Adding the User Settings Route in Admin User Route Open Event Frontend

This blog article will illustrate how the User settings API has been integrated into the admin users route  Open Event Frontend. The admin can change the contact info of some user, details about the email preferences for different events created by the user and the third party authentication details entered by the user.

To make the settings user link in the user link column of the users table functional new sub routes are added to the app’s user route as follows:

  • /admin/users/<user_id>/settings/contact-info
  • /admin/users/<user_id>/settings/email-preferences
  • /admin/users/<user_id>/settings/applications

The template for the index route which redirects to each of the settings route is:

class="ui grid">
class="twelve wide column"> {{#tabbed-navigation}} {{#link-to '' class='item'}} {{t 'Contact Info'}} {{/link-to}} {{#link-to '' class='item'}} {{t 'Email-Preferences'}} {{/link-to}} {{#link-to 'admin.users.view.settings.applications' class='item'}} {{t 'Applications'}} {{/link-to}} {{/tabbed-navigation}}
</div> {{outlet}} </div>

Interestingly, the routes admin/users/view and admin/users/list are both dynamic and expect a parameter after /users/ hence, the app cannot distinguish between them on it’s own, thus explicit handling of the dynamic parameter of the routes was implemented, differentiating them on the basis of the route’s state as follows:

beforeModel(transition) {
const userState = transition.params[transition.targetName].users_status;
if (!['all', 'deleted', 'active'].includes(userState)) {
this.replaceWith('admin.users.view', userState);

Thus if the dynamic portion of the route doesn’t contain the parameters all, deleted or active, then it must be referring to a user’s events or sessions and the route needs to be replaced with the desired events or sessions route accordingly.

The server is queried to fetch the details of a given user like the email,  contact, various events created by the user to get the email and notification preferences. For getting each detail the current users model is returned and the values in the model are returned to the form.

For the contact-info sub route the values like the email and the contact number are fetched and are shown in the form. There is a save button in the form too. The admin can change this information and send a patch request to the server by clicking this button.

 updateContactInfo() {
this.set('isLoading', true);
let currentUser = this.get('model.user');
.then(() => {
this.get('notify').success(this.get('l10n').t('Your Contact Info has been updated'));
.catch(() => {
this.get('notify').error(this.get('l10n').t('An unexpected error occurred'));
.finally(() => {
this.set('isLoading', false);

For the email-preferences sub route the model has attributes like sessionSchedule, nextEvent etc.and the admin has the access to change the email-notifications for any event  created by any user. The client side has checkboxes to show the data to the user. The states of the checkboxes are determined by the data that we receive from the API. We also let the admin change the preferences of the email-notifications so that he can customise the notifications and keep the ones he wants some user to receive.

{{settings/email-preferences-section preferences=model}}

The sub route for email preferences:

export default Route.extend(AuthenticatedRouteMixin, {
titleToken() {
return this.get('l10n').t('Email Preferences');
model() {
const currentUser = this.modelFor('admin.users.view');
return currentUser.query('emailNotifications', { include: 'event' });

So, the admin has the access to change the information and the email notifications of a user.


Continue ReadingAdding the User Settings Route in Admin User Route Open Event Frontend

Adding Dredd Tests for Image Sizes on Open Event Flask Server

In this blog, we will talk about how to add dredd hooks for testing the API of Event Image Sizes and Speaker Image Sizes in Open Event Server. The focus is on adding the factory class and dredd hooks of these APIs using factory-boy python library and Dredd API testing framework.

Factory Creation

For the Event and Speaker Image Sizes, we’ll make our factory classes EventImageSizeFactory  and SpeakerImageSizeFactory as follows

Now, let’s try to understand this class.

In this class, we are writing the sample data two records of ImageSizes Model, these records corresponds to Event and Speaker Image Sizes.

  1. First of all, we inherit class factory.alchemy.SQLAlchemyModelFactory to build our sample data which for Image Sizes.
  2. Class Meta has model and sqlalchemy_session attributes. Model tells the factory class of to which model this factory class push the data to database and sqlalchemy_session is assigned with the current database session.
  3. Next, we add the attributes according to the model and Schema of Image Sizes.

Adding Dredd Hooks

For the ImageSizes, we’ll make our dredd hooks as follows

Now, let’s try to understand these tests.

