Hosting SUSI.AI Web Chat on Firebase

“I often wonder if my smartphone or laptop could become a bit smarter… And, I could talk to it the way I talk to my best friend… Wouldn’t that be cool if I could customise my phone’s assistant and enhance its ‘personality’ whenever I want? Or maybe ‘teach it a little more than others to make its intelligence outshine other students in its class?’ Well, that’s what we aim to achieve in the name of SUSI.AI”

Currently, SUSI.AI is in its growing stage and a number of dedicated developers have been working hard to achieve an open source alternative to existing personal assistants like Google Assistant, Alexa and so on. Each one of them has been focussing on improving existing features or introducing new ones.

This blog focuses on hosting the SUSI Webchat using Firebase Hosting. It presents the proper sequence of steps that need to be followed to deploy the web chat on Firebase Hosting.

What is Firebase Hosting?

Firebase Hosting provides fast and secure static hosting for web app. It is a  production-grade web content hosting for developers. With Hosting, one can quickly and easily deploy web apps and static content to a global content-delivery network (CDN) with a single command.

Hosting gives a project a subdomain on the ‘’ domain. Using the Firebase CLI, the files can be deployed from local directories on a computer to the Hosting server. Files are served over an SSL connection from the closest edge server on the global CDN.

Steps :

  • Install the Firebase CLI

    The Firebase CLI (Command Line Interface) requires Node.js and npm, which can both be installed by following the instructions on Installing Node.js also installs npm.

    Note : The Firebase CLI requires Node.js version 5.10.0 or greater.

Once Node.js and npm have been installed, install the Firebase CLI via npm:

$ npm install -g firebase-tools

This installs the globally available
firebase command. To update to the latest version, simply re-run the same command.

Now login to the Firebase console using

$ firebase login


  • Initialize the app

Choose the Firebase app that you would like to deploy and then cd into the project directory and run the command:

$ firebase init

Once this command runs, you would be prompted to choose from the following options :

Database: Deploy Firebase Realtime Database Rules
Firestore: Deploy rules and create indexes for Firestore
Functions: Configure and deploy Cloud Functions
Hosting: Configure and deploy Firebase Hosting sites
Storage: Deploy Cloud Storage security rules

Choose Hosting (use the cursor keys to move the pointer to ‘Hosting’ and then select it by pressing Spacebar key followed by the Enter key).

Now, you would be prompted to select a project from the Firebase console that you would like to associate with the web chat. You can create a new project by logging into the Firebase console from a web browser and then follow the steps below :

1) If you don’t have an existing Firebase project, click ‘Add Project’ and enter either an existing Google Cloud Platform project name or a new project name.

2) If you already have apps in your project, click ‘Add Another App’ from the project overview page.

Running the $ firebase init command creates a firebase.json settings file in the root of your project directory.

  • Add a file

    When you initialise the app, you will be prompted for a directory to use as the public root (default is “public”). You can choose to give it some other name as well, say “build”. This is the directory in which the static content would be hosted. If you don’t already have a valid index.html file in your public root directory, one is created for you.

Note : When a new index.html file is created, it contains the default content. You need to run the following commands to customise it according to your requirements and to display the content that you want to.

$ npm install
$ npm run build

If you skip running these commands, on deploying you will see a dialog box, by default, that would direct you to the Firebase Hosting Documentation.

Test on Local Server

Now you can run the $ firebase serve command to test your web app on a local server. Once, everything looks fine, you can proceed to the next step.

  • Deploy the web app on Firebase

    To deploy the web app, simply run:
$ firebase deploy


Your app will be deployed to the domain

Manage and Rollback Deploys

From the Hosting panel in the Firebase Console you can see a full history of your deploys. To rollback to a previous deploy, hover over its entry in the list, click the overflow menu icon, then click “Rollback”.
Now your app is ready to share with the world! 😀

Check out a video created by me, showing the above mentioned steps : Click here


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Displaying Blog Posts on SUSI AI Web Chat’s Blog Page and Share Posts

FOSSASIA is maintaining a superior blog and it contains blog posts about projects and programs run by FOSSASIA. While we were implementing SUSI Web Chat Application we got a requirement to implement a blog page. Speciality of this blog page is it is not a separate blog page, it fetches blog posts and other related data by filtering the FOSSASIA’s main blog.

In this blog post I’ll discuss how we fetched and managed those data on front-end and how we made the appearance same as the FOSSASIA main blog.

First we get blog posts as a JSON. For that we used rss2json API. we can get the RSS feed as a JSON by sending our RSS feed URL to the rss2json API. Check the rss2json API documentation here.

It produces all posts as items array. Next we store this array of responses in our application as a state.

This response contains blog post titles featured images’ details and post content and other metadata such as tags, author name and published date.

We had few requirements to fulfill. First one is to show full content of the blogpost in a new blog page.

We can take the full content from response like this,

this.state.posts.slice(this.state.startPage, this.state.startPage + 10).map((posts, i) => {
        let content = posts.content;

We can use “cintent” variable to show content but it contains the featured image. We have to skip that image. For that,

let htmlContent = content.replace(/<img.*?>/, '');

Now we have to render this string value as HTML. For that we have to install “test-to-html” package using below command.

npm install html-to-text --save

Now we can convert text into html like this

htmlContent = renderHTML(htmlContent);

We used this HTML content inside the “CardText” tag.

<CardText> {htmlContent}

At the bottom of the post we needed to show author name, tags list and categories list.
Since tags and categories come in one array, we have to separate them.
First we defined an array which contains all the categories in Fossasia blog. Then we compared that array with the categories we got like this.

       const allCategories = ['FOSSASIA','GSoC','SUSI.AI']

Compare two arrays,

 => {
                let k = 0;
                for (k = 0; k < allCategories.length; k++) {
                              if (cat === allCategories[k]) {

we defined this “arrDiff” simple function to get the difference of two arrays.

     var tags=arrDiff(category,posts.categories)

Make the list of categories

let =>
<span key={cat} ><a className="tagname" href={'' + cat.replace(/\s+/g, '-').toLowerCase()} rel="noopener noreferrer">{cat}</a></span>

We can use above step to make tags list.

Then after used it in the “CardActions”

<span className='categoryContainer'>
    <i className="fa fa-folder-open-o tagIcon"></i>


According to the final requirement we needed to add social media share buttons for Facebook and Twitter.

If we need to make a twitter share button we have to follow up this method. But we can use “react-share” npm package to make these kind of share buttons.

This is how we made Facebook and Twitter share buttons. First of all we have to install “react-share” package using below command.

npm install react-share --save

Then we have to import the installed package.

import { ShareButtons, generateShareIcon } from 'react-share';

Then after we defined Button and Icon like this.

      const {FacebookShareButton,TwitterShareButton} = ShareButtons;
      const FacebookIcon = generateShareIcon('facebook');
      const TwitterIcon = generateShareIcon('twitter');

Now we can use these components.

<TwitterShareButton url={posts.guid} title={posts.title} via='asksusi' hashtags={posts.categories.slice(0, 4)} >                                                                                <TwitterIcon size={32} round={true} />
<FacebookShareButton url={}>
     <FacebookIcon size={32} round={true} />

We have to send URL and title of the post with the tweet and tags as hashtags. So we have to pass them into the component as above.
Above code produces this model of tweets.

That’s how “text-to-htm”l and “react-share” works on react. If you would like to contribute to SUSI project or any other FOSSASIA project please fork our repositories on github.


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