Deleting Meilix Github Releases

Meilix is the repository which uses build script to generate community version of lubuntu as LXQT Desktop. Meilix-Generator is the webapp which uses Meilix to generate ISO and deploy it on Meilix Github Release. Then the webapp mail the link of the ISO to the user.
Increasing number of ISO will increase the number of releases which results in dirty looking of Meilix repository. So we need to delete older releases after certain interval of time to make the repository release page looks good and decrease unwanted space.
This script will do this work for us.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
echo "This is a script to delete obsolete meilix iso builds by Abishek V Ashok"
echo "You have to add an authorization token to make it functional."

# jq is the JSON parser we will be using
sudo apt-get -y install jq

# Storing the response to a variable for future usage
response=`curl | jq '.[] | .id, .published_at'`

index=1  # when index is odd, $i contains id and when it is even $i contains published_date
delete=0 # Should we delete the release?
current_year=`date +%Y`  # Current year eg) 2001
current_month=`date +%m` # Current month eg) 2
current_day=`date +%d`   # Current date eg) 24

for i in $response; do
    if [ $((index % 2)) -eq 0 ]; then # We get the published_date of the release as $i's value here

        if [ $published_year -lt $current_year ]; then
             let "delete=1"
            if [ $published_month -lt $current_month ]; then
                let "delete=1"
                if [ $((current_day-$published_day)) -gt 10 ]; then
                    let "delete=1"
    else # We get the id of the release as $i`s value here
        if [ $delete -eq 1 ]; then
            curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: token $KEY"$i
            let "delete=0"
    let "index+=1"

This code uses Github API to curl the Meilix releases. Github API is very useful in providing lots of information but here we are only concerned with the release date and time of the build.
Then we setup a condition if that satisfies then the release will automatically will get deleted.

For taking care of the authentication, a token has been uploaded to the Travis settings of Meilix of FOSSASIA.

The personal token has been generated by a user with write access to the repository with repo scope token.

This sort out the issue of having bulk of releases in the Meilix repository of FOSSASIA.

Users Github API  by REST API v3
Repo Github API   by REST API v3

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