In this tests, we check the API by matching the response after adding a record in these API to one which is present at API blueprint.

  1. First of all, we use decorator @hooks.before which means we first add a record in the database and then match the response we get from API say /v1/event-image-sizes with the response mentioned at Image Size > Event Image Size Details > Get Event Image Size Details in API blueprint.
  2. We create an instance of EventImageSizeFactory which is a record of model Image Sizes.
  3. This record is then returned as a response of API /v1/event-image-sizes and matches with the blueprint at Image Size > Event Image Size Details > Get Event Image Size Details

Similarly, we have added other dredd tests for PATCH method as well.

So, we saw how factory-boy python library and Dredd API testing framework helped us in testing the REST APIs on Open Event Server.


Continue ReadingAdding Dredd Tests for Image Sizes on Open Event Flask Server

Events API Integration on Admin User Route Open Event Frontend

This blog article will illustrate how the Events API has been integrated into the admin users route  Open Event Frontend, as well as how the action buttons are added to view, edit or delete the events of any user in the list by the admin.

To make the events user link in the user link column of the users table functional a new sub route is added to the app’s user route as follows:

this.route('users', function() {
     this.route('view', { path: '/:user_id' }, function() {
       this.route('events', function() {
         this.route('list', { path: '/:event_status' });

The newly added route further contains a dynamic sub route called list. This nested route fulfills the requirement of filtering the various events of a given user according to their states. Interestingly, the routes admin/users/view and admin/users/list are both dynamic and expect a parameter after /users/ hence, the app cannot distinguish between them on it’s own, thus explicit handling of the dynamic parameter of the routes was implemented, differentiating them on the basis of the route’s state as follows:

beforeModel(transition) {
const userState = transition.params[transition.targetName].users_status;
if (!['all', 'deleted', 'active'].includes(userState)) {
this.replaceWith('admin.users.view', userState);

Thus if the dynamic portion of the route doesn’t contain the parameters all, deleted or active, then it must be referring to a user’s events or sessions and the route needs to be replaced with the desired events or sessions route accordingly.

The server is queried to fetch the events of a given user by making use of the hasMany relationship a user has with his sessions. They are loaded in the route admin/users/view/events/list.js

model() {
const userDetails = this.modelFor('admin.users.view');
return'user',, {
include: 'events'

After fetching the the events from the server, a proper ember table is called in the template file of this route, and all the actions like viewing and editing an event are declared in the template.

moveToDetails=(action 'moveToDetails')
editEvent=(action 'editEvent')
openDeleteEventModal=(action 'openDeleteEventModal')

In the controller the columns of the table for events are defined and all the actions are defined.

moveToDetails(id) {
this.transitionToRoute('events.view', id);
editEvent(id) {
this.transitionToRoute('events.view.edit.basic-details', id);
deleteEvent() {
this.set('isLoading', true);'event', this.get('eventId'), { backgroundReload: false }).then(function(event) {

So, the admin can view the list of the events of a particular user and send a patch or delete request for any event.


Continue ReadingEvents API Integration on Admin User Route Open Event Frontend

Adding Event Roles Permission API on Open Event Server

The Open Event Server enables organizers to manage events from concerts to conferences and meetups. It offers features for events with several tracks and venues. Event managers can create invitation forms for speakers and build schedules in a drag and drop interface. The event information is stored in a database. The system provides API endpoints to fetch the data, and to modify and update it.

The Open Event Server is based on JSON 1.0 Specification and hence build on top of Flask Rest Json API (for building Rest APIs) and Marshmallow (for Schema).

In this blog, we will talk about how to add API for accessing and updating the events role permissions on Open Event Server. The focus is on Schema creation and it’s API creation.

Schema Creation

For the Events Role Permission, we’ll make our Schema as follows


Now, let’s try to understand this Schema.

In this feature, we are providing Admin the rights to get and update the permission given to a role concerning a service.

  1. First of all, we are provide the four fields in this Schema, which are can_create, can_read, can_update and can_delete which are Boolean.
  2. All these fields gives us idea whether a user with a role can create, read, update and delete a service or not respectively in the whole system.
  3. Next there is a relationship with role which is one of organizer, coorganizer, track_organizer, moderator, registrar or attendee.
  4. Next there is a relationship with service which is one of Track, Microlocation, Session, Speaker or Sponsor.

