Designing and optimising new invoice PDFs

The Open Event project has proven to be an excellent event management application with a growing user base. With recent workflow refactors in the order process in open-event-frontend and introduction of event invoices (to be rolled out this month as a work product), the open-event-server’s invoices required a makeover. A ticket buyer is now required to give their billing information if the order is comprised of paid tickets and to accommodate this, and long information addresses, optimisation was required.

Restructuring order invoices

The new order invoices use nested tables concept instead of previously used two-cell tables. The pros of this new design is the accomodation of long-addresses and corresponding changes in billing information display.

{% if order.is_billing_enabled %}
td style="text-align:center;">
strong>Company :</strong>
strong>{{ }}</strong>
td valign="top">
strong>Tax Info :</strong>
strong>{{ order.tax_business_info }}</strong>
td valign="top">
strong>Address :</strong>
strong>{{ order.address }}</strong>
strong>City :</strong>
strong>{{ }}</strong>
strong>State :</strong>
strong>{{ order.state }}</strong>
strong>Zipcode :</strong>
strong>{{ order.zipcode }}</strong>
strong>Country :</strong>
strong>{{ }}</strong>
                      {% endif %}

This made sure that the new orders have enough space to prevent information overflow and still maintain the original structure to give a sense of uniformity in old and new PDFs.

Generating new event invoices

The new event invoices needed an overall change in structure. They will be rolling out on 1st of every month, according to current implementation. This required an overall implementation of new invoices. 

First, the published events are taken in consideration for generation of invoices for a particular user. It has been implemented as a scheduled job accordingly.

events = Event.query.filter_by(deleted_at=None, state='published').all()
      for event in events:
          # calculate net & gross revenues
          user = event.owner
          admin_info = get_settings()
          currency = event.payment_currency
          ticket_fee_object = db.session.query(TicketFees).filter_by(currency=currency).one()
          ticket_fee_percentage = ticket_fee_object.service_fee
          ticket_fee_maximum = ticket_fee_object.maximum_fee
          orders = Order.query.filter_by(event=event).all()
          gross_revenue = event.calc_monthly_revenue()
          ticket_fees = event.tickets_sold * (ticket_fee_percentage / 100)
          if ticket_fees > ticket_fee_maximum:
              ticket_fees = ticket_fee_maximum
          net_revenue = gross_revenue - ticket_fees
          payment_details = {
              'tickets_sold': event.tickets_sold,
              'gross_revenue': gross_revenue,
              'net_revenue': net_revenue,
              'amount_payable': ticket_fees
          # save invoice as pdf
          pdf = create_save_pdf(render_template('pdf/event_invoice.html', orders=orders, user=user,
                                admin_info=admin_info, currency=currency, event=event,
                                ticket_fee_object=ticket_fee_object, payment_details=payment_details,
                                net_revenue=net_revenue), UPLOAD_PATHS['pdf']['event_invoice'],
                                dir_path='/static/uploads/pdf/event_invoices/', identifier=event.identifier)
          # save event_invoice info to DB

          event_invoice = EventInvoice(amount=net_revenue, invoice_pdf_url=pdf,

This function also required one minor modification. The function for calculating monthly revenue had to be updated as to dodge certain unseen bugs related to non completed order amount calculations hence restructuring the function as follows.

def calc_monthly_revenue(self):
      """Returns revenue of current month. Invoice sent every 1st of the month for the previous month"""
      previous_month = - 1
      orders = Order.query.filter_by(, status='completed').all()

      monthly_revenue = sum([o.amount for o in orders if o.completed_at and o.completed_at.month == previous_month])
      return monthly_revenue

This enabled the system to finally serve event invoice PDFs. One of whose examples are given above, With this, the open-event-server is finally able to serve event invoices accordingly which can be paid via PayPal to the Eventyay account.


Related Work and Code Repository

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Migrating Event Ratings of Open Event with Stored Procedures

Many developers know about procedural languages and have used them in some form or another, but this is really an unpopular tool, despite its power. There are many advantages (and few disadvantages) of these languages, which we will learn about soon. Having a right amount of database-stored procedure code with the help of these languages can really enhance the speed and responsiveness of an application. This article will teach us how procedural languages can be utilized in database management and how they were used recently for a bug fix in Open Event Server.

