Option to delete albums from storage in Phimpme Android Application

In the Phimpme Android application, users can perform various operations on the albums available such as creating a zip file of the album, hiding an album and many more. However, one another useful functionality that has been added to the Phimpme Android application is the option to delete unwanted albums permanently from the storage. So in this post, I will be discussing how we implemented the functionality to delete albums.

Step 1

First, we need to provide an option in the overflow menu to delete album/albums when the user long-selects album/albums or the user is viewing photos inside a particular album. The option in the overflow menu can be added by integrating following lines of code in the menu_albums.xml file(this file contains the XML code for overflow menu options provided for albums).

app:showAsAction=”ifRoom” />

Step 2

Now when the user opts to delete some selected albums, we need to retrieve user’s choice of albums to delete and store it in an ArrayList<Album> to keep track of the albums and for further use. We would here also keep track of all the albums displayed currently to the user through another ArrayList<Album> named displayAlbums. Thereafter deleteSelectedAlbums method of class HandlingAlbums will be invoked passing in the activity context as the parameter. Now in this method we’d iterate through the ArrayList<Album>(ArrayList used to store user’s choice of albums to delete) and in turn invoke another method deleteAlbum with each iteration, passing in the album and context as the parameters. The deleteAlbum method would return a boolean value that will indicate whether or not the particular album was successfully deleted. If the boolean value returned is true, indicating that the particular album and its contents have been permanently deleted from the device storage, then we would delete that particular album object from the displayAlbums list and the AlbumsAdapter would be notified to display the remaining set of albums by passing in the modified displayAlbums list. The code snippet used to implement the method deleteSelectedAlbums and deleteAlbum is provided below.

public boolean deleteSelectedAlbums(Context context) {
boolean success = true;

for (Album selectedAlbum : selectedAlbums) {
  int index = dispAlbums.indexOf(selectedAlbum);
  if(deleteAlbum(selectedAlbum, context))
  else success = false;
return success;
public boolean deleteAlbum(Album album, Context context) {
return ContentHelper.deleteFilesInFolder(context, new File(album.getPath()));

Step 3

In the previous step, we were invoking a function deleteAlbum which would return a boolean variable denoting whether the album was deleted permanently or not. Therefore in this step, I’d be discussing the working of the deleteAlbum method. So the deleteAlbum method was being invoked passing in the album to delete and the context as the parameters. This method, in turn invokes the deleteFilesInFolder method of the ContentHelper class passing in the context and a File object created from the album path(to be deleted). This method returns a boolean variable indicating the success or failure of the operation and this variable is in turn returned by the deleteAlbum method. The code representing the function invoke has been provided above. The code snippet representing the deleteFilesInFolder method is provided below.

public static boolean deleteFilesInFolder(Context context, @NonNull final File folder) {
 boolean totalSuccess = true;

 String[] children = folder.list();
 if (children != null) {
    for (String child : children) {
       File file = new File(folder, child);
       if (!file.isDirectory()) {
          boolean success = deleteFile(context, file);
          if (!success) {
             Log.w(TAG, “Failed to delete file” + child);
             totalSuccess = false;
 return totalSuccess;

Now inside the deleteFilesInFolder method first all the contents of the file are stored in a String[] array child. Thereafter by iterating through the child array, every time a method deleteFile is invoked passing in an item from the child array(an image path) and the context as parameters, which returns a boolean variable indicating if the particular image content is deleted or not.

Now depending on which Android version the device is running, there are two methods used to delete the image file permanently from the storage.

