Earlier, when a user registered via Open Event Frontend, s/he received a verification link via email to confirm their account. However, this was not enough in the long-term. If the confirmation link expired, or for some reasons the verification mail got deleted on the user side, there was no functionality to resend the verification email, which prevented the user from getting fully registered. Although the front-end already showed the option to resend the verification link, there was no support from the server to do that, yet.
So it was decided that a separate endpoint should be implemented to allow re-sending the verification link to a user. /resend-verification-email was an endpoint that would fit this action. So we decided to go with it and create a route in `auth.py` file, which was the appropriate place for this feature to reside. First step was to do the necessary imports and then definition:
from app.api.helpers.mail import send_email_confirmation
from app.models.mail import USER_REGISTER_WITH_PASSWORD
@auth_routes.route('/resend-verification-email', methods=['POST'])
def resend_verification_email():
Now we safely fetch the email mentioned in the request and then search the database for the user corresponding to that email:
def resend_verification_email():
email = request.json['data']['email']
except TypeError:
return BadRequestError({'source': ''}, 'Bad Request Error').respond()
user = User.query.filter_by(email=email).one()
except NoResultFound:
return UnprocessableEntityError(
{'source': ''}, 'User with email: ' + email + ' not found.').respond()
Once a user has been identified in the database, we proceed further and create an essentially unique hash for the user verification. This hash is in turn used to generate a verification link that is then ready to be sent via email to the user:
serializer = get_serializer()
hash_ = str(base64.b64encode(str(serializer.dumps(
[user.email, str_generator()])).encode()), 'utf-8')
link = make_frontend_url(
'/email/verify'.format(id=user.id), {'token': hash_})
Finally, the email is sent:
app_name=get_settings()['app_name'], email=user.email)
if not send_email_confirmation(user.email, link):
return make_response(jsonify(message="Some error occured"), 500)
return make_response(jsonify(message="Verification email resent"), 200)
But this was not enough. When the endpoint was tested, it was found that actual emails were not being delivered, even after correctly configuring the email settings locally. So, after a bit of debugging, it was found that the settings, which were using Sendgrid to send emails, were using a deprecated Sendgrid API endpoint. A separate email function is used to send emails via Sendgrid and it contained an old endpoint that was no longer recommended by Sendgrid:
def send_email_task(payload, headers):
The new endpoint, as per Sendgrid’s documentation, is:
But this was not the only change required. Sendgrid had also modified the structure of requests they accepted, and the new structure was different from the existing one that was used in the server. Following is the new structure:
'{"personalizations": [{"to": [{"email": "example@example.com"}]}],"from": {"email": "example@example.com"},"subject": "Hello, World!","content": [{"type": "text/plain", "value": "Heya!"}]}'
The header structure was also changed, so the structure in the server was also updated to
headers = {
"Authorization": ("Bearer " + key),
"Content-Type": "application/json"
The Sendgrid function (which is executed as a Celery task) was modified as follows, to incorporate the changes in the API endpoint and structure:
import json
def send_email_task(payload, headers):
data = {"personalizations": [{"to": []}]}
data["personalizations"][0]["to"].append({"email": payload["to"]})
data["from"] = {"email": payload["from"]}
data["subject"] = payload["subject"]
data["content"] = [{"type": "text/html", "value": payload["html"]}]
verify=False # doesn't work with verification in celery context
As can be seen, there is a bug that doesn’t allow SSL verification within the celery context. However, the verification is successful when the functionality is executed independent of the celery context. But now email sending via Sendgrid actually works, which makes our verification resend endpoint functional:
Email is received successfully by the recipient:
![Screen Shot 2018-08-10 at 10.04.30 PM.png](https://i0.wp.com/blog.fossasia.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Screen-Shot-2018-08-10-at-10.04.30-PM.png?resize=1200%2C676&ssl=1)
Thus, a working email verification endpoint is implemented, which can be easily integrated in the frontend.
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