Open Event Server: Testing Image Resize Using PIL and Unittest

FOSSASIA‘s Open Event Server project uses a certain set of functions in order to resize image from its original, example to thumbnail, icon or larger image. How do we test this resizing of images functions in Open Event Server project? To test image dimensions resizing functionality, we need to verify that the the resized image dimensions is same as the dimensions provided for resize.  For example, in this function, we provide the url for the image that we received and it creates a resized image and saves the resized version.

def create_save_resized_image(image_file, basewidth, maintain_aspect, height_size, upload_path,
                              ext='jpg', remove_after_upload=False, resize=True):
    Create and Save the resized version of the background image
    :param resize:
    :param upload_path:
    :param ext:
    :param remove_after_upload:
    :param height_size:
    :param maintain_aspect:
    :param basewidth:
    :param image_file:
    filename = '{filename}.{ext}'.format(filename=get_file_name(), ext=ext)
    image_file = cStringIO.StringIO(urllib.urlopen(image_file).read())
    im =

    # Convert to jpeg for lower file size.
    if im.format is not 'JPEG':
        img = im.convert('RGB')
        img = im

    if resize:
        if maintain_aspect:
            width_percent = (basewidth / float(img.size[0]))
            height_size = int((float(img.size[1]) * float(width_percent)))

        img = img.resize((basewidth, height_size), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)

    temp_file_relative_path = 'static/media/temp/' + generate_hash(str(image_file)) + get_file_name() + '.jpg'
    temp_file_path = app.config['BASE_DIR'] + '/' + temp_file_relative_path
    dir_path = temp_file_path.rsplit('/', 1)[0]

    # create dirs if not present
    if not os.path.isdir(dir_path):
    upfile = UploadedFile(file_path=temp_file_path, filename=filename)

    if remove_after_upload:

    uploaded_url = upload(upfile, upload_path)

    return uploaded_url

In this function, we send the
image url, the width and height to be resized to, and the aspect ratio as either True or False along with the folder to be saved. For this blog, we are gonna assume aspect ratio is False which means that we don’t maintain the aspect ratio while resizing. So, given the above mentioned as parameter, we get the url for the resized image that is saved.
To test whether it has been resized to correct dimensions, we use Pillow or as it is popularly know, PIL. So we write a separate function named getsizes() within which get the image file as a parameter. Then using the Image module of PIL, we open the file as a JpegImageFile object. The JpegImageFile object has an attribute size which returns (width, height). So from this function, we return the size attribute. Following is the code:

def getsizes(self, file):
        # get file size *and* image size (None if not known)
        im =
        return im.size

As we have this function, it’s time to look into the unit testing function. So in unit testing we set dummy width and height that we want to resize to, set aspect ratio as false as discussed above. This helps us to test that both width and height are properly resized. We are using a creative commons licensed image for resizing. This is the code:

def test_create_save_resized_image(self):
        with app.test_request_context():
            image_url_test = ''
            width = 500
            height = 200
            aspect_ratio = False
            upload_path = 'test'
            resized_image_url = create_save_resized_image(image_url_test, width, aspect_ratio, height, upload_path, ext='png')
            resized_image_file = app.config.get('BASE_DIR') + resized_image_url.split('/localhost')[1]
            resized_width, resized_height = self.getsizes(resized_image_file)

In the above code from
create_save_resized_image, we receive the url for the resized image. Since we have written all the unittests for local settings, we get a url with localhost as the server set. However, we don’t have the server running so we can’t acces the image through the url. So we build the absolute path to the image file from the url and store it in resized_image_file. Then we find the sizes of the image using the getsizes function that we have already written. This  gives us the width and height of the newly resized image. We make an assertion now to check whether the width that we wanted to resize to is equal to the actual width of the resized image. We make the same check with height as well. If both match, then the resizing function had worked perfectly. Here is the complete code:

def test_create_save_resized_image(self):
        with app.test_request_context():
            image_url_test = ''
            width = 500
            height = 200
            aspect_ratio = False
            upload_path = 'test'
            resized_image_url = create_save_resized_image(image_url_test, width, aspect_ratio, height, upload_path, ext='png')
            resized_image_file = app.config.get('BASE_DIR') + resized_image_url.split('/localhost')[1]
            resized_width, resized_height = self.getsizes(resized_image_file)
            self.assertEqual(resized_width, width)
            self.assertEqual(resized_height, height)