If the device is running on version LOLLIPOP and above, the Android Storage Access Framework has been used to delete the image file, and if the device is running version KITKAT, the MediaStore content provider is used to delete the file from device’s storage. The code snippet implementing the deleteFile method is provided below.

public static boolean deleteFile(Context context, @NonNull final File file) {
 boolean success = file.delete();

 // Try with Storage Access Framework.
 if (!success && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) {
    DocumentFile document = getDocumentFile(context, file, false, false);
    success = document != null && document.delete();

 // Try the Kitkat workaround.
 if (!success && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT == Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) {
    ContentResolver resolver = context.getContentResolver();

    try {
       Uri uri = null;//MediaStoreUtil.getUriFromFile(file.getAbsolutePath());
       if (uri != null) {
          resolver.delete(uri, null, null);
       success = !file.exists();
    catch (Exception e) {
       Log.e(TAG, “Error when deleting file “ + file.getAbsolutePath(), e);
       return false;

 if(success) scanFile(context, new String[]{ file.getPath() });
 return success;

This is how we achieved the functionality to delete album/albums from the storage in the Phimpme Android application. To get the full source code, please refer to the Phimpme Android Github repository listed in the resource section below.


1.Android Developer Guide – https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/providers/document-provider#delete

2.Github-Phimpme Android Repository – https://github.com/fossasia/phimpme-android/

3.MediaStore class – https://developer.android.com/reference/android/provider/MediaStore

4.Deleting files via Android media content provider – https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10925196/deleting-files-via-a-contentresolver-as-opposed-to-deleting-them-via-file-del

Continue ReadingOption to delete albums from storage in Phimpme Android Application

Option to add description to an image in the Phimpme Android app

In the Phimpme Android application, users can perform various operations on images such as editing an image, sharing an image, moving the image to another folder, printing a pdf version of the image and many more. However, another important functionality that has been implemented is the option to add some description to the image. So in this blog post, I will be discussing how we achieved the functionality to add a description to any image.

Step 1

First, we need to add an option in the overflow menu to add description for the image being viewed. The option to add description to an image has been achieved by adding the following lines of code in the  menu_view_pager.xml file.

  app:showAsAction=“never” />

Step 2

Now after the user chooses the option to add description to the image, an alertdialog with an edittext would be displayed to the user to enter the description. The dialog box with edittext has been implemented with the following lines of XML code.

              android:textStyle=“bold” />

The screenshot of the dialog to enter description has been provided below.

Step 3

Now after retrieving the description added by the user, the description is saved in the realm database using the realm model object ImageDescModel which will contain the path of the image and the description added as its attributes. The path of the image has been used as the primary key for the description table. The realm model class used for the above-mentioned operation is described below.

public class ImageDescModel extends RealmObject {
  private String path;
  private String desc;

  public ImageDescModel() {

  public ImageDescModel(String path, String title) {
      this.path = path;
      this.desc = title;

  public String getId() {
      return path;

  public void setId(String path) {
      this.path = path;

  public String getTitle() {
      return desc;

  public void setTitle(String description) {
      this.desc = description;

This is how we have implemented the functionality to add description to images in the Phimpme Android application. To get the full source code, please refer to the Phimpme Android Github repository listed in the resource section below.


1.Realm for Android – https://realm.io/blog/realm-for-android/

2.Github-Phimpme Android Repository – https://github.com/fossasia/phimpme-android/

3.Working with realm tutorial – https://www.androidhive.info/2016/05/android-working-with-realm-database-replacing-sqlite-core-data/

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Option to rename albums in the Phimpme Android Application

In the Phimpme Android application, users can perform various operations on the albums available such as creating a zip file of the album, hiding an album and many more. However, one another useful functionality that has been added to the Phimpme Android application is the option to rename albums. So in this post, I will be discussing the implementation of the renaming functionality.

Step 1

First we need to add an option in the overflow menu to rename an album while we long-select an album or we are viewing photos inside a particular album. The option in the overflow menu can be added by integrating the following lines of code in the menu_albums.xml file(this file contains the xml code for overflow menu options provided for albums).

app:showAsAction=”never” />

Step 2

Now after the user selects the option in the overflow menu to rename the current viewing album, an alertdialog with an edittext would be displayed to the user to enter the new name for the album. The alertdialog containing the edittext has been implemented with the following lines of code.

android:textStyle=”bold” />

The screenshot of the dialog to enter the new name is provided below.