PostgreSQL, like any other powerful, relational database management system (RDBMS), provides the functionality to create and use stored procedures. Essentially, a stored procedure is database logic code which is saved on the database server. This code can be executed directly in the database, and can (and is!) often used to shift business logic from the application layer of a software to the database layer. This simple shift often has many advantages – including faster execution (as code executes at a lower stack level) and better security. When firing database queries from the application layer (i.e., the code that programmers write for storing programmable objects, performing business logic and so on), it often happens that parameters from the programming language itself are passed in to SQL, which then generates a complete SQL query. For example, here’s how a novice query might look like:

import psycopg2
conn = psycopg2.connect(dbname="oevent", user="john", password="start")
cur = conn.cursor()
name = "Sam"
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE name='%s'" % name)  # DANGEROUS!

This is an extremely “exposed” code that can be exploited for malicious access, with a technique called SQL injection. This technique essentially “injects” malicious code via these passed parameters, like the variable name mentioned in the above code. With having stored procedures for business logic, there is no room for SQL injection. They solve this problem by writing the query beforehand, and having the parameterized data as a different entity. The pre-processed query within the corresponding stored procedure now looks like

SELECT * FROM users WHERE name=?


The database driver sends the name of this stored procedure (or, in standard parameterised queries, just the query text itself) and a list of parameters, as distinct separate entities in the protocol. More details on how stored procedures enhance security can be found here.

After learning so much about the advantages of stored procedures (which are enabled by procedural languages), let’s write one! Postgres supports multiple languages for writing stored procedures; here we will use PL/pgSQL, which is the most popular choice for Postgres. This procedural language, inspired (heavily) by Oracle’s PL/SQL language, looks very similar to SQL. To use this procedural language, we have to first install it. In Postgres, procedural languages are installed per-database, not server-wide. We can use the popular Postgres client psql for this purpose, or simply the createlang command on the command line:

$ createlang plpgsql yourdb


Now let’s create a simple procedure that prints the corresponding grades for the event ratings. In the psql shell, type the following:

IF rating < 1 THEN
ELSIF rating < 2 THEN
ELSIF rating < 3 THEN
ELSIF rating < 4 THEN


The first line defines the function signature – its name, parameters’ type and return type. The line specifies which procedural language to use. The IMMUTABLE keyword specifies that the stored procedure – this function, cannot modify the database by itself. The STRICT part says that the function should always return null when any of the arguments are null. So, the function is not executed when there are null arguments, rather a null result is assumed automatically. Finally, everything within the $$ quotes is the logic of our function, in PL/pgSQL syntax. As we can see, the syntax is almost identical to that of plain SQL.

Let us now create some dummy data to test the above stored procedure. In the same psql shell, type the following:

INSERT INTO ratings VALUES (1, 2.3), (2, 0.5), (3, 1.7), (4, 4.5), (5, 3.3);


The ratings table now looks as follows:

yourdb=# SELECT * FROM ratings;
id | rating
1 |    2.3
2 |    0.5
3 |    1.7
4 |    4.5
5 |    3.3
(5 rows)

To test our stored procedure, we fire the following query:

SELECT id, grade(rating) FROM ratings;

The result is:

id | grade
1 | B
2 | D
3 | C
4 | A+
5 | A
(5 rows)

Thus, our stored procedure works perfectly! This shows how you can write code for your application in the database itself, the code which would otherwise be present in the application layer. For writing more complex stored procedures, you can always consult the excellent PostgreSQL documentation on this topic!