API Creation

For the Events Role Permissions, we’ll make our API as follows

Now, let’s try to understand this API.

In this feature, we are providing Admin the rights to get and update the permission given to a role concerning a service.

  1. First of all, there is the need to know that this API has two method GET and PATCH.
  2. Decorators shows us that only Admin has permissions to access PATCH method for this API i.e. only Admins can modify the events role permissions .
  3. In EventsRolePermissionList, we are inheriting ResourceList from Flask Rest JSONAPI which will allow us to get all the records for the model Permission.
  4. In EventsRolePermissionDetail, we are inheriting ResourceDetail from Flask Rest JSONAPI which will allow us to get and update attributes of a record of model Permission.
  5. In EventsRolePermissionRelationship, we are inheriting ResourceRelationship from Flask Rest JSONAPI which will allow us to get and update relationships of a record of model Permission.

So, we saw how Events Role Permission Schema and API is created to allow users to get it’s values and Admin users to modify it’s attributes and relationships.


Continue ReadingAdding Event Roles Permission API on Open Event Server

Adding a list view for the Sessions Public Page in Open Event Frontend

This blog article will describe how the sessions are listed in the public pages of an event in Open Event Frontend, which allows the user to view all the sessions of an event. The sessions are filtered as per date. The primary end point of Open Event API with which we are concerned with for fetching the the users details is GET /v1/events/{event_identifier}/sessions

The route of the public page fetches all the sessions of a particular events and filters them as per the criteria selected by the user. The user can view the sessions of a particular day, week or month. The user can also view the list of all the sessions. The query written in the route is:

async model(params) {
   const eventDetails = this.modelFor('public');
   let sessions =  null;
   if (params.session_status === 'today') {
     sessions = await this.get('store').query('session', {
       filter: [
           and: [
               name : 'event',
               op : 'has',
               val : {
                 name : 'identifier',
                 op : 'eq',
                 val :
               name : 'starts-at',
               op : 'ge',
               val : moment().startOf('day').toISOString()
               name : 'starts-at',
               op : 'lt',
               val : moment().endOf('day').toISOString()
   } else {
     sessions = await this.get('store').query('session', {
       filter: [
           name : 'event',
           op : 'has',
           val : {
             name : 'identifier',
             op : 'eq',
             val :
   return {
     event  : eventDetails,
     session : sessions

The view route is located at app/e/{event_identifier}/sessions/all. This route will show all the sessions of the selected event. Similarly /week will show the sessions of a week and /month will show the sessions of a month.Four joint buttons are used in the UI of the public page to redirect to these routes.

To list the sessions ember component of session cards is used to include a session in a card with the details of the session like the time, abstract etc and also the session’s track and the details of the speakers like the name, information and social media accounts. In the template of the route this component is called and used in the UI within an ember component. In case there are no sessions that exist between a given time period, a helper text is displayed stating “No sessions exist for the given period”.

class="ui buttons"> {{#link-to 'public.sessions.list' 'all' class="ui button"}}{{t 'All'}}{{/link-to}} {{#link-to 'public.sessions.list' 'today' class="ui button"}}{{t 'Today'}}{{/link-to}} {{#link-to 'public.sessions.list' 'week' class="ui button"}}{{t 'Week'}}{{/link-to}} {{#link-to 'public.sessions.list' 'month' class="ui button"}}{{t 'Month'}}{{/link-to}}
class="ui raised very padded text container segment"> {{#each model.session as |session|}} {{public/session-item session=session}} {{else}}
class="ui disabled header">{{t 'No Sessions exist for this time period'}}
{{/each}} </div>


Continue ReadingAdding a list view for the Sessions Public Page in Open Event Frontend

Add Routes to Add and Edit multiple Sessions in the CFS section of Open Event Frontend

This blog article will describe how the users can add multiple session proposals and edit them through the Call for Speakers modal in Open Event Frontend. The logged in user first adds himself as the speaker through the modal then he can add multiple sessions. The user will be added as the speaker for all the sessions he adds through the CFS modal.

To submit the sessions the user first has to add himself as a speaker of that event in the route:

After the user registers himself as the speaker of that event whose Call for Speakers is open he can add multiple sessions and also edit those sessions.