Step 3

Finally, after retrieving the new name for the album entered by the user, the renameAlbum method is invoked by passing in the application context and new name as the parameters. Now inside the renameAlbum method, a new file path is created by the use of the getAlbumPathRenamed method of the StringUtils class and the current path of the album is changed to the new path generated earlier. Similarly path of each media inside the album is changed accordingly by the use of the method getPhotoPathRenamedAlbumChange of the StrinUtils class by looping through the media objects one by one. The lines of code implemented to perform the above-mentioned operations are provided below.

public boolean renameAlbum(final Context context, String newName) {
 found_id_album = false;
 boolean success;
 File newDir = new File(StringUtils.getAlbumPathRenamed(getPath(), newName));
 File oldDir = new File(getPath());
 success = oldDir.renameTo(newDir);
 if(success) {
    for (final Media m : media) {
       File from = new File(m.getPath());
       File to = new File(StringUtils.getPhotoPathRenamedAlbumChange(m.getPath(), newName));
       scanFile(context, new String[]{ from.getAbsolutePath() });
       scanFile(context, new String[]{ to.getAbsolutePath() }, new MediaScannerConnection.OnScanCompletedListener() {
          public void onScanCompleted(String s, Uri uri) {
             if (!found_id_album) {
                id = MediaStoreProvider.getAlbumId(context, s);
                found_id_album = true;
             Log.d(s, “onScanCompleted: “+s);
             m.setPath(s); m.setUri(uri.toString());
    path = newDir.getAbsolutePath();
    name = newName;
 return success;

This is how we have implemented the functionality to rename particular albums in the Phimpme Android application. To get the full source code, please refer to the Phimpme Android Github repository listed in the resource section below.


1.Android Developer Guide – https://developer.android.com/reference/android/media/MediaScannerConnection

2.Github-Phimpme Android Repository – https://github.com/fossasia/phimpme-android/

3.Media Scanner tutorial –https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13270789/how-to-run-media-scanner-in-android

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Displaying all the images from storage at once in Phimpme Android Application

In the Phimpme Android application, the images are displayed in the albums in which they are indexed in the device’s storage. However, there is also an “All photos” section in the application where all the images present in the device’s storage are displayed at once irrespective of the folder they’re indexed in. So in this post, I will be discussing how we achieved the “All Photos”  functionality.

Android framework provides developers with a media content provider class called MediaStore. It contains metadata for all available media on both internal and external storage devices. With the help of particular methods we can obtain metadata for all the images stored in the device’s storage.

Step 1

So First we need to get the Uri from MediaStore content provider pointing to the media(here media refers to the photos stored on the device). This can be done by the following snippet of code.

Uri uri = android.provider.MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI;

Step 2

Now retrieving a cursor object containing the data column for the image media is required to be performed. The data column will contain the path to the particular image files on the disk. This can be done by querying the MediaColumns table of the MediaStore class, which can be performed by the use of the content resolver query method. The mentioned functionality can be achieved by the following lines of code.

String[] projection = {MediaStore.MediaColumns.DATA};
Cursor cursor = activity.getContentResolver().query(uri, projection, null, null, null);

Step 3

In the final step, we would retrieve the path of all the images by iterating through the cursor object obtained in the previous step and keep adding those paths to an ArrayList<String>. Creating Media objects passing in the image path and concurrently adding those Media objects to an ArrayList<Media> to be done thereafter. Finally, the dataset(ArrayList<Media> in this case) containing Media objects for all the images is required to be passed to the Media Adapter in order to display all the photos in the UI. The code snippets used for the final steps are provided below.

while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
  absolutePathOfImage = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.MediaColumns.DATA));
ArrayList<Media> list = new ArrayList<>();

for (String path : listOfAllImages) {
  list.add(new Media(new File(path)));
return list;

This is how we achieved the functionality to display all the images from the storage on a single screen(at once) in the Phimpme Android application. To get the full source code, please refer to the Phimpme Android Github repository listed in the resource section below.

