Implementing a skill rating over time graph section in SUSI Skill CMS

In SUSI.AI skill ratings is an invaluable aspect which greatly helps the users to know which skills are performing better than the rest and are more popular than the others. A robust skill rating system for the skills was developed recently which allows the users to rate skills as per their experience and thus data like average rating, total number of ratings is available but there was no provision to see the rating history or how the skills rating has changed over time, this could be an important aspect for users or developers to know what changes to the skill made it less/more popular. An API is developed at the server to retrieve the ratings over time data, we can use these details to render attractive components for a better visual understanding of how the skill is performing and get statistics like how the skill’s rating has changed over time.

About the API

Endpoint : /cms/getRatingsOverTime.json


  • model
  • group
  • language
  • skill

After consuming these params the API will return the number of times a skill is called along with

the date on which it is called. We use that data as an input for the line chart component that we want to render. 

Fetching data from the server and storing in the application state

Make an AJAX call to the server to fetch the data from the URL which holds the server endpoint, on successfully receiving the data we do some formatting with the timestamp that comes along the data to make it more convenient to understand and then we call a saveRatingOverTime function which saves the data received from the server to the application state.

let ratingOverTimeUrl = `${urls.API_URL}/cms/getRatingsOverTime.json`;
skillUsageUrl = skillUsageUrl + '?model=' + modelValue + '&group=' + this.groupValue + '&language=' + this.languageValue + '&skill=' +;
// Fetch the skill ratings over time
 url: ratingOverTimeUrl,
 dataType: 'json',
 crossDomain: true,
 success: function(data) {
        if (data.ratings_over_time) {
         const ratingData = => {
             return {
               rating: item.rating,
               count: item.count,
               timestamp: parseDate(item.timestamp)
                 .split(' ')
                 .slice(2, 4)
                 .join(' '),
 error: function(e) {


Save the skill usage details in the component state.

// Save ratings over time data in the component state
saveRatingOverTime = (ratings_over_time = []) => {


Send the received data as props to the Skill Rating component and render it.

<SkillUsageCard skill_usage={this.state.skill_usage} /> 

Implementing the UI

Importing the packages for rendering the chart in the Skill Ratings component.

import { XAxis, YAxis, Tooltip, LineChart, Line, Legend, ResponsiveContainer } from 'recharts';


Display a small heading for the section in the ratings card and Render a Responsive container component which will form a parent component for out Chart which will be rendered when the ratings over time data received in the props is not empty.

<div className="sub-title" style={{ alignSelf: 'flex-start' }}>
 Rating over time
{this.props.ratings_over_time.length ? (
           window.innerWidth < 660
             ? this.state.width
             : this.state.width * 1.5
) : (
 <div>No ratings data over time is present</div>


Render a LineChart and supply data from the data prop received from the Skill Listing component, add X-Axis and Y-Axis by supplying corresponding dataKey props depending on the data received, Add a tooltip to describe points on the line chart and a legend which describes the lines, After that we have a Line component which depicts the change in ratings over time on the chart.

        top: 5,
        right: 30,
        left: 20,
        bottom: 5,
 <XAxis dataKey="timestamp" padding={{ right: 20 }} />
 <YAxis dataKey="rating" />
 <Tooltip wrapperStyle={{ height: '60px' }} />
 <Legend />
        name="Average rating"
        activeDot={{ r: 8 }}


So I hope after going through this blog it is more clear how the ratings over time section is implemented in the Skill CMS.



Continue ReadingImplementing a skill rating over time graph section in SUSI Skill CMS

Integrate prettier with lint-staged and ESLint for consistent code style throughout the project

SUSI Skill CMS presently use ESLint to check for code linting errors, the ESLint rules are written in a separate .eslintrc file which lives at the project root. The project didn’t follow any best practices for react apps and the rules were weak therefore a lot of bad/unindented code was present in the project which takes a lot of time to fix manually, not to mention there was no mechanism to auto-format the code while committing. Also, code reviews take a lot of time to discuss code styles and fixing them.

Prettier comes to the rescue as it’s a code formatter which provides a ton of options to achieve the desired well-formatted code. Prettier enforces a consistent code style across your entire codebase because it disregards the original styling by parsing it away and re-printing the parsed code with its own rules

Add prettier as a development dependency

npm install prettier --save-dev --save-exact


Similar to how we write ESLint rules in a separate .eslintrc file, we have a .prettierrc file which contains rules for prettier but since we already have ESLint so we run prettier on top of ESLint to leverage functionalities of both packages, this is achieved by using eslint-plugin-prettier and eslint-config-prettier which exist for ESLint. These packages are saved as devDependencies in the project and “prettier” as a plugin is added to .eslintrc file and recommended prettier rules are extended by adding “prettier” in .eslintrc file.

Install the config and plugin packages

npm i eslint-plugin-prettier eslint-config-prettier --save-dev


To run prettier using ESLint, add the prettier to ESLint plugins and add prettier errors to ESLint rules.

// .eslintrc
 "plugins": ["prettier"],
 "rules": {
   "prettier/prettier": "error"


Extending Prettier rules in ESLint

// .eslintrc
 "extends": ["prettier"]


5856 linting errors found which were undetected initially (SUSI Skill CMS).


Add a .prettierrc file with some basic formatting rules for now like enabling single quotes wherever applicable and to have trailing comma at the end of JSON objects.