When Add Session Details button is clicked the user gets redirected to a form with the route


async model() {
const eventDetails = this.modelFor('public');
return {
  event : eventDetails,
  forms : await eventDetails.query('customForms', {
    sort        : 'id',
    'page[size]' : 50
  session: await this.get('store').createRecord('session', {
    event   : eventDetails,
    creator : this.get('authManager.currentUser')
  tracks       : await eventDetails.query('tracks', {}),
  sessionTypes : await eventDetails.query('sessionTypes', {})

On this route there is a session form where the user can add details like title, short abstract, comments, track etc. Once he clicks on the save button after entering the details post request is sent to the server and that session is added to the list of sessions of that event and the user is added as the speaker of that session.

class="ui container"> {{#if}} {{forms/session-speaker-form fields=model.forms data=model isLoading=isLoading save=(action 'save' speaker) isSession=true includeSession=true}} {{/if}}

The user can add another session or edit the sessions previously entered by him. When Edit session is clicked the user gets redirected to the route e/{event_identifier}/cfs/edit/{session_id}

async model(params) {
const eventDetails = this.modelFor('public');
return {
event : eventDetails,
forms : await eventDetails.query('customForms', {
sort        : 'id',
'page[size]' : 50
session: await this.get('store').findRecord('session', params.session_id, {
include: 'session-type,track'

On this route the user can change the details of the session he had entered before. On clicking save a patch request is sent to the server and the new details are saved.


Continue ReadingAdd Routes to Add and Edit multiple Sessions in the CFS section of Open Event Frontend

Building the API of Speaker Image Size on Open Event Server

The Open Event Server enables organizers to manage events from concerts to conferences and meetups. It offers features for events with several tracks and venues.It uses the JSON 1.0 Specification and build on top of Flask Rest Json API (for building Rest APIs) and Marshmallow (for Schema). In this blog, we will talk about how to add API for accessing and updating the Speaker Image Size on Open Event Server. The focus is on its API creation.

API Creation

For the SpeakerImageSizeDetail, we’ll make our Schema as follows

Now, let’s try to understand SpeakerImageSizeDetail.

In this feature, we are providing Admin the rights to Get and Update the SpeakerImageSizes

  1. kwargs[‘id’] = 2 states that Image Size model has 2 records and 1st record is used for Event Image Size and 2nd record is used for Speaker Image Size.
  2. decorators = (api.has_permission(‘is_admin’, methods=”PATCH”, id=”2″),) states that for Speaker Image Size, Update API is accessible to Admins only.
  3. methods = [‘GET’, ‘PATCH’] states that this API provides two methods i.e. GET and PATCH.
  4. schema = SpeakerImageSizeSchema states that the schema which is used to return the response is Speaker Image Size Schema.
  5. data_layer = {‘session’: db.session, ‘model’: ImageSizes} states the session and Model used to fetch the records.


Continue ReadingBuilding the API of Speaker Image Size on Open Event Server

Adding Functionality to Switch between List and Grid View of the Skill Cards on SUSI.AI CMS

In this blog post, we are going to understand the implementation of the functionality that enables the user to switch between the List View and the Grid View UI for the skill cards that is displayed on various routes of the SUSI Skill CMS Web-App. Let us go through the implementation in the blog –

Working of the feature

Going through the implementation

  • The UI for implementing the switching of views was achieved via the use of RadioButtonGroup component of the Material-UI library for React.
  • The type of view currently being shown was stored in the component state of the BrowseSkill component as viewType, whose default value is set to list, indicating that the skills are firstly shown in a List View.


export default class BrowseSkill extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
        viewType: 'list',


  • The RadioButtonGroup component has 2 child components, for each view. The child component that is to be used is RadioButton.
  • The props passed in the RadioButtonGroup are –
    • name : It is the name given to the component.
    • defaultSelected : It is the default view type.
    • style : It contains the style object of the UI.
    • valueSelected : It is set to the state variable assigned for storing view type.
    • onChange : It is the handler which executes, when the radio buttons are clicked.
  • The style for the desktop view and mobile view is different depending on the screen size and is follows –

//Mobile view
Style {
    right: 12,
    position: 'absolute',
    top: 216,
    display: 'flex',

//Desktop view
    display: 'flex',
    marginTop: 34


  • The props passed in the RadioButton are –
    • value : The value stored in the state, that is responsible for the view type. The values for List and Grid view are list and grid respectively.
    • label : The label for the RadioButton.
    • labelStyle : The style object for the label.
    • checkedIcon : The icon used in the checked state.
    • uncheckedIcon : The icon used in the unchecked state.