PL/pgSQL turned out to be especially useful for a recent bug patch in Open Event Server. The rating attribute of event feedbacks was initially (and incorrectly) of String type. When converting it to Float type, I had migrated the schema, but the migration of existing data was nontrivial. Since the earlier ratings were of type String, we weren’t really sure whether the values in the rating column will all contain numbers. Furthermore, we also wanted to round those numbers to the “nearest 0.5”, so that ratings like 4.4 and 2.2 get converted to more conventional values like 4.5 and 2.0 respectively. To accomplish this, I had to add a stored procedure in the related migration file. Here’s how it looked:

class ReplaceableObject(object):
    def __init__(self, name, sqltext): = name
        self.sqltext = sqltext

update_rating_func = ReplaceableObject(
    "update_rating(rating text)",
    RETURNS text AS $$
        r NUMERIC;
        r = cast(rating as NUMERIC);
        IF r < 0 OR r > 5 THEN
            RETURN '0';
        END IF;
        r = round(r*2) / 2;
        RETURN cast(r as VARCHAR);
    EXCEPTION WHEN invalid_text_representation THEN
        RETURN '0';

We created a simple class ReplaceableObject so that the name of the function is, sort of, a separate attribute from its definition, as required by the migration library alembic. Once the stored procedure was defined as above, the upgrade() function of the migration file was modified accordingly:

def upgrade():
    op.execute("UPDATE feedback SET rating=update_rating(rating)")
    op.execute("DROP FUNCTION update_rating(text)")

    op.alter_column('feedback', 'rating',
        postgresql_using='rating::double precision')

Notice how the UPDATE query calls our stored procedure update_rating() to make existing ratings of the form we desire. Once that is done, the procedure is no longer needed, so it is DROP-ed and then, finally, the type is changed to Float. So indeed, procedural languages are used for real!

Also, what’s more exciting is that one can write Postgres stored procedures in Python itself! Python is among the four procedural languages supported by PostgreSQL, the other two being Perl and Tcl. Here’s a simple Python example of the grading code we wrote earlier:

    if rating < 1:
        return 'D'
    elif rating < 2:
        return 'C'
    elif rating < 3:
        return 'B'
    elif rating < 4:
        return 'A'
        return 'A+'

This should work identical to the PL/pgSQL equivalent code above. But don’t forget to change the command for installing the procedural language, for Python it looks like:

$ createlang plpython3u yourdb

Needless to say, the 3 here stands for Python3.

Even with all this flexibility and power, one must note that procedural languages are not designed to replace programming languages. Procedural code can easily become difficult to maintain, and one often needs superuser privileges to create stored procedures. Moreover, portability is a mess with them. That is especially true when moving from one database system (like Postgres) to another (like Microsoft SQL Server). Therefore, for optimum application performance and code maintainability, ensure that there is a healthy balance between your business logic residing in stored procedures and the application layer.

This post covered a lot of information about code residing in the database and its use cases. If you want to know more about best practices involving separation of business logic, please check out this thread on StackExchange’s software engineering website.


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Make Flask Fast and Reliable – Simple Steps

Flask is a microframework for Python, which is mostly used in web-backend development.There are projects in FOSSASIA that are using flask for development purposes such as Open Event Server, Query Server, Badgeyay. Optimization is indeed one of the most important steps for a successful software product. So, in this post some few off- the-hook tricks will be shown which will make your flask-app more fast and reliable.


  1. Flask-Compress is a python package which basically provides de-facto lossless compression  to your Flask application.
  2. Enough with the theory, now let’s understand the coding part:
    1. First install the module

2. Then for a basic setup

3.That’s it! All it takes is just few lines of code to make your flask app optimized .To know more about the module check out flask-compress module.

Requirements Directory

  1. A common practice amongst different FOSSASIA  projects which involves dividing requirements.txt files for development,testing as well as production.
  2. Basically when projects either use TRAVIS CI for testing or are deployed to Cloud Services like Heroku, there are some modules which are not really required at some places.  For example: gunicorn is only required for deployment purposes and not for development.
  3. So how about we have a separate directory wherein different .txt files are created for different purposes.
  4. Below is the image of file directory structure followed for requirements in badgeyay project.

  1. As you can see different .txt files are created for different purposes
    1. dev.txt – for development
    2. prod.txt – for production(i.e. deployment)
    3. test.txt – for testing.


