns":{"status":"Race Status","count":"Number Of Races"}

Here, we are telling SUSI that the data type is a table through type attribute in actions and also defining column names and under which column each value must be put using their respective keys. Using this information SUSI generates a response accordingly with the table schema and data points.

How do we know when to render a table?

We know it through the type attribute in the actions from the API response.

"actions": [{
  "type": "table",
  "columns": {
    "status": "Race Status",
    "count": "Number Of Races"
  "count": -1

We can see that the type is table so we now know that we have to render a table.

But what is the table schema? What do we fill it with?

There is a columns key under actions and from the value of the columns key we get a object whose key value pairs give us column names and what data to put under each column.

Here, we have two columns – Race Status and Number Of Races

And the data to put under each column is found in answers[0].data with same keys as those for each column name i.e ‘status’ and ‘count’.

Sample data object from the API response:

  "statusId": "2",
  "count": "1",
  "status": "Disqualified"

The value under ‘status’ key is ‘Disqualified’ and the column name for ‘status’ key is ‘Race Status’, so Disqualified is entered under Race Status column in the table. Similarly 1  is entered under Number Of Races column. We thus have a row of our table. We populate the table for each object in the data array using the same procedure.

let coloumns = data.answers[0].actions[index].columns;
let count = data.answers[0].actions[index].count;
let table = drawTable(coloumns,data.answers[0].data,count);

We also have a ’count’ attribute in the API response . This is used to denote how many rows to populate in the table. If count = -1 , then it means infinite or to display all the results.

function drawTable(coloumns,tableData,count){

let parseKeys;
let showColName = true;

if(coloumns.constructor === Array){
  parseKeys = coloumns;
  showColName = false;
  parseKeys = Object.keys(coloumns);

let tableheader =,i) =>{
return(<TableHeaderColumn key={i}>{coloumns[key]}</TableHeaderColumn>);

let rowCount = tableData.length;

if(count > -1){
  rowCount = Math.min(count,tableData.length);

let rows = [];

for (var j=0; j < rowCount; j++) {

  let eachrow = tableData[j];

  let rowcols =,i) =>{
        <TableRowColumn key={i}>
          <Linkify properties={{target:'_blank'}}>

      <TableRow key={j}>{rowcols}</TableRow>


const table =
    <Table selectable={false}>
      <TableHeader displaySelectAll={false} adjustForCheckbox={false}>
        { showColName && <TableRow>{tableheader}</TableRow>}
      <TableBody displayRowCheckbox={false}>{rows}</TableBody>

return table;


Here we first determine how many rows to populate using the count attribute and then parse the columns to get the column names and keys. We then loop through the data and populate each row.

This is how SUSI responds with tabulated data!

You can create your own table skill and SUSI will give the tabulated response you need. Check out this tutorial to know more about SUSI and the various other action types it supports.


Continue ReadingHow SUSI AI Tabulates Answers For You

Map Support for SUSI Webchat

SUSI chat client supports map tiles now for queries related to location. SUSI responds with an interactive internal map tile with the location pointed by a marker. It also provides you with a link to open street maps where you can get the whole view of the location using the zooming options provided and also gives the population count for that location.

Lets visit SUSI WebChat and try it out.

Query : Where is london
Response :


How do we know that a map tile is to be rendered?
The actions in the API response tell the client what to render. The client loops through the actions array and renders the response for each action accordingly.

"actions": [
    "type": "answer",
    "expression": "City of London is a place with a population of 7556900.             Here is a map:"
    "type": "anchor",
    "link":    "",
    "text": "Link to Openstreetmap: City of London"
    "type": "map",
    "latitude": "51.51279067225417",
    "longitude": "-0.09184009399817228",
    "zoom": "13"

Note: The API response has been trimmed to show only the relevant content.

The first action element is of type answer so the client renders the text response, ‘City of London is a place with a population of 7556900. Here is a map:

The second action element is of type anchor with the text to display and the link to hyperlink specified by the text and link attributes, so the client renders the text `Link to Openstreetmap: City of London`, hyperlinked to “”.

Finally, the third action element is of type map. Latitude, Longitude and zoom level information are also  specified using latitude, longitude and zoom attributes. The client renders a map using these attributes.

I used react-leafletmodule to render the interactive map tiles.

To integrate it into our project and set the required style for the map tiles, we need to load Leaflet’s CSS style sheet and we also need to include height and width for the map component. 

