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Using a Flask Server to Connect to SUSI smart speaker

A smart speaker becomes significantly smarter when it is connected to a Smart-Phone.

So, we added a way to connect the Smart-Phone to the Smart Speaker and initiate the first way towards a Smart Home.

Use a simple HTTP connection protocol and deploy a light-weight server on the Raspberry Pi to allow connection from a mobile phone.

Step 1: Setting Up the server

Use flask to deploy a light-weight server on the raspberry pi. We’ll install flask using raspbian repos.


1>Install Flask by using the following command

sudo apt-get install python3-flask


2> Setting up the boilerplate code.

Open the terminal and type the following commands


mkdir server_app
cd server_app




Add the following code to your file. This create a server at localhost:5000


from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
   return ‘Hello world’

if __name__ == ‘__main__’:, host=‘’)  #This will allow the server to be accessible on all devices


Step 2: Adding Endpoints

Now , add endpoints which will trigger the scripts during initialisation of the raspberry Pi. This will trigger the respective endpoints

def login(auth, email, passwd):
os.system(‘sudo ./ {} {} {}’.format(auth, email,passwd)) #nosec #pylint-disable type: ignore
return ‘Authenticated’ # pylint-enable@app.route(‘/wifi_credentials/<wifissid>/<wifipassd>’)
def wifi_config(wifissid,wifipassd):
wifi_ssid = wifissid
wifi_password = wifipassd
os.system(‘sudo ./home/pi/SUSI.AI/susi_linux/access_point/ {} {}’.format(wifi_ssid,wifi_password))  #nosec #pylint-disable type: ignore
return ‘Wifi Configured’ # pylint-enable


Step 3: Connecting to the endpoints

Now, try and hit the API endpoints to get the response.

eg.As shown in the above example, you will be getting a single line response and will execute a bash script behind the scenes

Now you can access the other endpoints and configure the clients with the SUSI Smart Speaker




fossasia,GSoC,Python, Flask , raspberryPi, SUSI,smart-speaker,FOSSASIA

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