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Service Workers in Loklak Search

Loklak search is a web application which is built on latest web technologies and is aiming to be a progressive web application. A PWA is a web application which has a rich, reliable, fast, and engaging web experience, and web API which enables us to get these are Service Workers. This blog post describes the basics of service workers and their usage in the Loklak Search application to act as a Network Proxy to and the programmatical cache controller for static resources.

What are Service Workers?

In the very formal definition, Matt Gaunt describes service workers to be a script that the browser runs in the background, and help us enable all the modern web features. Most these features include intercepting network requests and caching and responding from the cache in a more programmatical way, and independent from native browser based caching. To register a service worker in the application is a really simple task, there is just one thing which should be kept in mind, that service workers need the HTTPS connection, to work, and this is the web standard made around the secure protocol. To register a service worker

if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
window.addEventListener('load', function() {
navigator.serviceWorker.register('/sw.js').then(function(registration) {
// Registration was successful
console.log('ServiceWorker registration successful with scope: ', registration.scope);
}, function(err) {
// registration failed :(
console.log('ServiceWorker registration failed: ', err);

This piece of javascript, if the browser supports, registers the service worker defined by sw.js. The service worker then goes through its lifecycle, and gets installed and then it takes control of the page it gets registered with.

What does service workers solve in Loklak Search?

In loklak search, service workers currently work as a, network proxy to work as a caching mechanism for static resources. These static resources include the all the bundled js files and images. These bundled chunks are cached in the service workers cache and are responded with from the cache when requested. The chunking of assets have an advantage in this caching strategy, as the cache misses only happen for the chunks which are modified, and the parts of the application which are unmodified are served from the cache making it possible for lesser download of assets to be served.

Service workers and Angular

As the loklak search is an angular application we, have used the @angular/service-worker library to implement the service workers. This is simple to integrate library and works with the, CLI, there are two steps to enable this, first is to download the Service Worker package

npm install --save @angular/service-worker

And the second step is to enable the service worker flag in .angular-cli.json

"apps": [
      // Other Configurations
      serviceWorker: true

Now when we generate the production build from the CLI, along with all the application chunks we get, The three files related to the service workers as well

  • sw-register.bundle.js : This is a simple register script which is included in the index page to register the service worker.
  • worker-basic.js : This is the main service worker logic, which handles all the caching strategies.
  • ngsw-manifest.json : This is a simple manifest which contains the all the assets to be cached along with their version hashes for cache busting.

Future enhancements in Loklak Search with Service Workers

The service workers are fresh in loklak search and are currently just used for caching the static resources. We will be using service workers for more sophisticated caching strategies like

  • Dynamically caching the results and resources received from the API
  • Using IndexedDB interface with service workers for storing the API response in a structured manner.
  • Using service workers, and app manifest to provide the app like experience to the user.


Resources and Links

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Analyzing Production Build Size in Loklak Search

Loklak search being a web application it is critical to keep the size of the application in check to ensure that we are not transferring any non-essential bytes to the user so that application load is faster, and we are able to get the minimal first paint time. This requires a mechanism for the ability to check the size of the build files which are generated and served to the user. Alongside the ability to check sizes it is also critically important to analyze the distribution of the modules along with their sizes in various chunks. In this blog post, I discuss the analysis of the application code of loklak search and the generated build files.

Importance of Analysis

The chunk size analysis is critical to any application, as the chunk size of any application directly determines the performance of any application, at any scale. The smaller the application the lesser is the load time, thus faster it becomes usable at the user side. The time to first-paint is the most important metric to keep in mind while analyzing any web application for performance, though the first paint time consists of many critical parts from loading, parsing, layout and paint, but still the size of any chunk determines all the time it will take to render it on the screen.

Also as we use the 3rd party libraries and components it becomes crucially important to inspect the impact on the size of the application upon the inclusion of those libraries and components.

Development Phase Checking

Angular CLI provides a clean mechanism to track and check the size of all the chunks always at the runtime, these stats simply show the size of each chunk in the application in the terminal on every successful compilation, and this provides us a broad idea about the chunks to look and address.

