Adding JSON-API to Badgeyay Backend

Badgeyay has two main components, the Python-Flask backend server and the EmberJS frontend.

EmberJS frontend uses ember data to save the data from the backend server api into the store of EmberJS frontend. To make the ember data frontend comply with backend api we need the backend server to send responses that comply with the standards of the JSON-API.

What is JSON-API?

As stated by JSONAPI.ORG

"If you've ever argued with your team about the way your JSON responses should be formatted, JSON API can be your anti-bikeshedding tool."

To put it up simply, JSON-API is a way of representing the JSON data that is being generated by the server backend. In this way we represent the JSON data in a particular way that follows the JSON-API convention. An example of data that follows json-api standards is given below:

"data": {
"id": "1",
"type": "posts",
"attributes": {
"title": "This is a JSON API data"
"relationships": {
"author": {
"links": {
"related": "/example/number"
"comments": {
"links": {
"related": "/example/number/article/"
"data": [
{"id": 5, "type": "example"},
{"id": 12, "type": "example"}

Adding JSON-API using Marshmallow-JSONAPI

We proceeded on to adding json-api into the Python-Flask backend. Before we proceed to adding json-api, we first need to install marshmallow_jsonapi

To install marshmallow_jsonapi

$ ~ pip install marshmallow-jsonapi

After installing marshmallow_jsonapi, we proceed onto making our first schema.

A schema is a layer of abstraction that is provided over a database model that can be used to dump data from or into an object. This object can therefore be used to either store in database or to dump it to the EmberJS frontend. Let us create a schema for File.

from marshmallow_jsonapi.flask import Schema
from marshmallow_jsonapi import fields

class FileSchema(Schema):
class Meta:
type_ = 'File'
self_view = 'fileUploader.get_file'
kwargs = {'id': '<id>'}

id = fields.Str(required=True, dump_only=True)
filename = fields.Str(required=True)
filetype = fields.Str(required=True)
user_id = fields.Relationship(
self_url_kwargs={'file_id': '<id>'},
related_url_kwargs={'id': '<id>'},

So we have successfully created a Schema for getting files. This schema has an id, filename and filetype. It also has a relationship with the User.

Let us now create a route for this Schema. The below snippet of code is used to find a given file using this schema.

@router.route('/get_file', methods=['GET'])
def get_file():
input_data = request.args
file = File().query.filter_by(filename=input_data.get('filename')).first()
return jsonify(FileSchema().dump(file).data)


Now to get details of a file using our newly created route and schema all we need to do is use the following cURL command:

$ ~ curl -X GET "http://localhost:5000/api/upload/get_file?filename={your_file_name}"

You will get something like this as a response:

"data": {
"attributes": {
"filename": "13376967-8846-4c66-bcab-4a6b7d58aca7.csv",
"filetype": "csv"
"id": "967dc51b-289a-43a1-94c1-5cfce04b0fbf",
"links": {
"self": "/api/upload/get_file"
"relationships": {
"user_id": {
"data": {
"id": "J9v2LBIai1MOc8LijeLx7zWsP4I2",
"type": "User"
"links": {
"related": "/user/register",
"self": "/api/upload/get_file"
"type": "File"
"links": {
"self": "/api/upload/get_file"

Further Improvements

After adding JSON-API standards to the backend API we can easily integrate it with the EmberJS frontend. Now we can work on adding more schemas as a method of layers of abstraction so that the backend can serve more functionalities and the data can be consumed by the frontend as well.


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Adding JSONAPI Support in Open Event Android App

The Open Event API Server exposes a well documented JSONAPI compliant REST API that can be used in The Open Even App Generator and Frontend to access and manipulate data. So it is also needed to add support of JSONAPI in external services like The Open Even App Generator and Frontend. In this post I explain how to add JSONAPI support in Android.

There are many client libraries to implement JSONAPI support in Android or Java like moshi-jsonapi, morpheus etc. You can find the list here. The main problem is most of the libraries require to inherit attributes from Resource model but in the Open Event Android App we already inherit from a RealmObject class and in Java we can’t inherit from more than one model or class. So we will be using the jsonapi-converter library which uses annotation processing to add JSONAPI support.

1. Add dependency

In order to use jsonapi-converter in your app add following dependencies in your app module’s build.gradle file.

dependencies {
	compile 'com.github.jasminb:jsonapi-converter:0.7'

2.  Write model class

Models will be used to represent requests and responses. To support JSONAPI we need to take care of followings when writing the models.