In open event orga server, we use this resize function to basically create 3 resized images in various modules, such as events, users,etc. The 3 sizes are names – Large, Thumbnail and Icon. Depending on the one more suitable we use it avoiding the need to load a very big image for a very small div. The exact width and height for these 3 sizes can be changed from the admin settings of the project. We use the same technique as mentioned above. We run a loop to check the sizes for all these. Here is the code:

def test_create_save_image_sizes(self):
        with app.test_request_context():
            image_url_test = ''
            image_sizes_type = "event"
            width_large = 1300
            width_thumbnail = 500
            width_icon = 75
            image_sizes = create_save_image_sizes(image_url_test, image_sizes_type)

            resized_image_url = image_sizes['original_image_url']
            resized_image_url_large = image_sizes['large_image_url']
            resized_image_url_thumbnail = image_sizes['thumbnail_image_url']
            resized_image_url_icon = image_sizes['icon_image_url']

            resized_image_file = app.config.get('BASE_DIR') + resized_image_url.split('/localhost')[1]
            resized_image_file_large = app.config.get('BASE_DIR') + resized_image_url_large.split('/localhost')[1]
            resized_image_file_thumbnail = app.config.get('BASE_DIR') + resized_image_url_thumbnail.split('/localhost')[1]
            resized_image_file_icon = app.config.get('BASE_DIR') + resized_image_url_icon.split('/localhost')[1]

            resized_width_large, _ = self.getsizes(resized_image_file_large)
            resized_width_thumbnail, _ = self.getsizes(resized_image_file_thumbnail)
            resized_width_icon, _ = self.getsizes(resized_image_file_icon)

            self.assertEqual(resized_width_large, width_large)
            self.assertEqual(resized_width_thumbnail, width_thumbnail)
            self.assertEqual(resized_width_icon, width_icon)

Continue ReadingOpen Event Server: Testing Image Resize Using PIL and Unittest

Image Uploading in Open Event API Server

Open Event API Server manages image uploading in a very simple way. There are many APIs such as “Event API” in API Server provides you data pointer in request body to send the image URL. Since you can send only URLs here if you want to upload any image you can use our Image Uploading API. Now, this uploading API provides you a temporary URL of your uploaded file. This is not the permanent storage but the good thing is that developers do not have to do anything else. Just send this temporary URL to the different APIs like the event one and rest of the work is done by APIs.
API Endpoints which receives the image URLs have their simple mechanism.

  • Create a copy of an uploaded image
  • Create different sizes of the uploaded image
  • Save all images to preferred storage. The Super Admin can set this storage in admin preferences

To better understand this, consider this sample request object to create an event

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "name": "New Event",
      "starts-at": "2002-05-30T09:30:10+05:30",
      "ends-at": "2022-05-30T09:30:10+05:30",
      "email": "",
      "timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",
      "original-image-url": ""
    "type": "event"

I have provided one attribute as “original-image-url”, server will open the image and create different images of different sizes as

      "is-map-shown": false,
      "original-image-url": "",
      "onsite-details": null,
      "organizer-name": null,
      "can-pay-by-stripe": false,
      "large-image-url": "",
      "timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",
      "can-pay-onsite": false,
      "deleted-at": null,
      "ticket-url": null,
      "can-pay-by-paypal": false,
      "location-name": null,
      "is-sponsors-enabled": false,
      "is-sessions-speakers-enabled": false,
      "privacy": "public",
      "has-organizer-info": false,
      "state": "Draft",
      "latitude": null,
      "starts-at": "2002-05-30T04:00:10+00:00",
      "searchable-location-name": null,
      "is-ticketing-enabled": true,
      "can-pay-by-cheque": false,
      "description": "",
      "pentabarf-url": null,
      "xcal-url": null,
      "logo-url": null,
      "can-pay-by-bank": false,
      "is-tax-enabled": false,
      "ical-url": null,
      "name": "New Event",
      "icon-image-url": "",
      "thumbnail-image-url": "",