// .prettierrc
   "singleQuote": true,
   "trailingComma": "all",
   "parser": "flow"


Add a format script in package.json so that user can format the code whenever required manually too.

// package.json
"scripts": {
        "format": "prettier --write \"src/**/*.js\"",


Since we want to prevent contributors from committing unindented code we used lint-staged, a package which runs tasks on a set of specified files. We achieve this by adding a set of tasks in the lint-staged object and then run lint-staged as a pre-commit hook using husky.

Install lint-staged as a development dependency which will be visible in package.json file.

npm i lint-staged --save-dev 


Add tasks for lint-staged as an object in package.json, we add a lint-staged object in the pacage.json file and grab all .js files in the project and run eslint, prettier over them and then we finally run git add to stage the changes done by prettier.

// package.json

"lint-staged": {
   "src/**/*.js": [
     "eslint src --ext .js",
     "prettier --write",
     "git add"


Call lint-staged in pre-commit git-hook to run the specified tasks in the package.json.

// package.json

"scripts": {
   "precommit": "lint-staged",


Running lint-staged tasks before committing


As a result, we save a lot of time in reviewing the code since we don’t have to be worried about the code styles anymore as pre-commit hook already takes care of that also this ensures consistent code style throughout the project which improves the overall quality.


Prettier library website
Use ESLint to run Prettier
Link to my Pull Request

Continue ReadingIntegrate prettier with lint-staged and ESLint for consistent code style throughout the project

Display Skill Usage of the Past Week in a Line Chart

Skill usage statistics in SUSI.AI is an important aspect which greatly helps the skill developers know what is more engaging for the users and the users know which skills are more popular than the others and are being used widely. So data like this should be interactively available on the clients. An API is developed at the server to retrieve the skill usage details, we can use these details to render attractive components for a better visual understanding of how the skill is performing and get statistics like on which days the skill has been active in particular.


About the API

Endpoint : /cms/getSkillUsage.json


  • model
  • group
  • language
  • skill

After consuming these params the API will return the number of times a skill is called along with the date on which it is called. We use that data as an input for the line chart component that we want to render.

Creating a Skill Usage card component

Import the required packages from corresponding libraries. We are using recharts as the library for the charts support and thus we import several components required for the line chart at the top of the Skill Usage component.

// Packages
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { LineChart, Line, XAxis, YAxis, Tooltip, Legend } from 'recharts';
import { Paper } from 'material-ui';


Create a SkillUsageCard component which is enclosed in a Paper component from material ui library to give it a card like look and then we render a Line chart inside it using appropriate data props which are received from the skill page component, we set a height and a width for the chart, Add an X-Axis, Y-Axis, Tooltip which shows up on hovering over points on the graph, legends to describe the line on the chart and then finally a line with several styling and other props.

class SkillUsageCard extends Component {
 render() {
     <Paper className="margin-b-md margin-t-md">
       <h1 className='title'>
           Skill Usage
       <div className="skill-usage-graph">
         <LineChart width={600} height={300} data={this.props.skill_usage}
               margin={{top: 5, right: 30, left: 20, bottom: 5}}>
           <XAxis dataKey="date" padding={{right: 20}} />
           <Tooltip wrapperStyle={{height: '60px'}}/>
           <Legend />
           <Line name='Skill usage count' type="monotone" dataKey="count" stroke="#82ca9d" activeDot={{r: 8}}/>


Add prop validation at the end of the file to validate the coming props from the skill page component to validate that correct props are being received.

SkillUsageCard.propTypes = {
   skill_usage: PropTypes.array


Export the component so it can be used in other components.

export default SkillUsageCard;


Fetch the data for the component from the API in the skill page component where the skill usage component will be rendered. First set the API url and then make an AJAX call to that URL and once the data is received from the server pass that received data to a saveSkillUsage function which does the simple task of saving the data to the state and passing the saved data as a prop to the skill usage component. In case the call fails we log the error to the console.

let skillRatingUrl = `${urls.API_URL}/cms/getSkillRating.json`;
skillUsageUrl = skillUsageUrl + '?model=' + modelValue + '&group=' + this.groupValue + '&language=' + this.languageValue + '&skill=' +;
// Fetch skill usage of the visited skill
  url: skillUsageUrl,
  dataType: 'json',
  crossDomain: true,
  success: function (data) {
  error: function(e) {


Save the skill usage details in the component state to render the skill usage component.

saveSkillUsage = (skill_usage = []) => {


Send the received data as props to the Skill Usage component and render it.

<SkillUsageCard skill_usage={this.state.skill_usage} /> 


So I hope after reading this blog you have a more clearer insight into how the skill usage details are implemented in the CMS.

Resources –

  • Jerry J. Muzsik, Creating and deploying a react app using recharts URL.
  • Recharts, Documentation, URL.
Continue ReadingDisplay Skill Usage of the Past Week in a Line Chart

How responds to a query and send response

A direct way to access raw data for a query is It is an API of susi server which sends responses to a query by a user in form of a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) object (more on JSON here). This JSON object is the raw form of any response to a query which is a bunch of key (attribute) value pair. This data is then send from the server to various APIs like, susi bots, android and ios apps of SUSI.AI.

Whenever a user in using an API, for example, the user send a query to the API. This query is then sent by the API as a request to the susi server. The server then process the request and sends the answer to the query in form of json data as a response to the request. This request is then used by the API to display the answer after applying stylings to the json data.

Continue ReadingHow responds to a query and send response