  • Each model class must be annotated with com.github.jasminb.jsonapi.annotations.Type annotation
  • Each class must contain a String attribute annotated with com.github.jasminb.jsonapi.annotations.Id annotation
  • All relationships must be annotated with com.github.jasminb.jsonapi.annotations.Relationship annotation

In the Open Event Android we have so many models like event, session, track, microlocation, speaker etc. Here I am only defining track model because of its simplicity and less complexity.

public class Track extends RealmObject {

        	private int id;
        	private String name;
        	private String description;
        	private String color;
        	private String fontColor;
        	private RealmList<Session> sessions;

        	//getters and setters

Jsonapi-converter uses Jackson for data parsing. To know how to use Jackson for parsing follow my previous blog.

Type annotation is used to instruct the serialization/deserialization library on how to process given model class. Each resource must have the id attribute. Id annotation is used to flag an attribute of a class as an id attribute. In above class the id attribute is int so we need to specify IntegerIdHandler class which is ResourceHandler in the annotation. Relationship annotation is used to designate other resource types as a relationship. The value in the Relationship annotation should be as per JSONAPI specification of the server. In the Open Event Project each track has the sessions so we need to add a Relationship annotation for it.

3.  Setup API service and retrofit

After defining models, define API service interface as you would usually do with standard JSON APIs.

public interface OpenEventAPI {
    Call<List<Track>> getTracks();

Now create an ObjectMapper & a retrofit object and initialize them.

ObjectMapper objectMapper = OpenEventApp.getObjectMapper();
Class[] classes = {Track.class, Session.class};

OpenEventAPI openEventAPI = new Retrofit.Builder()
                    .addConverterFactory(new JSONAPIConverterFactory(objectMapper, classes))


The classes array instance contains a list of all the model classes which will be supported by this retrofit builder and API service. Here the main task is to add a JSONAPIConverterFactory which will be used to serialize and deserialize data according to JSONAPI specification. The JSONAPIConverterFactory constructor takes two parameters ObjectMapper and list of classes.

4.  Use API service  

Now after setting up all the things according to above steps, you can use the openEventAPI instance to fetch data from the server.



JSON API is designed to minimize both the number of requests and the amount of data transmitted between clients and servers

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Using Flask-REST-JSONAPI’s Resource Manager In Open Event API Server

For the nextgen Open Event API Server, we are using flask-rest-jsonapi to write all the API endpoints. The flask-rest-jsonapi is based on JSON API 1.0 Specifications for JSON object responses.

In this blog post, I describe how I wrote API schema and endpoints for an already existing database model in the Open Event API Server. Following this blog post, you can learn how to write similar classes for your database models. Let’s dive into how the API Schema is defined for any Resource in the Open Event API Server. Resource, here, is an object based on a database model. It provides a link between the data layer and your logical data abstraction. This ResourceManager has three classes.

  1. Resource List
  2. Resource Detail
  3. Resource Relationship

(We’ll take a look at the Speakers API.)
First, we see the already implemented Speaker Model

class Speaker(db.Model):

   """Speaker model class"""

   __tablename__ = 'speaker'

   id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)

   name = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False)

   photo = db.Column(db.String)

   website = db.Column(db.String)

   organisation = db.Column(db.String)

   is_featured = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False)

   sponsorship_required = db.Column(db.Text)

   def __init__(self,






                sponsorship_required=None): = name = photo_url = website

      self.organisation = organisation

      self.is_featured = is_featured

      self.sponsorship_required = sponsorship_required


Here’s the Speaker API Schema:

class SpeakerSchema(Schema):
   class Meta:
       type_ = 'speaker'
       self_view = 'v1.speaker_detail'
       self_view_kwargs = {'id': '<id>'}
   id = fields.Str(dump_only=True)
   name = fields.Str(required=True)
   photo_url = fields.Url(allow_none=True)
   website = fields.Url(allow_none=True)
   organisation = fields.Str(allow_none=True)
   is_featured = fields.Boolean(default=False)
   sponsorship_required = fields.Str(allow_none=True)
class SpeakerList(ResourceList):  
   schema = SpeakerSchema
   data_layer = {'session': db.session,
                 'model': Speaker}
class SpeakerDetail(ResourceDetail):
   schema = SpeakerSchema
   data_layer = {'session': db.session,
                 'model': Speaker}
class SpeakerRelationship(ResourceRelationship):
   schema = SpeakerSchema
   data_layer = {'session': db.session,
                 'model': Speaker}


Last piece of code is listing the actual endpoints in __init__ file for flask-rest-jsonapi

api.route(SpeakerList, 'speaker_list', '/events/<int:event_id>/speakers', '/sessions/<int:session_id>/speakers', '/users/<int:user_id>/speakers')
api.route(SpeakerDetail, 'speaker_detail', '/speakers/<int:id>')
api.route(SpeakerRelationship, 'speaker_event', '/speakers/<int:id>/relationships/event')
api.route(SpeakerRelationship, 'speaker_user', '/speakers/<int:id>/relationships/user')
api.route(SpeakerRelationship, 'speaker_session', '/speakers/<int:id>/relationships/sessions')


How to write API schema from database model?