Deep Analysis using Webpack Bundle Analyzer

The angular cli while generating the production build provides us with an option to generates the statistics about the chunks including the size and namespaces of the each module which is part of that chunk. These stats are directly generated by the webpack at the time of bundling, code splitting, and tree shaking. These statistics thus provide us to peek into the actual deeper level of chunk creation in webpack to analyze sizes of its various components. To generate the statistics we just need to enable the –stats-json flag while building.

ng serve --prod --aot --stats-json

This will generate the statistics file for the application in the /dist directory, alongside all the bundles. Now to have the visual and graphical analysis of these statistics we can use a tool like webpack-bundle-analyzer to analyze the statistics. We can install the webpack-bundle-analyzer via npm,

npm install --save-dev webpack-bundle-analyzer

Now, to our package.json we can add a script, running this script will open up a web page which contains graphical visualization of all the chunks build in the application

// package.json

      “scripts”: {
         "analyze": "webpack-bundle-analyzer dist/stats.json"

These block diagrams also contain the information about the sub modules contained in each chunk, and thus we can easily analyze and compare the size of each component we add in the application.

Now, we can see in the above distribution, the main.bundle is of the largest size among all the other chunks. And the major part of it is being occupied by, moment.js, this analysis provides us with a deeper insight into the impact of a module like moment.js on the application size. This helps us to reason about the analyze which part of the application is worth, and which parts of the application can be replaced with lighter alternatives and which parts of the application are worth the size they are consuming, as for a 3rd party module which consumes a lot of sizes but is used in some insignificant feature, must be replaced with a lightweight alternative.


Thus being able to see the description of modules in each and every chunk provides us with a method to reason about, and compare the alternative approaches for a particular solution to a problem, in terms of the effect of those approaches on the size of the application so we are able to make the best decision.

Resources and Links

  • Analyzing the builds blog by hackernoon
  • Bundle analysis for webpack applications blog by Nimesh
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Route Based Chunking in Loklak Search

The loklak search application running at is growing in size as the features are being added into the application, this growth is a linear one, and traditional SPA, tend to ship all the code is required to run the application in one pass, as a single monolithic JavaScript file, along with the index.html. This approach is suitable for the application with few pages which are frequently used, and have context switching between those logical pages at a high rate and almost simultaneously as the application loads.

But generally, only a fraction of code is what is accessed most frequently by most users, so as the application size grows it does not make sense to include all the code for the entire application at the first request, as there is always some code in the application, some views, are rarely accessed. The loading of such part of the application can be delayed until they are accessed in the application. The angular router provides an easy way to set up such system and is used in the latest version of loklak search.

The technique which is used here is to load the content according to the route. This makes sure only the route which is viewed is loaded on the initial load, and subsequent loading is done at the runtime as and when required.

Old setup for baseline

Here are the compiled file sizes, of the project without the chunking the application. Now as we can see that the file sizes are huge, especially the vendor bundle, which is of 5.4M and main bundle which is about 0.5M now, these are the files which are loaded on the first load and due to their huge sizes, the first paint of the application suffers, to a great extent. These numbers will act as a baseline upon which we will measure the impact of route based chunking.

Setup for route based chunking

The setup for route based chunking is fairly simple, this is our routing configuration, the part of the modules which we want to lazy load are to be passed as loadChildren attribute of the route, this attribute is a string which is a path of the feature module which, and part after the hash symbol is the actual class name of the module, in that file. This setup enables the router to load that module lazily when accessed by the user.

const routes: Routes = [
path: '',
pathMatch: 'full',
loadChildren: './home/home.module#HomeModule',
data: { preload: true }

path: 'about',
loadChildren: './about/about.module#AboutModule'

path: 'contact',
loadChildren: './contact/contact.module#ContactModule'

path: 'search',
loadChildren: './feed/feed.module#FeedModule',
data: { preload: true }
path: 'terms',

loadChildren: './terms/terms.module#TermsModule'
path: 'wall',
loadChildren: './media-wall/media-wall.module#MediaWallModule'