The screenshot for displaying the “All photos” section is provided below.


1.Android Developer Guide – https://developer.android.com/reference/android/provider/MediaStore

2.Github-Phimpme Android Repository – https://github.com/fossasia/phimpme-android/

3.Displaying all the images from gallery in android – https://deepshikhapuri.wordpress.com/2017/03/20/get-all-images-from-gallery-in-android-programmatically/

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Option to secure particular albums in Phimpme Android Application

In the Phimpme Android application, users can perform various operations on the albums available such as creating a zip file of the album, rename an album and many more. However, one another useful functionality that has been added to the Phimpme Android application is the option to secure particular albums. So in this post, I will be discussing the implementation of this security feature.

Step 1

Firstly, a view item for providing the option to enable security for particular albums is required to be added to the security settings layout. The two-state toggle switch widget provided by the Android framework along with a textview has been added as the required view item. A screenshot depicting the layout change is provided below.

The code snippet representing the operation is provided below.

  android:textSize=“@dimen/medium_text” />

  android:hapticFeedbackEnabled=“true” />

Step 2

Now we need to keep track of the albums selected by the user to secure. This can be done by storing the selected album/albums paths in an ArrayList<String> which can be referred later when required in the process.

The required code snippet to perform the above mentioned operation is provided below.

holder.foldercheckbox.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener() {
@Override public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton compoundButton, boolean b) {

Step 3

Now we need to store the selected albums preference in the SharedPreference so that the user’s security preference persists even when the user exits the application and the user doesn’t have to redo the securing operation the next time user launches the application. The ArrayList<String> object containing the path of the user choice albums are converted to JSON representation by the use of the Gson Java library and the string key denoting the JSON representation of the list is saved in the SharedPreference thereafter.

  SharedPreferences.Editor editor = SP.getEditor();
  Gson gson = new Gson();
  String securedfolders = gson.toJson(securedfol);
  editor.putString(getString(R.string.preference_use_password_secured_local_folders), securedfolders);

Now at the time of performing other operations on the secured folders, the list containing the secured folder paths is retrieved from SharedPreference and the choosen folder’s path is searched in the obtained list, then the user is asked to authenticate accordingly.

This is how we have implemented the functionality to secure particular albums in the Phimpme Android application. To get the full source code, please refer to the Phimpme Android Github repository listed in the resource section below.


1.Android Developer Guide –

2.Github-Phimpme Android Repository – https://github.com/fossasia/phimpme-android/

3.Gson Java library tutorial –

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Implementing Search Functionality in Phimpme Android Application.

In the Phimpme Android application, users are provided with options to perform various operations on the albums available such as move, creating a zip file of the album, rename an album and many more. However, one another useful functionality that has been added to the Phimpme Android application is the option to search albums. So in this post, I will be discussing the implementation of search functionality.

Step 1

Android framework provides developers with a search widget called SearchView that provides a user interface for the user to search a query and submit the request. So first setting up the widget in the action bar of the activity is required. The searchview widget can be added to the action bar as a menu item by adding the following lines in the XML menu resource file menu_albums.xml.

  app:showAsAction=“always” />

Step 2

Now SearchView.OnQueryTextListener interface is used for initiating the search operation and listening to the callbacks for changes to the query text. For the purpose of listening to the querytext, two methods are used here both of which are listed below.

onQueryTextChanged(String Text) – This method is called every time the query text is changed by the user and returns a boolean value, false if SearchView should perform the default action of showing any suggestions and true if the action was handled by the listener.

onQueryTextSubmit(String query) – This method is called when the user submits a query which could be done with a key press on the keyboard or by pressing the submit button. It also returns a boolean value which is true if the query has been handled by the listener, otherwise false.