UI of the Radio Buttons

  • The onClick handler of the radio buttons is –

handleViewChange = (event, value) => {
    this.setState({ viewType: value });


  • The code snippet for the UI implementation, written inside the render function is as follows :

    window.innerWidth < 430
      ? {
          right: 12,
          position: 'absolute',
          top: 216,
          display: 'flex',
      : { display: 'flex', marginTop: 34 }
    label="List view"
    labelStyle={{ display: 'none' }}
    style={{ width: 'fit-content' }}
      <ActionViewStream style={{ fill: '#4285f4' }} />
    uncheckedIcon={<ActionViewStream />}
    label="Grid view"
    labelStyle={{ display: 'none' }}
    style={{ width: 'fit-content' }}
      <ActionViewModule style={{ fill: '#4285f4' }} />
    uncheckedIcon={<ActionViewModule />}


I hope the implementation of the switching between Views would be clear after going through the blog and proved to be helpful for your understanding.


Continue ReadingAdding Functionality to Switch between List and Grid View of the Skill Cards on SUSI.AI CMS

Implementing ProGuard in Open Event Orga App

In the Open Event Orga App there has been an issue with the size of the app. So to decrease the size of the app, we had to enable Proguard. By implementing proguard the size of the app has reduced from 5.9 Mb to 2.9 Mb. The following article shows the steps taken to implement Proguard.

  • Firstly the following parameters need to set to true in the the app level build.gradle file.
  release {
      minifyEnabled true
      shrinkResources true
      proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile(‘proguard-android.txt’), ‘’

The built-in shrinker in minify enabled removes the dead code. It doesn’t obfuscate or optimizes the code. In this section of code, we also set the file in which all the rules regarding code obfuscation are set. The file is a custom file unlike the default proguard-android.txt file which is already a part of Android Studio.

  • Now we head over to the file. But first we need to understand the 2 most important terms –dontwarn and –keep class.


2.1 -dontwarn → When proguard is implemented, code obfuscation takes place and the name of the classes get shortened to single letters. Because of this there might be a few conflicts. But there might be some unresolved references in the obfuscated code. dontwarn ignores all these references.

2.2 –keep class → Suppose there are certain classes which shouldn’t be obfuscated then they are preceded with keep class annotation.


  • In the file the following lines are added
# Platform calls Class.forName on types which do not exist on Android to determine platform.
dontnote retrofit2.Platform
# Platform used when running on Java 8 VMs. Will not be used at runtime.
dontwarn retrofit2.Platform$Java8
# Retain generic type information for use by reflection by converters and adapters.
keepattributes Signature
# Retain declared checked exceptions for use by a Proxy instance.
keepattributes Exceptions

The keepattributes annotation is basically used for Generics which are JAVA JDK 5 and higher. It basically prevents the code from obfuscation.

  • Now Retrofit classes also need to be obfuscated. For that we add the following lines of code. The obfuscation considerably reduces the size of the app.
-dontwarn okio.**

-dontwarn com.squareup.okhttp.**
  • The model classes need to be prevented from getting obfuscated or else it may lead to app crash. Hence these classes need to be kept and so we add the following lines of code to prevent app crash. The link for the PR which fixed the app crash cause due to buggy proguard rule.
keep class** {
  • The orga app uses the Jackson library for parsing JSON data. Proguard rules also needs to be applied for this library.
# Jackson
keepattributes *Annotation*,EnclosingMethod,Signature
keepnames class com.fasterxml.jackson.** { *; }
dontwarn com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.**
keep class org.codehaus.** { *; }
-keepclassmembers public final enum org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonAutoDetect$Visibility {
  public static final org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonAutoDetect$Visibility *;
keep class com.github.jasminb.** { *; }
  • The other libraries used in the app also have specific proguard rules. These are listed below.
# General
keepattributes SourceFile,LineNumberTable,*Annotation*,EnclosingMethod,Signature,Exceptions,InnerClasses
keep class { *; }

keep class com.github.mikephil.charting.** { *; }
keep public class * extends com.bumptech.glide.module.AppGlideModule
keep class com.bumptech.glide.GeneratedAppGlideModuleImpl



  1. Medium article by Jon Finerty

Official Developer documentation

Continue ReadingImplementing ProGuard in Open Event Orga App

Implement Tests for Feedback List in Open Event Orga App

In the Open Event Orga App test have been written for all the presenters and viewmodel classes to ensure that the implemented functionalities work well.