Preloading of some routes

As we can see that in two of the configurations above, there is a data attribute, on which preload: true attribute is specified. Sometimes we need to preload some part of theapplication, which we know we will access, soon enough. So angular also enables us to set up our own preloading strategy to preload some critical parts of the application, which we know are going to be accessed. In our case, Home and Feed module are the core parts of the application, and we can be sure that, if someone has to use our application, these two modules need to be loaded. Defining the preloading strategy is also really simple, it is a class which implements PreloadingStrategy interface, and have a preload method, this method receives the route and load function as an argument, and this preload method either returns the load() observable or null if preload is set to true.

export class CustomPreloadStrategy implements PreloadingStrategy {
preload(route: Route, load: Function): Observable<any> {
return && ? load() : of(null);

Results of route based chunking

The results of route based chunking are the 50% reduction in the file size of vendor bundle and 70% reduction in the file size of the main bundle this provides the edge which every application needs to perform well at the load time, as unnecessary bytes are not at all loaded until required.


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Lazy Loading Images in Loklak Search

In last blog post, I discussed the basic Web API’s which helps us to create the lazy image loader component. I also discussed the structure which is used in the application, to load the images lazily. The core idea is to wrap the <img> element in a wrapper, <app-lazy-img> element. This enables us the detection of the element in the viewport and corresponding loading only if the image is present in the viewport.

In this blog post, I will be discussing the implementation details about how this is achieved in Loklak search in an optimized manner.

The logic for lazy loading of images in the application is divided into a Component and a corresponding Service. The reason for this splitting of logic will be explained as we discuss the core parts of the code for this feature.

Detecting the Intersection with Viewport

The lazy image service is a service for the lazy image component which is registered at the by the modules which intend to use this app lazy image component. The task of this service is to register the elements with the intersection observer, and, then emit an event when the element comes in the viewport, which the element can react on and then use the other methods of services to actually fetch the image.

export class LazyImgService {
private intersectionObserver: IntersectionObserver
= new IntersectionObserver(this.observerCallback.bind(this), { rootMargin: '50% 50%' });
private elementSubscriberMap: Map<Element, Subscriber<boolean>>
= new Map<Element, Subscriber<boolean>>();

The service has two member attributes, one is IntersectionObserver, and the other is a Map which stores the the reference of the subscribers of this intersection observer. This reference is then later used to emit the event when the element comes in viewport. The rootMargin of the intersection observer is set to 50% this makes sure that when the element is 50% away from the viewport.

The obvserve public method of the service, takes an element and pass it to intersection observer to observe, also put the element in the subscriber map.

public observe(element: Element): Observable<boolean> {
const observable: Observable<boolean> = new Observable<boolean>(subscriber => {
this.elementSubscriberMap.set(element, subscriber);
return observable;

Then there is the observer callback, this method, as an argument receives all the objects intersecting the root of the observer, when this callback is fired, we find all the intersecting elements and emit the intersection event. Indicating that the element is nearby the viewport and this is the time to load it.

private observerCallback(entries: IntersectionObserverEntry[], observer: IntersectionObserver) {
entries.forEach(entry => {
if (this.elementSubscriberMap.has( {
if (entry.intersectionRatio > 0) {
const subscriber = this.elementSubscriberMap.get(;;

Now, our LazyImgComponent enables us to uses this service to register its element, with the intersection observer and then reacting to it later, when the event is emitted. This method sets up the IO, to load the image, and subscribes to the event emittes by the service and eventually calls the loadImage method when the element intersects with the viewport.

private setupIntersectionObserver() {
.subscribe(value => {
if (value) {

Loading and rendering the image

Our lazy image service has another public API method fetch to fetch the image resource, this method returns an observable, which on successful fetching of image emits a Base64 image string.

public fetch(resource: string): Observable<string> {
return new Observable<string>(subscriber => {
.then(strBuffer => {;
.catch((error) => {

The intermediate promise then chain is for converting the raw response buffer to a Base64 string, this string is then emited as the observable emmision. The component then subscribes to this fetch Observable, when the load image method is called.

private loadImage() {
this.isLoading = true;
.subscribe(this.handleResponse.bind(this), this.handleError.bind(this));

The handler methods for the response and errors then contain the code to handle the effects of loading of results, ie. rendering the image inside the img element. The intresting thing to note here is, if we give the Base64 string as the src attribute of an img tag, instead of resource path then also it renders the image properly.

