Twitter Section Using loklak webtweets

In Open event web app, the user can provide URL of social links such as Twitter, Facebook etc in the event.json file inside the ZIP. The previous functionality was to use Twitter API and to generate a timeline showing the tweets of the twitter URL mentioned in event.json by user. But, it can be done by following another approach which reduces the third party dependency i.e Loklak-webtweets.

I have implemented the twitter section using loklak webtweets which can be done very easily.

Step 1:  Including necessary files from loklakwebtweets repository inside index.html. You can find them in js/ folder of this repository.

<script src="./dependencies/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="./dependencies/bootstrap.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="./dependencies/loklak-fetcher.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
 <script src="./dependencies/tweets.js" type="text/javascript"></script>


Step 2:  Specify the data source in HTML from which twitter data will be fetched. Here I have extracted the last word from the twitter URL provided by the user and passed it to HTML.

const sociallinks = Array.from(event.social_links);
 var twitter ="";
 sociallinks.forEach((link) => {
  if( === "twitter") {
   twitter =;
 const arrayTwitterLink = sociallink.split('/');
 const twitterLink = arrayTwitterLink[arrayTwitterLink.length - 1];
 const urls= {
   twitterLink: twitterLink,
   tweetUrl: twitter,

This code will search twitter link in social links array present in event.json and get its last character which will be provided to data-from and data-query attribute of HTML.

 <section class="sponsorscont">
  <div class="tweet-row">
   <div class="col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-xs-12">
    <i class ="social_twitter fa fa-twitter"></i>
     <div class="tweets-feed" id="tweets" data-count=50 data-query="    {{{eventurls.twitterLink}}}" data-from="{{{eventurls.twitterLink}}}">
     <div class="arrow-up"></div>
      <p id="tweet" class="tweet">
   <span style="margin-bottom: 20px;" id="dateTweeted"></span>
    <b><a href="{{eventurls.tweetUrl}}"/>
    </b></u> for more updates</p> 

Step 3 : Now we just need to add styling so that it looks decent. For that, I have written some SASS.

.tweets-feed {
   color: $black;
   line-height: 30px;
   font-size: 20px;
   transition: opacity 0.2s linear;
   margin-bottom: 20px;
   height: 100px;
  a {
   color: $black;
   text-decoration: underline;
   font-weight: 700;

  #dateTweeted {
   font-size: 15px;
   display: block;


.tweet-row {
   padding: 0 80px;
   margin-bottom: 80px;
   .social_twitter {
     font-size: 60px;
     margin-bottom: 12px;

The output from the above code is a well designed Twitter section fetching tweets from the URL provided as a string in event.json by user.



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Twitter Oauth


What is Oauth?

It’s an open protocol which allows to secure an authorization in a simple and standard method from web, mobile and desktop applications.Facebook, Google Twitter, Github and more web services use this protocol to authenticate user. Using Oauth is very convenient, because it delegates user authentication to the service which host user account. It allows us to get resources from another web service without giving any login or password. If you have a service and want to prepare a authentication via Twitter, the best solution is to use OAuth. Recently Open Event team met a problem in an user profile page. We’d like to automatically fill information about user. Of course, to solve it we use Oauth protocol, to authenticate with Twitter After a three-steps authentication we can get name and profile picture.If you need another information from Twitter profile like recent tweets or followers’ list. You have to visit Twitter API site to see more samples of resource which you can get

How do Open event team implement communication between Orga-server and Twitter?

All services have a very similar flow. Below i will show you how it looks in our case.

Before starting you need to create your own twitter app. You can create app in Twitter apps site If  create an app you will see a CONSUMER KEY and CONSUMER SECRET KEY which shouldn’t be human-readable, so remember not to share these keys.

Below example shows how to get basic information about twitter profile

We use oauth2 python library

consumer = oauth2.Consumer(key=TwitterOAuth.get_client_id(),


client = oauth2.Client(consumer)

TwitterOAuth.get_client_id() CONSUMER KEY

TwitterOAuth.get_client_secret()  – CONSUMER SECRET KEY

Then we send GET request to request_token endpoint to get oauth_token

client.request('', "GET")
Response: oauth_token=Z6eEdO8MOmk394WozF5oKyuAv855l4Mlqo7hhlSLik&

Next step is to redirect user to Twitter Authentication site


You can see in an url a redirect_uri. So after sign in Client will get a callback from Twitter with oauth_verifier and oauth_token params

The last step is to get an access token. If we have an oauth_verifier and an oauth_token it’s pretty easy

def get_access_token(self, oauth_verifier, oauth_token):

   consumer = self.get_consumer()

   client = oauth2.Client(consumer)

   return client.request(

       self.TW_ACCESS_TOKEN_URI + 'oauth_verifier=' + oauth_verifier + 
       "&oauth_token=" + oauth_token, "POST")


Final step is to get our user information

resp, content = client.request("
                               screen_name=" + access_token["screen_name"] +
                               "&user_id=" + access_token["user_id"] , "GET")

user_info = json.loads(content)

In an user_info variable you can get a profile picture or a profile name.

Summarizing, oauth protocol is very secure and easy to use by developer. At the beginning an oauth flow can seem to be a little hard to  understand but if you spend some time trying tp understand it, everything becomes easier.  And it’s secured. because you don’t need to store a login or a password, and an access token has an expired time. This is the main feature of Oauth protocol.

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