Allowing user to submit ratings for skills in SUSI iOS

Rating is a great way to get feedback from the user. Generally, the 5-Star rating system used to get feedback. The Five-Star Quality Rating System was developed as an easy-to-understand rating system for users.

In SUSI iOS we are using the Star Rating field to get feedback of SUSI skills. We enable the user to rate the skills from one to five star. In the rating submission, we get the number of stars user picked.

The stars help show if you would recommend the skill to others. The values start at 1 (being the lowest) and go to 5 (being the highest), as seen below –

Server-Side Implementation –

fiveStarRatings API is using to submit users rating. Whenever the user taps the star fiveStarRatings being called:

func submitRating(_ params: [String: AnyObject], _ completion: @escaping(_ updatedRatings: Ratings?, _ success: Bool, _ error: String?) -> Void) {
let url = getApiUrl(UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: ControllerConstants.UserDefaultsKeys.ipAddress) as! String, Methods.fiveStarRateSkill)
_ = makeRequest(url, .get, [:], parameters: params, completion: { (results, message) in
// handle request

The following params we send in the request:

  • Model
  • Group
  • Language
  • Skill
  • Stars
  • Access Token

After successfully rating submission we get updated ratings for each star of the particular skill. The following response we get from the server after successfully submitted rating:

"ratings": {
"one_star": 0,
"four_star": 1,
"five_star": 0,
"total_star": 1,
"three_star": 0,
"avg_star": 4,
"two_star": 0
"session": {"identity": {
"type": "email",
"name": "",
"anonymous": false
"accepted": true,
"message": "Skill ratings updated"

We use ratings object from fiveStarRatings API to update the ratings displayed on charts and labels and also, we use ratings object to update Skill model which we passed from SkillListingController to SkillDetailController so the user can see updated rating chart when clicking back to skill.

func updateSkill(with ratings: Ratings) {..}

If the user already submitted ratings for a skill, we are using getRatingByUser API with same params as in fiveStarRatings except ratings to get already submitted user rating and we display that ratings as initial ratings in UI.

Implementation of Submit Rating UI –

RatingView is behind the submit rating UI. FloatRatingViewDelegate protocol is implemented to get ratings is updating or get updated.

@objc public protocol FloatRatingViewDelegate {
/// Returns the rating value when touch events end
@objc optional func floatRatingView(_ ratingView: RatingView, didUpdate rating: Double)

/// Returns the rating value as the user pans
@objc optional func floatRatingView(_ ratingView: RatingView, isUpdating rating: Double)

Rating updated on rating display chart:

Now see, how we handle the case when Skill is not rated before and the user first time rate the skill.

There is a label that shows the “Skill not rated yet” when a skill is not rated. When the user rates the skill, the label is hidden and chart bar and the label is shown.

if self.ratingsBackViewHeightConstraint.constant == 0 {
self.ratingsBackViewHeightConstraint.constant = 128.0
self.contentType.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.ratingBackView.bottomAnchor, constant: 16).isActive = true
self.ratingsBackStackView.isHidden = false
self.topAvgRatingStackView.isHidden = false
self.notRatedLabel.isHidden = true


Resources –

  1. Swift Protocol:
  2. SUSI Skills:
  3. SUSI Server Link:
  4. SUSI iOS Link:
Continue ReadingAllowing user to submit ratings for skills in SUSI iOS

Post feedback for SUSI Skills in SUSI iOS

SUSI iOS, web and Android clients allow the user to rate the SUSI Skills in a 5-star rating system. Users can write about how much particular skill is helpful for them or if improvements are needed. Users can rate skills from one to five star as well. Here we will see how to submit feedback for SUSI skills and how it is implemented on SUSI iOS.

How to submit feedback –

  1. Go to Skill Listing Screen < Skill Detail Screen
  2. Scroll to the feedback section
  3. Write feedback about SUSI skill
  4. Click on POST button to post the skill feedback

An anonymous user can not submit skill feedback. You must have to logged-in in order to post skill feedback. If you are not logged-in and click POST button to post skill feedback, an alert is presented with Login option, by clicking Login, the user is directed to Login screen where the user can log in and later can post skill feedback.

Implementation of posting skill feedback –

Google’s Material textfield is used for skill feedback text field. We have assigned TextField class from Material target to skill feedback text field to make it very interactive and give better user experience.

Skill feedback text field in the normal state –

Skill feedback text field in the active state –

When the user clicks POST after writing skill feedback, we check if the user is logged-in or not.

if let delegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate, let user = delegate.currentUser {

We have saved the logged-in user globally using AppDelegate shared method during login and using it here. The AppDelegate is sort of like the entry point for the application. It implements UIApplicationDelegate and contains methods that are called when application launches, when is going to the background (i.e. when the user hit the home key), when it’s opened back up, and more. The AppDelegate object is stored as a property on the UIApplication class and is accessible from anywhere in swift classes.

Case 1: If the user is not logged-in, we show a popup to the user with the login option

By clicking Login, the user is directed to Login screen where the user can log in and later can post skill feedback.

Case 2: If the user is already logged-in, we use the endpoint below for posting skill feedback –

ModelWith following parameters –

  • Group
  • Skill
  • Feedback
  • Access token
Client.sharedInstance.postSkillFeedback(postFeedbackParam) { (feedback, success, responseMessage) in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
if success {
self.skillFeedbackTextField.text = ""
} else {

In return response, we get feedback posted by the user –

feedback: "Helpful",
accepted: true,
message: "Skill feedback updated"


Resources –

  1. Material Design Guidelines for iOS
  2. Apple’s documentation on UIApplicationDelegate API
  3. Apple’s documentation on UIApplication API
  4. ChrisRisner’s article on Singletons and AppDelegate
Continue ReadingPost feedback for SUSI Skills in SUSI iOS