Adding Data Point Markers to OSM

PSLab Android app supports multiple sensors external and internal. Users can view sensor readings and record them into a csv file for later use. They can also have their location embedded into the data set they are recording. Saving the location related to each sensor reading is important. Say in a school experiment teacher can ask the student to measure dust particle concentration in city and inside his house. If the data set didn’t have any reference to the location where it was recorded, it is just incomplete. To facilitate this feature, we have enabled location in data recordings.

Enabling location is just not enough. User should be able to view the locations. Probably on a map itself would be a good idea. With the use of Open Street Maps, we can add markers to specific locations. These markers can be used as a point to show on map where a specific data set had been recorded by the user. This can be implemented further to add additional features such as standardized labels to view which data set is at which location etc.

Figure 1: Markers on Map

Unlike Google Maps API, in Open Street Maps there is no direct implementation to add a marker. But it is not a hard implementation either. We can simply create a class extending map overlays and use that as a base to add markers.

We can start by creating a new class that extends ItemizedOverlay<OverlayItem> class as follows. In this class, it would be wise to have an array list full of markers we are using in the map to modularize the whole markers related tasks into this one class rather than implementing in every place where map is used.

public class MapOverlay extends ItemizedOverlay<OverlayItem> {

    private ArrayList<OverlayItem> overlayItemList = new   ArrayList<OverlayItem>();



Once the class is initiated, have the following methods implemented. The following method will add markers to the array list we have created at the beginning.

public void addItem(GeoPoint p, String title, String snippet){
  OverlayItem newItem = new OverlayItem(title, snippet, p);


This method will be used to handle focusing events related to map markers.

public boolean onSnapToItem(int arg0, int arg1, Point arg2, IMapView arg3){
  return false;


Following method is used by the map itself to generate markers from the marker list.

protected OverlayItem createItem(int arg0) {
  return overlayItemList.get(arg0);


This method is an overriden method we will have to include in the class body.

public int size() {
  return overlayItemList.size();


Once the overlay class is completed, we can move on to actual implementation of a map on Openstreetmap view.

From the main activity where the map is viewed, initiate the marker overlay class and pass the drawable that needs to be shown as the marker to the class constructor as follows:

MapOverlay mapoverlay = null;
Drawable marker=getResources().getDrawable(android.R.drawable.map_hand);
int markerWidth = marker.getIntrinsicWidth();
int markerHeight = marker.getIntrinsicHeight();
marker.setBounds(0, markerHeight, markerWidth, 0);

ResourceProxy resourceProxy = new DefaultResourceProxyImpl(getApplicationContext());
mapoverlay = new MapOverlay(marker, resourceProxy);
GeoPoint point = new GeoPoint(55.75, 37.616667);
mapoverlay.addItem(point, "Russia", "Russia");


We can add as many GeoPoints as we want to markers list and they all will be displayed on the map like this;

Figure 2: Final Output of Markers


Continue ReadingAdding Data Point Markers to OSM

Using Map View to Display Location of Clicked Image in Phimpme

Previously in Phimpme Android app we used to display all the images on the map, based on their location they have taken. In the upcoming version, we are introducing mapview to specify the location when user checks out the details of the image. In this post, I am explaining that how I have implemented Google’s mapView in Phimpme. Note: The prerequisite to display image location in the map view, an image should have geolocation in its meta data.

Let’s get started

Step -1 : First, enable the setting to ‘Show mapview in Image description’ and save it somewhere.

Although, it’s your choice you want to give users choice to view map or not.

First, we need to turn on the movie visibility from map provider in settings. Right now we are adding two maps in our list Google maps and openstreetmap.

Choose Map Provider from the list in Phimpme

Once you choose your preference, it will get stored in sharedPref. As we are displaying the map in the image details so we need to add Image view of map.

Step -2 : Add a ImageView in your XML, in which we will display map.


Keep default visibility of mapview is GONE, If a user will enable map view in setting then we will make this image visible.

Step -3 : Load image with map in ImageView:

Good things are that StaticMapProvier gives you the URL of the image in corresponding to particular GeoLocation, which actually is a view of the map.

Now we need to display mapview when the user taps on details of an image.

ImageView imgMap = (ImageView) dialogLayout.findViewById(;
final GeoLocation location;
if ((location = f.getGeoLocation()) != null) {
   PreferenceUtil SP = PreferenceUtil.getInstance(activity.getApplicationContext());

   StaticMapProvider staticMapProvider = StaticMapProvider.fromValue(
           SP.getInt(activity.getString(R.string.preference_map_provider), StaticMapProvider.GOOGLE_MAPS.getValue()));


To load an image, we used Glide Image library, you can use any library of your choice.

MapView on the top of dialog box in Phimpme

Step 4: Open navigation on the tap of mapView or Image.

Attach a click listener on the imageView and on click of that create a Uri correspond to geolocation and through an Intent to Android to view that link, it will open Google maps with navigation.

 String uri = String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "geo:%f,%f?z=%d", location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude(), 17);
            activity.startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(uri)));


Continue ReadingUsing Map View to Display Location of Clicked Image in Phimpme