private handleResponse(imageStr: string) {
const base64Flag = `data:image/${this.imageType};base64,`;
this.elementRef.nativeElement.querySelector('img').src = base64Flag + imageStr;

And this completes our workflow of the app-lazy-img and gives us, a robust lazy image loader, and also is compliant with accessibility guidelines, including all the necessary attributes like, title, width, height etc. for the generation of proper accessibility tree. This technique can be extended to any level, and is more or less platform and framework independent, as this relies solely on Web Standards API’s. This is an optimized solution, as at a time only one intersection observer is active on a page and is seeing all the images, rather than per component instance based intersection observers which can be a performane bottleneck in low memory devices.

Resources and Links

  • Intersection observer API
  • Intersection Observer polyfill for the browsers which don’t support Intersection Observer
  • Fetch API documentation
  • Fetch API polyfill for the browsers which don’t support fetch.
  • Loklak Search Repo
Continue ReadingLazy Loading Images in Loklak Search

Lazy loading images in Loklak Search

Loklak Search delivers the media rich content to the users. Most of the media delivered to the users are in the form of images. In the earlier versions of loklak search, these images were delivered to the users imperatively, irrespective of their need. What this meant is, whether the image is required by the user or not it was delivered, consuming the bandwidth and slowing down the initial load of the app as large amount of data was required to be fetched before the page was ready. Also, the 404 errors were also not being handled, thus giving the feel of a broken UI.

So we required a mechanism to control this loading process and tap into its various aspects, to handle the edge cases. This, on the whole, required few new Web Standard APIs to enable smooth working of this feature. These API’s are

  • IntersectionObserver API
  • Fetch API


As the details of this feature are involving and comprise of new API standards, I have divided this into two posts, one with the basics of the above mentioned API’s and the outline approach to the module and its subcomponents and the difficulties which we faced. The second post will mostly comprise of the details of the code which went into making this feature and how we tackled the corner cases in the path.


Our goal here was to create a component which can lazily load the images and provide UI feedback to the user in case of any load or parse error. As mentioned above the development of this feature depends on the relatively new web standards API’s so it’s important to understand the functioning of these AP’s we understand how they become the intrinsic part of our LazyImgComponent.

Intersection Observer

If we see history, the problem of intersection of two elements on the web in a performant way has been impossible since always, because it requires DOM polling constantly for the ClientRect the element which we want to check for intersection, as these operations run on main thread these kinds of polling has always been a source of bottlenecks in the application performance.

The intersection observer API is a web standard to detect when two DOM elements intersect with each other. The intersection observer API helps us to configure a callback whenever an element called target intersects with another element (root) or viewport.

To create an intersection observer is a simple task we just have to create a new instance of the observer.

var observer = new IntersectionObserver(callback, options);

Here the callback is the function to run whenever some observed element intersect with the element supplied to the observer. This element is configured in the options object passed to the Intersection Observer

var options = {
root: document.querySelector('#root'), // Defaults to viewport if null
rootMargin: '0px', // The margin around root within which the callback is triggered
threshold: 1.0

The target element whose intersection is to be tested with the main element can be setup using the observe method of the observer.

var target = document.querySelector('#target');

After this setup whenever the target element intersects with the root element the callback method is fired, and this provides the easy standard mechanism to get callbacks whenever the target element intersects with root element.

How this is used in Loklak Search?

Our goal here is to load the images only if required, ie. we should load the images lazily only if they are in the viewport. So the task of checking whether the element is near the viewport is done in a performant way using the Intersection Observer standard.

Fetch API

Fetch API provides interface for fetching resources. It provides us with generic Request and Response interfaces, which can be used as Streaming responses, requests from Service Worker or CacheAPI. This is a very lightweight API providing us with the flexibility and power to make the AJAX requests from anywhere, irrespective of context of the thread or the worker. It is also a Promise driven API. Thus, providing the remedy from the callback hell.