The code snippet for the implementation of the above mentioned interface is provided below.

searchView.setOnQueryTextListener(new SearchView.OnQueryTextListener() {
  public boolean onQueryTextSubmit(String query) {
      return false;

  public boolean onQueryTextChange(String newText) {
      return searchTitle(newText);

Step 3

In the final step, with the use of the onQueryTextChange method of the SearchView.onQueryTextListener interface the search operation and displaying the search results in the UI can be achieved. The onQueryTextChange method is called every time the search-query text changes. From the onQueryTextChange method, another method named searchTitle is invoked. Inside the searchTitle method the album names matching the search-query are searched from an Arraylist<Albums> containing all the albums displayed in the application. The albums obtained as a result of the search operation are then stored in another Arraylist<Album> which is thereafter passed as a parameter to the swapDataSet method of the AlbumsAdapter class to display the searched albums in the album view. The code snippet used for the above operations is provided below.

public boolean searchTitle(String newText) {
  if (!fromOnClick) {
      String queryText = newText;
      queryText = queryText.toLowerCase();
      final ArrayList<Album> newList = new ArrayList<>();
      for (Album album : albList) {
          String name = album.getName().toLowerCase();
          if (name.contains(queryText)) {
          if(textView.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE){
  } else {
      fromOnClick = false;
  return true;

This is how we have implemented the search functionality in the Phimpme Android application. To get the full source code, please refer to the Phimpme Android Github repository.

The screenshot for displaying the search result in album view is provided below.


1.Android Developer Guide – https://developer.android.com/reference/android/widget/SearchView

2.Github-Phimpme Android Repository – https://github.com/fossasia/phimpme-android/

3.Creating a search interface in Android – https://medium.com/@yugandhardcs21/creating-a-search-interface-in-android-dc1fd6a53b4

Continue ReadingImplementing Search Functionality in Phimpme Android Application.

Option to exclude albums in Phimpme Android Application

In the Phimpme Android Application, users can perform various operations on the albums available such as move, creating a .zip file of the album, rename an album, delete the album and much more. However one another important functionality that has been implemented in the application is the option to exclude album/albums. In this post we will be discussing how we achieved the functionality to exclude albums in Phimpme Android Application.

Step 1

First we need to keep track of the albums selected by the user to exclude. This can be done by storing the selected albums in an Arraylist<Album> which can be referred later when required for the process of exclusion. The storing of the albums can be done with the help of following lines of code.

private int toggleSelectAlbum(int index) {
if (dispAlbums.get(index) != null) {
  if (dispAlbums.get(index).isSelected()) selectedAlbums.add(dispAlbums.get(index));
  else selectedAlbums.remove(dispAlbums.get(index));
return index;

Step 2

After the selected albums are stored in an Arraylist<Album>, a function call of excludeSelectedAlbums() of HandlingAlbums class is done passing in Context as the parameter. In the method excludeSelectedAlbums() the selected albums are retrieved from the Arraylist one by one and another method excludeAlbum() is called with the album, context being passed as the parameters. The code snippet performing the above operation is provided below.

public void excludeSelectedAlbums(Context context) {
for (Album selectedAlbum : selectedAlbums)
  excludeAlbum(context, selectedAlbum);

Step 3

Thereafter an instance of class CustomsAlbumHelper is created and excludeAlbum() method is called with path of the album passed as parameter, and the selected album is removed from the list containing the currently displayed albums. Code snippets for the above operations are provided below.

private void excludeAlbum(Context context, Album a) {
CustomAlbumsHelper h = CustomAlbumsHelper.getInstance(context);

Step 4

Now in the excludeAlbum() method of CustomsAlbumHelper class a writable instance of albums_settings sqlite database is obtained. A check is performed if the current album is present in the albums table or not, if not then a row representing the current album is created. Thereafter the excluded value for the current album in the table is updated to integer 1 denoting that the album is excluded. The code snippet required for the above mentioned operations are provided below.

public void excludeAlbum(String path) {
  SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase();
  checkAndCreateAlbum(db, path);
  ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
  values.put(ALBUM_EXCLUDED, 1);
  db.update(TABLE_ALBUMS, values, ALBUM_PATH+“=?”, new String[]{    path});

This is how we have achieved the functionality of excluding albums in the Phimpme Android application. To get the full source code, please refer to the Phimpme Android GitHub repository listed in the resources section below.