<link rel="stylesheet"  href="" />
.leaflet-container {
  height: 150px;
  width: 80%;
  margin: 0 auto;
case 'map': {

  let lat = parseFloat(data.answers[0].actions[index].latitude);
  let lng = parseFloat(data.answers[0].actions[index].longitude);
  let zoom = parseFloat(data.answers[0].actions[index].zoom);
  let mymap = drawMap(lat,lng,zoom);

    <li className='message-list-item' key={action+index}>
      <section className={messageContainerClasses}>
        <p className='message-time'>

import { divIcon } from 'leaflet';
import { Map, Marker, Popup, TileLayer } from 'react-leaflet';

// Draw a Map

function drawMap(lat,lng,zoom){

  let position = [lat, lng];

  const icon = divIcon({
    className: 'map-marker-icon',
    iconSize: [35, 35]

  const map = (
    <Map center={position} zoom={zoom}>
      <ExtendedMarker position={position} icon={icon}>
          <span><strong>Hello!</strong> <br/> I am here.</span>

return map;


Here, I used a custom marker icon because the default icon provided by leaflet had an issue and was not being rendered. I used divIcon from leaflet to create a custom map marker icon.

When the map tile is rendered, we see a Popup message at the marker. The extended marker class is used to keep the Popup open initially.

class ExtendedMarker extends Marker {
  componentDidMount() {

The function drawMap returns a Map tile component which is rendered and we have our interactive map!

Continue ReadingMap Support for SUSI Webchat

Hyperlinking Support for SUSI Webchat

SUSI responses can contain links or email ids. Whenever we want to access those links or send a mail to those email ids, it is very inconvenient for the user to manually copy the link and check out the contents, which is a very bad UX.

I used a module called ‘react-linkify’ to address this issue.
React-linkify’ is a React component to parse links (urls, emails, etc.) in text into clickable links.


<Linkify>{text to linkify}</Linkify>

Any link that appears inside the linkify component will be hyperlinked and is made clickable. It uses regular expressions and pattern matching to detect URLs and mail ids and are made clickable such that clicking on URLs opens the link in a new window and clicking a mail id opens “mailto:” .


export const parseAndReplace = (text) => {return <Linkify properties={{target:"_blank"}}>{text}</Linkify>;}

Lets visit SUSI WebChat and try it out.

Query: search internet

Response: Internet The global system of interconnected computer networks that use the Internet protocol suite to…

The link has been parsed from the response text and has been successfully hyperlinked. Clicking the links opens the respective URL in a new window.

Continue ReadingHyperlinking Support for SUSI Webchat

How to teach SUSI skills calling an External API

SUSI is an intelligent  personal assistant. SUSI can learn skills to understand and respond to user queries better. A skill is taught using rules. Writing rules is an easy task and one doesn’t need any programming background too. Anyone can start contributing. Check out these tutorials and do watch this video to get started and start teaching susi.

SUSI can be taught to call external API’s to answer user queries.

While writing skills we first mention string patterns to match the user’s query and then tell SUSI what to do with the matched pattern. The pattern matching is similar to regular expressions and we can also retrieve the matched parameters using $<parameter number>$ notation.

Example :

My name is *
Hi $1$!

When the user inputs “My name is Uday” , it is matched with “My name is *” and “Uday” is stored in $1$. So the output given is “Hi Uday!”.

SUSI can call an external API to reply to user query. An API endpoint or url when called must return a JSON or JSONP response for SUSI to be able to parse the response and retrieve the answer.

Rule Format for a skill calling an external API

The rule format for calling an external API is :

<regular expression for pattern matching>
!console: <return answer using $object$ or $required_key$>
  “url”:<API endpoint or url>,
  “path”:$.<key in the API response to find the answer>,
  • Url is the API endpoint to be called which returns a JSON or JSONP response.
    The parameters to the url if any can be added using $$ notation.
  • Path is used to help susi know where to look for the answer in the returned response.
    If the path points to a root element, then the answer is stored in $object$, otherwise we can query $key$ to get the answer which is a value to the key under the path.
  • eol or end of line indicates the end of the rule.

Understanding the Path Attribute

Let us understand the Path attribute better through some test cases.

In each of the test cases we discuss what the path should be and how to retrieve the answer for a given required answer from the json response of an API.

  1. API response in json :

      “Key1” : “Value1”

Required answer : Value1
Path : “$.Key1    =>   Retrieve Answer:  $object$


  1. API response in json :
  “Key1” : [{“Key11” : “Value11”}]

Required answer : Value11
Path : $.Key1[0]   =>  Retrieve Answer: $Key11$
Path : $.Key1[0].Key11   => Retrieve Answer: $object$


  1. API response in json :
  “Key1” : {“Key11” : “Value11”}

Required answer : Value11
Path : $.Key1  => Retrieve Answer:  $Key11$
Path : $.Key1.Key11  => Retrieve Answer: $object$


  1. API response in json :
  “Key1” : {
           “Key11” : “Value11”,
           “Key12” : “Value12”

Required answer : Value11 , Value12
Path : $.Key1  => Retrieve Answer:  $Key11$ , $Key12$

Where to write these rules?