The basic fetch requests are really very easy to setup, all they require is the path to the resource to fetch, and they return a promise on which we can apply promise chaining to transform the response into desired form. A very simple example illustratuing the fetch API is as follows.

.then(function(response) {
return response.blob();
.then(function(respBlob) {

The role of fetch api is pretty straight forward in the lazy loading of images, ie. to actually fetch the images when requested.

Lazy Image Component

We start designing our lazy image component by structuring our API. The API our component should provide to the outside world must be similar to Native Image Element, in terms of attributes and methods. So our component’s class should look something like this, with attributes src, alt, title, width and height. Also, we have hooked a load event which host can listen to for loading success or failure of the image.

selector: 'app-lazy-img',
templateUrl: './lazy-img.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./lazy-img.component.scss'],
export class LazyImgComponent {
@Input() src: string;
@Input() width: number;
@Input() height: number;
@Input() alt: string;
@Input() title: string;
@Output() load: EventEmitter<boolean> = new EventEmitter<boolean>();

This basic API provides us with our custom <app-lazy-img> tag which we can use with the attributes, instead of standard <img> element to load the images when needed.

So our component is basically a wrapper around the standard img element to provide lazy loading behaviour.

This is the basic outline of how our component will be working.

  • The component registers with an Intersection observer, which notifies the element when it comes near the viewport.
  • Upon this notification, the component fetches the resource image.
  • When the fetch is complete, the retrieved binary stream is fed to the native image element which eventually renders the image on the screen.

This is the basic setup and working logic behind our lazy image component. In next post, I will be discussing the details of how this logic is achieved inside the LazyImgComponent, and how we solve the problems with a large number of elements rendered at once in the application.

Resources and Links

  • Intersection observer API
  • Intersection Observer polyfill for the browsers which don’t support Intersection Observer
  • Fetch API documentation
  • Fetch API polyfill for the browsers which don’t support fetch.
  • Loklak Search Repo
Continue ReadingLazy loading images in Loklak Search

PIL to convert type and quality of image

Image upload is an important part of the server. The images can be in different formats and after applying certain javascript modifications, they can be changed to different formats. For example, when an image is uploaded after cropping in open event organizer server, it is saved in PNG format. But PNG is more than 5 times larger than JPEG image. So when we upload a 150KB image, the image finally reaching the server is around 1MB which is huge. So we need to decide in the server which image format to select in different cases and how to convert them.

Continue ReadingPIL to convert type and quality of image

Optimizing page load time

The average size of a web page has been growing at an accelerating rate over the last few years. Last week, when the open-event webapp was tested, it was very slow to load because of loading 67.2 MB data ( which contained audio and image files ) on the web page.I have taken following steps which are good to read to make any web application load faster.

1. Stop preloading of audio files

The HTML5 audio player loads all audio files by default on the page. To stop this we have to change the code as

<audio controls preload="none">
 <source src="{{audio}}" type="audio/mpeg">

Setting preload option to none help us to load audio only when it is clicked. Hence it decreases the HTTP calls and decreases the page loading time.


Network tab with Audio files takes 68.0MB  load and 13.6 minute loading time.




Network tab with option <audio controls preloaded=”none”> takes 1.1 MB load and  1 minute loading time. This was a huge improvement but more optimizations can be done.

2. Using Compression Middleware

Express compression middleware works like a charm by compressing the response coming to the web page. It is too simple to add.

$ npm install compression
var compression = require('compression')
var express = require('express')

var app = express()

// compress all requests

// add all routes

This has compressed the responses and decreased the page load time.

3.  Reduce the number of HTTP requests

Another great way of speeding up your web pages is to simply reduce the number of files that need to be loaded.

Combine files

Combining multiple stylesheets into one file is a really useful way of eliminating extra HTTP requests. This strategy can also be adopted for your JavaScript files. A single larger CSS or JavaScript file will often load quicker because more time can be spent downloading the data rather than establishing multiple connections to a server.

After such optimizations, the webapp loads now in 8-15 seconds with DOM loaded in 2 seconds.


The result of these optimizations are awesome. We can test the page speed by using various tools like pagespeed, speedtracer etc.

Continue ReadingOptimizing page load time