The screenshot for the display of the excluded albums is provided below.


  1. Android Developer Guide –https://developer.android.com/training/data-storage/sqlite.html
  1. Github-Phimpme Android Repository –https://github.com/fossasia/phimpme-android/
  1. Sqlite Operations Tutorial – https://www.androidhive.info/2011/11/android-sqlite-database-tutorial/
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Option to hide albums in Phimpme Android Application

In Phimpme Android Application, users can perform various operations on the albums available such as move, creating a .zip file for the album, delete the album, exclude an album, rename an album, pin an album to the top and more. However one another important functionality that has been added in the application is the option to hide  album/albums. So in this post I will be discussing how we achieved the functionality to hide albums in Phimpme Android Application.

Step 1

First we need to get the albums which are selected to be hidden. This can be done by storing the selected items in an Arraylist<Album> which will keep track of the users choice to hide albums. This can be achieved with the following lines of code.

private int toggleSelectAlbum(int index) {
if (dispAlbums.get(index) != null) {
  if (dispAlbums.get(index).isSelected()) selectedAlbums.add(dispAlbums.get(index));
  else selectedAlbums.remove(dispAlbums.get(index));
return index;

Step 2

After storing of the albums to be hidden a function hideSelectedAlbums() is called with Context being passed as the parameter. Now inside this function we retrieve the albums looping through the Arraylist that stores the albums to be hidden and call another function hideAlbum() passing in the album and context as the parameters. The code snippet representing the above operation is given below.

public void hideSelectedAlbums(Context context) {
for (Album selectedAlbum : selectedAlbums)
  hideAlbum(selectedAlbum, context);

Step 3.

Now a .nomedia file is added to the directories/albums which are to be hidden and the android Media Scanner System service is triggered thereafter. As a result of the presence of the .nomedia file inside the directory the Media Scanner service won’t scan the particular directory/album thereby the album will not be picked up at the time of displaying the albums. The code snippet to perform the mentioned operation is provided below.

File dirName = new File(path);
File file = new File(dirName, “.nomedia”);
if (!file.exists()) {
try {
  FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file);
  scanFile(context, new String[]{ file.getAbsolutePath() });
} catch (Exception e) {

The screenshot for the display of hidden folders is provided below.

This is how we have achieved the functionality of hiding albums in the Phimpme Android application. To get the full source code, please refer to the Phimpme Android GitHub repository listed in the resources section below.


  1. Android Developer Guide – https://developer.android.com/reference/android/media/MediaScannerConnection.html
  2. Github-Phimpme Android Repository –https://github.com/fossasia/phimpme-android/
  3. Hiding directories using .nomedia file – http://www.easycodeway.com/2016/08/hide-files-in-android-using-nomedia-file.html
Continue ReadingOption to hide albums in Phimpme Android Application

Displaying Image location Address In Phimpme Android Application

In Phimpme Android application one of the features available is to view the details of any image. The details consists of attributes including Date and time at which the image was captured, size of the image, title, path, EXIF data, description added to the image, location etc. However in the location attribute the location coordinates of the image as well as the location address can be displayed depending on the user’s preference. The process of obtaining the coordinates from address is called as Geocoding and obtaining string address from coordinates is called reverse Geocoding. So in this post I will be explaining how to implement set of strings denoting the address from the available coordinates.

Step 1

First we need to create an instance of the class Geocoder passing context and function Locale.getDefault() as the parameters.  The function of the attribute Locale.getdefault is provided below.

Locale.getDefault() – It returns the current value of the default locale for the current instance of the Java Virtual Machine. The Java Virtual Machine sets the default locale during startup based on the host environment.The code snippet to perform the above mentioned operation is given below.

