SUSI is an intelligent personal assistant. SUSI can learn skills to understand and respond to user queries better. A skill is taught using rules. Writing rules is an easy task and one doesn’t need any programming background too. Anyone can start contributing. Check out these tutorials and do watch this video to get started and start teaching susi.
SUSI can be taught to call external API’s to answer user queries.
While writing skills we first mention string patterns to match the user’s query and then tell SUSI what to do with the matched pattern. The pattern matching is similar to regular expressions and we can also retrieve the matched parameters using $<parameter number>$ notation.
Example :
When the user inputs “My name is Uday” , it is matched with “My name is *” and “Uday” is stored in $1$. So the output given is “Hi Uday!”.
SUSI can call an external API to reply to user query. An API endpoint or url when called must return a JSON or JSONP response for SUSI to be able to parse the response and retrieve the answer.
Rule Format for a skill calling an external API
The rule format for calling an external API is :
<regular expression for pattern matching>
!console: <return answer using $object$ or $required_key$>
“url”: “<API endpoint or url>”,
“path”: “$.<key in the API response to find the answer>”,
- Url is the API endpoint to be called which returns a JSON or JSONP response.
The parameters to the url if any can be added using $$ notation.
- Path is used to help susi know where to look for the answer in the returned response.
If the path points to a root element, then the answer is stored in $object$, otherwise we can query $key$ to get the answer which is a value to the key under the path.
- eol or end of line indicates the end of the rule.
Understanding the Path Attribute
Let us understand the Path attribute better through some test cases.
In each of the test cases we discuss what the path should be and how to retrieve the answer for a given required answer from the json response of an API.
- API response in json :
Required answer : Value1
Path : “$.Key1 => Retrieve Answer: $object$
- API response in json :
“Key1” : [{“Key11” : “Value11”}]
Required answer : Value11
Path : $.Key1[0] => Retrieve Answer: $Key11$
Path : $.Key1[0].Key11 => Retrieve Answer: $object$
- API response in json :
“Key1” : {“Key11” : “Value11”}
Required answer : Value11
Path : $.Key1 => Retrieve Answer: $Key11$
Path : $.Key1.Key11 => Retrieve Answer: $object$
- API response in json :
“Key1” : {
“Key11” : “Value11”,
“Key12” : “Value12”
Required answer : Value11 , Value12
Path : $.Key1 => Retrieve Answer: $Key11$ , $Key12$
Where to write these rules?
Now, since we know how to write rules let’s see where to write them.
We use etherpads to write and test rules and once we finish testing our rule we can push those rules to the repo.
Steps to open, write and test rules:
- Open a new etherpad with a desired name <etherpad name> at
- Write your skills code in the etherpad following the code format explained above.
- Now, to test your skill let’s chat with susi. Start a conversation with susi at to test your skills.
- Load your skills by typing dream <etherpad name> and wait for a response saying dreaming enabled for <etherpad name>
- Test your skill and follow step 4 every time you make changes to the code in your etherpad.
- After you are done testing, type stop dreaming and if you are satisfied with your skill do send a PR to help susi learn.
Let us try an example to understand this better.
1. Plot of a TV Show
Tvmaze is an open TV API that provides information about tv shows. Let us write a rule to know the plot of a tv show. We can find many such APIs. Check out this link listing few of them.
- Open an etherpad at named tvshowplot.

- Enter the code to query plot of a TV show in the etherpad at
* plot of *|* summary of *
- Now lets test our skill by starting a conversation with susi at
- User Query: dream tvshowplot
Response: dreaming enabled for tvshowplot
- User Query: what is the plot of legion
Response: Legion introduces the story of David Haller: Since he was a teenager, David has struggled with mental illness. Diagnosed as schizophrenic, David has been in and out of psychiatric hospitals for years. But after a strange encounter with a fellow patient, he’s confronted with the possibility that the voices he hears and the visions he sees might be real. He’s based on the Marvel comics character Legion, the son of X-Men founder Charles Xavier (played by Patrick Stewart and James McAvoy in the films), first introduced in 1985.
Intermediate Processing:
Pattern Matching : $1$ = “what is the” ; $2$ = “legion”
Url :
API response:
"id": 6393,
"url": "http:\/\/\/shows\/6393\/legion",
"name": "Legion",
"type": "Scripted",
"language": "English",
"genres": [
"summary": "<p><strong>Legion<\/strong> introduces the story of David Haller: Since he was a teenager, David has struggled with mental illness. Diagnosed as schizophrenic, David has been in and out of psychiatric hospitals for years. But after a strange encounter with a fellow patient, he's confronted with the possibility that the voices he hears and the visions he sees might be real. He's based on the Marvel comics character Legion, the son of X-Men founder Charles Xavier (played by Patrick Stewart and James McAvoy in the films), first introduced in 1985.<\/p>",
"updated": 1491955072,
Note: The API response has been trimmed to show only the relevant content.
Path : $.summary
Retrieving Answer: so our required answer in the api response is under the key summary and is retrieved using $object$ since it is a root element.

2. Cooking Recipes
Let us try it out with another API.
Recipepuppy is an cooking recipe API where users can query various recipes.
- Open a etherpad at named recipe.

- Enter the code to query a recipe in the etherpad at
#Gives recipes and links to cook a dish
* cook *
!console:<p>To cook <strong>$title$</strong> : <br>The ingridients required are: $ingredients$. <br> For instruction to prepare the dish $href$ </p>
- Now lets test our skill by starting a conversation with susi at
- User Query: dream recipe
Response: dreaming enabled for recipe
- User Query: how to cook chicken biryani
Response: To cook Chicken Biryani Recipe :
The ingridients required are: chicken, seeds, chicken broth, rice, butter, peas, garlic, red onions, cardamom, curry paste, olive oil, tomato, coriander, cumin, brown sugar, tumeric.
For instruction to prepare the dish Click Here!
Intermediate Processing:
Pattern Matching : $1$ = “how to” ; $2$ = “chicken biryani”
Url : biryani
API response:
"title": "Recipe Puppy",
"version": 0.1,
"href": "http:\/\/\/",
"results": [
"title": "Chicken Biryani Recipe",
"href": "http:\/\/\/53040\/chicken-biryani.html",
"ingredients": "chicken, seeds, chicken broth, rice, butter, peas, garlic, red onions, cardamom, curry paste, olive oil, tomato, coriander, cumin, brown sugar, tumeric",
"thumbnail": "http:\/\/\/413822.jpg"
Note: The API response has been trimmed to show only the relevant content.
Path : $.results[0]
Retrieving Answer: so our required answer in the api response is under the key results and since it’s an array we are using the first element of the array and since the element is a dictionary too we use its keys correspondingly to answer. The $href$ is rendered as “Click Here” hyperlinked to the actual url.

We have successfully taught susi a skill which tells users about the plot of a tv show and a skill to query recipes.
Following similar procedure, we can make use of other APIs and teach susi several new skills.
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