Adding a page to Susper

As a project grows, it’s complexity increases. It suddenly seems to have a higher number of components and linked files. Performing a basic task, such as adding a new page to the website, might take more intricate knowledge. This blog deals with adding a new page to any Angular 2 project, in this case to Susper project. You can also check any of the sample components in the code on the Github Repository for further reference.


Use ng g component <component-name> command to generate a new component with your desired name. Make sure the component-name is relevant and describes the page you wish to add. Once the above command is run in the Angular CLI project, it will automatically generate the following files:

  • component-name.html
  • component-name.css
  • component-name.ts
  • component-name.spec.ts file

It also adds the new component name to src/app/app.module.ts in the declarations section, after importing it.

You can also do all of this manually without the ng g component command too.


Write your HTML and CSS files. Ensure that your page looks how you intend it to. Using bootstrap for your CSS classes might help you. Ensure that you link your bootstrap modules in index.html and not in the individual component files.


If your page uses any typescript functions, please link your functions to your HTML page, after defining them in typescript.

This is how your typescript file might look (This is how it looks in Susper):

You may want to import modules you will need first.

Notice this snippet of code:

export class DemoComponent implements OnInit {

constructor() { }

ngOnInit() {



You can define all your variables and functions in the component class. ngOnInit() has already been listed as a demo.

Also, note that including anything in the constructor function will run as soon as the page is loaded or initialized.


If you have a unit tests in place, then component-name.spec.ts is where they are listed. Make sure to update it.

This is the procedure in Susper. Initially, your component-name.spec.ts will look like this:

import { async, ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing'

import { DemoComponent } from './demo.component'

describe('DemoComponent', () => {

let component: DemoComponent;

let fixture: ComponentFixture<DemoComponent>;

beforeEach(async(() => {


     declarations: [ DemoComponent ]




beforeEach(() => {

   fixture = TestBed.createComponent(DemoComponent);

   component = fixture.componentInstance;



it('should create', () => {





Here is what you need to add:

  1. Add imports under Testbed.configureTestingModule.

TIP:  Make sure to import all the modules from their file locations first.

imports: [









  1. Add all the other components under the declarations heading.

   TIP: Make sure to import all the components first.

It should look something like this:

declarations: [

















  1. Now add service providers under the providers heading if any.
  2. Finally, add any additional test cases using the standard syntax proved by Jasmine with it and expect statements.


Update all .spec.ts files with your new component name under the declarations heading as seen in point 2 of step 4. This will notify all other spec.ts files about your new component, allowing ng test to run smoothly.

Make sure to import it each time you use it, to avoid compilation errors.


To be able to reach your page, you can either

  • Embed it in another page using the selector mentioned in its .ts file.

selector: 'app-demo',

Simply include the following tag in whichever page you wish to use the demo component, in the .html file:


  • Give it a route through which the user can reach it. Do this, by adding it in the Routes in app.module.ts
const appRoutes: Routes = [

 {path: 'search', component: ResultsComponent},

{path: '', component: IndexComponent},

You are done! You have successfully added a page to Susper!

Continue ReadingAdding a page to Susper

Fixing the scroll position in the Susper Frontend

An interesting problem that I encountered in the Susper frontend repository is the problem of the scroll position in SPAs (Single Page Applications). Since most websites now use Single page applications, such a hack, might prove useful to a lot of the readers.
Single page applications (SPAs) provide a better user experience. But, they are significantly harder to design and build. One major problem they cause is that they do not remember the scroll position on a page, like traditional browsers do. In traditional browsers, if we open a new page, by clicking on a link, it opens the page at the top.
Then on clicking back, it goes to not just to the previous link, but also the last position scrolled to on it. The issue we faced in Susper, was that when we opened a link, Susper being a SPA did not realise it was on a new page, and hence did not scroll to the top again. This was observed on every page, of the appliance.
Clicking on Terms on the footer for instance,

would open the bottom of the Terms page, which was not what we wanted.

FIX: Since all the pages required the fix, I ran a script in the main app component. Whenever an event occurs, the router instance detects it. Once the event has been identified as the end of a navigation action, I scroll the window to (0,0).
Here is the code snippet:

import {Component, OnInit} from '@angular/core';

import { RouterModule, Router, NavigationEnd } from '@angular/router';


selector: 'app-root',

templateUrl: './app.component.html',

styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']


export class AppComponent implements OnInit {

title = 'Susper';

constructor(private router: Router) { }

ngOnInit() { => {

     if (!(evt instanceof NavigationEnd)) {



     window.scrollTo(0, 0);




“NavigationEnd” is triggered on the end of a Navigation action, in Angular2. So if the “NavigationEnd” hasn’t been triggered, our function need not do anything else and can simply return.  If a Navigation action has just finished the window is made to scroll up to (0,0) coordinates.
Now, this is how the Terms page opens:


Done! Now every time a link is clicked it scrolls to the top.

Continue ReadingFixing the scroll position in the Susper Frontend

Deploying Angular 2 application using GitHub Pages

In recent months I have started working with Angular 2 technology as my project is based on this tech stack. Angular 2 is one of the famous frameworks of JavaScript. The project name is ‘Susper’ which is currently being in development stages under FOSSASIA. In FOSSASIA, to be a good developer everyone follows good practices. One of the good practice is providing a live preview of the fix done in a pull request related to a particular issue. It was not simple to deploy test pages as it looks on GitHub pages. I read a lot of StackOverflow answers and surfed google a lot to find a solution. Then I came to the solution, which I’ll be sharing with you in this blog.

I’m assuming your Angular 2 app must be using webpack services and the latest version of Angular has been installed. Firstly, be sure Angular CLI must be updated. If not, then update the Angular CLI to a new version. You must update both the global package and local package of your project.

Global package:

npm uninstall g @angular/cli
npm cache clean
npm install g @angular/cli@latest

NOTE – Make sure to install local packages, you must be inside the project folder.

To make deployments easier, follow these steps after updating global and local packages –

Install angular-cli-ghpages :

npm i g angularclighpages

This command is similar to the old github pages:deploy command of @angular/cli and this script works great with Travis CI.
After installing you should see the changes in the package.json as well:

“devDependencies”: {
    “angular-cli-ghpages”: “^0.5.0”

After updating the global and local package you will notice a new folder named ‘node_modules’ has been created. Now the magic part comes to play here!

Add deploy script:

In package.json file add the following deploy script –

“scripts”: {
    “deploy”: “ng build –prod –aot –base-href=/project_repo_name/ && cp ./dist/index.html ./dist/404.html && ./node_modules/.bin/angular-cli-ghpages –no-silent”

We have setup the required dependencies to deploy test page. Now, here it comes to generate a live preview:

Steps :

git checkout working_branch
ng build
npm run deploy

We have successfully deployed the repository to GitHub pages. To refer live preview go here –

How did it work out?

Well, this is the easiest way to deploy any angular 2 apps on GitHub pages. The only disadvantage of deploying to GitHub pages is that we have to always perform a manual build before providing a live preview whenever some changes have been done in that particular branch.

Continue ReadingDeploying Angular 2 application using GitHub Pages