Workflow of Admin Translations downloads as ZIP

This blog post emphasizes on the feature of translation archiving and download routes. The Open Event Project, popularly known as Eventyay is an event management solution which provides a robust platform to manage events, schedules multi-track sessions and supports many other features.

Prior to the actual implementation of this feature, a blueprint had to be registered in the flask app which handles the archiving and downloads logic for the translations. In addition, as this is only specific for administrators, the route had to be secured with access control. The access is controlled with the help of the is_admin decorator which checks if the user attempting to access the route is an admin. 

from flask import send_file, Blueprint
import shutil
import uuid
import tempfile
import os
from app.api.helpers.permissions import is_admin

admin_blueprint = Blueprint('admin_blueprint', __name__, url_prefix='/v1/admin/content/translations/all')
temp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir()
translations_dir = 'app/translations'

@admin_blueprint.route('/', methods=['GET'])
def download_translations():
    """Admin Translations Downloads"""
    uuid_literal = uuid.uuid4()
    zip_file = "translations{}".format(uuid_literal)
    zip_file_ext = zip_file+'.zip'
    shutil.make_archive(zip_file, "zip", translations_dir)
    shutil.move(zip_file_ext, temp_dir)
    path_to_zip = os.path.join(temp_dir, zip_file_ext)
    from .helpers.tasks import delete_translations
    delete_translations.apply_async(kwargs={'zip_file_path': path_to_zip}, countdown=600)
    return send_file(path_to_zip,  mimetype='application/zip',

                                                         Code Snippet – Translations archiving

We utilize the shutil library to create archives of the specified directory which is the translations directory here. The directory file path which is to be archived must point to the folder with sub-directories of various language translations. We append a unique name generated by the UUID(Universally Unique Identifier) to the generated translations zip file. Also observe that the translations archive is saved to the temp folder. This is because the zip archive needs to be deleted after a certain amount of time. This time window mustn’t be too bounded as there might be multiple admins who might want to access these translations at the same time. Therefore, it is saved in the temp folder for 10 mins.

import Controller from '@ember/controller';
import { action } from '@ember/object';

export default class extends Controller {
  isLoading = false;

  async translationsDownload() {
    this.set('isLoading', true);
    try {
      const result = this.loader.downloadFile('/admin/content/translations/all/');
      const anchor = document.createElement('a'); = 'none';
      anchor.href = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([result], { type: 'octet/stream' })); = '';;
      this.notify.success(this.l10n.t('Translations Zip generated successfully.'));
    } catch (e) {
      this.notify.error(this.l10n.t('Unexpected error occurred.'));
    this.set('isLoading', false);

                                           Code Snippet – Frontend logic for anchor downloads

To make this work on all browsers, the frontend part handles the downloads via an action in the controller. The action translationsDownload is linked to the download button which uses the download method in the loader service to hit the specific route and fetch the resource intuitively. This is stored in a constant result.

After this, an HTML anchor is created explicitly and its attribute values are updated.

The href of the anchor is set to the result of the resource fetched using the loader service with a Blob.

 Then a click action is triggered to download this file. As the loader service returns a Promise, we use an async function as the action to resolve it. In cases of failures, the notify service raises the error related and the frontend triggers this notification.


Related work and code repo:


Eventyay, FOSSASIA, Flask, Ember.js, Open Event, API

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