Geocoder geocoder = new Geocoder(context, Locale.getDefault());

Step 2

Now a function call of getFromLocation() of the Geocoder class is done where we need to pass the Lattitude and Longitude values of the Location object as parameters. The lattitude and longitudes values can be obtained by the use of the Location object functions getLatitude() and getLongitude() respectively. The function getFromLocation() will return a list of Address objects which will contain the extracted addresses from the passed latitude and longitude values. We also need to pass a third parameter an integer value which will determine the maximum no of addresses to be returned. Here we have requested for a maximum of one address. The following code snippet is used to perform the desired function call.

try {
 List<Address> addressList = geocoder.getFromLocation(location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude(), 1);
} catch (IOException e) {

Step 3

After obtaining the list of Address objects returned from the function call of getFromLocation() we will extract the first address from the list since we want a maximum of 1 address. The Address object will contain information like the address name, country, state, postal code etc. Now the set of strings describing the location can be retrieved with the help of the function getMaxAddressLineIndex() of Address class. The code snippets to perform the above mentioned operations is provided below.

ArrayList<String> addresslines = new ArrayList<String>();
Address address = addressList.get(0);
for(int i = 0; i <= address.getMaxAddressLineIndex(); i++) {
details.put(context.getString(R.string.location), TextUtils.join(System.getProperty(“line.separator”),

The screenshot displaying the location address is provided below.

This is how we have achieved the functionality of displaying location address in a set of strings from available coordinates in the Phimpme Android application. To get the full source code, please refer to the Phimpme Android GitHub repository listed in the resources section below.


1.Android Developer Guide – https://developer.android.com/training/location/display-address.html

2.Github-Phimpme Android Repository – https://github.com/fossasia/phimpme-android/

3.Address Class Guide- https://developer.android.com/reference/android/location/Address.html


Continue ReadingDisplaying Image location Address In Phimpme Android Application

Leak Canary in Phimpme Android

Leak Canary is a memory detection library for Android and Java. A memory leak occurs when you hold an object for too long after its purpose has been served. If some object is holding another object then the Garbage collector will not be able to collect and this is known as Memory Leak. These memory leaks can be minor (in KB’s) or can lead to an app in ANR state with OutOfMemoryError.Hence to recover and capture this memory leak, Leak Canary is used for Android and Java.

For every functioning done in android, the system needs resource such as memory. Hence in Java the Garbage Collector(GC) plays a major role in deallocating the memory. The GC is mainly used to reclaim memory. Now the question arises, why do we need a memory leak detection library when GC is already present. The answer is sometimes the developers makes programming mistakes and that leads to inhibit the GC to collect the objects that are of no use and mark them as useful objects.

The GC starts from one point(root) and marks active to all the objects that holds references from GC root and the objects which are not marked are wiped out of memory.Hence when some unuseful objects is marked active, memory leak occurs.Hence to eliminate these problems  of memory leaks, we have employed the use of Leak Canary in our project.

The Phimpme project and every related project has possible memory leaks, like for instance we have used fragments in settings activity and to catch that memory leak we have added the refwatcher instance. Hence if any memory leaks occur we get the error such as ‘org.fossasia.phimpme’  leaked 40kb.This can also be checked by Leaks App in the android phone, which has features of showing and sharing the heap dump and info.

To add the Leak Canary in your android app, follow these steps:

  • Add the dependencies in build.gradle(app level)

    dependencies {
       debugCompile 'com.squareup.leakcanary:leakcanary-android:1.5.4'
       releaseCompile 'com.squareup.leakcanary:leakcanary-android-no-op:1.5.4'
  • Add the following code to your Application class

    public class MyApplication extends Application{
    public void onCreate() {
       if (LeakCanary.isInAnalyzerProcess(this)) {
           // This process is dedicated to LeakCanary for heap analysis.
           // You should not init your app in this process.
  • Leak canary now will automatically detect the memory leaks  from all activities.

For fragment a refwatcher is needed, hence

public class MYFragment extends Fragment {

    public void onDestroy() {

Hence LeakCanary is setup finally, and now the memory leaks will be detected.



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