We can clearly see that server is generating three other images on permanent storage as well as creating the copy of original-image-url into permanent storage.
Since we already have our Storage class, all we need to do is to make the little bit changes in it due to the decoupling of the Open Event. Also, I had to work on these points below

  • Fix upload module, provide support to generate url of locally uploaded file based on static_domain defined in settings
  • Using PIL create a method to generate new image by converting first it to jpeg(lower size than png) and resize it according to the aspect ratio
  • Create a helper method to create different sizes
  • Store all images in preferred storage.
  • Update APIs to incorporate this feature, drop any URLs in image pointers except original_image_url

Support for generating locally uploaded file’s URL
Here I worked on adding support to check if any static_domain is set by a user and used the request.url as the fallback.

if get_settings()['static_domain']:
        return get_settings()['static_domain'] + \
            file_relative_path.replace('/static', '')
    url = urlparse(request.url)
    return url.scheme + '://' + + file_relative_path

Using PIL create a method to create image

This method is created to create the image based on any size passed it to as a parameter. The important role of this is to convert the image into jpg and then resize it on the basis of size and aspect ratio provided.
Earlier, in Orga Server, we were directly using the “open” method to open Image files but since they are no longer needed to be on the local server, a user can provide the link to any direct image. To add this support, all we needed is to use StringIO to turn the read string into a file-like object

image_file = cStringIO.StringIO(urllib.urlopen(image_file).read())

Next, I have to work on clearing the temporary images from the cloud which was created using temporary APIs. I believe that will be a cakewalk for locally stored images since I already had this support in this method.

if remove_after_upload:

Update APIs to incorporate this feature
Below is an example how this works in an API.

if data.get('original_image_url') and data['original_image_url'] != event.original_image_url:
            uploaded_images = create_save_image_sizes(data['original_image_url'], 'event',
            data['original_image_url'] = uploaded_images['original_image_url']
            data['large_image_url'] = uploaded_images['large_image_url']
            data['thumbnail_image_url'] = uploaded_images['thumbnail_image_url']
            data['icon_image_url'] = uploaded_images['icon_image_url']
            if data.get('large_image_url'):
                del data['large_image_url']
            if data.get('thumbnail_image_url'):
                del data['thumbnail_image_url']
            if data.get('icon_image_url'):
                del data['icon_image_url']

Here the method “create_save_image_sizes” provides the different URL of different images of different sizes and we clearly dropping any other images of different sizes is provided by the user.

General Suggestion
Sometimes when we work on such issues there are some of the things to take care of for example, if you checked the first snippet, I tried to ensure that you will get the URL although it is sure that static_domain will not be blank, because even if the user (admin) doesn’t fill that field then it will be filled by server hostname
A similar situation is the one where there is no record in Image Sizes table, may be server admin didn’t add one. In that case, it will use the standard sizes stored in the codebase to create different images of different sizes.


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PIL to convert type and quality of image

Image upload is an important part of the server. The images can be in different formats and after applying certain javascript modifications, they can be changed to different formats. For example, when an image is uploaded after cropping in open event organizer server, it is saved in PNG format. But PNG is more than 5 times larger than JPEG image. So when we upload a 150KB image, the image finally reaching the server is around 1MB which is huge. So we need to decide in the server which image format to select in different cases and how to convert them.

Continue ReadingPIL to convert type and quality of image

Resizing Uploaded Image (Python)

While we make websites were we need to upload images such as in event organizing server, the image for the event needs to be shown in various different sizes in different pages. But an image with high resolution might be an overkill for using at a place where we just need it to be shown as a thumbnail. So what most CMS websites do is re-size the image uploaded and store a smaller image as thumbnail. So how do we do that? Let’s find out.

Continue ReadingResizing Uploaded Image (Python)