Now, since we know how to write rules let’s see where to write them.

We use etherpads to write and test rules and once we finish testing our rule we can push those rules to the repo.

Steps to open, write and test rules:

  1. Open a new etherpad with a desired name <etherpad name> at
  2. Write your skills code in the etherpad following the code format explained above.
  3. Now, to test your skill let’s chat with susi. Start a conversation with susi at to test your skills.
  4. Load your skills by typing dream <etherpad name> and wait for a response saying dreaming enabled for <etherpad name>
  5. Test your skill and follow step 4 every time you make changes to the code in your etherpad.
  6. After you are done testing, type stop dreaming and if you are satisfied with your skill do send a PR to help susi learn.


Let us try an example to understand this better.

1. Plot of a TV Show

Tvmaze is an open  TV API that provides information about tv shows. Let us write a rule to know the plot of a tv show. We can find many such APIs. Check out this link listing few of them.

  1.  Open an etherpad at named tvshowplot.
  2.   Enter the code to query plot of a TV show in the etherpad at                 
* plot of *|* summary of *
  1. Now lets test our skill by starting a conversation with susi at
  • User Query: dream tvshowplot
    Response:  dreaming enabled  for tvshowplot
  • User Query: what is the plot of legion
    Response: Legion introduces the story of David Haller: Since he was a teenager, David has struggled with mental illness. Diagnosed as schizophrenic, David has been in and out of psychiatric hospitals for years. But after a strange encounter with a fellow patient, he’s confronted with the possibility that the voices he hears and the visions he sees might be real. He’s based on the Marvel comics character Legion, the son of X-Men founder Charles Xavier (played by Patrick Stewart and James McAvoy in the films), first introduced in 1985.

Intermediate Processing:

Pattern Matching : $1$ = “what is the” ; $2$ = “legion”

Url :

API response:

  "id": 6393,
  "url": "http:\/\/\/shows\/6393\/legion",
  "name": "Legion",
  "type": "Scripted",
  "language": "English",
  "genres": [
  "summary": "<p><strong>Legion<\/strong> introduces the story of David Haller: Since he was a teenager, David has struggled with mental illness. Diagnosed as schizophrenic, David has been in and out of psychiatric hospitals for years. But after a strange encounter with a fellow patient, he's confronted with the possibility that the voices he hears and the visions he sees might be real. He's based on the Marvel comics character Legion, the son of X-Men founder Charles Xavier (played by Patrick Stewart and James McAvoy in the films), first introduced in 1985.<\/p>",
  "updated": 1491955072,

Note: The API response has been trimmed to show only the relevant content.

Path : $.summary

Retrieving Answer: so our required answer in the api response is under the key summary and is retrieved using $object$ since it is a root element.



2. Cooking Recipes

Let us try it out with another API.
Recipepuppy is an cooking recipe API where users can query various recipes.

  1.  Open a etherpad at named recipe.
  2.   Enter the code to query a recipe in the etherpad at
#Gives recipes and links to cook a dish
* cook *
!console:<p>To cook  <strong>$title$</strong> : <br>The ingridients required are: $ingredients$. <br> For instruction to prepare the dish $href$ </p>
  1. Now lets test our skill by starting a conversation with susi at
  • User Query: dream recipe
    Response:  dreaming enabled  for recipe
  • User Query: how to cook chicken biryani
    Response: To cook Chicken Biryani Recipe :
    The ingridients required are: chicken, seeds, chicken broth, rice, butter, peas, garlic, red onions, cardamom, curry paste, olive oil, tomato, coriander, cumin, brown sugar, tumeric.
    For instruction to prepare the dish Click Here!

Intermediate Processing:

Pattern Matching : $1$ = “how to” ; $2$ = “chicken biryani”

Url : biryani

API response:

  "title": "Recipe Puppy",
  "version": 0.1,
  "href": "http:\/\/\/",
  "results": [
                "title": "Chicken Biryani Recipe",
                "href": "http:\/\/\/53040\/chicken-biryani.html",
                "ingredients": "chicken, seeds, chicken broth, rice, butter, peas, garlic, red onions, cardamom, curry paste, olive oil, tomato, coriander, cumin, brown sugar, tumeric",
                "thumbnail": "http:\/\/\/413822.jpg"

Note: The API response has been trimmed to show only the relevant content.

Path : $.results[0]

Retrieving Answer: so our required answer in the api response is under the key results and since it’s an array we are using the first element of the array and since the element is a dictionary too we use its keys correspondingly to answer. The $href$ is rendered as “Click Here” hyperlinked to the actual url.




We have successfully taught susi a skill which tells users about the plot of a tv show and a skill to query recipes.
Following similar procedure, we can make use of other APIs and teach susi several new skills.

Continue ReadingHow to teach SUSI skills calling an External API