In the following blog post I have discussed one particular test which I implemented which is the FeedbackList Presenter Test.


  1. Instantiation of the variables.
public MockitoRule mockitoRule = MockitoJUnit.rule();
public FeedbackListView feedbackListView;
public FeedbackRepository feedbackRepository;

We should first know the meaning of the Annotations being used:

@Rule : It tells mockito to create the mocks based on the @Mock annotation. This annotation always needs to be used.

@Mock: It tells Mockito to mock the FeedbackListView interface and FeedbackRepository class.

Here we are mocking 3 classes namely: MockitoRule, FeedbackListView, FeedbackRepository.

Before moving forward we first need to understand the meaning of Mock. A mock object is a dummy implementation for an interface or a class in which you define the output of certain method calls. Mock objects are configured to perform a certain behavior during a test. They typically record the interaction with the system and tests can validate that.


private static final List<Feedback> FEEDBACKS = Arrays.asList(

The list of feedbacks is populated with demo values which can be used for testing purpose later.

2) The @Before annotation is applied before the set up. Before any tests are created, the setUp( ) is executed. A feedbackListPresenter object is created and the required parameters are passed. The RxJava Plugin’s setIoSchedulerHandler, setComputationSchedulerHandler and setInitmainThreadSchedulerHandler use the Scheduler.Trampoline( ) .  It lets the internal call Observable call to end before asserting the result.

setIOSchedulerHandler( ) -> It basically is a type of Scheduler which handles the Input and Output of the RxJava code.

setComputationSchedulerHandler( ) -> It is another Scheduler which handles the computations which are carried out during call to RxJava methods.

setInitMainThreadSchedulerHandler( ) -> It is called to notify the Scheduler that the IO operations would be carried out on the main thread.

public void setUp() {
  feedbackListPresenter = new FeedbackListPresenter(feedbackRepository);
  feedbackListPresenter.attach(ID, feedbackListView);

  RxJavaPlugins.setIoSchedulerHandler(scheduler -> Schedulers.trampoline());
  RxJavaPlugins.setComputationSchedulerHandler(scheduler -> Schedulers.trampoline());
  RxAndroidPlugins.setInitMainThreadSchedulerHandler(schedulerCallable -> Schedulers.trampoline());

Some of the tests are discussed below:

→  The following test is written to ensure that the feedback list gets updated automatically after a feedback is received.

public void shouldLoadFeedbackListAutomatically() {
  when(feedbackRepository.getFeedbacks(anyLong(), anyBoolean())).thenReturn(Observable.fromIterable(FEEDBACKS));


  verify(feedbackRepository).getFeedbacks(ID, false);

As can be seen above , I have used the when and return functionality of Mockito. It is basically used to check the return type of the object. So when the required parameters are passed in the getFeedback( ) , then the return type of what is expected is mentioned in the thenReturn( ).

verify ensures that the getFeedback( ) is called on the feedbackfeedbackRepository mock only.

→ The following test is written to ensure that there is an error message on loading data after swipe refresh is made. Firstly the list of feedbacks is fetched from the feedbackRepository with the help of getFeedbacks( ) where the parameters event id and the boolean variable true are passed. Then the thenReturn( ) has the statement Observable.error(Logger.TEST_ERROR) which is actually written to specify the expected result we want i.e in this case we are expecting the TEST_ERROR statement as a response and hence it is written before.

At the end it is verified using the statement verify statement where the feedbackListView is passed and the error is captured.


public void shouldShowErrorMessageOnSwipeRefreshError() {
  when(feedbackRepository.getFeedbacks(ID, true)).thenReturn(Observable.error(Logger.TEST_ERROR));



3) After the tests have been applied, the RxJava plugins are reset.

public void tearDown() {



→ Mockito tutorial :

→ Testing in RxJava:

Continue ReadingImplement Tests for Feedback List in Open Event Orga App