Each column of the database model is a field in the API schema. These are marshmallow fields and can be of several data types – String, Integer, Float, DateTime, Url.

Three class definitions follow the Schema class.

  • List:
    SpeakerList class is the basis of endpoints:
api.route(SpeakerList, 'speaker_list', '/events/<int:event_id>/speakers',

This class will contain methods that generate a list of speakers based on the id that is passed in view_kwargs. Let’s say that ‘/sessions/<int:session_id>/speakers’ is requested. As the view_kwargs here contains sesssion_id, the query methods in SpeakerList class will fetch a list of speaker profiles related to  the sessions identified by session_id.

The flask-rest-jsonapi allows GET and POST methods for ResourceList. When using these endpoints for POST, the before_create_object and before_post methods can be written. These methods are overridden from the base ResourceList class in flask-rest-jsonapi/ when they are defined in Speaker’s class.

  • Detail: 

SpeakerDetail class provides these endpoints:

 api.route(SpeakerDetail, 'speaker_detail', '/speakers/<int:id>')

The Resource Detail provides methods to facilitate GET, PATCH and DELETE requests provided for the endpoints. Methods like: before_get_object, before_update_object, after_update_object are derived from ResourceDetail class. The endpoints return an object of the resource based on the view_kwargs in a JSON response.

  • Relationship:

SpeakerRelationship class, as you might have guesses, provides:

api.route(SpeakerRelationship, 'speaker_event', '/speakers/<int:id>/relationships/event')

api.route(SpeakerRelationship, 'speaker_user', '/speakers/<int:id>/relationships/user')

api.route(SpeakerRelationship, 'speaker_session', '/speakers/<int:id>/relationships/sessions')

SpeakerRelationship class provides methods to create, update and delete relationships between the speaker and related resources – events, users and sessions in this case.

The above is a bare bone API schema example. The actual implementation in Open Event Server has lots of helper methods too to cater to our specific needs.

Additional Resources:

Continue ReadingUsing Flask-REST-JSONAPI’s Resource Manager In Open Event API Server

Permission Dependent Schema for Admin Settings in Open Event Server

For implementing the next version of the API in Open Event, the schema is a very important thing. It tells you exactly what all information you need to send in the body and how the response will look. In flask-rest-jsonapi, we usually mention a schema for an API which is then used for validating requests and sending response. Using decorators, we restrict who all can create, edit or get responses from a particular API endpoint. However, a scenario may so arise that you need to show data to users at different permissions level, but the amount of data shown significantly varies with the permission.

For example, for the settings API in our case. There are few informations like the app name, app tagline that we want to be available to users at all permission levels. However, informations such as aws secret key, or mailing secret keys or any other secret key, we want that to be available only to the admin and super admin. And the responses should be such that users at different permission level should feel that whatever information shown to them is complete and not missing.

So, what we do is we create different schemas, in our case 2 different schemas. Depending on the permission of the user, we show them a particular schema. In our case, the two schemas are SettingSchemaAdmin and SettingSchemaNonAdmin. In SettingSchemaAdmin, we have all the attributes or fields that are present and is accessible to the Admin and Super Admin. In the SettingSchemaNonAdmin however, we have only those fields and attributes that we want to show to all non admin users.

from flask_jwt import current_identity
class SettingDetail(ResourceDetail):
    setting detail by id
    def before_get(self, args, kwargs):
        kwargs['id'] = 1
        if current_identity.is_admin or current_identity.is_super_admin:
            self.schema = SettingSchemaAdmin
            self.schema = SettingSchemaNonAdmin


The above code helps us achieve this. If you have read previous blogs about the API server, you would already know that we are using JWT for authenticating our users. In this code, we are importing current_identity from flask_jwt. Current_identity, returns us an object of the User type which has properties such as is_admin, is_super_admin, etc. to help us identify the permission level of that user.
Using this object, we check whether the user who is making the request via jwt authentication is an admin or super admin, or just a normal registered user.

        if current_identity.is_admin or current_identity.is_super_admin:
            self.schema = SettingSchemaAdmin
            self.schema = SettingSchemaNonAdmin


So, if the current user sending the request is an admin, then we set the schema for the Resource manager class of the flask-rest-jsonapi as SettingSchemaAdmin, which we have already declared before containing all the fields, else, we set it as SettingSchemaNonAdmin which has limited number of attributes.

Continue ReadingPermission Dependent Schema for Admin Settings in Open Event Server